
I like how Kamala Harris won’t golf during a crisis.

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LOL, I like presidents that don't golf. Or rape people.

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I like anybody who doesn't fucking golf. I hate that damn game.

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I happened to love the game. I love a man who loved the game BUT neither of us were cheaters like the orange asshole nor were we the president who spent every 3.5 days on the course instead of doing his fucking job AND charging the Secret Service for having to rent spaces to stay in his bug and roach-infested “resorts”. It’s not the game it’s the weird ones who play it.

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I agree with whoever* said it was "a good walk, spoiled."

*often attributed to Mark Twain, but its origin is murky with several possible sources.

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Check out what George Carlin said about golf, he was not a fan, to say the least

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It had a lot of merit, turning all the golf courses, into housing for the homeless, was a humanitarian idea. They waste so much water, and all the pesticides, and fertilizer runoffs cause massive algae blooms. It is a real big problem here in Florida.

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And the sheer waste of land for some rich fucks.

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The land, many times is located where its flood plain or where it won’t park for septic, if needed. Water is usually pumped from the water hazards on the course or from rivers and streams that are adjacent to the course. This, of course either evaporates or drains back into source. Courses that don’t make it financially are usually sold for development if possible but keep in mind, that can lead to a whole different set of problems; high density living, paved over and built over grass leading to more traffic. Also, just because the land becomes available, it doesn’t necessarily translate into “affordable” housing. I’m from the mountains and building anything there is a more expensive proposition than in the flatlands.

Hating the game doesn’t make things right with the world. It teaches patience and mental toughness. The game of golf that many presidents have enjoyed is one of honesty. It’s you against the course. If you cheat, you’re only cheating yourself. Good golfers tell on themselves and accept the penalty. As soon as it was known that trump cheated at golf, it should have told everyone what kind of a person he was.

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"It's like watching flies fuck."

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I like Robin Williams's explanation of the game, too, but Carlin made some fine points... :)

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Welp that leaves ‘Yogi Berra’ I guess…😁?!

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Turn golf courses into space for housing, I say.

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Or wildlife refuges.

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Sep 2
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OMG!!! Can I move in?!? Or set up a shed? We used to have deer who would bed down in the back of our forested lots. Bucks too. Loved mom hiding her fauns in a shaded large bed of tall Shasta Daisies over the years and come for buckets of water neighbors would put out daily for them. 💖

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Sounds wonderful, Lisa😍

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that sounds great...

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Golf courses are notorious ecological disasters- unnatural green lawns eating up tons of fertilizers- billions of gallons of water keeping them green; using thousands of acres of prime real estate for a white mans game.

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George Carlin said it best during one of his legendary shows,

"Golf is a racist elitist sport".

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Tell that to Tiger Woods who started out on his dad’s military courses or Lee Elder who began as a caddy. There are many fine municipal courses where the snobs won’t hang out but where ordinary people who enjoy the game can play at a reasonable cost. They do use fertilizers maybe once a year but no pesticides as they would adversely affect everything and everyone using the facility. Feel how you must about a game you may not know much about or have had a bad experience with but it’s not necessary to denigrate a place of recreation for many either rich or poor. Believe me, one doesn’t have to be rich to be a snot, a snob or a jackass on the course.

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Same can be said along the ecological line about turf grass lawns.

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Turn Mar-a-Lago into a national cemetery.

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As I recall, cemeteries were on George Carlin's list to turn into low-cost housing, right after golf courses lol

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Excellent suggestion! That is what you do historically, to punish racist traitors!

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We would have to demolish & fumigate first. Demolish to ashes.

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They consume obscene amounts of water

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😂😂😂 At first I thought you were talking about the elks & deer! Yes on the big draw on precious water supplies.

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Golf courses in the desert are a travesty. Even my golf loving father agrees with that.

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or cat colonies

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Or parks.

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Cemetaries! Combine 'em.

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Hey come on, you haven’t lived unless you play golf with MAGAS and smile as u take their $$$😉

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Golf is all about looking for your balls or working on your strokes...

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Golf to me was how much beer and weed you could consume before you drove a cart into something, hopefully not a pond.

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That’s how My drunken grand pa taught me the game ! He’d whack me a good one with a 9 iron if I dared call it a sport ! Said it was a game for the ones who never got picked for the team in street hockey or stickball as kids ! 🤫🫢🤣😂

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Mark Twain about Golf: “A good walk spoiled.”

