I don't know how Fani let him get away with that mugshot. Bad call but unfortunately, she's getting to be known for that. His mugshot should have been straight-up, just like any other suspect to a crime. I would've made him take it 100 times over if necessary.
The suits are tailored to cover up his gut. Extend the shoulders to allow the body to fall straight and allow it to be buttoned ( which he rarely does now). The long tie covers the shirt and gives a vertical line. They look cheap and I pity the tailor that has to work with him. It’s a lot to cover up.
That may be true. I heard someone once told LDFF that the too long tie makes his fat fugly body look slimmer. Know why LDFF always insisted he was 6’2” and 239#? If he said he weighed 240# he would be considered obese by BMI standards.
I had to zoom in to see if it really is as unattractive at first glance. Petulant lips, hair teased, sprayed and combed over, unkept eyebrows and a poorly emulated tough guy glare.
He ends up looking like the “Horton Hears a Who” book cover. By Dr. Seuss.
I promise to laugh multiple times, perhaps even continuously, when that diseased-ridden nazi fuck is dead. I'll even laugh while taking a shit on his grave, but laughing is no longer a tonic to deal with this sub-human fuck and his cult followers. Actual humans better get the fuck out and vote.
It’s going to be a great, great day. Maybe getting stomped in the election will break his mighty heart, and he’ll go back to his slimy cave like Puff the fucking magic dragon
I think he should be buried beside the mother of his children. No headstone and weeds all over him. She deserved better, he deserves his golf course cemetery.
You're talking about someone who doesn't know shame. He would also position himself as a martyr and still tell the brain dead fucks who follow him how he's a political prisoner. This lunacy needs to stop.
He'll likely receive full honors, a military escort, and the rare honor of lying in state so that a grateful people and their government can pay their respects and express their gratitude. I mean, who else has done so much for the nation?
It could happen, I hear Russian state funerals can be quite impressive.
I’m no genius. But even I knew Truth Social stock was worthless. I didn’t think about it being a money-laundering operation because I’m not a serial criminal, so there’s that.
Again, I’m no Carnac the Magnificent, but Florida is about to find out what the 11 million or so women in that state think about their bodily autonomy being stripped away. I AM smart enough to know 11 mil > 9.7 mil, which is the female:male ratio down there where woke goes to die. My guess is it’s where asinine abortion laws go to die too.
I'm more worried about Florida's post-menopausal MAGAts who conveniently now forget that they, too, worried about pregnancy EVERY DAMN DAY for 35+ years of their lives.
They have daughters and granddaughters. I’m definitely not a MAGA, but my girls’ rights are a big reason this old gal gets out and pounds the pavement for pro-choice candidates. That and I couldn’t be sicker or tireder of old white men deciding anything to do with women’s bodies. Of any age.
As Ricki Lee Jones deliciously put it when I finally saw her a few years ago. Never underestimate middle-aged women. 👍🏼
Roe was there for me, but the lady I bought my house from had to go to ENGLAND when she was raped in the 60s. Fuck that. I’ve been working on a book since Nov 22 and while it’s not about abortion it’s 100% set against this fight. It may never be published, but if I ever have a grandchild I want him or her to know granny was a hell raiser. Just like their great, great granny ❤️
This Grandma of 4 girls and 4 granddaughters pounds the pavement, too. I'm old enough to remember the Before Times. At best, girls just disappeared for a year. Awful.
73 yo grandma here. I have daughters and granddaughters. I'll never shut up or stop fighting for their right to make decisions about their own bodies. I was livid in 1979 when my husband had to give his written permission for me to have a tubal ligation. Fuck that shit.
I hope you're right Samantha, but we live in Florida and it's sometimes like living in Jonestown circa 1978. The place is full of resentful, Fox-watching geezers, hispanic communities where "strongmen" like Trump are admired, and local crackers who still fly their confederate rags proudly.
The DeSantis and Trump cults are as strong as the stupid here in the sunshine state.
I believe you! But I’ve been railing at the Dole/Roberts/Brownback voters since my union-member granny sent me out to handout Jim Slattery fliers for $5. :) I even moved to MO, which promptly elected Fisty McRunpants & a kinky blackmailer as gov. And in both these states, the fight for abortion rights is alive & well.
I live 3 minutes from the KS state line. I’m a native of the sunflower state. Post Roe women of ALL stripes voted NO to stripping their state constitution rights, and those red state dominos have been falling ever since. If I were a betting woman I’d bet FL follows suit.
My biological grandfather was a southern Baptist preacher. He was also a cross-dresser. 🤷♀️ Those who condemn the loudest usually have something to hide.
That's why we have a secret ballot. They can still talk that maga talk and keep on the good side of their husbands and other maga friends, but secretly know they have done the right thing. Nobody has to know! I am hoping this is also the way Biden gives Trump an unexpectedly sound whuppin' this November, in Florida and other Red states.
