I have PTSD. Post Trump Stress Disorder.

He seriously fucked this country up and he’s an idiot. Why TF would anyone vote for him.

I’m exhausted.

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Oh, I know. Remember Jan 21 2021? When Joe biden was inaugurated, and the entire country woke up and DIDN'T have to think "What did that asshole say this morning?"

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👍🏼Yes…No more forehead slapping when the Orange Felon embarrassed the entire country!

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Until November 2022, when he announced he would run again. He is exhausting, yes - persistence being a hallmark of bullies. He is on the run. Chase him off.

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The reel!!! Omigod the reel! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Genius.

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We felt like that in Sweden!

I loved those few months and had a sliver of hope for a few months.

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Yes!! And even at that, for a while every time I’d see a story that started out “The president …”, I’d get an instant, reflexive knot in my stomach, then think Oh wait! It’s President BIDEN now!

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I had terrible insomnia, worried I might wake up dead 😳

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And people around the world celebrated when Biden's win was announced!

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it’s true

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I do i do great day

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Margot…all sane people are suffering from this (fits perfectly!) But now it’s rather calming to stand back & watch Felon trump crumble! Putin must be in a panic too!

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9

Maybe Putin might consider cutting his losses and doing away with Fat Don. Take his chances with number two on the ticket and divert one of his embedded goon squads to a trump hatefest. I mean Vlad has spent a lot of time and money on his Russian asset.

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I like to think Putin’s acquiescence in the recent prisoner exchange was a message to Donnie that his services are no longer required. Even Putin is sick of his shit.

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Vlad realized his useful idiot was just an idiot.

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I would hope the message got across to Donnie, but he’s pretty much in the stupid category. His brain cells are pretty much dead.

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Not when it comes to survival.

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You made a valid point.. I think just about everyone that supported him, but his “cult”, are growing tired of the insanity he has brought to the Republican Party. He took the RP to its knees and his daughter-in-law

Is helping him. The true republicans are going to have to rebuild their party from the ground up, I think that will take several years.

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That was my take on it. I am convinced by that act that Putin is done with Trump. Trump is a failed tool. It would have been so easy to delay the exchange until after the election, had Putin thought Trump would win. Not like we haven't seen that before, remember Carter?

I keep seeing people say that Trump might run for Russia rather than go to prison. LORDY LORDY, I hope so. If Putin is as done with him as I think he is, Trump would probably die of HWS (High Window Syndrome), and his whole family would be quietly "disappeared."

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He would be better off in Saudi Arabia. But come to think of it, MLB might get tired of his constant kvetching and self-promotion.

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It reflects rather badly that his puppet is such a drooling moron. Putin speaks better English than Donold does.

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Russian ASSETS - plural. The entire Republican Party are Compromat - Russian assets.

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Putin has made a huge investment. Good points!

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Hey if they end up pinning it on Putin ,I’m all for pardoning him ! Give the rat bastard a medal 🎖️ then take him window shopping ….on the sixth floor !🤫🤫🤣😂

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Sadly Putin has it all fixed for the unhinged, old senile felon. Project 2025 is right out of Putin’s playbook. So far without the war he created in 2001 against Chechnya in order to steal the election, the first and only real election the country had. He then managed to make up trumped up charges against his opponent which people believed. No one knows whatever happened to that poor man. Putin has been calling the shots ever since. The GOP party has been Putinised. A term the UK Guardian introduced to show what he has done to other democratic countries. He’s still trying it there with stooge Nigel Farage’and Elon Musk.

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Putin has all the dirt on American politicians,he's KGB,he probably knows J. Edgar Hoover's dress size.

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“Putinised” -great new word.

To be subject to Vlad Putin’s domineering shenanigans… becoming

beholden to his demands.

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Best meaning if the word.

