free clue: you can’t fight fascism by rolling the fuck over and playing dead
come on, people, how about a little critical thinking here
so there’s this fresh load of smelly bullshit that’s being shoved in our faces, and it goes like this:
we can’t keep Trump off the ballot, his worshipers will throw a shit-fit. there will be riots in the streets and pandemonium at the polling places. that’s too messy, so let’s just give in and let Trump have his way.
I’m sorry, but letting a bully get away with whatever he wants for fear he’ll unleash his army of violent morons if we don’t is literally how fascism works.
there’s also a side argument being made that even though Trump is an insurrectionist and forbidden by the 14th Amendment from ever holding office again, we should just let bygones be bygones and give Trump a free pass, because somehow, it wouldn’t be fair to MAGA if they’re denied the right to vote for Dear Leader.
what in actual fuck?
fair? why are we being fair to a bunch of democracy-hating extremists who would shit on the Constitution in a heartbeat?
I’m so fucking tired of people giving into Trump’s threats and tantrums.
we can’t throw Trump in jail for violating his gag order. why the fuck not? yes we can. and we fucking well should.
we can’t put Trump on trial in the middle of a presidential campaign, it wouldn’t be fair. there’s that word again. why are we so worried about what’s fair to Trump?
I’m using the word “we” a lot here, because it’s not just Republicans — there are voices on the left clamoring for quote-unquote “fairness” too.
folks, Donald Trump has one goal: to end democracy and install himself as dictator for life. Trump and his Republican goon squad aren’t even hiding it. go read about Agenda 47, and Project 2025. they’re plans for totalitarianism.
it’s time to take these people seriously, and to fight back, in every way possible.
do you know how Hitler got to be Hitler? because nobody took him seriously — nobody thought that Little Adolf Fuckface would actually do the things he fucking well came right out and said he would do.
the German newspapers dismissed Hitler as a noisy clown with stupid hair — does that sound familiar? — and rejected the idea that anyone outside of Hitler’s small band of Nazi fanboys would ever vote for him.
now check out this mind-boggling shit: the Association of German National Jews — that’s right, Jews For Hitler was an actual thing, I kid you not — totally bought into the idea that Hitler was going to revitalize the German economy, and that all the antisemitic stuff was just Hitler playing to the cheap seats. it’s just talk — just Hitler pandering for votes — and nothing to worry about.
again, does that sound familiar?
then there’s the German Communist Party. they had a slogan — “after Hitler, us.” remind me, how did that work out for them?
first they came for all those fuckers. they even wrote a poem about it.
the German people never thought the leopards would eat their faces.
and now here we are again, sleepwalking through history as it tries like fuck to repeat itself.
let’s talk about those German communists again, and their slogan, “after Hitler, us.” these babe-in-the-woods dopes actually thought that when Hitler’s term of office was up, the German people would be so fed up by his antics that they’d vote him out, and vote the communists in.
how is this magical thinking any different from the dipshits today who insist that “punishing” Joe Biden and handing Trump another presidency is going to lead to some great far-left utopia?
come on, people, how about a little critical thinking here.
know what happened to the German commies after the Nazis took power? their party was outlawed and its members ended up murdered or in concentration camps.
2024 could be the last election in America. there is no “after Trump, us.”
you fight with every tool in the box. and the 14th Amendment is a big fucking tool.
there is no playing nice with Donald Trump — and you can’t fight fascism by rolling over and playing dead.
happy new year everyone! new year, same old shit
Thank you Jeff. As I’ve said before, if someone who was 30 years old declared their candidacy, there would be no doubt that they would be ineligible.
Section 3, of the 14th Amendment establishes disqualifying acts. While being an incompetent, bankrupt, racist, misogynistic, fascist, sociopathic circus clown is (unfortunately) not disqualifying, participating in an insurrection or rebellion against the system you’ve taken an oath to protect? Disqualifying. Period.