
yes I found the mistake in the headline two seconds after clicking "send." arrrrrrrrrrrgh

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Well-your mistake wasn’t “fragile dipshits!”

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I think I identified another typo of omission: didn't you mean to write, "... melting THE FUCK down..."?

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I love that my favorite SF author weighed in. This feminist (me) has been a closeted Barbie fan since way back, but Baby I’m out! Would the Far Right be happier if Barbie & Ken had explicit genitalia and did something with it, in this movie? You betcha and they’re mad cuz they don’t get to see lady parts and if there are no privates to see then they’re hoppin’ mad because they don’t get to see it but if they did they’d criticize it for lood-ness. Ya know all those Xtian women grew up on Barbies and now they and their children are ferbidden’ from seeing this movie cuz now it’s about the left agenda de-sexing everyone. Ken has prob been taking hormones for Heaven’s sake, plus he’s got no dick! And Barbie’s a virgin; isn’t that the role model they want for their daughters? They hate Disney and they hate Hollywood because Hollywood would and Hollywood did. Thank you Jeff for bringing this column and Mr. Scalzi in on this today. ‘Scuse me now, there’s a movie I gotta catch.

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Eh...what’s a lower case letter among friends? It’s much more important that you know the difference between there, their and they’re.

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What mistake? I don't see any mistake. Am I stupid?

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because I fixed. the title as originally published was "fragile dipshits are melting down because there's Barbie movie. grow the fuck up"

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OIC wasn’t sure you could edit it once you “hit send” or whatever

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I can fix the web version. can't do anything about the 48,000 emails, tho

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Sure they have the blowup, but what good is misogyny if you keep it private?

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Imagine showing a Barbie doll to a Trumper and asking the Trumper where Barbie hurt him.

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Congratulations, on the best comment of the day!

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Good one!

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You Win !!! 😆

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I honestly had no intention of watching it. But now, maybe I will. 🤣

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I will definitely see it now. This comes under the heading of things Conservatives hate, which means that I will probably love and support it. These hateful, ignorant, prejudiced dumbasses are lacking in both heart and sense of humor. I’m running fast in the opposite direction of whatever the GQP are trying to promote.

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Yay Us !!!!

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I wasn’t going to watch it either Definitely will now

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The Barbie Movie is melting the faces off of Conservative White Right Wing NutJobs. It’s a movie for entertainment. FFS!!! Are the Right Wing Nut Grievance Buttheads seriously going to now be critical of a Barbie Movie?? Well apparently cause they are melting down that its GROOMING children.. WTAF?? Is Harry Potter now going to be grooming kids to be heretical witches and wizards that now need to be burned at the F-ING STAKE?? The douche for brains right wing blowhards are all projecting the worst of the worst on a kids movie. This is grooming - this is LGBTQIA+ - our kids are going to turn into RAINBOWS and FART BUTTERFLIES!!! Oh My God Jesus is going to burn everyone and send them all straight to hell.. Seriously the Bible specifically tells us to love one another Be kind Be patient and to love thy neighbor.. but do you think those Right Wing NutJobs while going to church give a F about the Bible or anyone but themselves?? They just show up at church sing the hymns and shake hands with everyone like look how Christian we are.. How many of those conservative males have mistresses?? How many of them like Good ‘Ol Gym BloJo molesting male athletes..?? What a bunch of pansies. It’s just a movie.. get over yourselves you’re not that special or important. And kids don’t give a shizzle about grown up blown up bullsh*t. They see a fun movie and they want to see it. The take away for kids... I love pink oh I want a pink car one day oh I want blonde hair oh Ken is so cute or oh Barbie is so beautiful..GET OVER YOURSELF and let kids be kids. Without adults having pansy assed vapors that a Barbie movie is grooming. Clowns🤡

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Oh come on, tell us what you REALLY think!!! 🤭😂👍🤩

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That’s a good one lol 🙌🏽

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Go Girl Go !!!!!!!

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The happiness of other people offends Conservaturds. They want everyone grumpy and fucking chicken-farm-sniffing miserable like them.

