
no, I did NOT google to see if Bakersfield actually has a Piggly-Wiggly. I was too smugly self-satisfied for writing that line to care

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I had to look and yes they do have a PW in Bakerfield, as well as a Hobby Lobby and Chick-fil-a, none of which I’ve ever been in. A bastion of conservative chains.

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they do??? *punches the air* FUCK YES!!!

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but no more PW in California.

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I’m still choking on guffaws after reading this, “live out the rest of his days back-shoving random strangers at the Bakersfield Piggly-Wiggly.”

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Oh my stars! They’ll probably start one in Bakersfield. Just to be contrary

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Neither have I & since CF’s antigay agenda was revealed, not one nugget!

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Not in California since the 1920’s according to this very interesting article:


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Really? I looked too and the PW map shows only the East Coast and Southwest

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I googled “Piggly Wiggly Bakersfield” and it came up, with hours they’re currently open.

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Yeah, they did at one point but it looks like they closed in 2012

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Mia culpa I just found the same. Old listings on google. Looks like all PW’s were recently bought out by Japanese company!

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So weird that the PW store locator doesn’t list it

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No, you’re right. I didn’t dig deep enough. The rest of them still open were just sold to C&S, not sure where they are based. Kroger & Albertsons bought them out previously. I’m done researching Pw for today!

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Lol, me too, but I can beat a dead horse better than many.

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We also have "The Pig" in the Deep South. Best food shopping, especially for pork.

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Yes, apologies, I meant to include the South too

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We have them in Wisconsin, "Save Big, shop the pig" Also they sometimes have a bank inside of them and it is called "The Piggy Bank"

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Not the actual name of the bank, it's just what everyone calls it.

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And we have RC Willey, a furniture store run by the Morman church

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Dec 8, 2023·edited Dec 8, 2023

There is no Piggly Wiggly in Bakersfield (????).

And Bakersfield is a town of oil & farmers, not super conservative per se just not high voter turnout.

There is a lack of community because everyone goes to LA on the weekends.

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Bakersfield gave us KM but it also gave us Annette Funicello 👑

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And Buck Owens and Merle Haggard, if I remember correctly.

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😂 yeah I think that’s a southern thing... what a name it is. Goin’ to Piggly Wiggly to buy me a slab o’ bacon. Oink

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i live in the south...Aiken, SC - named best small town in the south by southern living magazine!...precisely because we have no piggly wiggly's!!!

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BTW its 'going to The Pig'

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I had to laugh when I saw that. Yeah, no Piggly Wigglys on the West Coast.

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I think they have Safeway in California. but alas, it's not a funny name

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A friend who grew up in Bakersfield said that the fun thing to do in the summer was to pull up the melted asphalt and chew it.

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Fun fact: Apparently Safeway bought out Piggly Wiggly in the western states many decades ago.

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Hello from beautiful Palm Springs! We have Safeway but it's called "Von's."

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Yup we have lots of Safeways in California.

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Ohio is Kroger country.

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Yes, there are but mostly in Northern California. The Southern California ones left a while ago.

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I'm not that confident that Bakersfield in actually the west coast. They have a reputation to uphold, don't you know!

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Lol, it is an embarrassment for sure

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I’m sure they don’t; it’s a southeast thing. But that made it even funnier IMO.

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And therein lies your great humor!!!!!!

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And deservedly so. The only thing I don't like about my fair city is that we have no Piggly-Wigglys.

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Down South we affectionately call it The Pig, and we squeal when we shop there.

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Every time I see a reference to the Piggly-Wiggly, I can only think of "Driving Miss Daisy."

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Don’t knock Piggly-Wiggly too bad. It was the only grocery store for miles when I lived in Edisto Island back in the early 70s. If PW didn’t have it, you didn’t get it. It was that simple.

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That's so true of many small Southern towns for many,many years. Still the case in Appalachicola and Port St. Joe.

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Yep, OW has built, opened stores where others will not. That’s one good thing about them. The one we had on the island had a deli, a butcher, everything. Plus, with that being all farming back in those days, it opened at 4am in the morning every day and didn’t close until 11pm nightly.

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Top notch! Applause!!!

Excellent from top to bottom!

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What a grotesque loser; the embodiment of all the things we detest about the Trump presidency. A complete lack of morals, ethics, transparency who tries to shield himself beneath a thin layer of lies and deceit. His only remaining prayer is for Trump to be re-elected, so he may care for his master’s loin-cloth. Totally agree Jeff...Good fucking riddance to that cockroach.

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I must disagree with Rep Abigail Spanberger's assessment that Kev was the 'most unprincipled person to ever be Speaker of the House'. Mike Johnson is worse. Way worse.

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I think Spanberger's quote precedes Johnson's speakership

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Good to know.

