The fact is that NIki is no better than Trump. She plays like the adult but can’t even answer simple question, such as the root cause of the civil war. She is not a serious person, she’s just another traitorous tool.

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absolutely. I hope I'm not giving the impression in this post that Nikki would be any kind of improvement. I just love it that she drives Trump bonkers

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If we want to rid ourselves of the orange menace, best if we encourage him to keep ranting, screaming and driving himself bonkers. Likely best way to suffer a stroke, and all can blame him for his own misfortune. End of his story! 😉

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McDonald's just announced it's bringing back the double Big Mac. Just another nail for the coffin! LOL

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From your lips to God's ears...

The nation waits with baited breath...

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Throw in some "Fish Delights" 🤣🤣🤣

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Extra lard please !🫀

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Me, too. And love helping her drive him bonkers. I won’t donate, but I will point out that she’s on our (NV) primary and folks ought to do what they can to increase her numbers. That’s what got me called an insurrectionist against trump, engaging in election interference by a NVGOP official.

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Well, considering that 6 of them, I think that's the number, are indicted for the 2020 election, I'd consider that a compliment. And puhleez - someone do something about that disgusting Michael McDonald (not the singer, the GOP chairman in NV). Typical Repub guy - unattractive, fat, white and obnoxious. Just needs a bushy beard, camo and an assault rifle and he's your next Xmas card. Maybe Michelle Fiore can be his stylist.

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is is NV where he isnt on the ballot?

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He chose not to be on the primary ballot. There were no legal actions preventing him.

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thank you. why would he do that?

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The GOP in NV is in your face corrupt. They want him to win the primary so they kept the caucus although the state passed a law a couple of years ago to have a vote-in primary. So the GOP has both. Cassandra is more knowledgeable about this than I am. So the Dems will vote and the GOP will have their half-a** vote and caucus. And NH is butt hurt because SC and NV which are much more diverse than they are, wanted our primaries to be first because we represent the USA, not a bunch of white people with college degrees that make above the median income of Americans. I am a white person with a degree who does that too, but I think that all of us need to be represented, not just a few of us.

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Because he chose to pay to be on the NVGOP caucus slate. Take a look at my long comments for more detail.

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I think we all agree with that!!!!

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She's stalking right behind him. Not that far away, actually. And THAT will unnerve him.

More clean up duty for Jared.

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We all know she’ll never be POTUS. Right now her only purpose is to torture Trump with her continued participation in this race, and to make him continue to lose his shit. And I’d like to believe that the people donating to her campaign in response to Donnie’s threats are Never Trumpers (PLEASE let them be Never Trumpers)! So even if they can’t bring themselves to pull the lever for sleepy Brandon in November, they’ll just stay the fuck home.

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I don't know if she could "never" be the president. I think there are increasing numbers of Rs looking for alternatives, and women looking for a female candidate. This may not be her year, but she could make another, more educated, run at it next time. The fact remains that Mr. Crazy is more upset than it appears, by her progress against him.

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How would a Biden-Haley contest play out?

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🤔 good question, but i can’t solve all of your problems. I’m just a crazy Canuck who wants the orange goon gone for ever. However, I’m on the side of “time to retire”.

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I guarantee that after this election is over with and no matter who controls the presidency and Congress, that no meaningful legislation will be passed to have an upper age limit nor term limits for our elected officials. Nor will there be legislation passed specifically dealing with an official who is a felon or who is in prison holding office. We, as a country, talk a big game, but we never seem to do anything to avoid future disasters. Just like no one pushed to codify Roe all those years that it could have been done in Congress. I can't stand the GOP, but I give them credit for playing the long game and being tenacious. Dems could a lesson from their playbook. We have the brains in our party, we just need the steel spines.

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And a specialist in communications.

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True. I'm a Boomer so I'm the last person to know what the latest social media communication is out there to reach people. We need to hire Taylor Swift lol. I was amazed at what percentage of people get their news from Facebook, Instagram and the like. No wonder there's so much misinformation.

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I imagine a lot of Trumplodytes would sit it out. They might try to write him in, but an "X" wouldn't cut it.

