I cannot wait for when Trump loses and Jeff mocks him mercilessly, even more than he does now!

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I LIVE for that!

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I have a bottle (ok maybe two or three or four) of champagne saved for that day! Definitely should be a Zoom gathering to raise our glass to Jeff! 🥂🥂🥂🥂

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His Democratic opponents here in FL were weak. In addition, it isn’t hard to win statewide as an R in a state as red as we are. The country is safe from him but those of us in FL who oppose him aren’t. He’s going to come home meaner, angrier and more punitive. All we can hope for is that the legislature won’t be complete toadies to him anymore. Hope springs eternal.

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FL has certainly become a very Red state. I was stationed in Jax for several years (Navy). One thing was certain, the Jax area & panhandle were more like southern GA/AL than FL south. Hope FL can move back to a more purple state.

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Not easy living in Florida 😱I would be happy if at least it was purple

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I'd be fine with all of them being purple! Less frustrating, more interesting. Not to mention more fair.

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Since 2002, we've come down to Florida in March for baseball spring training. Now, it feels different. I proudly wear my pride pin and message t shirts regarding acceptance, tolerance, etc

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My friend has gone down for spring training since around the same time, but she missed like ~2017 thru 2022 and she said it was wild how much had changed.

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We moved from FL to AZ. A little better but up until Gov Hobbs was voted in we were seriously wondering if we had made the right move. Frying pan into the fire crossed our minds more than once.

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I am sorry about your governor!! The best thing he could do for Florida is stay home and sulk!! Maybe banning dictionaries was a step too far!! Good luck to you!!

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You mean corrupt. You live here, you know it.

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I never thought DeSantis had a chance because of Trump, but I didn’t know that he’d be as bad as he turned out to be. The power behind DeSantis was his wife Casey and she must be pissed.

She bought all those Jackie Kennedy cosplay outfits for the White House and now she has nowhere to wear them. 😊

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She will wear them at all of her official First Lady of FL functions. 1) The Klan rally 2)the Nazi parade, the GOP fundraisers (see 1 and 2) 4) the Lincoln Day dinner (see 1,2 and 3). I mean who doesn’t wear gloves in July in FL? Gotta keep the skeeters from biting those soft pudgy fingers. Oh wait, that’s her husband!!

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FLOFL: First Lady of Florida 😂

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Or just FLOF

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No! Flof is cute, not like the DeSantises at all!

See? https://www.tiktok.com/@walter.the.catt/video/7080263386910461189

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She thought she was Jackie O


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Jeff as bad as the world is getting I look forward to a laugh from you every day ! I grew up in NY so sarcasm is imbedded in my skin!!

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As Jeff would say, Boo f-----g Hoo🤡

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Lol 😆

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In a museum

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So true! And so pathetic. I wonder if she will look for a replacement man-equin?

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Unfotunately, us Florida Dems will be cleaning up his shit for a loooong time to come

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Well, that's part for the course for all Democrats nationwide, isn't it?🤔

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I can’t believe so many of us - including me - fell for the MSM mantra “be afraid....be veryyyyyy afraid...DeSantis is Trump on steroids but sooooooo much smarter...”. Obviously, in hindsight, not true. Now I just wish the press would start doing their jobs. Where are the front page stories of Trump’s obvious cognitive decline? This guy is going to be the Republican nominee and will have a real shot at the presidency and most people don’t know he’s nuts. Why? Because it’s not being reported in main stream news. There should be hair on fire stories of this man’s crazy every time he says something crazy. And that would be every day. It can’t just be the Lincoln Project or Keith Olbermann. This is scary times.

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...because, nuclear codes.

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I don't think any of the main stream/legacy press have the ability to save us. They are a huge part of the problem and have no intention or, perhaps, capacity to fix. They are one or all of unintelligent, incurious, corrupt, mediocre, and lazy. I think lazy and not intelligent enough to understand what journalism can be describes it all. They are fed a narrative from J-school on and they never both to question it. Why would they? It makes their job easier. Cf., LAZY.

