From your mouth to God's ears. Oh wait. I'm an atheist 😀

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And if I wasn't before, I would be after this last six years or so with the Evangelicals at high level all the time.

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JT, it is so correct to relish in the hope of this monster finally getting his, but today my heart is sad once again. Today marks one year after other monsters let 21 beautiful lives perish at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, and my heart is weeping for them. As I ate breakfast, watching my own child prepare himself for his day, I know the parents of those in Uvalde are breaking all over again today, knowing they will never have the joy of holding their little ones.

It is far past the time we end Donald Trump's charade on American politics, and it is far past the time we end the constant barrage of death from guns in this nation. Thank you Jeff for helping us all vent: now is the time to work to create a lasting solution.

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I understand it is a faux pas to put a link to my own work on someone else's (Jeff), but after seeing 64 Likes to the Comment I made here, but nearly no one looking at the piece I actually wrote about Uvalde (and posted yesterday) other than Jeff, I am a bit discouraged. I invite all those who Liked my Comment to check out the piece I actually wrote: how else will anyone see the work? Please don't hate me for trying to share and find the audience: I am NOT trying to steal from Jeff or anyone else.


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you can link to your own stuff here. anyone can. I don't mind

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Yeah, the letter reads just like that testament by his one-time physician, Bornstein. RIP.

Good golly, people. HE GOING DOWN.

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The deeper Rump sinks into the legal quicksand of his own making, the happier I get.

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Schadenfreude is sweet!

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And if they all weren't such vapid, rampant fucking liars, the entire GOP would sing hymns of glory when he goes down. But alas they'll stick by his side but secretly be thrilled when the liberals are blamed for it. For these slim ball hypocrites, it will be a win-win.

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Me as well hehehehe

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Keep in mind folks....that trial date in March is right in the middle of primary month in many states. It'll be delicious watching the competing news stories of his crappy little cult rallies and his trial in NY. Gonna be a fun election year alright.

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And Trump has to attend. Teehee

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that's my understanding.

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Yep, it’s a criminal trial so attendance is required

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Yep. Every criminal perp in the world would love not to have to attend his own trial if he were free staying home, probably with his passport in his back pocket and a briefcase filled with money.

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Don't forget, the more legal trouble he gets in, the more his supporters will rally around him.

But, hey, they're mostly a bunch of old smokers. They're dying.

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In a sane world, Trump would have been led away by kind people when he started pretending to be other people on the telephone and radio, talking about himself as a wealthy and powerful person.

He would even now be in a sunny place being showered, fed and his meds adjusted as required and we would never even have known his name.

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I cannot believe actual attorneys signed this letter that Merrick Garland is probably showing around the office laughing at the absurdity that is trump. At least, in my mind, that's what's happening! 😂 These lawyers must be desperate for clients or something.

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jeezus this is better than morning coffee, thanks!

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It might be almost impossible to cite the stupidest thing trump has done in the last decade, but my pick is that he ran for president. What f*cking criminal moron decides to put their life, wrongdoings, lies and illegal behavior on full view of the legal system and the world? Only a deluded imbecile would believe that he could get away with everything and continue to crime publicly with no repercussions. I know, I know - it has looked like there will be no consequences but truly that was a long shot with the constant illegal actions just smacking all of us in the face over and over again…

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I follow that train of thought. Why? With all the pettiness of Louis the IIIIX, the lack of self awareness is truly an accomplishment. I bet he sees himself as one of his trading card images (or all of them). Without a reality floor or ceiling. Why would you put that out there for everyone to see? Because you’re not sane, that’s why. What sane person would do any of the

bat-shit crazy, in cartoon character style crimes, (clogging the White House’s toilets?). His tenuous grip on sanity was evident though business dealings, all failures, his blatant money laundering crimes were catching up him and he made a deal with Putin (many years ago as a useful idiot) with who he was a counterpart. He saw the facade under which Putin operated. He likened himself to that sort of phoniness. Reality is lost on him. Long past due for a wake up call. Thwack! Rake to the face!

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A white rich guy

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I believe that when he set the trial date out, the NY Judge made it clear that it’s because he expects the parties to have all motions filed and be ready for Court on that date. It was done to prevent the sore loser from delay, delay, delay.

He definitely dictated that letter.

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The request to Garland was definitely written by Trump - using his favorite phrases. But I think his attorneys spell-checked it and made a few subtle changes.

Hey does anyone know what happened with Beobert's grandson who was supposed to be born in April?

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Not happening fast enough is an understatement. Why have rules and laws never applied to Donald J. Trump.? Because, he is Donald J. Trump. He should have been arrested and or jailed decades ago for his Trump University scam. Many victims spent 35 K for the worthless " Trump U. graduate" index card they received upon completion of his online real estate course.

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But Jack Smith is a critter that isn't afraid to just jump on into those dark holes where all the secrets are and he has done a very deep dig on this. There are potential charges being mentioned that are far more serious than we've heard to now. I've always said, let this guy do what he thinks he needs because he's one of the few who can and who always does.

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Sure looks like things are catching up to Sphincter Face, but I'lll believe it when I see it. This is such bullshit! If the DOJ wasn't such a dysfunctional quagmire, a whole bunch of hideous, dangerous people would be serving time in jail instead of serving ill-gotten terms in Congress. As far as this country goes, it'll all be too little, too late, with a civil war in the offing before it's all over. And the fascists are the ones with the guns -- the GOP's constitution-backed "well-armed militia" all set to take back "their" government. None of this had to get this far and this bad.

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I hate to be a buzzkill but while we’re all celebrating Trump’s imminent downfall, let’s not forget we’ve been here before. Several times, in fact. When the Mueller report was released, everyone said, *We’ve got him now,” but we didn’t. When Michael Cohen testified to Trump’s malfeasance, everyone said, “Oh boy, we’ve really got him this time,” but we didn’t. When the Feds charged Weisselberg, everyone said, “NOW we’ve got him”! We didn’t.

Notice a pattern here?

Look, nobody wants to see him in orange more than I do. Being a New Yorker, I’ve been saying *lock him up* for years. But I won’t enjoy his downfall until he actually falls down. There are lots of charges pending and hopefully something will stick. But we’ve been here before, and until he’s led off in cuffs, I’m not celebrating.

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My take on all this, he'll be indicted, may or may not quit the race, will go to trial, will be found quilty in a few of the cases, and be under house arrest with some kind of gag order. If he quits the race, it will only be because the GOP will have promised him a pardon if they win.

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I agree with most of your comment. He WILL be indicted but he’ll never quit the race. Conceding defeat is anathema. On his deathbed, he’ll still be insisting that the election was stolen and he never met E. Jean. I agree that he’ll try to negotiate to stay out of jail; that’s why he stole the documents. But unless he goes to jail, even if he’s hit with multiple indictments, he still won’t drop out. Every indictment is a fundraising opportunity and Cheeto Jesus will never accept defeat.

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I’m surprises that “our country” wasn’t capitalized. I can hear him saying it in my head.

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Hey Jeff, unless I overlooked this vetty important and juicy fucking tidbit, Jack Smith also subpoenaed the trump organization for business records from 2017 to 2023, regarding business relations with Turkey, China, Saudi Arabia and a few others.

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Yup. And let’s not forget Boy Jared getting a couple of billion from the murderous Saudi prince. WTF?

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Jared spent a little time biting MBS' pillow. You can bet on that.

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