Hur is a total and utter partisan shit. I wish every bad thing possible on this creature and Merrick Garland needs to quit trying to prove he's not political. We now have one who probably trashed Clinton's chance and now we have another Democrat doing us in. Infuriating. The blow about not remembering when he son died. Unbelievable. Republicans of any stripe these days are monstrous.

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Democrats just don't seem capable of defending themselves and going on the attack. And we're paying a price for that.

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Biden did a pretty good job of it just now.

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Joe was just trying to be civil ,he would have ripped that assholes head off if he thought he could get away with it!

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He's the President. He can clean house on the White House press room

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I wish I could agree. He was clearly reading his remarks. That's one thing I loved about Obama. He never seemed to be reading his remarks and he knew how to read with prosody and put inflection and feeling into the right words. You couldn't take your eyes off him. Even angry, Joe's facial expression didn't change which is part of what makes him seem old. Don't get me wrong, I think he is AMAZING. It's just too bad he isn't a better public speaker. If he was, he would be crushing this. He should bring in Obama to set the record straight. And Cheney and all these other people who claim to be dedicated to not allowing trump back on the throne, need to start showing up and speaking out.

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I get what you're saying. It just seems as though there are more important attributes involved in running this country than being a good public speaker. Or being "popular". Watch what they do, and how they do it; words are cheap.

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Oh I couldn't agree more, but in the land of today, it matters. Energy, dynamic.... as you can see, even when it is all negative (trump) it is contagious. People need to be excited. Of course you would think women's reproductive rights, LGBTQIA rights, BIPOC rights, voting rights, the Constitution, life as we know it..... would be important but it seems our country is just shallow and uninformed.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

By the gods--you nailed it! Too many airheads does not a serious country make! Seems as though our biggest priority is to be entertained. Finally: I think I understand why zombies have become so popular--most of our citizens see the brainless, stumbling masses of protoplasm as kin. If Canada would let me stay, I'd be across that border by tomorrow night. It was a truly exciting experiment---while it lasted.

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Plato said that too. He believed democracy was not possible because the tyrants would never allow the public to be educated so they could make an informed vote. Watch who works the hardest to keep voters dumb. They are the enemy of democracy.

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I know you’re trying to be gracious, yet ageism has no place here. Its not a one man job. Biden knows this; don didn’t. Don is just a wannabe dicktator. Nothing more than a thug.

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Absolute thug. Criminal. Rapist. Mobster wannabe

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You forgot "Smarmy." He's a "Smarmy mobster wannabe."

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Historically, sitting Vice Presidents have acted as a president's hatchet man -- remember Spiro Agnew's William Safire-penned attacks on Hippies, democrats, antiwar demonstrators and anyone else on Nixon's enemies list? Maybe they could bring Harris out of the dugout and give her some sharp speeches and memorable talking points (ghost written by Al Franken? Wonkette? Jeff Tiedrich?) and push back hard on these scared-of-their-own supporters-MAGAt-SOBs.

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She’s been the least proactive VP I know of. She should be fighting like hell for her President and country.

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As was said many times during Obama’s last few years in office “He’s run out of fucks to give.”

Go gettem’ Dark Brandon!

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About time!

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Indeed! Comeback to Doocy was perfect!

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Joe Biden has never had occasion to show this side of himself before becoming president but I knew he had it in him. He was known as the man in DC that no one spoke against, liked by everyone, until he went up against these uncouth MAGGA members and their dear leader. His show of strength was awesome to watch and doocy behaved like an ill mannered, ill raised uncouth brat.

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Every time I point this out, screaming it from the rooftops, I get attacked. But it is absolutely the rock solid truth and a massive problem. Better wake up. This snatching victory and turning it into a defeat over and over and not learning anything from it better stop if we want a democracy. This is Republican Party death throes and the loudest guys are having a more persuasive impact selling their outrageous level of fear.

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also, I'm fucking sick of this, "when they go low, we go high" bullshit!!!....yeah, how's that working???....the MAGAts just laugh their empty soulless heads at this stupidity and do what they do - crawl around under their slimy rocks and do or say whatever they have to to help their bitch ass spineless goose stepping nazi candidates...Ds better wake the fuck up, or we're gonna have king fuckstain the 1st ruling this country next January!!!

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Fucking hate "when they go low, we go high" shit. Should be "when they go low, we kick the lying mother fuckers in the balls."

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Well, it should be the way to do things, in general. I agreed with Michelle when she said it. But these are not "in general" times. Time to fight fire with fire.

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I like it! That belongs on a t-shirt!

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I approve this message.

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Lorraine, thank you. Made me laugh because I feel exactly the same way! 😄

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I love Michelle Obama but disagreed with her when she first said it and still agree. As you said, it's bullshit! I prefer the fight fire with fire! We see where the going high got us.

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You don’t bring a knife to a gun fight !

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That’s almost the entire history of Democrat party: bringing a knife to a gun fight.

