Thank you Jeff. The rampant corruption of SCOTUS, and the stupidity of MAGA makes my blood pressure rise and my head hurt.

I don’t know about everyone here, however, if I were running for any public office I would find the best way to avoid my trial date interfering with my primary campaign would be to stop performing criminal acts, or libeling people I assaulted.

Any other suggestions are welcome.

Yours in service.

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the FACT that we have at least two Supreme Court Justices (Alito and Thomas) who are on the take and at least three Supreme Court Justices (Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Barrett) who are blatant liars makes my blood boil.

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At least 6 are blatant liars. Did they not get into their roles after telling the panel that approved them that they did not believe in overturning precedent? Well post Roe v Wade, that would make all 6 of them members of the liars court.

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What?....oh, THAT precedent. For a minute there we were thinking that meant settled law. But in the new world order not so much, apparently. JFC!

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Indeed, there's that and what todo about it!?!

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SCOTUS has no Scrotus.

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True Mike. But Harlan Crow will buy them whatever they need.

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Or as many as they may need. Bawbags every one.

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What a thought! It would also solve your immunity problem.

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Love your book. And the large print!

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We should all be putting our heads together to figure out ways to prevent the court from being so corrupt, and institute those changes going forward.

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Depending upon the outcome of the 2024 elections, if the D’s control I would love to see the passage of the “Fruit of the Poisoned Tree” act. That is, any judicial appointment made by a President who is convicted of criminal acts are immediately vacated.

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Not just judicial, but other appointments too. The Federal reserve could use new leadership, instead of an anti-inflation zealot.

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Elise whatshername: further proof that an Ivy League education doesn’t come with character building or much of anything else.

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Indeed. Has anyone done a headcount on how many republican crimes shot out of Harvard’s educational ass? Asking for a friend.

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It’s a lot! I teach at a state school. Our record of law/abiding and appreciating students and alums is stellar!

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Hang in there. Teachers do god’s work here on earth.

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Thank you! From a retired teacher

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Also a retired teacher.

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Funny you should ask! Steve Radlauer and I wrote a (funny) book about just such miscreants--Ivy League grads, profs, and founders who did horrible things. Here it is!


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This link won’t open. It’s saying the server can’t be found 🙁.

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Her education doesn't reflect the bullshit she's been coming up with lately. Between her calling the incarcerated participants of 1/6 hostages and now the trial delay she descibed as election interference, those circuits upstairs, like her evil mentor, seem to shorting out at an accelerated pace. Her desperate attempt to get the VP nod from the mango madman is sickening and bizarre.

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And hopefully a short term issue. Vote her out!

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Eva— I think I remember her name as Elise Stefucknut…..

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👍. Yes!

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Don't cry for me Argentina-or NY!

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No doubt the Ivy League institutions cringe when they are associated with so of the R asshats!!

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What, you are supposed to come with a minimum of character! That over rated and overcharged education can only do so much. Talk about the lack of talent bending over and trying to hide that liar ass, on 1/6.

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Thanks for saying it all out loud. Keep screaming colorfully.

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I wanna know how to get the free ice cream!

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I am pretty sure it is held at the same place my Soros checks are. Still waiting.

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fun true fact: I once actually asked George Soros for a job. spoiler alert: he didn't give me one

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His loss, Jeff! You belong to us now! 🤣✌️👏👏👏👏

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Spot on each time Jeff. We enjoy each one of your daily columns fearing they could be the very last year to have free speech. UK Guardian has an article today that in Russia anyone criticizing the war in Ukraine will have their property taken away. As if their little abode was not punishment enough. They face homelessness. That will be our future with another Trump election. Why are people so so brainless and blind?

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Because they don't think it will happen to them, only to others. They don't think being the operative words.

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And then they came for me...

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“But I didn’t think the leopards would eat *my* face” sobbed the woman who had voted for the Leopards Eating Faces party, just before the leopard ate her mouth.

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Be, of course it can't happen here...

Eye roll.

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That’s the easy way; that’s why.

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Because their elected officials want them that way?

