
I really do appreciate the corrections, so keep 'em coming when I get it wrong

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I’ll take you barking into the wind ANY day over Comer Pile et al. ❤️

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That's the difference between us and them. No one from the right would even consider making a correction; even in the rare case that the misinformation wasn't intentional.

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Who knows. Your assertion that Blanche was trying to intimidate the jury could be correct. I put nothing past team trump.

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"Donny while [will] have lied, Fox will have repeated the lie, and Donny will use Fox News as proof that the lie is truth." Sorry, but you did say "keep 'em coming..." <3

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I have been hoping that a bunch of people would stand outside the courthouse and when Trump started talking they would go waa, waa, waa waa and call him Little Donny Fuckface!

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Eh. We got it.

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Yes we did. The judge was pissed about the lawyer stepping out of bounds and the jury could have felt threatened by the wording, especially coming from the attorney of a known thug. Two different things.

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But once the threat has been delivered, its effect is already there.

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That’s true.

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I really didn't know that lawyers would say it was "out of bounds" to play on their emotions. But so, ok. The thing I responded to, and I'm sure everyone did, were the words her used. They brought back for me the statements Michael Cohen often made during testimony: "That sounds like something I would say." And yeah, it DOES sound like "something a criminal mobster would say." And then trump's mug pops into the frame, and.. I like Terri's comment below: "..its effect is already there."

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CONVICTED ON ALL 34 counts!!!!!

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Heard 20 min ago YE HA!

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At least your mistakes are honest mistakes, and not a deliberate attempt to mislead us. Unlike some others, mentioned above.

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Blanche made an inappropriate reference to his clients potential imprisonment, which the judge reprimanded Blanche for so I don’t even think you made a boo-boo technically speaking in your reportage. OK maybe technically but not in substance.

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You’re my favorite loudmouth on the internet, and you’re a national hero.

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NATIONAL FUCKING HERO. Keep it up good sir.

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Fox News is the National Enquirer of Television. What they’re doing is so wildly obvious-which further proves the wingnuts who believe this crap are beyond stupid. When is the Smartmatic case going to happen? I’d like to see Faux News pay a few billion in fines 🙄

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Fox News (Smartmatic): Smartmatic sued Fox News and its anchors Lou Dobbs and Maria Bartiromo in February 2021, alleging they “engaged in a conspiracy to spread disinformation about Smartmatic,” and after a New York state judge ruled in March that the $2.7 billion lawsuit could move forward against those defendants but not against anchor Jeanine Pirro, an appeals judge ruled in February 2023 to restore the claims against Pirro and denied Fox’s motion to dismiss; the case remains pending.

(This is from Forbes)

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Awesome! Thanks for sharing this!

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Yes, and these Secretary of States are training others.

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And their audience is the AM Talk Radio sludge that is chocked full of carcinogens and metallic poisons

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I love it! “AM Talk Radio sludge!” Golden!!

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Yes! 🤣🤣

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Um, just FYI, Smartmatic is a tiny company in comparison to Dominion. Billion dollar fine could happen but.....

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I don’t understand why being a tiny company matters….

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It shouldn't. Defamation is defamation.

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Weighs on the 'damages' calculation.

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They fucking know better but they take a deep huff of that gold spray paint in a bag and spew toxic sludge to the MAGA twats that are worse than Limbaugh's "ditto heads" in the 1990's

Just shit with feet.

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Love that last line.😂

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My favorite line of the week comes from the Libertarian Convention. When one of them shouted, "This isn't the GOP cock-cupping Convention." 🤣😂🤣

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Thank you for sharing that!😁👏👏👏🤣😂🤣

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Same 🤣

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Shit with feet! Thanks. Imagery I can hse every day

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You are full of golden goodies today! Thanks

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The only people who don’t understand the charges against them are the ones who’ve been declared mentally incompetent. I rest my case.

(Blanche looks a bit Neanderthal in that photo)

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And once again I'll post Emil Bove looks like a cross between a vampire and a corpse.

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I'm sure he's been coached to copy trump's "aggressively aggrieved" face but he looks like he's straining to deal with a Taco Bell lunch.