It sounds good now, but no one trusts the Republican legislators not to "fix" the vote. It's hard to imagine Little Lord DickSantis will be outsmarted by women.
I love how Donny was wearing the clownishly over-long red tie all the way back in 1995
And practicing his mugshot meanie menacing stupid fuck face pose.
I don't know how Fani let him get away with that mugshot. Bad call but unfortunately, she's getting to be known for that. His mugshot should have been straight-up, just like any other suspect to a crime. I would've made him take it 100 times over if necessary.
It looks "strong" on his opinion. His officials Presidential (God, how I hate applying rmthat to HIM) photo was identical.
I’m with you on that one
Good one! 😂
I'm convinced that TRump thinks the long red tie directs attention to his "mushroom", as Stormy Daniels referred to his dick . 🤣
Let’s hope Stormy keeps talking about his mushroom in court. For the record of course.
Let's hope that the value of his company drops down to $4.
Gotta keep the mushroom meme going through out. This stuff gets to him! N
Of course.😆
It's also supposed to make the blimp look slimmer 😄
The suits are tailored to cover up his gut. Extend the shoulders to allow the body to fall straight and allow it to be buttoned ( which he rarely does now). The long tie covers the shirt and gives a vertical line. They look cheap and I pity the tailor that has to work with him. It’s a lot to cover up.
I was a Tailor assistant ( so you know I did all the work , for less $ ) His suits are atrocious, but whatcha gonna do with THAT " physique" ?
Some days that’s all there is to it.
I agree. Eww
That may be true. I heard someone once told LDFF that the too long tie makes his fat fugly body look slimmer. Know why LDFF always insisted he was 6’2” and 239#? If he said he weighed 240# he would be considered obese by BMI standards.
One of his many compensations.😆
Yeah, there’s that! He was ass ugly then, too and even uglier as shit now.
I know, right?
I had to zoom in to see if it really is as unattractive at first glance. Petulant lips, hair teased, sprayed and combed over, unkept eyebrows and a poorly emulated tough guy glare.
He ends up looking like the “Horton Hears a Who” book cover. By Dr. Seuss.
Clown- ass
Ya’know, he is short waisted and the red tie is pointing directly to his mushroom 🍄 dick.
It's supposed to be a message: "Look down here"
The (unintended by Trump) read-between-the-lines end of the message is "and laugh"
Jeff, aren't your fingers starting to cramp from playing that tiny violin? Ease up, man!
Even after Billy Joel advised the wider tie
Vengeance is mine saith the lord! And his name is KARMA!
I'll laugh when he's dead.
you can laugh more than once, you know
I promise to laugh multiple times, perhaps even continuously, when that diseased-ridden nazi fuck is dead. I'll even laugh while taking a shit on his grave, but laughing is no longer a tonic to deal with this sub-human fuck and his cult followers. Actual humans better get the fuck out and vote.
His death should be a national holiday.
I was thinking global....... ;)
Global holiday. The entire world hates the guy!
Ann; Good one🤣!
The day it happens, I’ll have my accordion on and a vodka holster strapped to my thigh. Probably do without the pants that glad day
It will be for me. "Thank god the whiny little bitch is gone"-day
The only person at his funeral will be himself 💩👿👺and Lucifer … he doesn’t count as a people,come to think 🤔 about it , neither does decompDonnie !
I can't freaking stop laughing at the clown show. But trust me, I have and always will vote all Dems all the time.
I’ll just be thankful like people were when WWII was over
It’s going to be a great, great day. Maybe getting stomped in the election will break his mighty heart, and he’ll go back to his slimy cave like Puff the fucking magic dragon
I think he should be buried beside the mother of his children. No headstone and weeds all over him. She deserved better, he deserves his golf course cemetery.
Jail would be my choice. If he's dead he won't be humiliated!
Nope. Like spent nuclear waste, he is not safe above ground.
Community service.
I think that's an excellent idea. Out in public doing actual work.
It was 💯 my choice too until he decided to run in 2024; now that he’s an actual threat again, he can choke on a burger.
You're talking about someone who doesn't know shame. He would also position himself as a martyr and still tell the brain dead fucks who follow him how he's a political prisoner. This lunacy needs to stop.
I’m with you on that. I’m already dreading the fucking state funeral this guy gets. I mean, I want to see him laid out, but not in the Capitol!
He'll likely receive full honors, a military escort, and the rare honor of lying in state so that a grateful people and their government can pay their respects and express their gratitude. I mean, who else has done so much for the nation?
It could happen, I hear Russian state funerals can be quite impressive.
Chauncey, I like the way you think!
It doesn't have to be at the Capitol. Nixon's was at his library. I think one of Donnie's shit hole golf clubs would suffice. Or, Maga-lago.