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Golf is an arrogant, elitist game that takes up entirety too much space in this country - George Carlin

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"The Scots say: here's an idea for a game, knock a ball into a gopher hole! And you say, like pool then? And they say, feck pool, in pool you use a straight stick, we'll make you use a crooked fecked-up stick. Like croquet then? Feck croquet, they put the target a few feet away, we'll put it yards away. Like lawn bowling then? Feck bowling, we mean hundreds of yards away, and we'll put a little flag there to give you hope, but there are ponds and sand pits in the way, and you'll be stuck in the sand, flailing away with a tire iron until you have a stroke-- that's what we'll call them, strokes. But when you get the ball in the hole you're done? Feck no, we'll make you do it eighteen times!" -- Robin Williams

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I surely miss the comic genius of George Carlin and Robin Williams. They would be having a field day with LDFF and his minions…

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I had an artist friend who thought that Opera also took too many $$$ resources - for too few to enjoy @too high a cost…

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I knew I liked you! My favorite scene in the Sopranos, was when Furio the bodyguard threw the doctor's clubs in the lake snorting"Stupid, fucking game!"

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Same. An environmental disaster AND a complete waste of time.

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And expensive as a MLB. baseball game.

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I know how you feel. I don’t particularly like the country club culture, and I can’t stand the waste of water and the fertilizer chemicals being introduced into the environment. I hate all of the above, really. But other than that, it’s a harmless game and it does get people outside.

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Except it gets mostly the wrong people outside. If you want to see an environment destroyed, go look at all the "English" (i.e., very green) golf courses around the desert city of Palm Springs - the epitome of everything you don't like about golf.

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Oops, I live in Palm Springs. It's a pretty nice place but, yes too many golf courses. Some "native" Americans are buying up courses and returning them to nature. I say Bravo!

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Good for them!

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That's good, because they are losing money here, they have built too many of them, at least 10 on my GPS at any given time, and Millennials (bless them) don't much play.

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Oh, worse than that. Actual desert locations in southern Utah and other parched landscapes where these obscene monoculture bluegrass acres sprout up, surrounded by expensive real estate. More phony ass crap in America, with plenty of people in on the hustle.

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And we are not far from a BIG water crisis in the SW states.

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I'm a terrible golfer but I played on a sheep pasture in Scotland with actual sheep and made my first and only birdie because my ball bounced off a sheep. I guess it was a sheepie then.

Golf originated in Scotland and what are called sand traps here started out as holes the sheep cowered in to keep from being blown off the Earth in a 100 mile an hour gale.

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Golf courses are probably the biggest waste of land per user of anything in the world. Cemetaries, too.

But I have the solution:

I want golf courses and cemeteries to be combined so that the members of the golf club can be buried on the links.

When a golfer dies during a game, they could just change the theme of the event.

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Yeah, now owned by the Saudis.

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I tried it once and kept stepping in goose poop. Must've been the off-season.

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TC...😅🤣😂....me too.

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I do, too. 100%.

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Just completed another round of “Golfing with MAGAS”… had a great round today, took all the $$ today, despite the gutter sniping from MAGA… As Jacki Gleason used to say.. “how sweet it is”..

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Did anyone hear about Jesse Watterʻs fantasy about Harris being raped by generals in the situation room? Thereʻs another sicko. Yikes. And heʻs still on Fox.

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Whoa, that's disgusting-and our society has fallen so far that he remains employed?!?! Wtf? I hate fox news-they are responsible for this horrible decline in norms and civility.

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He said he misspoke (or something else as weak as that, anyway) and he didn't mean what it sounded like, so of course it's no big deal. Not the excuse he thought it was -- whether he meant to say it or if it just bubbled up out of the rankness he calls a subconscious, it's pretty fucking disgusting.

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He's a weirdo, stalker dude, so I'm not surprised. He punctured the tires of a woman who wouldn't date him (Probably because he was married at the time) so he could give her a ride home (also probably to find out where she lived).

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oddly enough, this doesn't really surprise me

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What - what cretin would say that?

fucking - shove a dildo up his ass

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That little prick is a closet something or other that nobody else has ever been outed for …..the world is a safer place if he stays in that closet forever! Fucken punk ass lunatic freak ……hide the pets it’s an animal 🦔 thing more than likely 🐀😱🐑🐖🦃 baaahhh!

