1. Orange Fuckwit is correct that we’re the laughing stock of the world, but for the wrong reason. We’re giving him another chance to fuck us over again. Self flagellation is not a good look

2. Homan seems not to know that cybertruck bomber was a Trump supporter. Oh, the irony!

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That’s what he gets for following his “gut” - in his case, his gut is WRONG, every time. What a fucking fool. And what a fucking tool, as well. There, I feel a little better. Not much, but a little. 😡

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The only thing in his gut are cheeseburgers.

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And all of his endless diaper- filling, wackadoddle shit. The faucet in Canada rant should've also convinced some voters that he's never been playing with a full deck but then again, either are many of his supporters. It was reported yesterday that Lake Shasta here in CA, which is a MAGA stronghold, has risen 40 feet since November 18. Would anyone in the MAGA stratosphere report this kind of factual valuable info? Nope, not a chance in hell since they go along with the mango madman's bizarre bullshit notion that a Canadian faucet is the actual source of our water here in CA.

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We can hope now that the water will revert up into the hills and restore those crispy trees. Maga!

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I'm hoping next time I'm on vacation and it starts to rain, all that rain will revert back into the clouds!

"Revert" is obviously Donnie's "Word of the Week" - he doesn't know what it means, but he wants to use it just the same. . .

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“Revert” means water runs uphill. 😆😆😆

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I like my crispy trees with ketchup and my brittle forests with extra peanuts.

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Rick, excellent news on Shasta Lake's water level! I'm near Chico. Here's Lake Oroville's water level today:


These last two years of weeks long pouring rain "atmospheric rivers" have been dramatically welcomed in our former ten year drought. Right now, fingers crossed, NorCal doesn't need Canada's "water faucet 🤯" located and "turned". Where IS that giant faucet?

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Hey Teri, Ric, et al. : Canada better have that big, ole faucet! I live in A SURBURB OF Phoenix. We haven't had rain in 5 months.. Meanwhile, the moron politicians out here say it's Okay to build! The local ones are all MAGA.(Biggs & Gozar are my Congressmen). Now, we have about millions of new houses and multiple dwelling going up with more plans. We don't have the roads, but the big question is: "WHERE THE FUCK WILL WE GET THE WATER"??

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Omg. You are one of the Gozar constituents?? I truly hoped that it was a fictitious parcel with maybe 2 people that voted him to be their representative. I can’t imagine how he keeps getting voted in. Does he really help his constituents? What am I missing? He seems like a wack job to me.

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Obviously your politicians are Republicans (Biggs AND Gozar? EEEK!). Can we hear it for AI? I typed Gozar and (now twice) it was changed to "Gaza". Republicans are born with a birth defect that keeps them from understanding consequences. I advise you to sell your house while you can still get something for it and move to California. And I hope you already have low flow showers, toilets and faucets. We don't have that much water, but we make provisions for managing with less.

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Joel, the seemingly quiet story of Saudi Arabia's farms in or near AZ and using massive amounts of FREE freshwater for crops shipped back to SA is F'ing unbelievable. https://youtu.be/WH-C47pZM9s?feature=shared

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Joel, my longtime friend lives in Las Vegas. The extreme lack of water and The Hoover Dam/Lake Mead status of close to "deadpool" of recent years is a Five Alarm Fire. It's not just horrific lack of water for people, Hoover Dam uses water to generate power to millions.

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It’s all about the money, honey. They care about nothing else. But maybe one of those wealthy developers will go find that big faucet for ya.

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The location of that bigly faucet

like his health plan, is in concept. Glad to see Lake Oroville is also doing well considering a lot our water in Ventura County comes from up there. We're getting very little rain this season as most of the storms fizzle out by the time the rain gets to Santa Barbara.

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I really need to remember that everything he "thinks" is concept, not fact. Thanks for reminding me.

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Rick, I was surprised to learn years ago that Lake Oroville supplies drinking water to SoCal. Are u in Ventura Co.? I lived in Ventura for ten happy years till I was priced out due to real estate & rentals.

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Yes, and I'm glad that after today it's not supposed to rain for over a week. I'll be able to garden. Does it rain or snow in Paradise?

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Ellen, last 2 years atmospheric rivers have completely turned around our ten year drought. Our foothill elevation is 1500 ft, so we get just a dusting of snow each winter.

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Obviously between trmp’s two ears.