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Unfortunately being Classy got us nowhere…sometimes you got to get dirty, same level,in the mud…but trying to maintain ethics

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Just keep asking if they believe their state deserves to control their daughters uterus.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 10

Betcha things would be happening a whole lot differently if Bernie had won. Again: thanks, Democratic Party.

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He wS never going to win, that was a pipedream. And his supporters not voting for Hilary put trump in office i like Bernie btw but he never was going to win

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Only MAGAs stupidly say “Democrat Party” so your opinion is meaningless in my mind. Go fix your own Fascist Party.

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oops. typing error due to arthritic fingers--sorry. I really need to proof-read more, as this was an egregious error, entirely unintended!

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Spot on MBM!!!

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Dems just suck at the visuals and messaging. Fearful of not being all things to every person at the table. Sometimes you can’t make everyone love you. Makes me nuts all the effing pandering we do. GO FOR It!! Just say it. Please. We can’t lose.

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Robin, I have to say it's even worse than the "fearful of not being all things to every person." The Democrats somehow got the responsibility of having to function at the highest standards at all times. And the Repubs can roll in the gutter all they want. Trump can "kill someone on Fifth Avenue" and since he said it, we're not supposed to expect anything of value from him or his party. BUT, God forbid a Democrat doesn't perfectly dot every i and cross every t, well, the exploitation of the perceived failure is instant, relentless and fodder for their false equivalency machine - yes, thank you, Media, for your endless false equivalency amplification of a tiny Democrat failure so you look fair. There is only ONE party that is massively corrupt and failing this country. And their boy, Tucker Carlson is out with Pariah Putin doing their nomalization work for them as we write our notes on the blog. God help us. We need to demonstrate we are not putting up with this bullshit any more. And it falls on Justice Roberts to get his shit together, learn how to execute his duty and read the 14th Amendment or he will find Trump disposing of his entire court before you can say, "I told you so."

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And Jaime Harrison is where? Sitting at his desk (or maybe working from home) for the DNC. I have said it again and again since 2020 - He is the wrong person in that position for this moment (and 2020, 2022 and 2024) in history.

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Boy, I haven’t seen much of ANYTHING from Jaime. Not impressed at all.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

We all know who the RNC Chair is (soon to be "was") Ronna McDaniel. We should ask as many GOP folks as we can to name the DNC Chair. I'd put $ that few know who it is.

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I stand up and shake my fist in rage every time I read or hear from our disgusting media that this group( Michigan Arabs ) or that group (the youth vote) or so on and so forth are frothing at the mouth about President Biden!

I say go vote for whomever you like then!

You flaming anti democratic assholes!

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Well, I’m not an Arab, nor a youth, just a 73 yr old white woman & a staunch Progressive Democrat who will vote; but as we talk about Biden & our Democratics in the admin getting tough, Biden needs to get really tough on Netanyahu. BiBi is treating Biden & Blinken as if they are annoying gnats buzzing around his head. He’s almost openly laughing at them. His latest move, to now shove over a Mil Gazans out of Rafah….to where? so he can bomb the shit out of that last tiny semi safe place, is more than just “over the top” it is in fact genicidal. Biden really has to out his foot down, no more aid, no more bombs, BiBi must be stopped from doing this. Biden keeps saying, they have to let more humanitarian aid into Gaza, but they don’t. USA is a laughing stock to BiBi, & I’m super afraid Biden’s continued support of this slaughter WILL cause him & lots of Democrats to lose.

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I wrote to John Kerry during his presidential run to say he needed to toughen up, fast. Dems are fighting back a bit more now, but still not hard enough.

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Totally agree with you. I don’t get liking a racist, rapist, thief, con, misogynist, homophobe and ignorant #dontrump. He’s past a moron and into evil. He’s been called a sociopathic narcissist. Nauseatingly crass and dangerous. He’s only a wannabe dicKtator.

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I think we can now add psychopath. People died in the insurrection he instigated and he was thrilled with the spectacle.

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He really was, and this needs to be highlighted: he WAS thrilled with the spectacle. Couldn't take his porcine eyes off the tv. So what kind of person loves to set the fire and then stand back and watch the chaos ensue? A sociopath. That's who.

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The ultra right owns almost every media conglomerate. They’ve bought out most newspapers as well. THAT’S the problem. What Dems say or accomplish is prevented from being shared with the public. It’s a scary disaster that gives them the microphone with the widest reach.

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Thank you. Rich media owners don't want to pay taxes. The reporters working for them are employees with kids, mortgages and car payments. They can't afford not to toe the bosses line. Please quit being surprised by this.

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As evidenced by msnbc firing Medhi Hasan when his speaking up for the Palestinians & calling out Israeli war crimes got a little too uncomfortable for AIPAC & Zionists

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I am never surprised by this fact Blue but I don't have to like either!