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Conservaturds! Brilliant. 🤣

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Okay, I cannot fucking believe that we have to defend Barbie, my childhood best friend. This is a new low for our country. Is there nothing these maga-fuckwads won't go after and rip to shreds?

I'd like to see Josh Hawley blow up a photo of Barbie's boyfriend Ken's dick and bring it to a Senate hearing and bitch about how the Democrats castrated Ken's dick off just like they're doing to all white American males. Bring it on Josh, you unmanly POS.

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Oh, the guy who ran away like a little bitch on Jan.6?

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I like your opinion!! Sing it loud and proud!! Woohoo 🙌🏽

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This morning at breakfast, my 18-year old daughter and her friends who had spent the night were discussing how they wanted to see The Barbie movie. I told them I had read a feminist review ripping it apart, but they don't care, even though they consider themselves feminist, they want to see Barbie. Then I read that this is the "Barbenheimer "movie weekend with Barbie and Oppenheimer being the big movies of the summer. Both are playing at our local theater and guess which one we are going to this evening. Hint, my husband is a physicist. Anyway, our daughter still might come with us, because she already has several friends lined up to go to the beach and see the Barbie movie with this week. My daughter never inherited my Barbies, because she was not into dolls, preferring stuffed animals. So, this is not tying into her childhood memories, or her friends. Instead, all of her friends are going because they see this as a girl power movie. I agree that Ted Cruise might turn his daughters off, or they will stand up to him. Frankly, I am surprised they are not regularly telling him what a big embarrassment he is to them personally, and how their school social lives are affected by his horrendous behavior. Apparently his daughter's are ages 14 and 11, so they may not be at that point yet. When my husband says something sexist my daughter will point it out. He has had to take online Title IX courses each year and pass them. I don't know what the content is but don't think much of it, because his behavior has not changed one IOTA since he has been taking these online courses. My husband comes by his sexism honestly. When we used to visit his parents in Germany, and ask his mother for the car, she would have to check with his father for permission. It seemed positively antiquated, but if you grow up in a household where your mother went to farm housewife school, you are going to internalize a lot of bad habits. In any case, my daughter did not need to wait until she was 18 to tell us in no uncertain terms that we were not the boss of her. Her forceful "No, I'm not going to do that!" rings as clearly in my ears as if she were in the room saying it right now. I hope that these nasty Republicans raise daughters and sons who can see beyond their upbringing and challenge their upbringing.

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My warrior daughter’s daughter (my granddaughter) can’t wait to see it. Everyone’s fine with that.

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One of the worstest things tfg left us was the sense that these cretins had been handed a pass to jabber their nonsense into the æther, disentangled from reason or even base mammalian intelligence. The second worstest was all the tubes who admire this shite rejoice that their idiocy wears the red cap of holiness.

Morons used to be ashamed that they’d throw the clock out the window to see time fly.

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Another wordsmith. Keep it up

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This is right up there with Tucker Carlson’s ridiculous crusade against M&Ms. I probably won’t see the movie because it’s not my type of film, but no objection to the film itself. The “Life of Brian” reference reminds me of the“Dogma” backlash, one of my favorites.

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I fucking love Dogma

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Great movie.

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I want Dogma 2.

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How sad every day must be if you’re a conservative white male. I bet you would secretly cry yourself to sleep every night.

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I haven’t seen the Barbie movie either but I’m already tired of it. Do I object to it? Not at all. Is there too much talk about it it? Yep. And too many ads. With ‘conservatives’ piling on there will be no getting away from it so I’ll just hunker down and wait it out.

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We are living in an age of

don’t let anything slide, butt hurt

The constant quest looking for ways to be indignant over just about everything is exhausting

How about this?

Let’s have a 48 hour hiatus from outrage

I’ll go first

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If "conservatives" hate it that much, it must be a really fun, entertaining movie. Looking forward to seeing it.

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Wait till Biggus Dickus hears of this! 😜

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That’s funny AF!! I’m still cracking up .. Biggus Dickus

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You continue to one-up yourself, Jeff. My throat hurts from laughing. The repubs have been pretend doctors, authors, lawyers...and now they're movie critics. This is hilarious!

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