So glad the mics picked up my "you're shilling for a rapist" and "no one cares what you want", and that lots of New Yorkers joined Rise and Resist in drowning out those clowns. Thanks for picking it up Jeff and for all you do

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"my"? was that *you* shouting down the cosplayers?

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May 21Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

Yes that was me. Along with my Rise and Resist people, we've been down there a lot. If you've seen protesters it was probably us: No One Is Above The Law, Slept with a Porn Star, Screwed the Voters, etc. And you've posted work by our great political chalk poet.

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You guys rock! Keep up the righteous work!!!!

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Thank you 😊

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Thank you, very proud of you all!!!

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Well done!!

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You need to go to Wisconsin, Penn, Arizona. New York is a lock up for biden. So you travel? Where can I donate?

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I shared the chalk masterpiece with EVERYONE!!!!

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Karin is our chalker. She is awesome, clever, tireless

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Can you share some of the chalk art? I missed it!

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She is a freaking GODDESS!!!! Tell her THANK YOU

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fucking awesome

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You all ROCK! TY, TY 🗽🇺🇸⚖️

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A grateful nation thanks you.

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You're missing a "to" in the first sentence of the post. Compulsive grammarian reporting for duty.

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You gotta resist correcting him. It doesn’t matter one iota. His message is what matters most and it’s coming thru loud and clear by readers.

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The "dress up like your daddy" look is just weird and incredibly impotent. This is reminiscent of the Heaven's Gate copying and indoctrination.

"Part of the Heaven’s Gate dogma was that everything had to be precisely the same"


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They should wear diapers on the outside like that other crazy group of MAGAts lol 😂

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I still think we should congratulate them for coming out with their diaper fetish. Treat it as legit, it would drive them crazy!

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Small kick energy is abundant these days.

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I sent this beauty to EVERYONE

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Funny how Baron von Shitzinpants complained at length about any restrictions on his ability to publicly intimidate, defame and threaten witnesses and the prosecution, but when given the chance to testify under oath, he once again chickens out. The one thing he apparently has learned from 4200 court cases is that there lying in public is free speech. Lying in court is perjury.

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God, I think you're right! trump, after 77 years, may have actually learned something! (78 in a month - be sure to send a card).

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I intend to piss on his grave. Live streaming, if you will. Does that count?

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Let us make a solemn vow that we will have a meet up of the Jeff Teidrich Fan Club to piss on his grave together. Men can turn their back when the women do it.

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If cemeteries have Secret Service protection, perhaps some would join us!

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I'm afraid to tell you, but the agents who liked him volunteered to continue protecting him. But on the positive side, I don't think cemeteries have Secret Service protection.

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I would guess that ends with death and if you believe in that kind of thing he still has hell to look forward too.

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Didn’t Russia supposedly have video of him enjoying being peed on? Or was that just watching girls pee? I don’t want to fulfill his dying wish or anything so I’ll pass on that part.

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The story is that two Russian hookers were paid to pee on the bed that the Obamas had once slept on, which is so fking weird and immature.

Obama mocking LDFF at the 2011 Correspondents' Dinner made him want revenge and became his impetus to run for president -- https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/watch-inside-the-night-president-obama-took-on-donald-trump/.

Everything about this malignant narcissistic misanthrope is to soothe his delicate, yet massive ego and exact revenge on those who dare to challenge him. Textbook narcissism.

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I believe he had the Russian “Models” pee on the bed, as it was the exact bed that President Obama and Michelle Obama used during their last Russian trip.

He himself did not indulge in the activity.

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No one knows for sure, but I think that was just a juicy rumor that got included in the Steele Report without any confirmation.

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I will bring the TP and hand sanitizer.

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Count me in!

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Um… how do I put this? You’d be giving him something he thinks comes with heaven.

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The great thing is he'll be TOO DEAD TO CARE! [nelsonhaha.gif]

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WAY too many more birthdays before that glorious event, I'm afraid (of course, I'm also a pessimistic skeptic, so don't pay me much heed). When it happens, they could make it a pay per view reality TV contest to see who gets the first piss!

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Could be that Melania will have the first piss before any of us.

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It would be the best thing she ever did.

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Livestream the live stream!

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Or..LtL for short. Like his short LtL hands. Bwahahahahahaha.

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May 21·edited May 21

NOW I get it! Live stream.....Good one!! ( my brain took a vacation day I guess)

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I'll be there. You may not know who. I will be in line.

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We could take bids on it and auction off that right! Probably pay down the national debt!

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Perfect 😃😃

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In an entrepreneurial spirit, that would be one hell of a lucrative business. Owning the concession stand at the cemetery because you know people will pay to piss on his grave. As Terence Mann once said to Ray Kinsella, “People will come, Ray. People will come.”