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No, he has Musk, David Sacks, his close friend and Vulture Capitalist, loves Putin and he gives Musk his political opinion. Remember Musk texting his opinion on how to end the Russian / Ukraine war? His solution was to give Putin everything he has stolen, plus whatever else he wants. He was roundly laughed at by politicians especially the Ukrainian ones, who told him to get bent) Diplomats (who know giving everything to despot is a fools move) and military strategists. Sacks had twitted that exact opinion much earlier. The exposure of his idiocy, made the always thin-skinned Musk say he would remove Starlink (his communication system) used by Ukraine, from their use. He was eventually shamed by the online community to back down on the threat. He states he has met with Putin.


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Elect tRump and then take him out putting jd in, course this is worse case scenario

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And he's got some American F-16s to deal with, because Moscow Marge,Jordan and Comer failed so miserablely.

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There's some very bad days in store for the Russian military.

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Also very bad days for the American GOP.

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Hopefully after we win in November and breath a great sigh of relief while we congratulate ourselves for saving our democracy from certain tyranny…we as a nation renewed mustn’t become complacent!This bullet we dodged was a warning to us all !Unless we all agree to continue in the cause of the common good for all it will happen again! We must not stop ! This tragic almost apocalyptic episode in our history should be burned into our minds and hearts !No time to get smug and giddy time to fix all the broken components in our Constitution our government our economic system and most importantly of all !Our children’s educational institutions along with having the best teachers in the world that are paid the highest wages possible that they have long been denied and entitled to and show them that they will always have our eternal gratitude for taking on the hardest and most important job in the world!🌍 We cannot afford not to do what we have neglected to do for far far to long !🇺🇸

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First thing: Get rid of the Electoral College and go with the popular vote for President and VP.

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If a guardrail has failed,it's definitely time to make better guardrails.

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May you be a prophet! They highly deserve all the abuse.

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The real play is to end up with President Vance …

1. Trump wins or steals election

2 After no more than six month, trump resigns or Vance and cabinet invoke 25th Amendment on grounds of mental incapacity

3 President Vance pardons Trump, if necessary.

4. Full speed ahead on Proj2025.

5. Call constitutional convention, ostensibly to amend but really to rewrite,the Constitution.

6 cancel 2026 and 2028 elections pending adoption of new constitution

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He's crumbling faster and faster

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Margot, I have TDS




I love my TDS. I love it so much, I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that I have another case of TDS post November.

As to your comment "why TF would anyone vote for him"..... that, Margot, is THE BIG QUESTION. Your question is THE QUESTION that every sane individual in America is asking. How does one vote for a person who is pure scum? How does one vote for a person who is a racist? How does one vote for a person who has no moral character at all? How does one vote for a person who is a blatant serial liar? How does one vote for a person who is a utterly disgusting misogynist? How does one vote for a person who is an obvious con and fraud?

The only answers I've come up with, so far, is that there is a certain percentage of humans who are susceptible to cons and frauds. There is a certain percentage of humans who are ignorant. There is a certain percentage of humans who, themselves, lack moral character. There is a certain percentage of humans who are racists. There is a certain percentage of humans who do not care, at all, for people other than themselves. When you add up the numbers, that makes for a significant total - that "total" is Trump's cult.

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One more, there are people who love someone treating people they do not like or “approve “ of, cruelly, dismissively and hatefully, and who says what they wish they would or could say. Watching my fellow “good Christian folks” LOVE Rush Limbaugh, to now Donald Trump has been depressing and frightening. Is the fever FINALLY breaking? I hope and pray so. Can we be cured of the cancer that is MAGA? This is our last chance.

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Those MAGA people will always be with us, until their natural deaths generations from now, but the important consideration is that WE OUTNUMBER THEM. In a democracy, that's SUPPOSED to mean something.

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Someone pointed out yesterday on 'MiedasTouch' network millions of boomers have died off the last couple of election cycles, replaced by millions of Gen Xers.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9

I'm not wishing to hurry it along, but it's gonna happen. Anyone who's been MAGAfied that's over 35 or so is probably lost forever, the way the human brain seems to work.