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Russia's torturous jails must have filled up. Homelessness is just another torture

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Texas.. folks in Texas are very pissed concerning the Court ruling that Texas must tear down their razor wire in the middle of the Rio Grande, matter of fact they want to leave the Union. So Texans want all US military bases out of Texas, no more federal $$$ going to Texas and that’s just the beginning. How will they work out that Mexico thing where the Mexican army invades? Next up Alaska, since Putin has rescinded the treaty with America the other day what will happen? Well Putin and Donald are such good friends, Donald should just give it back on January 21st 2025. I’m feeling like we are in bazzaro world, and no one I’d paying attention…OYOYOY… Thanks Jeff and fellow travelers.

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They want to leave the Union? Oh please, let them!! Abbott acts like he's the king of Texas right now, so they already have their "leader." They've already got their "lone star" flag, and more land than is good for them to manage. Oh! And their own power grid! And we'd lose Ted Cruz in the Senate! I honestly don't see the downside. Maybe Austin, but Austin could move to some place where they weren't a thorn in the side of the fascist Republicanism going on there now. No downside. Let them go.

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I suppose Texas law enforcement didn’t appreciate the DOJ report on the CATASTROPHIC FAILURE of their entire department from top to bottom. So, the parents of those murdered children and teachers will continue to suffer under their “ lone star” leadership?!

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I might agree in feeling, except we don't want an acknowledged Russian satellite at our border AND it would be Putin's win, because one of his goals is to separate and divide us. Our democracy must hold Texas accountable and voters need to do their parts.

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Wait until the corporate stampede out of there. Hey, really we were just kidding!

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"Idiocracy" lives!

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It's what plants crave.

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Let’s keep Austin though.

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I agree...I like Austin. ✌️

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Charlie Austin? Then me too!

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He’s a good man and we wish him well.

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Definitely agree with keeping Austin...

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Oh I am. My greatest fear is that the orange goon would give back Alaska to Putin and then Putin has an easy entry way into 🇨🇦’s great white north. Imagine how long it would take him to invade the rest of my country, especially with the orange goons help.

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Well, you would just need to build a wall and make Russia pay for it! That's how we do it now. 🤣

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Too funny.

Let me think...OK, don't need to send troops to Ukraine... just invade Alaska, where the troops are so ready to go AWOL!

Heck, if folk from the lower 48 can go there and reinvent themselves how about Alaska and Canada?

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Yes of course it works wonderfully, and 🇲🇽 now has the key and is allowing more immigrants through.

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You do realize that Canada will be the new Ukraine with a Trump presidency. He has no respect for anything. And when in cahoots with Putin, Canada is a delicious prize. Minerals. Natural resources. Water. Forestry. Skilled labour force. No real military defenses. NATO won't fucking come to our rescue should either one of them invade us. That's laughable. WTF is NATO going to do for us if the US backs out of it? Nothing. Even if NATO tries, it will be hopeless.

We have to be afraid. Very afraid. And prepared.

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Absolutely, you’re preaching to the converted.

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Good. Fucking. Riddance. Why don’t you take your woke Florida friends with you, you shitty bigger-ain’t-brighter cesspool of hypocrisy.

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Guess that should be unwoke ... :)

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But Texas is a purple state, you can’t tell me it’s all Texans.

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I know it isn’t all Texans. My sister lives there, and she and her friends are all Democrats. The voter suppression and gerrymandering has made it red. I think a majority of them are blue, but can’t win because the GOP cheats.

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As a Canadian, we have had this issue with Quebec.... a rogue "state". Despite the 130 year old constitutional agreements, they have always seen themselves as separate. When offered the chance to separate, it was a razor-thin margin in favour of staying within the federation: i.e. people understanding what side their bread is best buttered on. I unfortunately am doubtful that the average Texan has such prescience.

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OMG, did a work gig for a friend during 76 Olympics and not speaking French almost got physical! So, yeah, I got that situation. Nothing like traveling and getting an education!

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I lived in glorious upstate NY for 20 years, and Quebecans have a reputation for being snooty frenchmen.