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Write the editors and ask why they are not asking the WHY questions of DJT. Who. What. Where. When. Why. Standard practice. But they let Don the Con off the hook. Journalistic dereliction.

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Burke, Fascists don’t care what public opinion is. They want to control public opinion. Letters written to newspapers simply don’t get printed if they don’t like it. I tried this route before.

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If the dems start making enough noise,and entertaining the mass of morons living inside of the media run alternate universe they’ve created,the money will roll in and the media will have to cover the dems ,their greed will make coverage a bottom line necessity! CASH 💰 IS 🤴 KING !

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Claws. We need claws to gouge out the crap these R cons spew out of their treasonous evil souls. They aren’t a political party that is interested in the future of the United States, and certainly not our guiding role in the future of the world. At least not for the majority of American people. What do we do? How does Biden get the writers, advisors, media savvy people onboard?

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Biden’s biggest mistake was to appoint Merrick Garland as AG. 4 years and the ferret, as I always called him, hasn’t realized the gravity of our political climate. He wants to go by the book as if we were dealing with rational people. Did he forget those in Congress and lots of MAGA followers still don’t accept Biden as president? Is he that dim? …Garland could have still corrected the mistake of appointing a MAGA Special Council or at least correct the political attack to Biden’s acuity. But no….imbecile! Now a note for Biden: when speaking in public PLEASE DO IT WITH ENERGY INSTEAD OF WHISPERING! For god’s sake. BE LOUDER!

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My fear, and I almost don’t want to ask this, but where’s the fire in the belly? I would do anything to hear his real voice about the state of US and the world. All the history he has - even the bad stuff. We can take it. And need to have it to lead us into the future. With and without him/us. The FUTURE!’

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I so agree!! It’s too bad he didn’t get that scotus seat, his temperament & slow deliberate way of doing things are way more suited to being in that body.

Being AG & running the DOJ in today’s world requires way more fire & aggressive action & a snappy pace, like Jack Smith. If he had been AG, Trump would have been in prison already. AG Garland was a huge mistake. If Biden wins in November, that should be one of his first orders of business, replace Garland

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Slap the shit outa them and make them follow his lead ,Joe’s got the balls to go with his smarts ,I think he’s getting a bit pissed off 😤….he’ll take the gloves off soon enough! If they keep fucken around with his family they gonna be in a world of hurt! The dems gotta show strength!

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Garlands wasn’t brought up in a working class environment,he’s incapable of being something he’s not ! This is a fucken street fight not a tea party !Bring in the professional political heavies ,let’s have a back alley debate with these punks !

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I thought birds were better with beaks and talons, Robin. :)

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Maybe. But, damn, I wish my claws were sharper. :)

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Go for the eyes, Boo!

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Doormat Democrats, we need to be Ninja Dems! I see the weakness of Dems even down here in Mexico, weaklings through and through. Makes me furious! I also think it's laziness.

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The Democrats may consider the poor to be allies, but they themselves are not poor. They haven't as much at stake of we do. If we lose our voices, they're still in power. If we lose our voices, we are powerless.

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Agree. Lazy. The great political game master minds are done working hard. Implementing political strategies is hard work. Actually birthing a successful political campaign. Oy! With Biden we don’t have to start from scratch but we need Rick Wilson and Steve Schmidt to do the work behind the scenes. They’re so good at it, but it’s less work to be a talking head. AND we gotta pay them what they WANT!!

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A trend of “looking” fair so the poor rescumliCons wouldn’t have their feelings hurt has weakening rather than strengthened the Dems. This is why we need to vote for every Progressive down ballot. Progressive caucus is growing in Congress, we must expand it. But the ONLY route to get there for now, is getting Biden back in. The media is flooding lies in so that we get overwhelmed. We have to act like the rescumliCons this time and pull TOGETHER and overwhelmingly get Biden in and RescumliCons OUT! Last chance! Fascism or not. That is our choice.

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It’s really nerve racking that the repuglithugs are spending big to run candidates against all of our current strong Progressives, they think their stance on the Israel/Palestine conflict will make them easy targets, & they may not be wrong, depending on the constituencie’s feelings about that issue

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Totally agree,the democrats have to give what they get ! You can’t play horse shoes when you’re getting hand grenades fired at you! Quit the I’m a nice guy shit and start throwing haymakers back at these assholes !

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Damn near makes uniparty claims believable.

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Maybe the high road is too high...

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Right. Biden showed he had the guts to stand up to them and made it known in the press conference he held even with that wimp fox noise reporter who disrespected him by not letting him finish answering one question before he asked another more idiotic question. He should be banned from WH press conferences from here on in. He’s secured his job with faux news I’m sure but he looked like a little brat the way he behaved, I swear I would have slapped his face for his disrespect had I had the chance

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Just another MAGA Moron

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I wish that Biden had fired Garland two YEARS ago, when had still done absolutely NOTHING to investigate the insurrection! What an incompetent man.