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Yes trump voters aren't all Boomers, not by a long shot.

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The fly in the ointment there is the Electoral Collage. They keep handing victories to people like Trump who lost the popular vote.

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Rick A…. Bingo!!! You hit the proverbial nail on the proverbial head!

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You forgot the not unbstantial percentage of people who stan to profit from another 4 years of a foolish, bumbling dictator in the WH. He'll install nothing but toadies, lackeys and craven opportunists who'll rob the country blind while Dear Orange Leader is sleeping, or changing his diaper. It's those people who encourage the unthinking, uneducated morons who support Trumpolini to continue with their delusion - so that the Quislings seeking to profit off this country's demise can rake in their millions and then head off to Totalitarian Heaven.

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If Faux News -- or any media posing as news -- were held accountable for the egregious lies they tell (and not just by Dominion) as well as their lying by omission, there might be a shift. A Democrat WH/Senate/House might be able to move that needle.

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They were held accountable, to the tune of 787 million dollars.

Unfortunately, they haven’t learned from their mistake.

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That's why I excepted Dominion — I don't want to put my trust in corporate. $787M is chump change for Murdock. There have to be real consequences.

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Can we all steal this one! 😂👍🏼

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It’s rather frightening.

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JOEL… excellent analysis!

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Me, too. Mentally and physically exhausted. It will never end in my lifetime. My poor grandchildren.

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I feel the same way. Scary stuff

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Failure is not an option

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Don't forget the entirely and still complicit Republican party that made Trump as president possible. if they (and the press) had behaved responsibly Trump would have lost in 2016, gone happily off to create Trump TV (which would be bankrupt by now), and this country would be different place, and Trump would not be staring down the barrel of death in prison.

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They're all complicit.

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And the media, reporters are still fluffing him madly, with softball questions while he rambles nonsensically.

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I feel your pain. Thankfully, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have given me a new sense of purpose to work hard getting these two joyful warriors elected! I actually wake up with a smile on my face these days instead of dread thinking that TRump is going to win again. He's not! TRump is toast.

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I was just about to say : I cannot be the only one to be stressed out and exhausted, it’s been 8 freaking years of my life, between trump, Covid, and an NPD relationship,life sucked all the oxygen around me

We deserve peace and quiet, enough with hate ! It’s imperative this guy disappears, I can’t deal with him anymore.😱

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I was in the hospital on Election Day 2016, having just had my knee replaced. My day nurse was a very smug Trump supporter. While watching the election returns, I became convinced that she was putting some crazy shit in my I.V…but NOPE! That is how deluded, stupid, hateful, and stubborn some of our nation decided to be. I was so sad that it wasn’t a temporary debilitation. He won’t go away.

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If it’s any consolation, there’s a lot of it

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Agree on all four counts, Margot.

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I absolutely love the PTSD diagnosis! I have two different types of it now, I guess. Yours and the one I was diagnosed with from all my years of law enforcement and firefighting.

I have no idea who would possibly vote for, support, or even stay under the same roof as this clown!

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I think many of us are

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Are you me, Margot? Seriously, are you me? TYSM, for saying the out loud stuff even louder. This must be what a domestic violence victim feels when the spouse won't stop the abuse.

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That “deranged zoo monkey” diagnosis is clinically accurate.

This shite ain’t entertaining. It’s dangerous.

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I love how he thinks all asylum seekers are from the nut house. 🤣 Back in 2015 my sister had business in West Palm Beach. We drove by Lardoland, there we're people in the driveway. We started swearing and gave them the finger. We turned around and did a repeat. We were loud. I couldn't help myself. 😇

Jeff, that video is priceless. I saw Miller in the background.

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Thank you for your service. 😊

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I had no idea what TFG was on about, until it dawned on me: he doesn’t know the difference between “mental asylum” and “political asylum”! He thinks they’re the same thing! Oh.Em.Gee.