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The people of Quebec are referred to as Québécois or Quebeckers. They’re not snooty, just proud to be have their language and culture survive in an anglophone environment like Canada since 1608.

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Regardless of what they're called, and I certainly empathize with the Francophone struggle in a continent dominated by English culture, but almost all of the Quebecois I've encountered in my international travels outside of Quebec have been anything but friendly towards their Canadian Anglophone cousins. In fact, they're quite hostile. They don't have a bad reputation internationally just because of a few bad apples. The only friendly ones tend to be from Montreal.

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I don’t know where you travelled outside of Canada to be in a position to say that Quebecois are seen as anything but friendly. As a Franco Ontarian, educated by nuns, I can assure you that in France, the Québécois with their regional patois are regarded as an aberration in their manner of speech as opposed to an aberration in their social skills. I even regard the French spoken in Quebec as an aberration. The Quebecois and Francophones, in general, are known internationally for their joie de vivre and love of food, where one half of the population is known for its use of the bastardization of the French language and not for their snooty attitudes, unlike Parisians.

As an FYI, I am fluently bilingual, as are my kids and 2 of my grandkids who live in France. Montreal is a metropolis and like all others, it is made up of people who love fine dining, museums, the arts etc.

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That is so interesting. I spent some ti.e in Quebec but more in France for work/ training at the "home office".

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Hey, Texas....Don't let the Gulf of Mexico hit you in the ass on the way out!

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Texas has been on a steady downhill slide since Ann Richards left office. I'm pretty sure it's reached the ice pit now.

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Crazy, much!?

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Maybe the part that bothers me in all of this is losing the Supreme Court. The corruption of the GOP has reached the highest levels now...that anyone can turn a blind eye to a mother and her children drowning tells us all we need to know about these evil people. I cant imagine what hellish life they fled to come to a shithole country like America. And dont even get me started on Elise.... she'll end up an angry old crone wearing sensible shoes. Despicable.

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SCOTUS has been a lost cause since Bush v. Gore. Why Dems haven’t expanded the court when they’ve had the necessary legislative majorities to do so is unsettling. Just like codifying abortion rights. I’ve been following along, and I know the GOP was obstruction-focused waaaaaay before TFG. And if I knew,

I’m guessing some elected officials did too.

If I were a cynic I’d say it’s because Dems opted for the fundraising potential of making us believe they were protecting our rights, rather than doing the heavy lifting to protect those rights from the dumpster fire the GOP devolved into. Now voting rights are gutted, women are dying, and Biden refuses to even broach the subject of expanding the court. Which is exactly why a lot of young people are disillusioned with the Dems. I voted for him & Hillary so don’t come after me, but the truth hurts.

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I think it’s more because Dems don’t want to fight dirty and want to stay objective, fair, blah, blah blah. I am so glad to see people like Jared Moskowitz, and Jazmine Crockett giving it to Rs back.

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Kind of like herding g cats with Dems vs all on the same page cyborgs of the talking points GOP. Of course they are fracturing on those various groups; church, guns the idea we are in 1950s America...

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2016 was all about the Supreme Court. Dems got manipulated by social media campaigns. Women gave up their rights. The damage is ongoing. God help us.

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Hillary told us this would happen.....but then, she had a pretty good idea what was coming with the election of the bloviated yam man.

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"Women gave up their rights." WTAF?!?!?!?!?! NO. We had them ripped from us!

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If you say so. But what did one expect when not voting even as the next pres was clearly going to have at least 2 supreme picks? Complacency ruled at a critical moment. That's what I mean.

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We voted. And Hillary won the popular vote. Be careful who you label complacent.

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HRC only won by 3 million but badly lost the electoral college. Voter turnout was only 60% at best. Six of 10 eligible voters. Not trying to make you mad but given the stakes that's pathetic. IMHO.


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On a brighter note, I suspect Republicans are going to have a big case of voter blahs in November. Will OBGYN healthcare energize democrats? It would seem so. Better late than never.

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Corrupt the courts. Step one authoritarian playbook.

