four SCOTUS Justices are totally cool with mangled children in razor wire booby traps. what the fuck
the good news is that they were outvoted by the rest of the Court
bought-and-paid-for judicial hack Clarence Thomas sees no problem with mothers and their children drowning in the Rio Grande. ditto for his equally-corrupt compatriot Wytchfinder Alito. Beerheart Kavanaugh? same. Neil Gorsuch? apparently he hates migrants almost as much as he hates the fact that government exists.
the good news is that they were outvoted by the rest of the Supremes, who ruled 5-4 to allow the Biden administration to remove Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s razor wire booby traps from our southern border.
the bad news is that once again, four miscreant Justices bent themselves into rhetorical pretzels in order to vote on the side of Team Evil.
our Constitution has this thing called the Supremacy Clause. calm the fuck down, racists, it’s not the kind of supremacy you wet your pants over. the Supremacy Clause says that the federal government’s laws take precendence over state laws.
so if the federal government says it’s illegal to torture people until they drown to death trying to cross a river, the state of Texas doesn’t get to go nuh-uh, we’ll pull whatever shit we feel like.
long story short, the Supreme Court took one look at the mishegas going on in the Rio Grande and six of the Justices were all holy fuck, the Biden administration absolutely has the right to end that barbaric shit.
except the decision should have been a 9-0 no-brainer. the Supremacy Clause makes it pretty fucking clear that Greg Abbot doesn’t get to play The Law Is Me just because he’s a racist psychopath who gets off on inflicting misery.
as I like to point out, we fought a whole Civil War over this states’ rights nonsense, and guess who won.
but once again, four Federalist Society hacks on the Court were all my dudes, Harlan Crow doesn’t pay us to read the Constitution. now excuse us, we have a fishing cruise to pack for.
we got lucky this time. Team Evil came within one vote of winning another one.
by the way, House and Senate Republicans could end their manufactured “border crisis” in a hot minute, if they wanted to.
Biden has been for a long while now asking for more money for immigration judges and border security, but the congressional GOP refuses to pass the necessary legislation.
why? because Republicans don’t want to fix the border — they want to whine about the border.
they want to point at the border and say see? Sleepy Brandon wants illegals to steal your vote, or some such nonsense. it’s a cynical political ploy from the Party of Absolutely No Ideas.
Little Donny Fuckface wants to use the border as a campaign issue — with the markets rising and consumer prices falling and unemployment virtually nonexistent, it’s the only issue the felonious fuck has got left to run on — that and whining about how unfair it is that he’s not already king for life.
Donny has been phoning GOP leadership and threatening to throw ketchup bottles at their heads unless they sabotage all immigration legislation.
so we have the Republican establishment taking their marching orders from a 91-count dementia factory who barely knows which end is up.
beautiful. hell of a political party you’ve got there.
hide-and-seek enthusiast Elise Stefanik just can’t seem to manage to keep her stupid lying mouth shut.
you see, yesterday there was a bit of a health scare at Donald Trump’s Yeah, You Definitely Fucking Raped Her trial.
as things got underway, the parking garage lawyer stood up and announced that her parents, who she’d been with over the weekend, had just tested positive for covid. a juror announced that they, too, were feeling poorly, and so Judge Kaplan sent everyone home.
when Stefanik (or Steppannack, if, like Trump, your brain is rotting) heard the news, she took to not-twitter to proclaim that delaying the trial was ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!
“This is blatant election interference! Joe Biden and his Democrat cronies are the true threats to democracy! TRUMP 2024!”
my god, Elise is really working overtime here in hopes of becoming Trump’s vice president — and so she’s dutifully screeching ELECTION INTERFERENCE! at the drop of a hat.
if the trial is delayed, it’s ELECTION INTERFERENCE!
if the trial goes forward, it’s ELECTION INTERFERENCE!
if rainbows shoot out of Judge Kaplan’s ass and he declares free ice cream for everyone, it’s ELECTION INTERFERENCE!
all this in service of a guy who can’t be bothered to learn her name.
“how good did Elise Steppannack do?”
heck of a job, Donny.
Thank you Jeff. The rampant corruption of SCOTUS, and the stupidity of MAGA makes my blood pressure rise and my head hurt.
I don’t know about everyone here, however, if I were running for any public office I would find the best way to avoid my trial date interfering with my primary campaign would be to stop performing criminal acts, or libeling people I assaulted.
Any other suggestions are welcome.
Yours in service.
Elise whatshername: further proof that an Ivy League education doesn’t come with character building or much of anything else.