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I damn near peed my pants laughing at the downfall video! It’s too perfect for words!😂😂😂😂😂😂

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Oh fuck, when it cut to the weeping women and he’s screaming about “childless cat ladies”, I died

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The video is priceless and spot on. Funny as hell but it tells us where these demented dipshits and their mindless leader are at the moment. Wish it also included an epic flying plates of catsup hitting the walls scene.

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Well, the Nazis didn't do that, unfortunately.

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There was another of this same clip posted, subtitled with content pertaining to the #FarageRiots. Whoever it is, I want MORE. https://x.com/DachshundColin/status/1821835822913438162

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Stunning! This is how to mock the racists with their own puke!

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Those videos should be playing 24/7 on every possible platform that the DNC and Kamala’s election campaign can afford ! Trump will see it and claim he doesn’t look 👀 Orangey enough and that it’s his best performance ever ..he remembers making it for MGM and won an Oscar for Best Dictator !🤪😂😅

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It was adorable! And too perfect for words!

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We had a good laugh at the video!

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Jeff, I don’t know where you got this video but I was howling!! It’s truly brilliant!

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Lawrence O’Donnell spoke brilliantly about how the media hasn’t learned from its mistakes of 2016. The press continues to give oxygen to Trump’s demented rants. They covered his entire 90-minute joke of a press conference, while practically ignoring the Harris/Walz rally. It really is sickening. I think the NYT and other media outlets had better look up Einstein’s definition of insanity. And soon!

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Stephanie....Lawrence really seemed pissed as it looked like he was shaking in anger.....yes his diatribe vs. the press was fire 🔥!

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He was pissed, especially at NBC. Hopefully, we don't tune into "The Last Word with Katy Tur"

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Larry is the only one worth watching. I'm even a little pissed at

Rachael. Ok, Joy is pretty good.

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OMG, you just activated my gag reflex!🤮

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Yes, he is one of the few real journalists left.

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I'm dismayed by the evaporating integrity within the newspaper chains. ("chains" being the operative word.) When I was more involved in the field, newspapers were largely independently owned and though often ruled with an iron fist, you knew where the buck stopped, and integrity mattered.

It's a fair question: Where are the calls for the Loser to step down? And how rich is it that someone who's NEVER run a successful business is presuming he knows more about economics than anyone else? What a total fool.

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The oligarchs who bought out the MSM did so to become the kingmakers for those who would feed their greed. The American People are finally clueing into their game and shutting them off. We are now turning to new and independent purveyors of better and more rational sources of information in search of truth with which we can make clear decisions.

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When Donald says inflation would have been better under him, he means "I don't have a clue what causes inflation."

Project 2025 wants to give control of the Federal Reserve to Donald. Or abolish it. Some very bright guys here. Or so they claim.


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Destroying the Federal Reserve has been a dream of the libertarians since it was created. They want things to go back to the days when something concrete had to back up the money supplies, so they had something they could hoard.

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Yeah, they have tanked the economy every time they get anywhere near power.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 10

agree on all counts, but really, I know it is risky but I'd love to see this loser stay in till the end and severely lose the race and if he did step down and got some replacement with even one brain cell , it may pose a more legitimate threat to the Democrats...as it is now, we got this- as long as the psychopath keeps opening his mouth...

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9

The NYT editorial board ran two big pieces on why he's unfit to serve, including lots of vid clips of the catastrophes of his term. (To be clear, I'm not defending the NYT, whose coverage of djt, of Biden, and of Harris-Walz is often questionable.)

But at least the ed board, which is separate from the newsroom, is sometimes speaking up.

ETA: Those pieces predate Walz's arrival, and I'm pretty sure that they predate Biden's stepping down, but I'd have to check.

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I did see the video. Quite good.