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Hmmm...I think that perhaps Johnson actually does have principles...but his "KJV Bible-based" principles are far more terrifying than Qevin's lack thereof.

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Mike was a big supporter of Ken Paxton's Texas lawsuit to overturn the election results by declaring fraud in election results of states that Biden won. Mike filed an amicus brief in support of that suit that he got 125 House of Rep members to sign. He's in line to the Presidency after only Kamala Harris and he actively tried to stop the certification of the election. What if he is still Speaker after the 2024 election?

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Mike is truly creepy and dangerous! Listening to his voice and watching him gives me the same stomach curdles as watching the former WH resident.

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Yep. I think that position of putting forth Jordan as Speaker was all a rouse to get to the "no-name" Speaker of Johnson. The worst of the worst knew exactly what they were doing in sliding in this creep.

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Double FUBAR!!

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For sure!

For all that bending over and providing those sexual, oh wait political favors, Kevin sure didn't get much out of that Speaker deal. It would be hilarious if it only carried weight on Kev's career in public service but no meanwhile, back at the actual country!!

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He's probably already signed up as a fossil fuel lobbyist.

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Most definitely. We went from spineless, dishonest piece of shit McCarthy to preacher MAGA Mike whose leadership could be compared to a flowing river of raw sewage. Until these tangerine turd anti American loyalists are voted out, the current GOP leadership will continue to be nothing but a shit storm.

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Yes. They are all liars. Republican politician, funder etc...=Liar. Also, I assumed that since Kevin McCarthy went to visit Donald Trump and then resigned, that Trump offered Kevin some work. Will Kevin be campaigning for Trump? He is a toady, so there is no telling what. Was he offered a plumb assignment in the next Trump administration if he can help power Trump into the Presidency? Kevin certainly has grown immune to the MAGAs, and as such has turned into one.

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Lobbyist would be my guess.

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I heard Lawrence O'Donnell's interview with Nancy Pelosi last night on the radio. When he asked her about Kevin's departure, she politely declined to even talk about him. I think she even referred to him as "what's his name" once. Message to Kevin: don't fuck with old dames. We're tough.

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Yes! Wasn’t that GREAT?? She’s right on top of things while Qevin sold himself to Satan. I won’t miss his lying ass one iota. Later on, Stephanie Ruehl stated she was attending a very big business meeting in NY and saw that Qevin had entered the room. She was taken aback that he was there but figured he would become a lobbyist. Great…just what we need more of! UGH

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Now Qevin can pursue his dreams as a fawning middle manager in charge of dry cleaning at the Trump Organization.

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Please, let that one be the photo representing his SOTH days.

I think pleasantly of how Qev would become an expert in ketchup removal on every fabric imaginable in his new job.

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Too funny!

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I have never before seen that perfect spelling of Qevin!

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I like "Quinceanera Qevin" since it took him 15 tries to be Speaker.

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My sentiments exactly!!!!!

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Young Guns <snort>. I remember when those 3 thought their shit didn’t stink. Cantor lost his primary in an upset, Ryan noped out of the job before he could be fired and Kevin got shitcanned in 9 months. None of them cared about the people they were there to serve. Boo fucking hoo Qev!

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I have a theory that Ryan left because he is actually smart enough to see that the Mango Mussolini years were going to be a fucking circus. I still predict that he'll be back within 5 years, having kept clear of the monkeys throwing their poop at each other.

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He keeps his return possible by remaining on the Fox Propaganda's board where he can keep an eye on the dipshit caucus. (I seriously think these people are creating a new fork in the human tree by creating a subspecies of homo dipshitus.) He's still got a hand in keeping them addicted to outrage porn, Democrats drink the blood of children, immigrants are trying to take over, and R are your savior schtick.

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I did not even know that Ryan was involved with Faux News.

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Yep, though, if Ryan dares to poke his nose back into politics, spreading the word about his Faux connections is a must

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I went to double-check and see if he is still there. He is. Since 2019.


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Well, it is the only job(congress) that he ever had. That "bored" board position on Faux News doesn't count.

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McCarthy on the cover of "Young Guns" with a full head of gray hair.

Ceci n'est pas un pipe.

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He be cracking, indeed!

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Lol. Though I have to say that I had a friend who was completely gray in her 20’s. Genetics.

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My siblings and I all had grey hair, big chunks of it, in our early 20’s.

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He “noped out” eh? Love that because that’s absolutely what he did. Prolly the smartest of that bunch of young water pistols.

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The three stooges of dumbfuckery…

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“Noped”? Too funny!

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I’m going into business mass-producing headstones that read, “I thought I could manage the crazies”

I anticipate big demand in the years to come.

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I would be a silent investor in that business. Even if the family doesn't buy the headstones for their loved ones, I bet we could rustle up a gang who would be willing to install footstones on the necessary graves.

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Got your business plan ready? If you’re selling shares, I’m in.

