
happy new year everyone! new year, same old shit

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This was chilling & scares the hell out of me. I want it published in every newspaper in this sick country. So exhausted with the stupidity I see every damn minute of every damn day. My daughter keeps telling me to “look for the helpers.” You are one, Jeff. Thank you!

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Happy New Year Steve. What a way to start 2024 - good on you for ramming this critical point about the Constitution. The goon is a rapist, a misogynist, a pathological liar, a cheat, is ignorant and lacks not only the intellect to hold the highest office, but also the social graces. He committed treasonous actions and needs to be held accountable, and must never be allowed to ever have his name on any ballot, not even as dog catcher in the tiniest municipality. Let him rot in jail, then may his supposed ‘christian soul’ burn in the deepest bowels of hell for eternity.

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Strip him of all honorifics and pension(s) and health care and inviting him to anything or letting him have anything that allows him to claim he is (a) POTUS. He should never again be referred to as "President Trump."

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I firmly believe he should be stripped of any right to a secret service detail, he doesn’t deserve it

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Happy New Year to you and yours Jeff and thanks for all the laughs! Looking forward to a crazy year…

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Happy New Year Jeff.🍾🍾🎉🎉🎆

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Happy New Year to you and Mrs Spouse Sure does look like this is exactly what section 3 of the 14th amendment was written for.

I give not two shits if it the Magats get their knickers in a twist.

Not only is he totally unfit but needs to rot in prison the rest of his miserable life.

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A question, because I truly do not know: If tr*mp was removed from the ballot(s) could his followers still write him in? And if they did, would it count? Also, Happy New Year Jeff! You are very much appreciated!

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Good question. I am guessing here but I would think that if his followers wrote him in that he would still be ineligible because...The !4th Amendment. He is NOT ELIGIBLE because he led an insurrection.He cannot hold ANY public office.

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Thank you, I appreciate your reply.

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Happy New Year and a better 2024 to you, Jeff. So glad I found your column and wish I had sooner...thank you.

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Happy New Year, Jeff 🎆🎊

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Happy New Year 🎆🎊

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Jan 1Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

You are so on the mark - I am the child of German parents who lived through the Nazi era and the war. My mother was a mischling, the child of a Jewish mother and a Lutheran father. My Lutheran father, who loathed the regime, was forced to participate (as a navigator, he flew rescue missions to pick up wounded soldiers) and could not wait to leave Germany after the war - he closed the garage door behind him and tossed the clicker. I am the last of my living immediate family that was born in Germany. Everything in your piece is true and will be equally true if Trump manages to finagle his way into power again. I sincerely doubt that he is the author of the details - he clearly has trouble putting a sentence together, at least in public - but those behind him are the ones in search of absolute power, and they will stop at nothing to get it. What happens to all of those convicted in the Jan 6 mess? If T gets in, they will be pardoned, and they will be the American SS though, from the pictures I have seen, not all of them are in military shape. No matter - ungoverned power just needs a gun - and there are plenty of those loose in the American landscape.

To their credit, the Germans have done a remarkable job of educating their young about what happened, and have been doing a public mea culpa for decades, including street displays, complete with photos of the atrocities. I really believe that except for a few, who know exactly what they are doing, the majority of the people who support the MAGA movement have no clue what it means to be under that kind of dictatorship, and many don't realize that they will be targets as well.

I have been bleating in the wind since the first Trump rally, before the 2016 election. I was ridiculed for being an alarmist. Not so much now.

Keep up the pressure - we will need every blue vote. And unless the Democrats can come up with a younger viable candidate (and it isn't Phillips), I intend to vote for Biden. I would vote for expired yogurt before I'd vote for Trump. All of us who lived in the NY-NJ area knew who and what he was decades ago. What dirt must he hold over those that still support him (Lindsay Graham???)

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The GQP missed multiple opportunities to kick his lame, treasonous, fat ass to the curb. Fucking cowards.

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And to feel present in Germany amid those “Nationalists,” read The Oppermanns, a novel by Lion Feuchtwanger, written “in real time” in 1933. He describes how the evil grows relentlessly while many look the other way.

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I also recommend reading When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit by Judith Kerr.


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I had this in my 5th grade library and read to students.

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Thank you for recommending this, Linda. I’ve found it in my library online.

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The Oppermanns is an excellent recommendation.

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I agree with you on this, although I feel the German people are being manipulated by the Russian bots to become anti-immigration, which is raising the fascists to promenance again. My mom was a child in Germany under Hitler, and then we had family who lived in East Germany under the Socialist Party, which was a paranoid dictatorship too. Why anyone would want to set themselves up for such a paranoid life I just don't understand.