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The neuropsychiatric term for Trump’s behavior is confabulation. It includes substituting false memories when the person can’t access accurate ones, often including “near misses” like Willie Brown for Jerry Brown. Also, difficulty correctly interpreting present events, making up details to fill in when lacking facts. Grandiosity is a common co-feature, a coping mechanism to cover up basic comprehension failures. Many patients who confabulate show fluid speech, which may fool the interviewer into believing the patient is more cognitively intact than careful analysis shows. Trump, however, is not fluid, he displays pressure of speech with frequent drops in thought and sentence completion as well as repetition and substitution. The persistence of this pattern over months if not years suggests a progressive neurological pathology and warrants assessment for risk of harm to self and others and initiation of a treatment plan to counter the deleterious effects of the patient’s weakening grasp of reality.

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the Willie Brown / Jerry Brown confabulation is the ONE bit of insanity that the media chose to report on. I don't know what made that one so appealing. was it easier to fact check? beats me

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Well, Meghan McCain got this out of it after she watched that shit show:

“Vice President Harris will win the election.”

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Meghan McCain pissed me off yesterday. She, of all fucking people, questioned Walz's military record. Nice way to show respect for her father. Entitled fatheaded asshole. 😠

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She’s a royal asshole.

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What? Maegan’s right for once?

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They are too chicken to come right out and call a racist a racist. Willie Brown, for some reason, has been very scary to conservatives. Bringing him up is a Willie Horton move.

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Or a nutcase a nutcase.

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He is a very successful King-maker. They wish they could be that powerful. Mr. Brown is the consummate politician.

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If you don’t live in California, you wouldn’t know who he was.

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Memories of Reagan telling stories from movies he was in, as if they had really happened and he really HAD fought in WWII instead of staying in Hollywood like John Wayne.

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And Nancy filling in as President when Ronnie suffered from dementia. Can you imagine Melania trying to make decisions for the country? But then, she couldn’t do worse than her husband.

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So, in other words: Perfectly competent to be President of the United States! Nothing to see here people, just move along and vote for totally-sane Donald!

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“harm to himself and others”….yeah, like an entire country!

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California Governor Willie Brown , locker room talkin' to DonOLD about stupid Kamalbla , as the helicopter was not about to crash in Pleasure, where they should rake the leaves of the forest floor, because he knows everything cuz he's a genius. 🤪

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Every time I see a take on that Hitler movie, I lmao. This one is stellar. More importantly, I suspect this exactly what’s going on in Trumpland.

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You too while watching the Shitler meltdown video? Watched that barnburner of a press rally yesterday and like everyone else, wondered where the real press was. I was thinking that he probably locked the doors on those people to hold them hostage until he finished with them. Lawrence O’Donnell did have something to say about the reporters’ questions with no follow ups though.


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Lawrence is the only person that I will commit an hour to any more. He has been consistent for at least 8 years that I know of, so he's my guy and I'm sticking with him.💙

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If MSNBC doesn't fire him.

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You know, Charlie…I was thinking exactly that as well.

I remember before COVID, MSNBC wanted to drop him because he was too critical of Dipshit, and there was a petition to keep him that got tons of support.

But, I don’t have any idea what the status of his contract is now. It seems like it should be about time for a new one!

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He has the best ratings of anyone else on MSNBC.

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As he should, he is classy, and dignified, and speaks only the truth with elegance.

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Oh, no! Don't even think of that.

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The original scene in “Inglourious Basterds” is perfect—so it makes the perfect template for every sadistic lunatic who's losing it.

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Love that movie

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First time I saw one was when Cubs won the World Series, 2016. Knee- slapper

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Lawrence O'Donnell was scathing last night about the press repeating 2016 all over again: free, lavish coverage of Trump's lies and not one challenge or correction. If you watch Trump's presser you will notice that you cannot hear a single question, and of course it never occurs to Trump to repeat the question for anyone else's benefit. Harris and Walz should publicly condemn the media's indulgence of Trump's lies. It should no longer just be a lefty critique. It should be common knowledge.