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And while we're in the genre, "Fuck you, pay me."

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Ok, I almost peed my pants at this comment. I guess I can consider it practice

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These comments were great!

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Glad to have provided any laughter I might have! Ir even snirks! I adore a well done smirk in the right situations!

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(A snirk is when a drink squirts out your nose in laughter in my personal vocabulary. I should mention that.)

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The "Ir" however is a shameful error.

I shall bear it...for about two seconds. Fuck it.

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I will drive you there... I'm thinking of making a tour bus business, we could do that to Fat Tony Scalia, Rushbo and eventually add Clarence Coke-Can Thomas and hopefully soon Alito, to make a full set of evil. I forgot a couple, suggestions?

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Paul Ryan, Mitch McCuntell, Newt Gingrich...

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Yes. Make it a champagne tour, all the passengers share several bottles on the way, then all deposit their contents on the gravesite.

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There will probably be a fence. I want to pour a bottle of champagne on the grave. Or the fence.

After drinking it, first.

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I’ll make the ugliest because fuck you that’s why you shit-assed fuckead I can make. Then I’ll make a donation to Joe Biden in honor of drumpf’s birthday and be sure to let him know. This is a great way to boost Joe Biden’s campaign!

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Great idea!!! When's dfg b-day? I want to donate to Biden Harris again soon.

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Not sure, but I think $78 sounds like a good even number.

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Someone posted it was next week.

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Left out card…

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We should all chip in for a nearby electronic billboard to post that

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Is "blue suit, red tie" the new "brown shirt, swastika armband"? Is that how all his soldiers are supposed to dress now as they goosestep in his wake?

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The Handmaidens. Weird how these fuckfaces dress. The guy on the right needs a bigger coat. That button's gonna put someone's eye out.

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He bought his suit at JC Penney $100 off the rack suits. Where all dandies go today to smarten their look up…

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🤣 🤣 🤣

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Here's one good thing about them dressing like this. In this photo run by NYT, you can see his minions sitting in the rows behind him in the courtroom, dressed in their new uniform. If I was on that jury, that would speak volumes to me. I hope it's not behind a paywall, but if it is suffice to say it's one of those pictures that speak a thousand words.


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Will next Tuesday's mob of minions include Alito, and/or Thomas? It would really tie everything together rather neatly.

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Maybe they’ll send their wives, so they can claim faux innocence.

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I'm sure they are dying to be there.

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The picture creeps me out.

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Is his face crazy glued in that position?

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Yeah, I wonder if the juror’s had a reaction to the clones -er - clowns.

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Gag gag gag

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May 21·edited May 21

The NY Times is clearly wearing its blue suit, red tie these days.

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😳 fucking creepy !

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Shitler missed the only legal opportunity to ungag himself in our justice system. Of course he couldn’t take it. His surrogates can take off their clown costumes. Speaking of shit, my motto for the next two weeks is: If it smells like shit, you can’t acquit.

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good one!

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🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🏆Tweet of the Week!!

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So who’s the “poopy-head” now Mr. Blanche? You would think he would know better! I can’t wait until Little Donny Fuck Face GOES AWAY-preferably prison. And supporters who riot can spend jail time….and Supreme Court trumpers…ditto! Soooooooo sick of this. Sorry ….felt like ranting!

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Most of us feel the same way, no apologies are necessary.

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what Sharon said...this is the place to feel supported in your rants!

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Absolutely agree! I envision a darker future, but yours is what I hope transpires. Unfortunately, conservatives stand up en masse to the MAGA/Q/Project 2025 lunacy, there’s no end point to this nonsense. Fingers crossed/Go bag ready.

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Permission to rant. ;)

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Never apologize for ranting about the orange turd…he deserves every ugly thought or word said about him! What I’ve been saying lately and loving every delicious thought, is that he will never have another good day in his life..all of this brought on by his own selfish, stupid, criminal behavior.

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Rant on. We all feel that way.

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Judge Merchan is my hero!! I'm starting the Judge Merchan for Ruler of the Universe PAC!! No eye rolling allowed!!

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And "Are you staring me down right now?"

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C’mon now- eye rolling is the only exercise I get.

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Orange Caligula always gets the best people. Masters of self-ownership. I'm amazed they didn't call Pillow Guy to the stand.

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I'm amazed he didn't hire the Pillow Guy as a lawyer.

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He’ll be there on Tuesday to prop up orangetard so he can rest his blue eyes that aren’t sleeping.

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Give it time. With three more trials pending, the sleeping king of rancid flatulence might be looking for another ass kissing, dipshit yes man to represent him. Also, Mr. My Pillow is broke as hell so he'd probably welcome the opportunity. What a shitshow this would be with that moronic asshole spewing his conspiracy theories as the judge would be losing his or her mind.