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Kdsherpa, Me too! These are the actions, or rather lack of actions, that put us in such precarious positions! Garland should be fired after this latest atrocity of letting irrelevant comments on Biden be given out to the public without proof by a professional in psychology.

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It’s as if Garland, James Comey and the NY Times threw a party and Merrick said hey, you know what would be fun? Let’s rerun the shittiest TV show ever made!

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Does anyone suspect Garland is a Rcon?

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No, I really don’t. I just think he’s trying way too hard to seem non partisan, & also I think the slow & deliberate thing is just his personality

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I paused my NYT subscription for eight weeks. They have to feel financial pain for their journalistic malpractice

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I got rid of mine with a reference page of their misleading, shitty headlines. 😒

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I unsubscribed quite some time ago. The Times has become the type of paper that will both sides the chasm between the Democrats and MAGA.

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Good idea.

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Hur is a Republican.

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I know that, appointed by Garland so as to look very fair. It just looks very weak. My reference was not to him as the Democrat doing us in this. Last time it was Comey. This time it's Merrick Garland who appointed Hur so Garland would look all fair and nonpolitical.

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Garland's approach would have worked 20 years ago. We are so far past reaching across the aisle now. One party is actively saboutagjng the American government with Russia's aid in order to "prove" that "it doesn't work."

The other is desperately trying to keep things running and also make them better to keep the people happy.

There is no cooperation to be had. These are opposed goals. We will be lucky if we avoid a civil war.

For fuck's sake, don't TRUST them! Partisanship until the Republicans stop being a fucking death cult is gonna be the right answer.

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This is Civil War already. We need to start acting like it.

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Perhaps we shall all become the veterans of a thousand psychic wars.

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Right, we need a LOT more of the Hakeem Jeffries/Al Green kind of quarterback calls.

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Fuck Garland and fuck fair it’s getting a little late for the mamby pamby bullshit,the republicans are just gonna keep getting worse,they won’t lay back while we play catch up!kick them hard and often!Shit this is a fight for our democracy,kick em in the 🥜 nuts! There’s enough dirt on the republicans to bury the country 20’feet deep ,and it’s all true ,! Christ use the filthy fucken truth we have on these clowns 🤡 ! We can’t lose this election ! If we do there’s not gonna be any fucken rematch! Playing their game and not responding in kind is gonna be fatal!

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Sorry. I meant to be responding to another comment.

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Producing almost 400 pages of "but-her-emails"-level character assassination makes him a MAGAt, whether he's doing it to elect Trump or some other fucking republiscum

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He is very pro-Trump.

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Garland is not a Democrat but is a Republican. He is a member of the Federalist Society and should never have been appointed. Biden's biggest mistake. I am beginning to suspect that he is in sympathy with Trump and his clowns and is in fact complicit. He should resign immediately.

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When (hopefully not "if") President Biden wins reelection, it's my hope he replaces Garland. Former Sen. Doug Jones, D-Ala., and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates were under consideration when Garland was selected. From what I've read and seen about both of them, neither of them will give a F**K about looking political. But the fact that a DOJ SC's report about the sitting President of the US wasn't reviewed by the AG to ensure its appropriateness prior to release is one of the most "political" things I've seen. It was shameful and, while I know POTUS says he is "hands off" the DOJ, I hope he at minimum called Garland and tore him a new one. To allow the remarks about his memory and his son to remain - are indefensible!

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I suspect that in fact Garland did review Hur's report and permitted it to be released as is. Garland is a disgrace and should resign, but of course won't. My question now is who is influencing Garland, given that he's both a Republican and clearly a Federalist Society stooge.

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You think? Time to get him on tv and ask the question followed by - if you say you don't wish to appear political why did you allow a SC with no neurological credentials to editorialize about his memory in a report that was irrelevant to what he was tasked with doing? Even VP Harris said today that "The way that the President’s demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts," she said, adding, “And clearly politically motivated, gratuitous.” Clearly politically motivated. Huh... sounds like just what Garland didn't want to appear to be doing.

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Garland's claim to be apolitical is bullshit. He refused to prosecute Trump until he was embarrassed into it by the J6 Committee. He has dragged his feet all along and now has provided ammunition to the right to go after Biden. He is a plant. Biden was scammed into appointing him and is now paying for that mistake.

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be fired would be better. then Biden could appoint an "acting AG"

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The problem is that it's probably politically impossible for Biden to fire Garland now. The right will start screaming "retaliation" and cover up". Might have to wait until after the election, which I'm still assuming Biden is going to win.

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Totally disagree, It would not make a bit of fucking difference if they do that, they're not voting for Biden anyway. But it would fire up the Dems and left leaning independents for damn sure.

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You may be right. Democrats have to really start fighting back. We need to pressure Biden to fire that asshole Garland or he won't do it. The damage Garland has done is now incalculable, all of it probably deliberate.

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Maybe he'll do the right thing and resign. Hmmmm....Republican....saving his own legacy......nah. He's already shown he doesn't do the right thing. Republicans are ingrates one and all.