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“As fucking if...” my new band name.

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Excellent choice! I’d go see any band with a name like that! Lemme know when and where your next gig is and i’ll be in the front row.

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Have you ever BEEN to Bakersfield? I sincerely doubt that after his high-flying years on the East Coast, he'll be going back to his roots in that town. Far more likely, he waited to announce until after he lined up his nice K-Street spot where he can continue to throw around other people's money.

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Yes, I have. The only thing I can say is that you have to drive through it to get to someplace else

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Bakersfield = California's Armpit. I remember driving through there as a kid in the summer on our way to Disneyland. It was SO damn hot!

Here's just one snippet that popped up when I googled it.

"People also ask

Is Bakersfield CA a good place to live?

Bakersfield can be a challenging place to live. It lacks excitement, with limited activities and less-than-ideal weather and air quality. However, it's known for its affordability, making it a suitable option for those who prioritize low living costs over other factors."

When a description starts out stating that a city is a 'challenging' place to live, that's not a good thing.

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That pretty much describes most places in Kern County, though there is a Democratic Party office there so not everyone is an asshat. 👏🏼

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Excitement?! How about all those gangs you can join?

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Oooh, cool! I forgot about that kinda nightlife! ;)

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Like LA or Vegas.

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Ha! Driving through LA? Good luck. It’s a parking lot.

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I was there in ‘76 and it was then too plus the smog.

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He absolutely has a Kstreet job lined up. Perhaps that Focus on the Family place. Y'know, the one that once employed Josh Duggar, the fundamentalist p3do now serving time in the pokey for the horrific CP on his computer.

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Or that great safety net in the sky, Fox Propaganda, where Jason Chaffetz was allowed to escape for cocoon safety. I fully believe Jason was about to be outed for something that would have ruined any chance he had to be a functioning member of society so took the quitter's way out. At least those are the rumors that fit the action. Maybe Qevin will replace Tucker's replacement? I do not know that guy's ratings, but he certainly isn't in the news as much as Tucker ever was.

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The Young Guns made me throw up in my mouth a little. Qevin competes for the Number One Asshole prize in this current crop of Rethuglicans. His arrogance is astounding. 🙄 Great column.

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Wouldn't it be freaking hilarious if Kevin thought he'd make a good VP for the orange criminal running for dictator?

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Oh, God, the thought of that is more than I can bear. But I don’t see that happening because Trump needs to pick someone like a female version of Mike Pence, who will bow down to him and shine his shoes. However, Trump is never going to be president again anyway.

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He’ll have to duke it out with Nikki.

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Now let’s get rid of some more Maggots!

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You seem to have the same issue I do where we're never on the right spot of the optimism vs. pessimism scale.

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I know, right? looks like I got everyone out on the ledge for no good reason

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Hey I've been expecting some kind of civil war or other since 2017. Capitol attack is closest we've come but it doesn't feel like the danger of it has scaled back at all to me. Seems like we're all just waiting for someone to tell us to have it out...

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Not no reason. Plllleeeeeeenty of reason.

It's probably a decoy move to distract from some more horrible reality, like imagine if one of the justices were pulling strings for the insurrection, or receiving gifts from people with cases before the court.

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Yeah, this is yet another fuckwit who shall n’er be missed.

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I read that had Kev stayed until January, he would have saved his state of California the cost of a special election. He planned his departure to shaft the maximum number of people he could.

The only way this ends well is if a democrat wins in the special election and goes on to win again in Nov 2024. Although unlikely given his district, it would wound the christofascists GQP even more.

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When I lived in California, I had dreams of Kevin being ousted by a Democrat. It will probably never happen, but I continue to dream. After all, Orange County has turned purple.

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While I agree that nobody is too devastated to see Kevin exit the House, I can’t truly celebrate until we know who will be taking his place. When he lost the speakership, we were all elated. And then we got Mike Johnson, who against all odds, turned out to be even worse. Just when we think there couldn’t be a more vile, treasonous, bat-shit-crazy, reactionary, knuckle-dragging republican holding a position in congress, someone says “hold my beer” and we learn that there is no low point for this party. I have what may be considered a stupid question. But why, with the departure of George Santos, is the NY governor allowed to choose his replacement, but with McCarthy’s, there will be a special election?

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I don't think you're right about NY. they are also having a special election.

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Ugh! I don’t know why I thought the governor would appoint someone. 😞

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If it's a House member there is a special election but if it's a Senate member the Governor appoints someone.

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Okay, that makes sense! Thank you!

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Quite a few states do. I bet if NY was one of them, they never would have expelled Santos.

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That’s why I was so shocked that the expelled him. I should have known they would never put country before party. 🙄

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they never disappoint but of course a dem could win because it's a Biden district.

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State constitution maybe?

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Yea, possibly. It’s too bad that Gavin Newsom can’t appoint someone.

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