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They’re saving all their good shit for their future books. Sick fucks. Did ya hear that BOB WOODWARD?

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So true! Had they done their jobs when little Donnie Fuckface came down the escalator he would have been history. They gave him so much free air time and never called his lies what they were lies. 😡 No push back whatsoever!

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Yes!! I so agree with you!! The Midas Touch is good too, but the bigger mainstream News Orgs need to get comfortable with the truth!!

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As a resident of Florida for 25 years, I’ll tell you why we were afraid. Yes, FL has been the butt of jokes for decades, but it was once an inexpensive, safe, & lovely place to live. I enjoyed living here for many years. DeSantis hijacked this beautiful state & made it a hell scape of hatred, bullying, & fear. He did more to destroy the health, public safety, & environment of any governor I’ve witnessed. He pitted residents against each other, stripped away women’s & LGBTQ rights, he shipped immigrants to other states, and he now has his own private army & all the sheriff’s in the state in his back pocket. And he did it in less than 1 term. He allowed the insurance & housing industries to run amok. And he has also hijacked all aspects of government, right down to getting the domestic terrorist Moms 4 Liberty candidates elected in school boards. He changed rules so he could remain governor to pursue his dumpster fire presidential campaign. And now the bully is back with a big “L” on his forehead. Odds are more vengeance is coming. Wouldn’t be surprised if he enacted a new law to make himself governor for life. A maladroit like DeSantis is like pond scum...no matter how much they stink, they float to the top.

And those who read this, please don’t give me the “why don’t you move?” shit. It’s not possible for many of us. Just know we’re doing our best with what we were handed, which happens to be a steaming pile of crap.

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I'm sorry, Lisa. I lived in Ft. Lauderdale (due to job relocation) for over 12 years and it was an inexpensive and lovely place to live (and host the many northern friends who came to visit). I'm just grateful to have left it but am sad at what it has become. I thought the same thing about him passing a bill to be "Governor for Life". Stick with those who are like minded.

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Perhaps after this very public humiliation his minions will be less inclined to publicly support his every loathsome desire, leaving him as the Ahole he is without a paddle.

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I am so sorry.

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Thank you. Appreciate your support!

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I am so sorry for your loss in FL. What DeSantis has done to your state is exactly what Trump has done to this country.

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For most people moving is not an option!! The Democrats have a lot of cleaning up to do…again! Wishing you and your state the best of luck!!

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I moved to Port Charlotte in time for a Welcome Party sponsored by Charlie. I spent 1 year 51 weeks there. I was fortunate to be able to afford to move. I miss my friends and the wild-life, especially the 'gators. There is a lot to like in Florida, I'm so sorry the politicians are not among the likables. Hang in there. Maybe this last book banning bit will make the state more purple. Imagine your politicians wearing tutus as they dance along the backs of those gators and the satisfaction of the gators of their lunch!

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I had a 2nd home in Punta Gorda for 20 years. Was THRILLED to sell it in 2021. PG was beyond Trumpy. tRUMP flags and bumper stickers everywhere. Being Jewish was not a plus. I actually had an Evangelical woman ask me if I was afraid when tRUMP was elected. I said yes. She offered me a HIDING PLACE in a wall vent in her kitchen for "when things get bad for you." I cannot make this shite up.

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That's one of the worst things I have heard related to the hatred stirred up by the Orange buffoon. I am so sorry you had to hear such awful things. I'm so glad you got away from PG and hope our country, including Florida, starts heading in a better direction once he is in prison.

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Thank you. And in a very weird way with her condescending, pitying smile I knew she thought that she and her Trumpy husband were being “kind”. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Not to mention all the Praeger U nonsense in Fla schools.

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Hopefully there are more people than we know that agree with you and will be willing to get his ass out of office!

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I know what you’re talking about. My family and I used to vacation there for several weeks a year. My son used to sell real estate there. I’m glad he moved and truthfully, was glad that when my FIL died, I knew that we’d never have to return to FL.