Ooh, good point. Let’s lay him out near Ivana’s gravesite at his Bedford shit-hole golf club! Genius! 😈
The idea of it lying in state is nauseating, so I think nobody should show up and that would be gratifyingly delicious. What a lying jackass.
I agree. Jail.
Mob bosses rule from prison.
Either works for me
Fuck knows I did reading "there has never been a more conflicted judge".
I wonder if he typed that before or after his last sext message with Aileen.
I'll throw a big, raging fking party when he dies! I already have a DJ in mind: Dirt Napster
Your planning skills are quite admirable.
We could send him off with 10,000,000 ,of us pissing on his grave ! No wait a minute that’s out , golden shower’s are his favorite kink 🤪💦
Maybe while Ur in 8 ing on the TRUMP! headstone.
There will have to be a fence. Sooner or later.
Double daring people to do it :D
Let's all throw a handful of dirt. Millions of handfuls...
I’ll cry with tears of joy.
I'm with you
And you’re invited to my party when that happens! 😂
I’m no genius. But even I knew Truth Social stock was worthless. I didn’t think about it being a money-laundering operation because I’m not a serial criminal, so there’s that.
Again, I’m no Carnac the Magnificent, but Florida is about to find out what the 11 million or so women in that state think about their bodily autonomy being stripped away. I AM smart enough to know 11 mil > 9.7 mil, which is the female:male ratio down there where woke goes to die. My guess is it’s where asinine abortion laws go to die too.
I'm more worried about Florida's post-menopausal MAGAts who conveniently now forget that they, too, worried about pregnancy EVERY DAMN DAY for 35+ years of their lives.
They have daughters and granddaughters. I’m definitely not a MAGA, but my girls’ rights are a big reason this old gal gets out and pounds the pavement for pro-choice candidates. That and I couldn’t be sicker or tireder of old white men deciding anything to do with women’s bodies. Of any age.
As Ricki Lee Jones deliciously put it when I finally saw her a few years ago. Never underestimate middle-aged women. 👍🏼
Roe was there for me, but the lady I bought my house from had to go to ENGLAND when she was raped in the 60s. Fuck that. I’ve been working on a book since Nov 22 and while it’s not about abortion it’s 100% set against this fight. It may never be published, but if I ever have a grandchild I want him or her to know granny was a hell raiser. Just like their great, great granny ❤️
This Grandma of 4 girls and 4 granddaughters pounds the pavement, too. I'm old enough to remember the Before Times. At best, girls just disappeared for a year. Awful.
73 yo grandma here. I have daughters and granddaughters. I'll never shut up or stop fighting for their right to make decisions about their own bodies. I was livid in 1979 when my husband had to give his written permission for me to have a tubal ligation. Fuck that shit.
Me too! He wasn’t impressed either.
Or ANY woman with a brain.
There are the divorced old ladies who are about to lose their alimony bc of Gov Meatball. So, I don't know.
I hope you're right Samantha, but we live in Florida and it's sometimes like living in Jonestown circa 1978. The place is full of resentful, Fox-watching geezers, hispanic communities where "strongmen" like Trump are admired, and local crackers who still fly their confederate rags proudly.
The DeSantis and Trump cults are as strong as the stupid here in the sunshine state.
I believe you! But I’ve been railing at the Dole/Roberts/Brownback voters since my union-member granny sent me out to handout Jim Slattery fliers for $5. :) I even moved to MO, which promptly elected Fisty McRunpants & a kinky blackmailer as gov. And in both these states, the fight for abortion rights is alive & well.
Hard to say, what with the religious fundamentalist crazies. We will see.
I live 3 minutes from the KS state line. I’m a native of the sunflower state. Post Roe women of ALL stripes voted NO to stripping their state constitution rights, and those red state dominos have been falling ever since. If I were a betting woman I’d bet FL follows suit.
All those Republicans with 2 kids? Yeah, many have an abortion in their closet.
And a few incest sister ,brother ,muntants in their attics !🥴🤪😜
So do their daughters.
CHRISTIANITY is the last refuge of
Unfortunately there are a lot of church going "Christians" down there. I'm not counting my chickens...yet.
Spoiler alert: Christians vote “keep” when it’s their reproductive rights at stake.
My biological grandfather was a southern Baptist preacher. He was also a cross-dresser. 🤷♀️ Those who condemn the loudest usually have something to hide.
That's why we have a secret ballot. They can still talk that maga talk and keep on the good side of their husbands and other maga friends, but secretly know they have done the right thing. Nobody has to know! I am hoping this is also the way Biden gives Trump an unexpectedly sound whuppin' this November, in Florida and other Red states.
yes, offf the record, those christian preachers who have impure thoughts like the abortoin option
Let's hope. A lot of handmaids out there.
It sounds good now, but no one trusts the Republican legislators not to "fix" the vote. It's hard to imagine Little Lord DickSantis will be outsmarted by women.
Just unload a big truck of puddin’ near him on Election Day. Problem solved.