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Linda, you're right. He is and more of one than we than we bargained for. He's like the double agent spy. And further proof there ain't no good Republicans. But he still has that aura around him that he thinks, no matter how he feels about publicly how he's coming across, that overly stretching to appear fair. It winds up looking dumb and/or sinister. Is he a damn plant? You can't be nice to Republicans. He lingered out there being trashed by Republicans and denied a hearing for anything, Democrats saved his dignity and this is what they get. Let that be a lesson to us to think deeper about that compassion thing. He feels like Comey who put his reputation over country. And then wound up with worse one than he would have had.

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That ENRAGED me about Biden's son. Fucking hack Hur. You're right. Just like Comey who deserves to live in ignominy and irrelevancy for the rest of his life.

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X 1000000000000000

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Let me take a guess…you’re under 50, righto? And, never make a mistake or forget a date or get it wrong, correct? Ageism sucks and women need to get over it and see it as wisdom. If duck a la orange was in office, it would be a dicKtatorship. And, you know it.

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Garland is not a Democrat!! He's a long-term republican assclown!!

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Why would Obama have chosen a Republican for nomination & then Biden follow through with the nomination? I don’t get it

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Obama thought he could get the asshat Moscow Mitch to let a vote for a moderate republican for the Supreme Court go through... but Moscow Mitch was not willing to do so. Joe Biden gave Garland the job of AG. Look it up.

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I thought the same. Why put all these slanderous things in a finding of not guilty just as FBI director Comey did when he held a press conference about newly discovered emails. One DOJ official who requested anonymity, told NPR, "You don't hold press conferences to announce that someone should not be charged with a crime and then proceed to dump all over that person and to publicly discuss the evidence against them," he said.

I remember watching that and thinking what the hell is he doing this for? That’s why he was surprised hear that Trump fired him.

We knew where Hur stood, but I didn’t expect this of Comey. He must have been cozying up to Trump. The supper he had with Trump that was questionable? Knowing Trump as we do now we can be positively sure that Trump made promises to Comey and Comey sold any dignity he might have had to Donald Trump at that meeting. He admitted Trump hinted at it, but Trump as we now know doesn’t hint at anything, Trump makes demands and expects loyalty. Comey betrayed us and his country coming out days before the election with that unnecessary announcement.

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And this is what passes for an election in the very stronghold of democracy itself.

Joe, who 99% of the world is selling as some kind of senile genocidal warhawk (which never bothered Republicans with Reagan or either Bush) despite an exemplary service record.


Donald, who does more crimes per year than the average person does per life. Traitor. Rapist. Criminal. Insurrectionist. Racist. Misogynist. Transphobe. Homophobe.

The MSM wants to paint this as a close race. And maybe behind the scenes it somehow is. But if we're so stupid that this is legitimately a difficult decision, then America is already dead and we're just living on the corpse.

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You forgot that Donald is a master of word salad -- AND an idiot.

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And this brain- compromised piece of shit has demonstrated more memory issues than we can keep track of. Between mistaking a woman he said he never met for his ex wife, not knowing who he's running against half the time and recently confusing Nikki Haley for Nancy Pelosi, that twisted mind is beyond befuddled on a regular basis. What's even worse is the fucked up GOP finds this diseased criminal mind perfectly acceptable for being presidential.

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I think everyone needs to take a step back on assuming what other people have forgotten. That feels like the exact lesson being imparted today.

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Sorry; should have said "omitted", not forgot. I would never assume that your memory is faulty... :)

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Words are like archery. It as not as easy to pick them up and fire them accurately as it may first appear.

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Especially when you're as pissed off as I was this morning. I still am, but considering (and mostly rejecting) things I could do about it has settled me down a bit. I'm back to the occasional "fuck!" and "shithead!" (etc) so situation normal.

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and wears diapers and has dementia

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Apparently we are the only people who listen to the gibberish that comes out of his mouth/head. Why bother? I do it occasionally for a laugh. But the laugh isn’t worth it.

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And thought Kansas City was in Kansas and said the insurrection was caused by Nikki Haley..and many many more such things. 🤬

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That's how I feel about people seeing my face.

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I am beyond angry. Maybe it's time for me to check out of the hotel.

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me too Charlie and we both know this is what they want. i've keep the news off my TV and only read Jeff's, Joyce's and a few other's newsletters. MY WAPO subscription is up and i'm not renewing, canceled my NYT's months ago. I'll start sending money to campaigns soon and depending on my dogs, go to Arizona and work with the Biden and down ballot campaigns in October.

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I hear you.

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Only if you mean that in a non-metaphorical way. You're my gauge for how much I've offended people. If you laugh at one of my comments, it means I didn't go too far.

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According to popular opinion, I'm a useless old man. Nothing I do or say makes a damn bit of difference.