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Maybe he’s related to Marge?

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I think he looks like he’s constipated.

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May 30·edited May 30

I’m amazed that the FCC has provided Fox with a licence to broadcast let alone one that allows the hosts to lie through their teeth. It’s pathetic and appalling.

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And most notable for me, is to allow Fox to have a White House correspondent (Peter Doocey) in the press room. They are not news - they are entertainment and have used that fact to counter lawsuits against them. Get them/him out of the White House press room and removed from briefings!

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Indeed, he’s seems to be there simply to harass.

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I miss the days when Jen Psaki made mincemeat out of Petie

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I miss Jim Acosta yelling!!

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I wholeheartedly agree. How is this allowed?! Fox Noise is nothing but a doMestic teRRorist organization that has caused chaos and mayhem since 1997. It has divided our country more than anything else. It's maddening.😠

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I see it as psychological terrorism.

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They play on older people and lesser intelligent persons fears. There is even a documentary on it. called something like the brainwashing of my father."


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Absolutely. I can't understand why it's okay for a "News Out" to lie to the public. Shouldn't there be laws against that?

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The people who wrote and ratified our constitution assumed that they had left procedures in it to modify and amend it as needed when things inevitably changed in the future. In a sane, updated 1st Amendment, back when radio and then TV first came along, there could have been some sort of guardrails added that would have at least allowed severe penalties or loss of license if some demonstrably untrue statement was made and a watchdog group challenged it in a court. Frivolous challenges could also have been addressed with some sort of rules about paying fines and attorney fees if the challenge failed. But the founders didn't foresee the rise of two permanent, eternally opposed political parties gradually taking total control of most states and making it impossible to ever reach the 2/3 majority in both houses of congress PLUS 3/4 majority of all the states. The politicians and their state party bureaucrats are too entrenched in our system now, their livelihoods depend on keeping the party status quo in their respective state, so there will never be more than a handful of "swing" states, not nearly enough to give one party 3/4 of all states. (And don't get me started on the 2nd Amendment!)

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Absolutely. It’s unconscionable!

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They are on cable Tv which does not use public airwaves, and so the FCC has no juridiction over them. We have failed to keep up with technology, both in Cable and Social media let alone other technology. So it is hard to rein in the liars.

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According to my research and per an article written on March 9, 2023 in an article published online by NBC, the FCC grants broadcasts licenses to private companies allowing them to use public airwaves provided certain criteria are met. One of the criteria is known as character qualifications that can include felony convictions and other court rulings. However, its power has been limited over time, but it still holds the power to license.

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I’ll give you a source.

The truth is there's little the government can do about lies on cable

“But cable is a different medium. The words and images that come via cable are not through public, broadcast airwaves, or what someone can get on a TV with an antenna. The FCC's regulation only applies to licensed, local broadcast outlets that transmit through the airwaves.”


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Four decades ago, I was the Plant Lady at Fox News on Capitol Hill. It was a relatively small office/studio space then, with a very strange atmosphere, but there were a couple very quiet nice liberal folks tucked in here and there. I'll bet there aren't any these days.

Walking past Oliver North's office made my skin crawl, and there were always a few puffy, white, fat, male scumbags on the set.

Anyway, I was gifted a 'Fox News Channel' very heavy duty canvas, white tool bag, by whom I cannot remember (there were some seemingly decent staff folks there at the time). It was a quality tool bag, but I embellished it under the Fox logo with 'TV FOR MORONS' with a permanent black marker, and continued to carry it at Fox. NOBODY noticed. At least nobody said anything. It is faded and much laundered and bleached now, still a great bag, more relevant than ever. I'd include a photo, but am unable to on this platform.

These days, Fox is just outright evil, lying, shitbags.

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Luckily the taking care of the plants protected you from that vile atmosphere.

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I found that aside from a special few, no matter who the client business was, I was virtually invisible. I heard people say horrible things about co-workers, I knew who was about to be fired before anyone else, and lots of other interesting and uninteresting things. As a result, I make it a point to treat people who provide services to me in a manner that I wish to be treated.

