down the Jan 6 memory hole with Fucker Carlson
here a gaslight, there a gaslight, everywhere a gaslight
last night, Tucker Tanned Ballsack Carlson devoted his show to airing January 6 footage that had been edited to make the armed insurrection look like a peaceful love-fest that maybe got a little bit out of hand.
it’s not like we didn’t see this coming a mile away.
it’s just one more shameful episode in Fox News’s 27-year span of shameful episodes. what’s particularly galling is that once again, it’s going to work.
Fox viewers, already the low-informationest motherfucks in the multiverse, are going to eat this up with a fork, knife and spoon.
fuck it, at this point we might as well go all in. how about we Foxify the rest of world history?
look at these madcap Nazis. they’re guards and office workers at Auschwitz. looks to me like this whole World War Two thing was completely overblown. whatever did our parents and grandparents get so worked up about?
I keep hearing about what a nightmare World War One was, but if these soldiers had time to play baseball, how bad could it have been? also: not a trench in sight. what the hell is going on.
check out these Civil War dudes. come on, they’re running a freaking post office, right in the middle of a war, so how bad could Gettysburg have been?
it really makes you wonder: what else have they been lying to us about
Is it possible to bring a class action lawsuit against this bastard? If trump can now be sued, why can't we hold the liars accountable for this?
I’d like to see Tucker in the middle of that ‘love fest’ and then get back to us. Hopefully these egregious lies will get Fox sued out of our lives forever.