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He is way beyond bonkers

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She is a better horrid Republican because right now she is not an insurrectionist, woman raping criminal. She may have committed crimes against humanity as governor, and her history presentation is a crime too, but she has not been charged with breaking any of our actual laws. That makes her hideousness more subtle, but almost anyone is more subtle than Trump. Still, she is helping all of us, because she is making Trump's stress level go way, way up. That is increasing the likelihood that he will implode mentally, physically, and help to implode him legally. All of which have her waiting on the sideline to be the nominee. The number 3 place candidate. She can pose herself as young and vibrant against Trump all she wants, but if she goes after Biden's age, we can say, don't you have anything else to complain about? Nikki is not as well placed to make the Border an issue as is Trump, because it will allow Biden to make the commercial that says, " Nikki is a good example of why liberal immigration laws have allowed many people to realize the American dream!" With Trump, all you can say is, "Sure we need to tighten up our immigration laws, so we can avoid having another Trump! If we had paid more attention when his ancestors (grandfather?) came from Germany, and his mother came from Scotland, and had not let them in, we would not be facing the greatest threat to humanity the USA has ever raised. His parents would not have met, and he would not exist!"

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If he dies, does NY go after his children anyway? And what about the other criminals in Congress and supporters who were all in on Jan 6 and denying that Biden won? Those who tried to screw GA out of its vote, etc. ALL of them should face the music in court, sure, but will they? And the documents case--I want to see Aileen Cannon's career ruined for what she is doing to that. The Rs are relentless about not owning up to their crimes and taking over our country and ending democracy.

I want Trump to live and get convicted, over and over again. I want his lying cheating "kids" to face justice, too. And all of his enablers. THEN he can die under a prison.

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Many good points Linda. Thanks.

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Usa doesn’t look so hood to the rest of the world: there is an NPD(malignant)

And a dark Barbie( no offense to the doll),

I mean, how low can they go?

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She disqualified herself when she raised her hand to a pardon. Fuck her.

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“Neck vagina??????????” EW! However...it certainly fits the image! Plus he walked out of court today as closing arguments started. Big baby!

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The He-Man Women Haters Club will not brook such offense as a woman calling him out.

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Love the Little Rascals nod! 😆

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lol. I am old but then i remembered the 90s remake. 😂😃

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Hahahaha! Hah!

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Can you imagine the ring around the collar that monster must have? Either he has removeable collars, or he has to throw his shirts away.

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At this point his diapers are probably being sold to the MAGA crowd to cover legal fees...shirts cost extra I imagine 🤷🏻‍♀️😂🤢🤮

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If you buy enough of his NFTs, you'll not only be eligible to get a physical card with his signature and a piece of one of his actual suits, but also a small piece of his collar with bronzer on it!

But wait! There's more!

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…but wait, if you order in the next 5 minutes, we’ll throw in a piece of diaper as a gift…🤮🤮🤣

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...that's what I get for trying to eat lunch while reading about this POS

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I’ve heard that his loaded diapers are fetching a premium. Still seeking confirmation.

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Trump diapers could be the bio fuel of the future! Fulton County Corrections will be the next Exxon!

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Diarrhea day or regular day?

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That and imagine all of the other articles of his clothing that get tossed out in the trash or end up in a burn pile. Everything the tangerine turd wears, says or does reeks of the same old bullshit and toxicity.

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🤣🤣 I never thought of the collars!!

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Throw them in the shitty diaper hamper !

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Incinerator for every article of LDFF’s and other parts of his shit 💩 regurgitating 🍼💩 🥴🤢🚽💩🤮self

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there was an article back during his administration that quoted one of the maids at Bedminster saying that it took a fuck ton ( i paraphrase) of bleach and industrial scrubbing to get the stains out of his collars

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I can imagine‼️

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This picture is as horrendous as Giuliani's hair dye drips.

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I bet if you called him a vagina he would scream "SHES NOT MY TYPE!!!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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She didn’t lose Nevada. I’m from NV. The NVGOP ran a Trump caucus alongside the primary, which hasn’t happened yet. Candidates had to pay $55,000 to be on the NVGOP caucus slate. Trump paid, Nikki thought it was stupid. So who’s the birdbrain now? LDFF paid $2,115.36/delegate to say he won in Nevada. That’s dumb as fuck. Oh, btw, the NVGOP is run by two fake electors, so there’s that.