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O'Donnell, as always, was great last night

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When he slammed his papers down after reciting T💩p’s gibberish about Mifepristone I laughed so hard I dropped my morning muffin.

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His smoldering, righteous fury was magnificent!

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That diatribe was a thing of beauty. As was the UAW speech clip following.

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He still takes credit for all the work Obama had to do, cleaning up the mess Bush Jr. left, the ugly (and apparently invisible to MAGATS) cycle of American politics. Dems have the best music and entertainment and Repubs have... Kid Rock.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9

I wish they'd put that bar chart of R mess, D cleanup, R mess, repeat (national debt, going back to Reagan) FRONT AND CENTER.

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Don't forget Ted Nugent and Billy Ray Cyrus. Yuck. I need a shower now. 🤢

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And Toby Keith, except I think he's dead.

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Hoo boy

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Fact-checking at its finest: "If you watched the press conference with your own two eyes, you saw a deranged zoo monkey spend an hour and a half hurling its own feces..."

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That's good. So was "half Indian and werewolf." It's good that JDs children are too young to hear this.

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He's insane and the corporate media can't deal with it. Blows their whole scam to get him re-elected out of the water. I've said it before and I'll say it again - cancel your subscriptions to the NYT and the WaPo and tell them why in no uncertain terms. Maybe it's time for a boycott of the NYT?

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I’ve been boycotting the NYT for several years now. Now I’m boycotting the Washington Post. In fact, I’m boycotting all MSM!

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I did it in several steps as well...but I did NYT, MSN, WaPo. All this started after Hillary!

You have to stop hitting your head against the wall and paying for it!

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No, the NYT never forgave the Clintons for being self-made sucesses. They crapped on Bill, every chance they got, and then Hillary. They lied us into "W's" war they have been the paper of keeping the status quo for decades.

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👏👏 👏 Well said!

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They have a tendency to hire a few young reporters, that will keep them current, but they generally leave, and only the snobs and hateful ones remain.

David Brooks has been writing the same exact pablum for decades, full of people he imagines exist. (I don't believe he ever really spoke to people when on a Cletus Safari.)

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Welcome to my world. You’ll be happier here.

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Isn't Jeff Bezos, a democrat ally, the owner of the WaPo ?

Shame on him for allowing so much protection and deference to TFG...like wtf?

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Bezos is no Democrat and certainly is no liberal. He's interested in money and power, not journalism, and the Republicans will guarantee him big tax cuts. He brought Will Lewis to the WaPo, and Lewis is the subject of a criminal investigation in the UK with respect to deleting thousands of texts and email in the phone hacking scandals. Bezos can go to hell, along with his paper.

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wow, didn't know that... yes, Bezos can go to hell !

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The Guardian has been reporting this. Haven't seen anything in the US media yet, of course.

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Daily Beast too, they were publishing it WaPo, but Lewis fired Buzbee over it.

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What can we expect from a guy who proudly uses an erect dick as his logo? Musk must have Bezos envy.

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Or Polevaulting Derangement Syndrome. 🙂

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No Bezos told the previous editor Sally Buzbee, "No woke stuff." she was hired on the advice on the far right wing Fred Ryan, a Reagan toady who felt the paper was far too liberal. Bezos inherited a great team with the exceptional Marty Baron at the helm. When Baron retired, Bezos made sure to hire someone recommended by Ryan, because he wanted to slant the paper right. (Ironically she was fired by the new publisher for not being far-right enough. She wanted to present "both-sides of the news" And Will Lewis did not want her to print the stories about his misdeeds in the UK when he erased all those emails after being told to keep them for the lawsuit against the phone hacking Murdoch owned tabloid. He is scum.

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The only media I trust are the Associated Press and Reuters.

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Sorry, but they have both been horrible.

Lawrence is the only one left who tells the truth.

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Try The Guardian.

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I read the Guardian, but it’s a British paper.

I was very disappointed with Hugo Lowell of the Guardian who wrote that Trump “was very animated” at his press conference. WTF?