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Oof - that has embroidery-on-a-pillow potential.

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I have never seen anyone more scared of anything than Republicans are of trans people. It would be laughable if their fear did not manifest as hatred and violence.

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I'm fascinated that Republicans think everything is their business. IN NO WAY do any gay or trans people affect the life of a Republican. They need to leave other people alone and mind their own business.

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But they have to SEE them, walking around being all trans-y in PUBLIC! How much longer must they suffer?!

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Sounds like Martha ann Alito!

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Vergogna, I tell you! Vergogna!

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😉From a woman who has no shame!

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It kinda hides the fact that they have no real ideas… imo

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Well, it does to a certain faction of the public. But then, the stupid, like the poor, will be with us always.

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And like oxygen are ubiquitous.

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Ah, but in the irrational christofascist view, LGBTQIA+ people *do* affect them, because Others challenge the c.f. view of the world, in which there are only two genders. c.f. want a return to a world in which only *one* gender rules the home, the country, and the world. (And not just one gender -- the mens -- but the white part of that gender.)

Power and control are the objectives. We always have to ask ourselves, when hearing or reading about some far-right lunatic's viewpoint or policy, "What is the power / control aspect of this?" *Then* their goals make sense, so to speak (= make sense within their framework).

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Agreed. Always follow the money and/or power when some reason doesn't make sense. I adopted this mindset at work. Whenever I hear of some new brainiac decision from admin, my first thought is follow the money (usually the case) or who benefits from this. It actually gives me some peace since i have no say about my job. I no longer rack my brain as to why we're told to do stupid stuff. The why is usually money.

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You got it. The "money is the driver" mindset might drive a behemoth like Boeing into the dust of history. Unfortunately, it also kills.

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Dee: A different step is: What is the personal payoff for them to advocate for whatever? That takes you to need to control, which is based on a sense of inferiority.

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Were never going back so c.f.'s might as well get over it 🤷

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Exactly right. We are never going back.

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So, in summation, CFs are basically a bunch of control freaks. Sounds about right.

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Hey there Steely Dan fan !

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how could you tell? lol... if Black Tuesday comes, I'm gonna dig myself a hole. No clue if my soul will ever be satisfied again if the orange guy wins, but at least I know who Aretha Franklin was... :)

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Read a lot of historical fiction based on facts. It still stuns me that women once were the property of men.

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My Mom didn't have credit card,her name wasn't on the checking account,Dad had to a sign a check for groceries and things,Mom worked full-time and ran the house,but she got an allowance from Dad,Mom,my brother and I were basically servants for Dad,when my parents separated, Dad's was the only name on the deed to our house,and he announced,to be 'compassionate',we had a month to get out of 'his' house,I played Little League with a friend was a lawyer,and we stopped that nonsense. I'm perfectly familiar with the time Republicans want to go back too.

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Time for another LYSISTRATA ? 🤔

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Exactly this. Also they say transgender are fantasy dwellers unable to accept facts and making them pretend, when the reverse is true.

The christo-fascists can’t imagine or cope with anything more complex than the most simple, aimed at toddlers level of science or nuance. They can only mentally cope with their being only two sexes and two genders (they think these things are the same anyway) , their worldview is too fragile to imagine anything except themselves. Therefore anything that isn’t exactly like them is a threat and they hate them irrationally. They sexualise the other , they fantasise about them, they imagine all sorts of horrific things that they (the conservatives) want to do or are doing and project them on to the other, (look at child abuse) , the dehumanise them. Then they make transgender and intersex people pretend to be what they are not , just because these fragile snowflakes can’t accept reality. It’s projection at its finest, they did it to POC ,Jewish and LGB and immigrants exactly the same way in the past.

It is a mental disorder, they need help , but those in power find them too easy to use to gain more wealth and power, so they keep enabling the worst aspects of them.

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Excellent point Dee...

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Mind their own DAMN business 😊

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I agree. Being trans, gay,black,brown,female or any number of things Republicans rail against ad infinitum has zero affect on the quality of their hateful, nosey lives. imhfo.

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Sometimes I think they are just sex obsessed. WTF? Grow up.

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They do think everything is sexual, but that is probably because they are so unhealthily, sexually repressed.

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They can't though, they are narcissists who think they get a say in everything! The less qualified they are about something, the more they want to make rules about it.

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They do like to get hysterical about 1% of the population.

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