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expired yogurt...

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My wife's parents shared the pain of the second world war. The events all over the world remind her of mini kristalnachts.

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There are significant moves to the right all over the place, and with those moves come events like those experienced by people who lived through the Hitler time.

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Thanks for your post. I feel that Germany has shown the world how a country changes itself for the better. I have read about the curriculum in schools there and how the past is discussed. Thank you, Germany, for being a great ally!

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Well said and spot on! Thank you for your comment. I remember well the many displays of the Nazi atrocities all throughout Germany, as a warning of what NOT to let happen ever again while traveling there.

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Your family’s history is a fact ! My dad fought those pigs in the past and we should be willing to defend the sacrifices of all our fathers ,to allow it again is cowardice and criminal!

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It is unfortunate that, as is usually the case, all citizens of the "enemy" were lumped into the same cesspool. There were, in fact, many Germans, including in my family, who did what they could to help, to warn, or hide people, among other things. It isn't black and white - it never is. But those like the ruling group of the Hitler regime, deserve to be forever reviled. The Trump gang is no different. The majority of Americans are decent people, but many don't have the necessary education for the critical thinking necessary to see behind the propaganda curtain. In Germany, in the decade following the first war, and the punishment meted out then, people were just struggling to get by. Things began to get better slowly, and in the beginning of the Hitler regime, life improved - if only briefly. Authoritarianism creeps in step by step. Look at how Hamas has inserted itself into the Palestinian populations, slowly but surely, so that now that population is their human shield. The MAGAs have been working steadily to erode rights that have been long established - Roe v Wade is just one example. They've been infiltrating the lower courts for years. This is not something that just cropped up in 2015-16. It has been going on much longer than that. The question is, what can be done to reverse that trend? Is it already too late?

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I so agree with this. The visceral reactions of local, often life chance destroying, iniquities and unforeseen consequences of the politically unchecked capitalist globalization project since 1971 have led to a rise in protest populism in every democracy worldwide. This is a result of a lack of political and Intelligence leadership, vision and laziness and corruption in high places.

Us lesser beings are now facing the violent rising storm of brutal anarchy, autocracy and social breakdown this failure has created. The only advice I have is to be courageous in holding on to what you know to be true and to those you love. Our shared futures have yet to be written 🐈‍⬛

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You are correct in that people like Stephen Miller are already putting their plans in place to subjugate anyone they want.

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So true and so sad/terrifying! Thank you for writing this.

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Highly recommend season 1 of BBC's "Rise of the Nazi's" to see in painful detail how Hitler and his enablers put him in power. You will see the equivalent of the elite thinking they could "use" Hitler for their own ends mistaking that Hitler was a sociopath who would kill them off. Fools.

So, YES to the 14th Amendment. We are here again, folks. The guardrails are in place for a reason. Ignore them at our own peril.

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Thank you Jeff. As I’ve said before, if someone who was 30 years old declared their candidacy, there would be no doubt that they would be ineligible.

Section 3, of the 14th Amendment establishes disqualifying acts. While being an incompetent, bankrupt, racist, misogynistic, fascist, sociopathic circus clown is (unfortunately) not disqualifying, participating in an insurrection or rebellion against the system you’ve taken an oath to protect? Disqualifying. Period.

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I struggle with those who want to keep him on the ballot for the sake of the idiots who "have a right" to vote for him. This is NOT political. Their argument is. This is constitutional. He violated the constitution and is no longer qualified to run for any office per that same constitution.

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Hi George,

Again, I agree wholeheartedly, no exceptions. To continue to vote Republican is a vote against American’s best interests, to even suggest laws be ignored in order to vote for a person disqualified by the constitution is irrational and my opinion treasonous speak.

Happy New Year!

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We need you on the Supreme Court!

Keep up the good fight and happy new year Karen!

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Thank you for starting the year off both funny and wise. I am totally disgusted by the left’s take on the 14thA. Next thing you know, we’ll be told to vote for trump because otherwise his followers will be so angry that we’ll have another J6 on steroids with 4 years, instead of months, to plan.

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I have two words about another insurrection.

The first word is open.

Fire is the second.

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I wouldn’t mind seeing 10,000 MAGAts “babbittized”!!!

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Or Bobbitized!

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Brilliant 👍

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I didn't even drink last night, and my first thought was, "why would they have an open fire at the Capitol?" Then, "ohhhhh." 😂

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It may happen, but this won’t be a rerun of a movie like Red Dawn ,the Military will not fold or be routed ! Un fourtunitly it may be the cost of Democracies continuing in this world,I sincerely hope it doesn’t happen !