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Yup, water on the brain.

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I totally agree.This is once again a time where our feckless press fucks us over by not reporting major shit to show that LDFF is totally insane.The press are absolutely evil now imfo.

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Would you please stop reminding us that this fat numbnuts will soon again have control over the largest nuclear weapons system on earth!

I dearly wish I could forget that very unpalatable fact.

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Ole, I wonder if like Nancy Pelosi in 1.0, a Dem has a secret agmt with a Joint Chief to put him/herself between POTUS & launch protocols. JC is probably maga tho.

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And the burgers make him gassy.

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Big Macs✌🏻💙

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There is a lesson in this for everyone. In his book, Thinking Fast and Slow, the psychologist and Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman explained how we have two forms of thought processes, one instinctual and the other rational. The fast, instinctual process is a holdover from earlier in our evolution, and is useful for reacting quickly to danger. It gets us into trouble when analysis is needed to discern the truth. BTW Kahneman won the Prize for a series of psychology experiments which demonstrated that people are frequently wrong in making financial decisions thereby falsifying the so called Rational Markets theory.

Nefarious people are effective in propagating their lies because they know that most people will believe the first thing they hear. Don't get caught in that trap!

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Thank you. Sort of explains the FOX, OAN, NEWSMAX theory of propaganda. Lie sounding authoritative and correct(maybe)later. No one will hear the correction.

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Excellent point!

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republicans following their guts. 😱

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often giant guts, jutting out ahead of them - they follow their guts wherever they go

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Actually, they’re following their nuts…the ones in their head, top and mid-section!

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And their guts are many and big : ()

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Exactly Kay-El! The felon-rapist is too deluded to see that HE is the laughing stock. He isn’t allowed to travel to numerous countries because he’s a FELON!! I consider anyone who comes to him (as the UK did, to be a supporter of him)

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The dog caught the bus, a second time, insisting he will actually drive this time. And 49.8% of American voters thought hmmm, this is a fine idea. Well now we get to watch, popcorn in hand. It might be entertaing but for the fact that WE’RE ALL PASSENGERS ON THE BUS.

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Or maybe we’re hiding under the covers.

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I’m not certain they’re supporters, they’re just CYA, but that’s just as bad. No fealty to the Orange asshole

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Never following that girdled gut would be a great idea, there’s obviously oleaginous sewage, or alien life inside Kay-EI!!

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And just waiting to burst forth aka “Alien”, right. An oleaginous alien hamburgler?

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Perfectly put, Kay-El! At 56, I think I can read a room. I have a gut feeling, a feeling, deep in my colon, that tom homan is an absolute CLOWN. He’s a sad, angry clown with only one expression on his face, that must’ve stayed that way after someone warned him that it would stay that way if he continued to be an inhuman asshole.

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Human looks like a thumb. He also babbles away likely lying. He said he had 3 decades of something in that mess. Old boy thinks he’s above the scrutiny of his nomination. I hope someone spills his tea!

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Remember the movie “Goonies”? A character in it was “Sloth”. That’s what one of my daughters calls Homan. 😁

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all contemplation of trump & co transpires deep in the colon

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He's a thug of the caliber of Ernst Rohem.

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I like the historical reference— and look what happened to Rohm in the end…

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Las Vegas Cybertruck bomber at Trump Hotel was a former five star Bronze Star "highly decorated special forces member", and new father. Trump supporter. Shot himself in the head prior to explosion. #FactsMatter https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/02/us/matthew-alan-livelsberger-vegas-cybertruck-explosion/index.html

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I hadn’t heard the story of his background. Is this the beginning of MAGA realizing the truth about these two monsters?

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Trying to find reason for renting an ugly Tesla truck driving it to the front door of Trumps Hotel shooting yourself and exploding yourself was obviously a statement, but JFC, why?

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I’m not sure about the why, but there Is supposition that he used that cybertruck because he knew no one else would be harmed.

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Whatever statement he thought he would make with a Tesla truck loaded with explosives & fireworks burned up with him. We may never know. It’s like trying to figure out why 49% of Americans voted for trump.

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Not a chance. They will cling to their delusions forever.

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There is a story in the cybertruck bomber/suicide. He wasn’t radicalized like the NO killer. The Las Vegas event was a statement of some sort. I feel there is a really messed up individual there. Finding out more may shine more light on motive.

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Are you kidding? Wouldn't that involve critical thinking?