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you know, if I didn't have Jeff's (and Wonkette's) perspective to calm me the fuck down, I'd probably be just an old lady out on a street corner close to the capitol building in Austin, shouting obscenities at random passersby and getting thrown in the hoosegow for life. (This IS Texas, and they have no sense of humor at the Capitol.)

We must indeed all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately. :)

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I just got an image of you screaming at random people in Austin, and it's crazy-funny! 🤣🤣🤣

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"I'm a useless old man."

Yeah? Now I don't claim to be an expert on Charlie Austin, but you don't seem to me to be the sort to let five words invalidate 70+ years of personal experience.

Might be I'm wrong though. Been known to happen.

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I'm just in a dark place. I can't handle the double standard between Biden and Trump.

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Or the whatever-tuple standard between Trump and literal fucking hobos. Or turds. If any employer were to look at Donald's resumé/CV without his name being on it, he couldn't get hired anywhere.

Think how many people have a low tier felony on their record for shoplifting a $100 item or some shit and have to try like fuck to get a job and be "redeemed."

This fucking pair of clown shoes does any and every crime and his chorus of cultists is all "GIVE HIM THE HARDEST JOB IN THE WORLD FOREVER!"

FUCK. THAT. And fuck them. You're on the side of right. Keep it up.

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No, I can't handle it either, but I'm staying around AND keeping my 66-year-old self healthy enough to be able to DANCE when that Trump motherfucker dies. I'm not missing THAT funeral for the world!

By the way, my 2015 self is HORRIFIED that I just wrote something like that. But, you know, times change, shit happens, and we roll with it, for better or worse. Sometimes I take time off from news and read books or watch TV shows that have nothing to do with what's going on in the world, then come back to fight another day. And no matter what happens now or in November, there is still that funeral to look forward to! THAT sustains me above all.

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For what it's worth, at least you aren't alone in that dark place. We're all there together, fighting to not check out mentally when the absurdity of this situation overwhelms us.

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Hey, Engoron is about to rule. Don't want to miss that priceless action do ya?

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I'm always pretty dark. The day Abbott drowned a woman and two kids was utterly black for me. It gets worse every time I look at my family and think about what the world we're leaving them will look like. (Fortunately, looking at them also keeps me from the deepest depths.) It's why I hand out F-bombs like Halloween candy.

You've got company in the dark places.

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i'm with you

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I agree with both of you, I'm so pissed off at this point I don't know where to put it all.

I look for the two of you every day. You matter....

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You're one of my favs too, Morgan. I feel like Substack has certain comment-gangs and we're all in the same one, us three.

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I hope that you will feel better Charlie. I enjoy your humor and I have fun messing with you. Maybe that has to do with the fact that I would have had an Uncle Charles in my life, but he was killed in WWII. He was my mom's younger brother and loved to play jokes. My grandpap wanted me to be named for him, but since I was a girl, I am Charlotte. Anyway, I'm sending good vibes your way.

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Thank you.❤❤

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You're welcome.

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Shit I must have been focused. I didn't swear at all in that. What the fuck is wrong with me?

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It was also the last couple of years years of the Reagan administration that Ronald disappeared from the public eye because he was suffering from advanced Dementia and the rubes covered that up as well as Nancy did. They didn't want to lose control of the senate and they were worried that, if it came out, it would tarnish Reagan's legacy.

The press is going to try and spin shit to grab headlines. At this point, Doocy is getting free beers from the MAGAts at the nearest bar for that low blow to Biden. I am still not worried about Biden's reelection, but I am worried that we aren't going to see much movement in crazypants diaperstains' criminal trials this year.

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Well, this latest shit that Aileen Cannon has pulled just MAY push Smith to ask for her to be replaced on the case. Her ignoring his pleas to protect witnesses is beyond irresponsible & she damned sure should be taken off. Her delay tactics to benefit LDFF have been all too obvious, & now putting witnesses lives in danger??!!

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For the media, and a lot of this country, the Dems need to be perfect. The Reps can lie, disregard the Constitution, have no policy, commit illegal acts. That is considered the norm for the Reps and they are allowed to get away with all of it. It’s totally, ridiculously unfair but that’s the way it is.

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Dems fight nothing but uphill battles and they think they're gonna sweep us in some civil war. Bwahahahaha.

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I can't believe that Hur's report wasn't submitted to Garland before it was made public. The fact that conclusions made by Hur, who is not qualified to make such conclusions about the state of Biden's memory, were not removed before the release of the report, shows that the Biden administration needs a new Attorney General.

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In my view, Garland has been a disaster. Trump would have been prosecuted and convicted long ago if Garland weren’t so afraid of how he looked. A disaster!

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I can't understand how the DOJ allowed Hur's report to be released without demanding the removal of all the gratuitous bullshit! As a small mercy, I'm grateful the report wasn't released later in the election cycle. Comey killed Hillary's chances with his "October surprise."