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Fox tells on itself, they know tffg is in deep trouble. And it’s also telling that tffg has stooped so low as to compare himself to Mother Theresa. What a blasphemous bloviated buffoon. Love the mug shot photoshop. Cringe plus.

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See Christophe Hitchens book on Mother Theresa.

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The Missionary Position offers valid reasons to question the Catholic Church hierarchy and, as a recovering Catholic I have questioned them most of my life. But it doesn’t diminish the work of this nun, imho. She admitted she lost her faith in God and I would submit she lost her faith in the Catholic god. This always generates in-depth discussions which occur too seldom.

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Yep 👍

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She was a MONSTER !

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The church, actually most churches turn women into monsters far too often and it’s rarely reported or admitted. That would be like tffg admitting to his crimes, wouldn’t it?

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You wouldn't typically use Mother Theresa and Donald Fuckface in the same sentence. For a guy who claims he doesn't know what the charges are and then says a woman who has been canonized as a saint couldn't even beat the charges sounds like an admission of his own guilt. Now we wait for the jury and hopefully that bottle of bubbly in the fridge will soon be popped.

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It kinda horrified me though, to see that grotesque monster beneath the habit of a woman I have admired for over 50 years!

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Well, he’s already compared himself to Jesus

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Hopefully the jurors will all vote GUILTY and we can watch the MAGAt meltdown in all it's glory. It's baffling to me that a so-called "news" outlet is allowed to blatantly lie to their viewing audience. Freedom of speech shouldn't protect inciting violence and outright lies, but here we are....

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Little DONALD Fuckface Vonshitzinpantz. Thanks, Mary Trump!

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The MAGA crap has already moved to attack people who speak the truth. If The Supreme Ruler of the Universe is still around on the 5th of November, will there be MAGA crap at the Red State polling places? Will they be allowed to threaten anyone registered as a Democrat? Will the local police be too scared to protect innocent voters?

I agree with HCR that it largely started with Ford pardoning Nixon. A bunch of the crap that we have to deal with shares the entitled status of "I might be dumb as mud but I am over you". Supreme Court Justices, Republicans, Trump, all of them have this mistaken entitlement. The punishment that Senator Joseph McCarthy received is no longer effective. Trump needs to be locked up then let the chips fall where they may.

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I heard a segment on NPR a few days ago where they interviewed several Secretaries of States and they are completely ready.

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Absolutely NO, the cops will not be afraid.

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Is little Marco a graduate of "Liberty University evangelical Law School'"? Certainly the bottom of the barrel somewhere oh wait,..... Fotomat.

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Or kompromat!

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South Floridian Latinos do not have a good understanding of American democracy. The old timers don’t even speak English.

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I’m not sure it’s not unique to South Florida.

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Not unique, but definitely endemic in that area!

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so now he is comparing himself to Mother Teresa- after Jesus, Nelson Mandela, MLK, and every other martyr-people who actually have done things for other humans- and the rubes love it. Whew! The stupidity is so painful- it hurts my head and my heart.

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And Elvis.

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Elvis’ physique … although OrangeTurd seems to be losing weight. More chemical maintenance for him

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Thinner Depends™️

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Mother Teresa was NOT a nice person, yannow. So, like, whatever Donny Diaperstain.

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Oh, and "emotional support papers"...I just found that particularly hilarious-laughing-out-loud funny today.

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Well summarized! When (never) will maggots realize that fox news is an “entertainment channel”-not news. Well-it won’t matter anyway! In the meantime, “Little Donny Fuckface” should be shouted at him whenever they see his hideous face!

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Fox Noise and its 4-4-4 lie are truly reprehensible.

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Fox seems to be pretty sure Trump will be convicted (their people are mendacious, not stupid) and they need to pre-condition their viewers that the convictions don't mean anything because they were 4-4-4- or all the jurors were Antifa, or something. They need to make sure people back off their prior statements that they wouldn't vote for Trump if he was convicted of a felony.

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Seems to me tRump & his lawyers are counting on a hung jury. No one says he’s not guilty

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