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I knew there was a complicated explanation to the Nevada issue. thanks for shedding light

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AP finally picked up the story:

Check out this article from Reno Gazette Journal:

A thinned-out primary and friendly voting structure clear an easy path for Trump in Nevada

Nikki Haley’s interview: “Talk to the people in Nevada: They will tell you the caucuses have been sealed up, bought and paid for a long time,” she told reporters in New Hampshire. ”That’s the Trump train rolling through that. But we’re going to focus on the states that are fair.”


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“The required fee for presidential candidates to participate in the caucus — $55,000 or $35,000 if they have an event with the Nevada GOP — will pay for the caucus, McDonald told the Review-Journal.“ [Michael McDonald, head of NVGOP and a fake elector]

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Follow Jon Ralston on Twitter (refuse to call it X). He explains the mess that the GOP has made of the primaries. NV will be the joke of the nation after our primary. The Dems are straight up vote.

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Well, it's not HIS money, so what does he care?

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I’d be surprised, really, if he had to pay. This is a coronation team.

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deletedJan 26
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Yep, and the NVGOP is saying that Republicans shouldn’t vote in the primary, but should destroy their ballots. They claim all mail-in ballots will be subject to corruption by Dominion. Strange: there are two separate slates (1) pay-to-play caucus and (2) state primary. Nikki is the only recognizable name on the state primary, and the Trump caucus wants to be absolutely certain that no one can draw the comparison between the numbers Nikki will get in a state-wide primary and the numbers trump will get in a 2-hour, one-day caucus.

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Sounds like Dominion can take them to court for slander and libel.

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Nikki's the GOP donor's insurance policy. Malignant barnacles like Koch will keep her in the race to cover a conviction, a stroke, or anything that knocks the shitgibbon out of the race. They couldn't give half a fuck about Emperor Shitstain's threats. (Man he looks like shit!)

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Word is he smells like 💩shit too!

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He's his own biological weapon.

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The photo of Donald next to Handsome Joe says it all.

I saved it to my photos in case anyone mentions the Presidents age to me again. Old? How about experienced, knowledgeable and wise in the ways of democracy.

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Classy and loyal too💙

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As much as I loathe Nikki Haley (the "America has never been a racist country" comment was her pièce de I'll-say-any-fucking-thing-to-grab-the-Magaites résistance), I am delighting in the Miserable Mango's pain. And if he does become the nominee, besides that being the GOP's absolute nadir and signal of its coming demise, I would enjoy watching him lose by so much that even he couldn't plausibly deny it.

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Oh he will LOSE and he will DENY the fuck out of that loss. The bigger the loss the louder the denial. Fucking orange shit stain moron. 🤬

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His meltdowns are my pick me ups. Keep squeezing his coronaries please.

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Drill, drill , drill

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I suggest that some of us contribute to Nikki Haley's campaign, just so there will be a voice in the news media sticking it to trump on a daily basis. Republicans won't listen to us, but they may listen to a lifelong Republican like Haley.

You don't have to give them your real phone number— put in something neutral like 713-555-1212.


Keep Haley "right under Donny Fuckface’s skin and in a constant state of agitation!"

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I’m in Reno, NV. I’ve been bothering the NVGOP so much that I got called an insurrectionist against LDFF and warned that I could be charged with election interference. NVGOP is run by two fake electors.

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You got called an insurrectionist AGAINST an insurrectionist......what the hell!!??

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Keep "interfering!"

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Thank you for your work!

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Fuck them. Stay after them.

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If they sue you you can countersue😆😆

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deletedJan 26
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Yep, I have screenshots. An official from the NVGOP called me that and accused me of saying white is black and black is white, up is down and down is up. I love keyboard warrioring; I really got under this guy’s skin for a couple of days.

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Keep all the proof you never know 😉😉

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I have dozens of screen shots and all my sources.

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Way to go!!! I'd invite you to come to Texas and guest-subvert here for a bit, but no one wants to come to Texas. (Was that pitiful enough? lol)

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Aawww that’s not true 🙁 I hear there’s an entire convoy of truckers headed your way right now!! 😉

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And we can pass rumors to Don Fuckface that so and so made a contribution to Nikki Haley.

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Actually, direct contributions to a candidate's campaign are public record, but they may not be revealed until the end of the quarter. Contributions to a PAC are anonymous.

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It's give Klump until end of April to flip out and go paranoiddddd

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Hey let’s start a burn out pool 5 bucks a head pick a date and hour of melt down ! Proof of total burn out to be determined by————- who gives a fuck ding dong his brain is dead ! 😵 ye ha!