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Yes, he did. Anyone who doesn’t see that Comey caused Trump to win, is just blind

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LOVE that Biden bit back on DOUCHEY. He deserved it the little puke.

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That was quite the zinger!

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He deserves more than that.

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Biden may have lost a step, but Trump has lost his mind.

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You're assuming Trump ever HAD one.

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And is shortly going to lose his cash cow, the Rump org. He will forever be a beggar.

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His scum Russian friend Putin or son-in-law Jared will continue to funnel trump money. We can only hope Judge Engoron hammers trump, his family and business into oblivion.

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Trump was stupid to begin with, and now he's stupid+dementia

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Never had a mind. Clap ate his brain.

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From Dean Obeidallah

“As you read report of Special Counsel Robert Hur that is critical of Biden remember Hur had been personally appointed by TRUMP as US Atty in 2018. He also clerked for right wing Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist. Yes that is who Merrick Garland picked to investigate Biden!”

I question Garland’s fitness.

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I question Garland’s ability to handle anything. He needs to be investigated!

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Yes. President Obama made a mistake choosing Garland for the Supreme Court and President Biden made the mistake of putting him in charge of Justice.

I won’t list the questionable decisions Garland made, which are many, but he should be replaced next year after President Biden wins.

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Obama asked the Rethuglicans who they would approve as a SCOTUS nominee, and he was given Merrick Garland's name. We know how that worked out. NEVER, EVER, FKING EVER TRUST A RETHUGLICAN. EVER.

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I actually think Garland would have done well on SCOTUS. His slower, more deliberate approach would have been helpful there. His worrying about every little detail. As AG though he falls flat.

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I wouldn’t trust Garland to be dog catcher now.

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Eh. I disagree on that but I also don't care enough to debate it. I think he's got his merits, just not for where he's at. I feel like he got Peter Principled and promoted to the level of his incompetence.

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I do too. I think he would have been a very good justice. Perhaps when Biden wins again, he will replace Garland with, let’s say Joyce Vance or Neal Katyal or Andrew Weissman!

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i think he should be fired NOW. it would show that Biden has balls after all.

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We all know damned well that if an AG had let something that derogatory slip through on Trump, he would have been fired within 30” of it becoming public, & his cult would have cheered the decision & one of them probably would have made an assassination attempt on him

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Agree, agree, agree…Next!

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He needs to be canned!!

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I say he is not fit.

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Given the timing of this bs, it has “but her emails” and Vladie’s fingerprints all over it.

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well, the Trump political machine is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Kremlin.

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Yes, and the GOP is now outed as the Confederates they have been since 1964. 'Bout time.

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It does. And Bibi.

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Thanks goodness for this line: "Doocy is what would happen if a hemorrhoid became a real boy".

Because FUCK THIS. What a true POS Hur is. I cant even....🤨

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Merrick fucking Garland. My ass is still chapped that he waited 3 years to charge trump. And I’m mad about this latest Biden special counsel nonsense. He’s such a disappointment to this administration. Damn weakling. 🤬

Jeff is so right when he says never give republicans the benefit of the doubt. NEVER

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"First off, Merrick Garland is a disastrously bad AG. He has appointed special counsels he never should have. And he had no business allowing a report to be released that violated DOJ guidelines. Most of all, his two years of fruitless propitiatory delay moving on the elite insurrectionists has America and the world on the doorstep of disaster.

Biden needs to get out there tonight and focus on Hurs outrageous statement that he forgot the date of Beaus death. Say, yes, I have a hard time of thinking about his death and often cannot put a date on it. Also say he sat for the interview right after Oct 7 and should not have done it, because he was thinking all the time about the US and human responses to that. American liberals are nice guy sleepwalking into fascism." TPM reader

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my dad died after being hit by a drunk driver on 2017 and I often get it confused with 2016.

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So sorry 😢

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I believe that's called Grief Brain. And I'm so sorry your dad is gone. My mom died in October, my dad in January, and my uncle in Dec. I remember the year for my uncle--1999, i think my dad was in 1994 & my mom in 1989. Will I put my hand on the Holy Fiction and swear or affirm to those dates. Not on your bippy!

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I agree. I had a really bad year when I was a kid that included the death of my grandmother and my closest (really, only) friend... AND my 6-mo-old kitten. In some ways it shaped a good deal of my life, but every time I think of it, I have to reconstruct what year it was -- even how old I was -- by trying to remember what grade I was in. And the only way I remember when my grandfather died is because that happened within a couple of days of Apollo 11 landing on the moon.

If not remembering what year a significant event occurred is a sign my memory was failing, I've had old-age-related dementia for 40+ years now. Grief Brain is a great name for it.

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That's what I have to do, go through and reconstruct. Sure with I'd come up with Grief Brain, but it's a real thing. Who knew?

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Holy Hoax would be more alliterative, if that appeals to you.

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love it. many thanks.

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My pleasure to serve!

