Is it possible to bring a class action lawsuit against this bastard? If trump can now be sued, why can't we hold the liars accountable for this?

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I’d like to see Tucker in the middle of that ‘love fest’ and then get back to us. Hopefully these egregious lies will get Fox sued out of our lives forever.

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Yup. As someone far more wise and more clever than I has often written, "How did we Nazi that coming?"

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Kevin McCarthy should hang his head in shame. He knew damn well what Carlson would do to that footage. This is what he had to promise to get the votes to be Speaker. Corrupt as the day is long.

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This post is the best. Every time the bullshit reaches a new level I can’t believe it can pile any higher - we’re in the stratosphere of crap now. It would be fabulous if all of us could continue to post photos like yours and rewrite all the wars! Or at the very least show these motherfuckers what ignorant morons they are.

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Oh..I don’t know, maybe this will peel off a few more. I realize nothing is a bridge too far, but every now and then a few jump ship. The whole violent crowd outside of the Capital waited patiently for the “Shaman” to finish his personal guided tour. Why are seditionists still seated in Congress?

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Liars Liars Pants on Fire.. PuckerUp Carlson spends his time blowing the Repuklican Party Bitchfest. Trying to rewrite history as a 60’s lovefest on January 6 th.. and his right wing zealot followers eat his illiterate lies right up like crackheads.. WTAF happened to our country? Rightwingnuts eat this crap up and believe all these lies and conspiracy theories.. it’s like I need water waders just to get thru all this bullshit..

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

Those idiots already know they’re being fed BS… they just all love the taste of it because it gives all of them excuses not to look at the UGLY reflection in their fun house mirrors.

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Alternatively, the frozen dinner trust baby is defending Putin.

I guess Facist News is full circle from anti-communist hawkish Reaganites to Putin lovers where he gets to lie to the audience just like Putin lies 24/7 to his citizens.

You become what you hate. And the Fairness Doctrine is delusional liars that can't handle the truth

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I think we should all pitch in to get some lederhosen for Tucker.

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Jeff, use google translator, or something, to read this essay of mine, because this is my job, and Carlson needs to be discredited on this one too: https://effettolucifero.com/2018/04/22/le-allegre-brigate/

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