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Agreed. And actually I was trying (& failing) to be funny, like the logical extreme of Dems fearing the wrath of magats over the 14th is to vote for tffg to avoid their displeasure altogether. Anyway, Biden wouldn’t hesitate to be prepared and to send in any needed back-up. And hopefully we’ll flip the House in Nov, taking away maga mike’s power to shred the Constitution and ECA.

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I think Mikey Moses isn’t long for the world The Almighty gets a little pissed off when his gospel gets twisted around by hypocrites!

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There’s also the minor but apparently overlooked detail that the original Moses story includes him being punished for his hubris by dying before he could enter the Holy Land. I think you about summed up the parallel to the current-day wannabe leader’s future. At least I hope you’re right.

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I’m ok with that !

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Allison Gill and Andrew McCabe had Judge Luttig on their "Jack" podcast this week about the Judge's Amicus brief to the court about Trump's claims of immunity. The Judge said he (and others) wrote to the court to stress that the Constitution says presidential terms are "Four Years". So yeah, every "patriot" defending Trump's efforts to stay in office past the four year deadline is anti-Constitution. Remember folks, anybody can buy military swag, the people who are actually defending the Constitution are the only ones you should pay any mind to.

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seriously, everyone should be listening to the Jack podcast. https://mswmedia.com/show/jack-a-special-counsel-podcast/

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Just added it to my podcast playlist. Thanks for the recommendation, Jeff. Happy New Year!

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Thank you

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Just got it and will follow now. Thanks for the link. Happy New Year 😏.

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Why I cringe when I think of Michael Moore’s knee capping Hilliard Clinton (don’t get me started on the idiot Sarandon or Killer Mike ffs).

Yes we “woke” the fuck up with Nazi boy in office. How’s that working for NATO and the women deprived of their right to bodily autonomy?) okay now I have to calm down…

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I get it. I just about have an aneurism every. damn. day.

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Not to mention (spit) James Comey (spit). Reported ongoing investigation into Hillary but not Trump. Or the fucking Bernie Bros!! SO MUCH MISOGYNY!! #foreverpissed

She spoke at my commencement at the Univ of IL at Urbana Champaign in 1994 about the health care initiative she was working on--a lot of rich kids' parents from the Chicago suburbs in attendance. I have a photo of myself being interviewed by local news afterwards. Will never forgive the "more progressive than thou" fucks who cheated me out of the 2nd most progressive thing to have happened in my lifetime after the 1st black president--1st woman president! ARGH!! Thanks for listening!! ;-)

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Believe me you are not alone in this. Was infuriated. Still am.

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Yes, well, when you consider how much time the fucking right-wing oligarchy/Putin has put into installing the fucking POS and the fucking POS SCOTUS, not to mention hundreds of millions of dollars, they ain't gonna let go easily. Garland was the absolutely wrong man for the job, just as Mueller was. And why Wray is still in the cabinet is far beyond me. STAY STRONG, PEOPLE!! Thank goodness for Jack Smith. And many thanks and Happy New Year to you Jeff and Ms. Spouse. Your dead-on analysis and humor really help me start my day.

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100% Biden should've fired every tangeranus appointee on day one. let em sue if they don't like it.

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Absolutely agree. The investigation should also have begun on Day One, including gathering every bit of evidence regarding any potential missing documents, etc.

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My husband and I were so happy when Garland's nomination was approved. But I agree. He was the wrong man for the job. It's why I don't rush to sign up for Allison Gill's podcast, etc. Her defense of him became malignant, threatening to block anyone who replied with something negative about him. She became caustic in her defense of his inaction. If she can't see that his delay has the potential to cost us our democracy, then seriously, there's nothing she can say now that would regain any credibility with me.

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I didn't know that about her. The only time I see or hear from her is on the Stephanie Miller Show on FreeSpeech TV. (Which I adore, btw. REALLY helps a lot in the morning to get me going and re-excited about everything.) Ideally there would have been two heads of the DOJ: Garland to root out all the Anus Tangerinus personnel/procedures bullshit and get the department back up to snuff, AND someone like Jack Smith to focus on the election, J6 and everything else. ( I was excited about Garland as well, but I'm MUCH MUCH too impatient in the face of the fucking insurrection to still think he was the right man for the job.) My eyes just rolled up into the back of my head thinking about it. ;-)

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It was all on what used to be Twitter under Mueller She Wrote... The fact that she didn't want to hear other opinions told me all I needed to know about her.