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I can't remember the year my mother died, I know it was on Labor Day , I think it was 2012, but it's hard to keep it fixed iny mind. When I went to wake her up & she was gone I had been her caregiver for 13 years after her stroke, GRIEF BRAIN is real.

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And sorry. What the hell is the difference if one doesn’t remember a date like that? The important thing is remembering the event, the person, the loss. Only if you’re an historian and can put the date of an event in an interesting or relevant context should it be important. It’s like a first introduction to history in grade school when we had to memorize dates of generally accepted important events (like the signing of the Magna Carta or the Columbus’ “discover” of America ir dates of WWII) which meant nothing to us and certainly didn’t stick unless put in a ditty we could sing. I think people are so hung up on those kinds of irrelevant details. Why? Give me a break. I have bigger and better things to worry about.

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💯 agreed

It's just to throw an emotional curve ball at biden and trip him up.

Its disgusting and cruel

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You nailed it, an emotional curve ball in the middle of a political interrogation

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That's terrible. I am so sorry.

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FUCK drunk drivers. I am so sorry.

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My deepest sympathy to you, Runfast.

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My deepest 🙏 ☹️

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thank you

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Hell yes, my only child died Jan 18, 2008 but if I was being interrogated about a bunch of stuff from my last 40-50 yrs & then they asked “was that before or after your son died?” I might fumble around a bit. Also, I have to admit that I always know it was Jan 2008, but a month from now if you suddenly asked me the exact date, I may not be able to tell you right away.

Painful memories are hard sometimes, doesn’t make me senile ffs!!

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I am so sorry. It's so difficult.

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I've long been unable to pinpoint a specific date when something happened. I don't think being somewhat chronologically challenged indicates anything about mental acuity.

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Thankfully our Presidents are not chosen as to how well they would do on Jeopardy. What the Hell difference does it make if he cant pinpoint any specific date? The man is governing our country in a manner most twenty year old's should be envious of.

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I couldn’t tell you the year my daughter died. The human brain blocks parts of the most painful memories to spare the heart.

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Biden spoke last night.

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Nice one on Doocy. Although now that’s the image that will pop up every time I have to think of him.

Worth it.

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Doocy: how bad is your memory?

Biden: my memory is so bad I let you speak.


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Listening to that clip I died laughing 😵😂

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Dark Brandon at his best. Loved it. Just too bad it was at all necessary. The press sounded like a bunch of hyenas fighting over a carcass. Damn bunch of insensitive hacks. Douche left with a hot butt though. Worth every second hearing that from Joe B. 😎

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I felt that wicked burn all the way over here right when he said that, lol.

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This was perfect…Doocy is nothing but harassment.

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I'm good with that being how I think of Doocy - a dumbass getting a throwaway putdown after asking a stupid question. I mean, he regularly asks a lot of stupid shit, but this putdown was short & snappy.

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The first Substack post in my inbox this morning was from a guy who provides headlines from a variety of sources. I subscribed a few weeks ago, trying it out to see if it was worth reading longer-term.

The post this morning was NOT a digest of headlines -- it was an editorial on the best way to dump Biden off the ballot.

So... he got one less subscriber and a strongly worded FUCK YOU.


Give me a fucking break.

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I’d say that the 3-item sequence from the cognitive test proved only one thing about the orange goon, that he has the brain of a toddler learning how to speak - duck, clock, clown.

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My 3yo grandson is way smarter than the orange shitgibbon

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A ham sandwich is smarter than the tangerine toddler!

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Duck duck GOOSE 😉

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

Not smart enough to figure out waterfowel. 😆

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Waterfowl. Darn autocorrect.

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Sounded like words from a 1st grade primer to me.

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Bing bong Bing bong.

Ahahaha hahaha 🍻

He said that at a podium in front of Americans. Ahahaha hahaha

Wtf are we doing here? Up is down, down is left. Left is right???

Can we please get back to American English 🫠

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

fucking Garland should be fired today and Hur never should've been retained in the first fucking place, let alone been put on this case. can't anybody here play this game?

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Peace through earth? We are an institute in a powerful death penalty? What THE FUCK!!!????

He has always had encephalopathy. But now it's way over the top. Why does't someone get this douche bag some treatment?!

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Well....that too....

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Probably because they are a bunch of self-absorbed dicks, Joanne.

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There is no treatment for sociopathy. Or for a sociopath with a Swiss cheese brain.

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This has Bannon's fingerprints all over it.

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Bannon is a piece of shit

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He's a fucking chronic alcoholic that babbles incoherently. And people listen to that breathing rotting corpse. His liver must be the size of a football. Grifting misogynistic fuckwad. A mentor to the GQP.

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Perfect description!

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The biggest piece of shit for sure.

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Trump shouldn't be in prison--he should be in an asylum with a padded cell and straitjacket.

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That hadn't occurred to me, but OMG shit yes!

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What a fucking conundrum indeed! Biden or a 91 time indicted orange blowhole. 🤦‍♀️How stupid are we in this county?

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