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Lisa, I feel heart sick for you. So much is beautiful in each our states of America. And to think this is a harbinger of what awaits us if the Mango Mussolini gets in.

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BUT you have Jared Moskowitz! Don't forget that adorable little ray of hope for Florida....I LOVE what he does. Calls the bullshit out.

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“America’s dangly bit” Fucking epic.


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Don't forget "DeSantis broke new ground in bedcrappery."

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He’s so good at this

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Yes, good fucking riddance to that high-heel wearing, nose-picking, Nazi-pandering, pandemic-denying, knuckle-dragging angry, racist, misogynistic, little Napoleon wannabe. That little fuck doesn’t have one redeeming quality. I never thought it could be possible to loathe someone as much as I despise Trump, but he achieved the impossible. Fuck all the way off Ronny. And when you think you’re done fucking off, keep going. We’ll tell you when you can stop.

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Or as Melanoma would say: Odjebi!!!

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Stephanie, No one could have said it better! I’m a 70 year old born and raised in Fl. I too loathe and despise this man and everyone that supported him. He’s done! One more to go!

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Yes, please!!! I hope people can reach way down and find their decency and sanity one more time!

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Very nice! 🤣👏👏👏👏👏👏

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One down, one to go. And when it’s just Biden v Trump it will be a glorious thing. As long as we vote. Vote!!

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" don't bother writing a book Ron, no one wants to hear from losers " LMAO !!

Thank You Jeff, as crazy and frightening as this world gets, you make me laugh hard every time you write something...

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A nuance-averse man with all the warmth of an Siberian landing strip.

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The high water mark in his political career was that campaign video with his young children and he’s having them “build the wall” with blocks for Uncle Trumpy.

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Can you imagine this guy WITHOUT his wife's stagecoach? What a buffoon!

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It was stagecraft.

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This time I actually saw my autocorrect changed as I hit the button. Lovely technology.

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I hate auto-correct. My spelling is bad enough!

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Almost feel like it is personal- if A.I. ever becomes "conscious" it will know us all way too well!

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Goodbye, lizard man. It's back to the mothership in Tallahassee. I bet Casey is pissed. (Do lizards get blue balls?) I feel sorry for Floridians. He's going to take his bed-shitting failures out on you.

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Casey likely is pissed. She’s obviously been an attention whore from the start. But seriously... it’s the eyebrows. Girl! Do something about those things. 😂

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Voter reaction to the Ron DeSantis campaign train wreck gives us hope that when the

real contest between GOP and Democrats begins, we’ll find that emperor Trump has no clothes

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Or brains!

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The brain worms have done a thorough job.

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As for me, I really don’t want to see Trump without clothes.

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Why does he stand like a mannequin?!

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Because he almost is one. If he slows his heart rate any further, he won't be alive at all.

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Winter is hard on cold-blooded lizard people.

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Considering all the time he spent in Iowa hopefully freezing his ass off. Now that the fear of deranged DeSantis slitting throats starting on day one has been erased, we have to make sure that the mango malignancy never has another day one again except in the big house.

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I love when we can get a laugh out of all this horror.

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When you don’t k ow how to walk in “shit-kickers” you not only walk foolish, you stand foolish, and look foolish.

Oh wait! This is DeStupid we are talking about. The three inch lifts he wears in his shoes makes him an idiot. That and he tries to act like a cowboy and is clueless on that, too!

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If he ever got to VT, he’d find himself in a cute red barn with the “remains of the hay” oozing over the tops of his white go-go boots.

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Because he has about as much substance ad a mannequin.

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Because he emulates drumpf and wears lifts!

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It’s the lifts.


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DeSaster, fresh off a huge gerrymandered victory in FL as Governor, thought he could take his shitshow on the road and convince America to be like FL. America said “fuck you, you screwed up your own state, no thanks”.

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“Adios clownstick!” hahaha. Good riddance....

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