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I'd prefer cruel shoes.

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Sounds pretty much what she looks like now, isn’t it?

She’s despicable.

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Couldn't say it better!

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The border is the only issue that Republicans have. They never intend to solve it. Elise gets more craven daily. Here's an idea. Put Elise, Three Toes, and Botox Noem in an MMA cage. Whoever comes out gets to run with shitgibbon.

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Can Kari Lake join them?

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But of course!

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Yes please!

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MTG wins easily. It’s the roids.

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If I hear one more person refer to others as simply “illegals,” I’m going to fucking lose it!!!

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I jaywalked once. I'm an illegal.

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I did too with a guy & incredibly, cop gave him a jaywalking ticket, not to me! Guy went to court & of course got off bc of discrimination! Also today I drove over the speed limit TWICE!!😆

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You're an illegal too!

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undocumented workers, works. the operative word being workers.

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Watching every right wing shit whisperer work overtime to be named VP and/or Mrs. Drumpf IV is hilarious. It's like watching an entire senior class earnestly compete to be named "Most Likely to Fuck Rabbits" in their school yearbook. It's just not worth fighting for.

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That was not a category in my high school, but I already am thinking of people who could have won. 😂😂😂😂

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Same here. The list is actually quite long.

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Shit whisperer. Excellent

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"Biden has been for a long while now asking for more money for immigration judges and border security, but the congressional GOP refuses to pass the necessary legislation.

why? because Republicans don’t want to fix the border — they want to whine about the border."

Bingo has been called, Ladies and Gentlemen. It costs money to fix the problem, but whining I'd great for fundraising.

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The money and the cruelty are the point for these deplorables. Absolutely no humanity in those paid for robes.

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BTW, Abbott is the biggest asshole in a wheelchair since Mr. Potter in "It's a Wonderful Life."

He should get the Richard Widmark treatment (google Richard Widmark wheelchair)

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Push him down the Capitol steps live in cable TV?

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Even if it’s pay-per-view, I’m watching!

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I would put it on repeat, all day.

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I'm for it

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Yeah, I think even George Wallace mellowed a bit after he had to adopt one. Ther is also that Cawthorne moron that N C. once put into congress.

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It didn't improve Madison Cawthorne's personality.

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Wow, what a Widmark scene, Susan!

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The first Tuesday following the first Monday in November is ELECTION DAY

It should be declared a national holiday because it benefits voters

and it has entertainment value.

We get to witness Republicans throw hysterical shit-fits because they hate

anything that helps ordinary Americans or Democracy

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286 days until Election Day. Because I am a dork and I have a countdown clock.

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Thank you Jeff. Your rants against injustice and cruelty are the best in the business. These are crimes against humanity.

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Groveler Stefanik must have been thrilled that Chump mangled her name so badly which might be a clue that she’s not his choice for VP. All that ass-kissing for naught?Sweet, if so.

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Didn't Trump say in 2016 that his Veep had to have a one-syllable name because of strength or something? Of course, to get the job, she'd change her name to "El Stef" in a second.

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Maybe she would rather be Mrs. Trump. That he could pronounce.

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Nah, Habba's much hotter.

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When Joe is re-elected the first priority of his administration should be to enlarge the Supreme Court,to keep the court from overturning the Constitution! This finding was absolutely correct,but should’ve been unanimous! The Federal Government’s supremacy over state laws is a given! The finding was too close for comfort,was it a crumb thrown to the people to keep them at bay for the time being? The court has tossed elections to the losers in the past ,what if this one’s a similar situation and they get to decide the outcome again? At least level the playing field!

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

Would correct McConnell's probably unconstitutional cheating in 2016 and again in 2020, but requires majorities in both House and Senate. The Senate would have to end the filibuster even then, and there is almost no way for the Dems to get a Senate majority again in the 2024 Senate contests to do so (Manchin and Sinema prevented this in a previous attempt, even though the Dems had a majority). But I hope some sort of miracle happens in the '24 elections.

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If the Supremes were to find absolute presidential immunity, Biden would have bigger things than that to take care of.

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