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Anyone have a theory? No, we don't have all the facts. It so far doesn't add up. Trump supporter. Special Forces guy, very decorated. Chooses a Cybertruck to explode, in front of Trump property. New father.

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Theory : Musk- go F yourself, stay away from our fearless leader!

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Hmm, you could be onto something. But, still, crazy.

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My theory is these guys have been trained in what goes bang-bang and gave it a try to random people that they thought would be easy targets (you know, targets of large numbers of people with a lack of situational awareness.)

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No they will never admit they were wrong even if they realize it. Like Trump, they need to be right about everything. Never admit they’ve made a grave error.

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A truly sad and amazing story Teri, he was stationed at the country’s psyop military base, for what it’s worth!!

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Don't have a clue, but this one still smells off to me.

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He probably knows but realizes that the base doesn’t want to hear that.

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Willful ignorance and gut feelings are seldom correct, just like the execrable wastrel Kay-EI!!

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How do you know Cyber truck bomber was a trump supporter. I haven’t seen or heard anything about that

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I heard that his wife said he “loved trump”, she also left him last week.

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Sharon, that's new info. Thanks. But still.

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Yahoo News, Daily Beast, and his uncle was interviewed and said as much.

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I’ve read it several places. I’ll see if I can find them again

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Well you have to hand it to him. He has pussy-grabbed and grifted his way throughout his entire life and has never really faced any consequences. Even when he was dead-to-rights with espionage and election interference he skated by playing rich guy rope-a-dope with the justice system. The tech bros bought the election for him so they could pick over the bones of whatever is left of American governance. Now the drooling dotard will see out his days in comfort. As far as all that goes, he’s by far, the greatest grifter of all time.

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The greatest ever…in all my nearly 82 years have I ever had less respect for a human.

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Same here

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not wrong

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Grifter extraordinaire!

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And yet, he always says he's been treated SO UNFAIRLY!

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Schooled by the mob, with Confidential Informant on his side, he’s always been protected Chris!!

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Truly, Dump is insane. Completely wacko. His handlers are just propping him up to keep his base salivating. When did Americans become so fucking stupid? And they want to dismantle the Dept of Education.... JFC. Every day, it's something more ghastly than the last. Thank goodness for this community!!!

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I was looking at some of the lines from Carter’s “malaise” speech. I think we got stupid when, rather than listen to reason, we let some B movie cowboy delude us with a fantasy.

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Many voters want to hear that there are easy and simple solutions to complex problems...

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true - but giant faucet should give pause...

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You would think that normal people hearing that would laugh out loud at the batshit craziness of it. But they don’t. I’m convinced it’s because they don’t actually listen or care what he says. It’s all just about how he makes them feel.

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💯 agree. Who doesn’t like the easy way.

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Nailed it.

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You wouldn't be referring to the RayGun? The one who became prez through subterfuge, lied with grace, fell asleep at meetings and through his anti-government threats increased the debt and added 125,000 federal employees? I'm convinced he's the one who began the destruction of the American middle class (which happens to be the backbone of our country)!

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Been waiting for the “trickle down” effect to happen since 1980…

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The "trickle on" effect, on the other hand, has been quite noticeable

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💯💯💯Add Newt to that s**t pile…

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Yup. Ronnie Raygun. What a guy.

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...then the Moral Majority BS kicked in building the Evangelical Crusaders to Conquer the (Muslim) World for their oil, and make America Pure Again (like, when really ever? and their pastors are straight out grifters) then left Christ bleeding his heart out stuck on the cross and useless forever like the Catholics on the bench, instead of alive and active in the spirits of those possessed with love and need for justice, while they dissed and bleed others for the own gain and call it righteous. Gut is BASE. Gut has thought that has to be processed not only in the brain but in the heart intelligences. And lots of it comes out as sh-t...

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He's a figurehead, a distraction like an illusionist uses. The question is who EXACTLY is making the decisions. We need desperately to find that out!

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Well, Muck and Thiel, for two, are making the decisions. And probably a small cabal of like-minded wannabe world rulers.

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Muck and …Steal?

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Indeed. This is the community of sanity and saving grace. Not much else left.

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Yes, without it, I’d be curled into a fetal position.

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Indeed Susan!!

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I’m gonna need glasses with blinders on for the next 4 years….so I don’t have to see that face! Have a nice weekend everyone-we will get through this BS!

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