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I missed that. Lowell is usually very good. The Guardian does have a US edition.

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Yes I know, but it’s not an American rag. Thank goodness.

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Yes, they don't always get the nuance of the US politics, and even they were starting with the "Bidens old" stuff. I cancelled them over that.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9

I echo The Guardian enthusiastically.

FWIW, excellent book & arts reviews too.

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You might also want to consider the Philadelphia Inquirer. They are expanding their national coverage, and their political columnist, Will Bunch, is terrific. I'm surprised some major paper hasn't poached him.

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This is the headline from AP today. They suck!!

“Trump campaign projects confidence and looks to young male voters for an edge on Harris.”

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9

Lawrence O'Donnell was ON FIRE last night talking about how the media comprises a bunch of stupid toadies for Trump who have learned NOTHING from 2016. If you haven't seen his opening monologue from last night's show, find it pronto.

Update: Bluesyfish posted it in the comments - thanks!

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Lawrence was absolutely amazing. He does have a history of working in politics and I WISH he would become president some day.

He would be a great one...

From 1989 to 1995, O'Donnell was a legislative aide to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

From 1989 to 1991, he served as senior advisor to Moynihan. From 1992 to 1993,

he was staff director of the United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, then chaired by Senator Moynihan, and from 1993 to 1995 he was staff director of the United States Senate Committee on Finance,

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That’s what a pissed off Irish /American from Boston does when no other newsperson has the balls to do the right thing ! Excellent job Lawrence !Bravo ! Maybe your fury will be contagious and your contemporaries in the media will see how a real member of the once proud Fourth Estate does the job he is expected to do! You make me proud to be from Boston !👍🇺🇸

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It was incredible. He called out the news people at that conference for being timid (I think he meant PABs but of course he couldn't say that.) He said, "Why do you act this way? Because you're afraid he'll cut off access so that you can come next time and listen to him lie again and again?" Amazing. And I'll bet he's going to get fired.

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MSNBC would go belly up if they made such a move ! The entire news team would walk out ! They would be dead as a media outlet!

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If they fire him, I’ll stop getting MSNBC - wait - I already dropped them, along with Wapo and NYT.

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Thanks for finding and posting that!

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The Hitler melt down is FANTASTIC! Deranged Donny is going down fast……(hurry up already!)😡 We’re sick of his voice and face!

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Yeah, we can see teh crazy for ourselves - without the useless media being useless.

For fucks sake he claimed to have protected Hillary Clinton from being prosecuted, because he didn't want to see the wife of a former president in jail. Really? The same guy that led chants of "LOCK HER UP" is now claiming to have protected her from prosecution? Yeah right, and let me know when Elvis gets here.

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No reality base when he opens his mouth … its just lies,lies,and more 💩

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Lawrence O’Donnell was on FIRE last night, with a blistering rebuke of the media (including his employer) and its lack of pushback at VonSchitzenpantz, both at yesterday’s vermin infested golf motel presser and every other time the Orange Asshole opens his mouth. I was literally cheering in front of my tv.

The media MUST wake up and demand actual answers to questions - and point out the batshit craziness!

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Lawrence was on fire last night. He’s the only real journalist left.



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He's a presenter, not a journalist, and I mention this bc he'd be the 1st to make the distinction. Altho some, or a lot of, journos aren't doing a good job these days, the fact is that their job (when done correctly) is not only hard but requires a lot of activities that LO doesn't do, and requires skills that LO -- brilliant and skilled though he is -- might not have.

Journos dig for facts. LO and his peers on the MSNBC 4p-midnight lineup analyze and comment on the facts that others have unearthed; LO + peers enhance our understanding of recent events, in the context of other current events and in the context of history.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9

Sorry, but Lawrence is a journalist.

At the risk of repeating myself, I worked in television in DC and I know the work that they do and it’s not regurgitating someone else’s investigations.

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What planet are you from?

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