I am loving these ugly ass courtroom sketches. They are like magic paintings, showing his disgusting true self.

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Jeff, I hope you get as much joy in writing your hilarious dumbass donny dotard dailies as you give! You have a crew of fans who will live longer because of the laugh out loud relief you provide! Love you ❤️

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We're all having a big laugh over Trump being forced to face ridicule and criticism, but this is potentially dangerous. He's the most vindictive bastard out there. This Presidential run is not just about saving his shit-covered ass, but retribution. We, as a nation rejected him. He's planning to make us pay., and has the enablers to make it happen. He's a dumb evil Trojan horse for a Cadre of smart evil who have laid their plans (Project 2025). Those bending over backwards and taking his shit for the VP slot are doing so in the strong possibility that he won't last much longer than inauguration. And they're probably quietly making deals with the smart evil.

Apparently, he's rotting on the inside. May the process accelerate.

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That image of the Confederate flag in the Capitol makes my blood boil.

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“executive time.”😂😂😂

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"Lord Fuckley"! 😂😂 I would love to know if it's really true about him stinking up the place, but I guess I dont care because the humor it has generated is outstanding! Rip Van Stinkle is still one of my favorites! I canceled the NYT, but I understand that South Carolina is seeing a boom in new residents, conservatives who dont want to wear masks or live next to normal, intelligent people.... you know, like liberals. Cool. Let the south be full of MAGA's and leave the rest of us alone. 🙄 If anyone sees that article, report back.

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“that tangled rat’s nest of cotton candy bullshit that sits atop his big dumb pumpkin head.” 😂🤣

You forgot his disgusting matching rat’s nest of cotton candy eyebrows. 🤮🤣

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1. If The Orange Fucknut was our favorite president, why was his gaseous, treasonous, felonious ass voted out?

2. Everybody knows cotton candy melts when it’s wet.

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Jeff, could you post earlier? I can't start my workday until I've read your page. You're ruining my schedule.

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Dems anticipated that the Ukraine bill would pass, and the Defense Dept had already started preparing the military aid package to be shipped quickly to Ukraine, where it should find its way to the battlefield sometime next week. These despicable MAGAmorons should all be forced to register as foreign agents for spouting Russian propaganda fed to them by Putin.

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OL’ Donny Dank Stank is having a bad weekend? I think next week might be even worse. I’m really concerened (eye roll)...

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Serious question: will Trump be allowed to have his phone in the courtroom AGAIN? Someone please explain to me why they let this slide last week?

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I knew a guy who kept a case of Billy Beer. But even if the bottom fell outta the novelty collectibles market, it was still beer. Kinda sorta. I guess the funny money will serve as toilet paper.

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What was king fuck-face the first afraid of last night? Small crowd size? Lack of press coverage? Or is the road kill on his head died with Rudy’s favorite hair dye that runs when wet?

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Thanks Jeff for the info about "Quantum financial system"--"a mega-pantsload of what the fuck are you even talking about." Love it!

These idiots are like the "sovereign citizens" who think they have it figured out, but actually have no clue about how the financial system works. Maybe it's better these people are completely ignorant of the history and operation of the Federal Reserve. (Which has an informative website, for those who can read.)

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My Sunday is complete. Namaste.

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