One of the Dominion attorneys was on MSNBC last night, he was asked about apologies, and he answered that they didn’t matter, but what mattered was that Fox would be better in the future. He sounded like fucking Susan Collins.

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I bet they learned their lesson, huh? /s

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I feel exactly the same way, Jeff. Fox got the tiniest little slap on the wrist, and their lying liars will get right back on the air to continue their lies. It’s sickening.

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Damn! Why do I continue to allow myself to be fooled and fucked by these assholes! It's just about impossible not to give up the ghost of hope for this country.

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Hi Jeff, well, we all knew it’s all about the $$$. I’m not going to roll up in a ball on the floor, turn the lights off, smoke Lucky Strikes and day drink. Time to get up and start again, we cannot allow ourselves to descend into pity.... so, it’s time to load up the pipe, 420 y’all and point out the hypocrisy and move forward as Dr. King implored us. Fellow travellers let’s get it on, more work, more good trouble.

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With Thomas, Alito et al ready to vacate? It was a tough call, but probably the right one. No one who watches that network would even believe any admission. It wouldn't make a damn bit of difference to a single human person. But I do wish they had been compelled to fire Bartiromo, at least.

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“No one who watches that network would even believe any admission” - absolutely correct. We need to get over the idea that they can EVER be weaned away from believing the Fox view of the world. They live in a different reality.

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Yup. Deeper every damned day.

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When I saw the pictures of those elated lawyers I had the oddest sensation that now they and Fox were on the same side. That you could probably take a picture of the Fox lawyers with the same stupid grins on their faces. Each side got what they wanted. And we are supposed to clap clap that both sides are rich now.

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Watching the Dominion CEO on broadcasts I thought exactly the same thing. Bottom line is he got paid. He doesn’t f’ing care.

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I have no more pipe dreams about accountability or justice after the last 6 years. Anyone who honestly didn’t know Dominion would settle for this much $$ is being naive. Of course they were going to settle, because there was no guarantee of winning. The lying, cheating Fox network is too powerful - Even our openly corrupt US Supreme Court is on Fox’s side. Dominion could not afford to pass up almost a billion in hand as opposed to a very expensive lawsuit that most certainly would have been thrown out, overturned or greatly reduced by our openly partisan judicial branch. At least Fox had to ADMIT it’s defamation, and that is probably the most we can expect in this era of republican mega corruption. Yes it’s a drop in the Fox bucket, but frankly so is 1.6B.

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The private hedge corporation that funded Dominion apparently did not want to truly harm Fox. They just hedged their bet up until the last possible second to squeeze out as much money as they could. Rule of Law is now a derivative to be manipulated at will to create even more billionaires who can skate away from taxes. Oh and those hedge funds? They made their million’s off cannibalizing companies and siphoning off their pensions.

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What a fucking disappointment! I couldn't believe it. You said it all.

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I felt and feel the same way. We should never forget in America: Money is money. Business is business. Thanks for all you do and say and all who contribute.

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Corporations always win. Peasants can go suck it. Why am I not surprised.

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It really sucks that the public didn't get to hear the testimony and evidence. Like you, I understand why Dominion did it, but, like you, I wanted more.

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I’m sooooooooooo disappointed. There isn’t a word or emoji that could possibly express my disappointment.

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Disgusting. I thought the same. Dominion just wanted money. Fox should be forced off the air for their role in January 6. Their lies fed the rebellion as much as trump. They should be sued for deaths and damage and banned from the airwaves. You just can’t spew such venom and not have consequences. Free speech ends when it incites violence. And fox lies incite violence. Period.

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Couldn't agree more! They are a cancer on our society Allies said Watergate/Nixon wouldn't have happened if there had been a FOX network then. Talk about hitting the mark and than some.

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I felt like I was punched in the stomach when they settled.

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Fox settled because they were afraid to say on the record that they knew Trump was lying. It might have made Trump angry. It would not have made his supporters angry; what makes them angry is not being lied to.

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