Brilliantly presented. And you have crafted the season's best campaign slogan: "Keep fucking that chicken, Meatball!"

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Hi Jeff, another excellent piece. I must add the words of an American icon born in Hibbing Minnesota 83 years ago.... “Broken lines, broken strings, broken threads, broken springs...Broken idols, broken heads, people are sleeping in broken beds... ain’t no use jiving, ain’t no use joking.... Everything is broken..... Take a deep breadth, feel like your chokin.. Everything is broken” Bob concisely describes the state we are in today and I can’t add much more. To you and all fellow travelers, have a great day.

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Love how the Universe conspired to fitz out 2 deranged morons at once. Nothing else could have orchestrated such a perfect clusterfuck and I was humming a happy tune as I fell peacefully asleep last night.

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The tape and gum thing has me in stitches. Meatball should take this disaster as a sign to drop out of the race. His anti gay bullshit can only mean he’s gay and if he stays in the race long enough, someone will out him.

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Props must be given to the hapless, perhaps prescient, newsreader (or was it meteorologist?) who first blurted out the chicken phrase whilst live and on the air and barely lived it down. It’s become a meaningful part of our lexicon.

Kudos sir. Well done.

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I SOOOOO look forward to your thoughts!!!!!! Keep em coming!!!

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It's hard to decide which of the two fascists - trump or desantis - would be worse as president. Seeing them go after each other is beautiful except that one of them will destroy the other and that means we are still stuck with an asshole as the nominee. We have a country full of Americans who don't really care about this country they just care about 'owning the libs' and that nonsense has them voting republican. How do we overcame this? The only way is to get everyone you know out to vote democrat. Too many people don't vote and this is how we wound up in this mess of a country going downhill. And if one of these two fascists become president, America as we know it, will probably not exist in four years.

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Many of you can recall how a random odd scream killed Howard Dean's chances; I wish we could use video of DeSantis' laughter and hissy fits the same way... followed by a montage of exploding rockets and fiery Tesla vehicles. And, Jeff you nailed it about him being into torture...the Gitmo stories are a sore spot for him to be sure! Try as he might, he cannot bury that deep enough.

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Poor wittle Elmo. "I'm the smartest guy on the planet! I don't like what this company is doing so I'll buy it and fire everyone! That'll show them! Then I'll run it myself even if I don't understand how it works!"

And yet this twerp has a raft of fanboiz who think he hung the moon, and is better than sliced bread. Those poor fools are nothing short of delusional.

As for DeSantis' second win.....even Mike Lindell thought there was fraud there. And you know what? I believe him. Reminds me of Barry Bonds' 70 homers season. Dude went from an average of 30 home runs a season to suddenly hitting 70 and then the VERY NEXT SEASON he's back to like 40 home runs or so. But no! he wasn't juicing.

Same for DeSantis. You don't win one election by 2 or 3 points only to come back 4 mediocre years later and win by 20+ points. Especially against an opponent who was known to Floridians as a decent former governor.

But, this really couldn't have happened to two more deserving dimwits.

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the description of DeSantis is exactly the same as Trump & he won with a little help from his Russian friends

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Thanks. Now I cannot get the picture of Ron fucking a chicken out of my head.

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While I am not from Missouri, the Show Me State, I do come from a city of one venerable political analyst, the Late, Great Mike Royko. He says about elections or anything, "It ain't over 'til it's over." In other words, we cannot predict the future. However, I sure hope you are right, and from where he is standing right now, I don't see how DeSatan can win. I certainly don't want him or any other Trumpster to win, particularly not Trump! But, if we are not vigilant, we may rue taking DeSatan and Stoopid for granted, because there are a lot of poor White men out there who love the message that it does not matter if they are poor because they are still superior to everyone else on the planet by virtue of their skin color and gender, even though many of them are brown-skinned like look like MTG. Now does her skin look white?


Actually no one does, but that is besides the point. https://angelicadass.com/photography/humanae/

They have accepted the lie that the reason they are poor is because of the immigrants, and Blacks no longer working for nothing (which is not true at all, since we have a prison system that is legally allowed to use slave labor, and does!) taking their jobs. They also have been made to believe that what money they have is being taken by Black Welfare moms, when the truth of the matter is that poor White families still get the most welfare money after rich corporations, and home owners, unlike Germany and Austria which have a higher average standard of living. https://youtu.be/V7d1eQ7Onk0

So, poor White American men vote against their interests because they have aligned themselves with the wealthy of this country, who use them as patsies to keep themselves in power, and not paying taxes. I read this morning that if we paid taxes at the rate of the EU we would have $36 trillion more dollars in our coffers. There is your 4 day work week, child care, technology in schools, and subsidizing building of affordable housing for everyone, as well as investment into green energy, health care for all, etc....

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A day without Jeff Tiedrich is like a day without sunshine.

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Now that’s an hilarious take on that demon -sanctioned shit-for-brains asshole. As he enjoys causing others to suffer I so enjoy watching him be a spectacle of idiocy and a parody of a person.

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With all you’ve said, which is true, who could possibly want to listen to his whiney, nasally voice for four years? It’s so grating. Fingernails on a chalk board! 😱

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Boo the fucking hoo. Ron and Elon. A match made in bizarro heaven.

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