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Nope. Can't do it.

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I gave $10 to Christie's campaign to get him into the debates. Never voting for him, but out of all of them that ran, he's the best of the lot (and that's not saying much).

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I gave $1 for the same reason. But I'm giving more to Haley, because she needs transportation, ads, ETC.

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Fucken A straight,between burgers , meth ,obesity,blood pressure, etc ,should be sufficient to release a mega ton shit fit in the deranged traitorous Nazi’s medulla !Go Nikki Go then after he’s reduced to Orange 🍊 pulp just go away you evil 😈 doppelgänger!

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the 555 is very important!

It tells the phone company it's a fictional (fake?) phone number.

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I’ll take Joe Biden old over donnyshitface any day!

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Nikki has a solid chance if she hits him in his ego over and over again. He's predictable as fuck. If she keeps him angry and off-balance and refuses to back down or drop out, out-machos him and toughs it out...she doesn't even have to win, she just has to not lose long enough for MAGA world to find a reason to respect her despite their general aversion to respecting anyone with a uterus.

Same thing Obama did when he started behind Clinton in 2008. Reid called it "thugging it out" as I recall.

Granted, we still don't want her elected, so we may not want her as the nominee. She might actually beat Joe. Although depending how much Donald annoys and threatens her she might decide against pardoning him.

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if Nikki's the candidate, there's no way Trump doesn't try to run as a third party

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I expect and encourage that. Then he loses RNC funding.

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Better, it has the RNC running one way and blowing their money, and Independents or a quickly cobbled together party sending money Drumpf's direction. If they both fail the MAGA base and lose to Joe...AGAIN...maybe they'll finally start seeing the writing on the wall.

And get someone to read it to them, natch.

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Ooo, that would be fun to watch too!

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That is one big if!

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Problem is though, that Nikki may run out of money if the big donors pull out. She doesn't have the personal finances to fund her own campaign. Maybe "those boots are made for walkin" will rejoin the race from Florida lol lol.

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Koch is funding her. He has very deep pockets.

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He sure does and I can't imagine him liking Trump. No one with opposable thumbs does.

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Ah but a lot of the establishment donors like Koch dislike Drumpf. As long as Nikki stays in it she's got their funding, and if Donald backs out to run 3rd party, his RNC funding becomes her RNC funding.

She's got him by the short and curlies if she toughs it out a few months.

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I think the technical term is neck-vulva...

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That Trumpenfurher likes Memory is hilarious since he’s obvious losing his. It looks like many people don’t care if they’re blacklisted. They won’t have to worry about any more Chump fundraising emails clogging up their inbox.

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I'd pay Grizabella good money to piss all over his phone and keep him offline for an hour. 😆

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I dunno. They’re yet to take an off-ramp.

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Could be that, in addition to becoming increasingly incoherent, he's about to become homeless. What if he has to sell his Florida property to pay the judgement owed to E. Jean Carroll (that we'll all know about when the jury renders a decision)? As I recall, living in his shitty cockroach infested garish golf motel is against local regulations anyway.

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He will drag out the payment with appeals until he's been dead for like 50 years. I have no hope of ever seeing him in prison nor broke. Looks what's going on in Georgia. Just don't understand public officials who use such bad judgment and jeopardize a huge case like that. Even if it ends up to have no bearing on whether he's innocent or guilty, the optics are terrible. Very disappointed in Fani. The GOP are blood thirsty vultures just circling around waiting for someone to make even the smallest mistake.

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deletedJan 26
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wonder why....

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Just my opinion, Christie is a bully and he sure knew about Bridgegate. But I don't see him selling us out to the Russians and other foreign powers. He also is smart - one of the most annoying things about Trump is how totally STUPID he is. The fact that it doesn't bother people is troubling. You want your doctor, your airline pilot, pharmacist to be at the top of their class, but you're ok with picking an uniformed moron as your president? With some supporters, they identify with the stupid and think it's ok cause "he's just like us".

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Surprised he hasn't had an aneurysm. Yet. Actually hope he's the nominee. Probably the easiest to beat. Hopefully, like a drum.

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Now if everyone in America sent him a binkie...

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Preferably one that has rolled around on a dirty, pet hair filled floor.

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Dip it in ketchup.

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