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If you want to be "fair ", go ahead and kick Trump off the ballot and then let the next part of the 14th amendment put him back on. He's disqualified, but a 2/3 majority of both the House and Senate can override the disqualification. If he can't get those majorities, then tough.

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Happy New Year to all! Same shit different day...I have been and will continue to fight people supporting this asshole every chance I get-daily!

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Standing ovation for this one Jeff👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿

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Happy New Year! 😬

THIS is fucking David Axelrod two days ago.

“If you feel strongly about preserving our democracy, you shouldn't embrace the move to bar Trump from the ballot based on ambiguous interpretations of the 14th Amendment. It would tear the country apart and, for many, further erode faith in our system.”


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He's past his sell by date...

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This is SOOOO true...

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The Plant Lady agrees with you, Janan!

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Fuck Axelrod and anybody else taking that line. THE COUNTRY IS ALREADY TORN APART!! And it's the shitgibbon and his followers that are at fault. If you want to kill the pigs, you need to drown them in their own slop. As a character from the Fantastic 4 said; "It's clobbering time!"

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ambiguous? WTF. hang it up scaredy-cat David.

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We had a mayor in our town who was very much like Little Donnie. He claimed, before his re-election, that the election was going to be rigged. Of course, everyone but a handful of dummies knew he was lying and saw right through this BS. After he lost the election, his gun toting pals crashed the city council meeting that verified the results. The mayor locked himself in his office and threw a little fit and refused to leave. The Sheriff and deputies hauled him out of there, kicking and screaming. Before the next election this fool applied for the mayor's job again and the county clerk (who has full authority to oversee the elections in our county) denied the application. Because the fool had disqualified himself from any future office in our county. He had broken his oath that he would abide by the county statutes. The circuit court judge agreed with the clerk, of course, and the fool didn't get on the ballot. He and his thuggish pals were pissed off. But common sense prevailed.

Please forward this story to David Axelrod.

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The DNC must get its head out of its ass. Who do we call/email? Trump has them conned and they’re too stupid to realize it. He is playing them Big Time!

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I usually go right for the president -- "Hey Joe, whaddaya know?"

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JFC, it's like they all go in this direction when it doesn't really matter TO THEM. We have to be "fair." We have to "give him the benefit of the doubt." We have to not rile up the leopards! So sick of this shit. We're under MAGA operations now? Unless THEY'RE happy, we don't do what we've done for almost 250 years? Fuck Axelrod and anybody else that plays this veiled "both sides" bullshit. All he's doing is perpetuating the Michelle Obama dream of "when they go low, we go high," and unfortunately THAT doesn't work when the people going low are terrorists.

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Jan 1·edited Jan 1

Happy New Year Jeff. Yep, I think you will remain busy chronicling the face-eating-leopards. The comparison to Hitler’s rise is spot-on. All the GOP sees are the votes, not the consequence. The not-so-Christian Right, the chimera of Christian nationalism in a secular society. This is at the expense of their soul. Should be an ‘interesting’ year.

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Not declaring him ineligible just gives Trump and his followers more legal ammunition in their fight to prove that he truly is above the law. We can’t continue to appease him?

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That wasn’t supposed to be a question mark.

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Happy New Year Jeff and thanks for the past year of taking the insurrectionists-terrorists to task. Today’s piece is an excellent example of what we are facing in order to preserve our experiment in Democracy. One item you did leave out is the phrase “believe them when they tell you who they are”... it’s a particularly poignant phrase considering the fact that Donald has said “a dictatorship on day one” if he gets re-elected... next up Project 2025 which actually spells out the complete altering of our government and democracy as we know it in favor of autocracy-dictatorship with all power vested in one person. Hope all had a good NYE and are ready to defend our Democracy in the coming year.

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I really really want CNN & MSNBC ppl to start educating their viewers on exactly what is in Project 2025 & get specific as to how each of those little ideas will affect people’s lives.

I plead with them on their X & Threads accts to do that instead of giving free air time to LDFF

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Check out this link for Jesse Dollemore’s breakdown of it then pass it on. https://youtu.be/2iKbbgiRL-w?si=RHLkwff8ItpV3DBQ

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"why are we being fair to a bunch of democracy-hating extremists who would shit on the Constitution in a heartbeat?" I mean that already happened when they shit all over the Capitol walls right?

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Jan 1·edited Jan 1

When it comes to issues of 'fairness', I vote we consider What Would Trump Do?

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Thanks Jeff! The media pundits must remind Americans that there is no "right" to run for public office. You must qualify first. If you don't qualify (like violating your oath of office the last time), you don't get on the ballot! Basic. NYT, WAPO, DNC: please wake the fuck up to common sense.

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