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Well, the trial certainly ended on a high note and left a wonderful taste in the jury's mouth.

Please conviction please conviction please conviction please conviction. Please please please.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Judicial system has to review the entire concept of “hung jury.” One lone dissenter should not kill a verdict

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Somehow, I don't think that will be a problem with this jury. Eleven New Yorkers can really gang up on one dumbbell. It could be that only 11 walk out of the room alive.

I lived in NYC for 11 years.

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“as is his wont, Donald Trump spent much of the day slumped in his chair, fast asleep, as the fragrance of stale hamburger farts filled the courtroom”

Poetry. 🤣😂🤣

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I think you meant 💩 poop-etry.

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I’m laughing 🤣 so hard!

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So many wonderful things in this topic today. Astonishing the shit job Costello did on the stand and a seasoned lawyer and prosecutor as you pointed out. I've seen a lot of judges yank up short a lot of asshole attorneys but I've not seen this level of yanking up and this level of idiot attorney until now. So glad Trump insisted Costello be called when most likely every one of his attorneys told him it was not a good idea. You have to wonder if deep inside somewhere those attorneys want DJT to lose big time. After a week in trial, a jury usually looks at the judge a good daddy/ And when some ass smarts off to nice daddy, the jury usually hates that. And Costello obviously has little regard for attorney-client privilege which, even though Cohen did not sign up with him, it's really unheard of to ever tell what Costello told about their conversation. Of course this won't matter to the vast numbers in the country many of whom don't even know there's another Trump trial going on. I'm not kidding. Most people don't even know.

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I think Trump wanted Costello because he looks like a real wiseguy. It was an attempt to intimidate the jury and, also, to go for a mistrial.

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Right! Totally backfired, I love it. Costello is a goon's goon.

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Obviously, trump miscalculated. Guys like Costello stop looking intimidating after a while, because they morph into pathetic fat old pigs. Besides that, Merchan stopped him cold.

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Also looked the part as mob lawyer

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The kicker was today when the prosecutor took Costello through his e-mails, which showed that he and Rudy were hip deep in trying to keep Cohen sewn up and on the team at the behest of Trump. The prosecution wouldn't even have gone into that had Trump not opened the door by calling Costello.

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Funny, I canceled NYT but still have time left. Been reading their ’hot takes’ every day. Each time, they left out important facts like this bit about Rudy & going through the e-mails.

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They have a narrative they are pushing, they misinform by omission.

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Please tweet @nytimes. We have to let them know that WE KNOW they are not honest brokers.

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Burn Costello at the stake of monsters who have no redeeming features at all. Rudy too.

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Yep, it was a circular firing squad. Prosecutor destroyed him.

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All his lawyers look like they have not crapped in three weeks and are just dying inside.

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The chances that Orangeina will debate are exactly the same as the probability he would testify. He hectored his lawyers until they put Bannon-lite on the stand but apparently they got through to him about testifying himself. Too bad. It would have been highly entertaining dumpster fire.

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I surely hope his lawyers all said to him, “We told you so, but no, you insisted we do it YOUR way. If you lose this case, blame Costello and yourself”.

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Unfortunately, no one is in a position to say that to Trump yet. One day, I hope Jack Smith visits trump in jail and tells him exactly how stupid he is.

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So basically the defense had no defense.

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Can’t fix stupid nor do I want to……

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If Trump is found guilty get ready for the US press onslaught of the many advantages inherent in campaigning from prison. 🙄

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It's the

tRump Campaign to Prison pipeline.

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They're going to have to search through that steaming pile of shit to find something they can use to appeal but likely they're going to file an appeal of some shabby sort and if there is some kind of prison sentence, it will be long after the election.

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Any time is fine for me when it comes to a Trump prison sentence.

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“No. No. This is not a conversation “ 😂😂🔥🔥

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Judge Merchan for the win! 🏆 "Are you staring me down?!" JFC, Costello was a train wreck.

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I know! I could not believe that whole thing. Judge Merchan is my hero! 👏👏👏

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Love it!

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That was the best knockout punch!

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The comments here are so awesome I forgot what I wanted to write!!!

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Agreed -- The comments are generally so intelligent and witty. I have found my tribe here.

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Well that sounds like a winning strategy to me: "eyes wide shut". Does he think that if he ignores reality, it will go away? "Wake your ass up, Donnie, it was all a bad dream".

The bastard has been a criminal all of his miserable life. He has lived the true Toddler King life. Had other people to cook and clean for him. Drive him places. Play music to calm him down. Wipe his ass. He had millions of dollars. He could have bought a Corvette and burned all the gas and rubber he wanted. But no, he let other people get enjoyment while he lived his miserable life.

We will have to find something or someone else is laugh about when he is gone. There are plenty of bastards left.

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