A debt tracker? 😂 That is AWESOME! And kudos to Gavin Newsome...he's a class act and smart, too. I'm glad I canceled the NYT. I havent missed their bullshit one bit. And Fuck my home state of Missouri. I remember when it was blue...my "Democrat all her life" Grandmother would be disgusted. My sicko father was slapping my mother around while she was pregnant with me, so I have been told. The mid-50's, and she had no other options. Claire McCaskill, we need you!

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You can save yourself a few keystrokes here and there by just calling them the Trump Times as they're in solid lügenpresse territory right now.

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Great expose on the journalists—-what the hell is their point? They must love chaos and confusion so much, they lie and twist the facts. Disgusting and scary. And EXCUSE ME SOUTHERN STATES OF THE USA…….WHAT THE HELL IS WITH YOUR ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING LAWS AGAINST WOMEN!

May all of these dumb asses get voted out of office! Whew….I’m done.

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Jesus Christ!! Is Kristen Welker actually worse than Chuck Todd? That bullshit yesterday was ridiculous. She also inferred that it was irresponsible for the Democratic party to have Biden on the ticket because of his age. Fuck you, Kristen.

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It is so satisfying to read all the papers and then read Jeff's Cliff Notes with expletives, rage, and accuracy added. Go, Tiedrich!!

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The NY Times is digging around in their old tropes bag and will continue to run headlines BIDEN OLD. This while avoiding to mention exBLOTUS has slid much further down the unintelligible scale. WTF NY Times?

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If Jesus Christ decides to resurrect again, how long do you think it will take him to change his last name to Smith, Garcia or Goldberg? His current last name, bastardized by misuse of “Christian”, is religiously dragged through the mud. Jesus would not identify as Evangelical Christian; he is after all the first WOKE celebrity. Nothing is damaging the Christian faith more than Republican politics, as trump’s violent rhetoric echoes the fascist commitment to a destructive and bloody rebirth of society. This promise appeals to the born-again wing of the trump cult, who call him Orange Jesus and worship his ‘manliness and strength’. He has proclaimed himself God and the cult has sworn allegiance to a new Christo Fascist Nation. If you join the cult of Satan, doesn’t that mean you are going to hell? or is it “I'll see you in the rapture some sweet day.”

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I'd heard about the Missouri news but didn't want to believe it. Fuuuuuuuuccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

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I saw that counter last night and lmao. I plan to check it every day.

When Fox News outdoes you in the reality department it’s time to rethink your position. Nope, money beats truth.

Missouri: The Show Me who can be the bigger asshole State.

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Never thought I would be cheering for Brett Baier! Kudos to GreatHair Gavin! I am so glad I canceled my NYT subscription.

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I like Jeff because some people wouldn’t say “shit” if they had a mouth full of it.

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Jeff, thank you for posting a link to Robert Reich this morning...I read his newsletter and was reminded how much I appreciate his knowledge and writing, so I signed up to receive his newsletter every day too!...you have been hugely important to my sanity every morning which is why I ultimately decided to pay for your newsletter, and it's totally worth it - and important - for my well being!...now I will have Robert to read every day to help that well being

my subscription to NYT is coming due and I think I will NOT renew!...all NYT does for me is make me fucking crazy every fucking morning with their "fair treatment" of a hitler quoting, dictator wanna be, vile, bloated, ignorant, putrid, disgusting and total fucking asshole!!!...I have written NYT about what they are doing, and I wrote them this morning with links to you and Robert and let them know that this is why I will not pay for NYT anymore after reading that paper most of my life!!

and I have a feeling that my life will improve as a result!

I am guessing that writing your newsletter each day helps YOU deal with the current insanity in this country, but I really want you to know just how important it is for me and probably everyone else here too...so thanks again and keep up the awesome work!!!

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I simply cannot fathom what 'reasoning' the rethugs used to prevent a divorce decree while the woman was still pregnant? I know the real reason is all about imposing patriarchy, but women have really lost ground in the civil rights department over the last few years...

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“I know the press only too well. Almost all editors hide away in spider-dens…plotting how they can put over their lies, and advance their own positions and fill their greedy pocketbooks by caluminating Statesmen.” —Sinclair Lewis (It Can’t Happen Here)

Do believe Sinclair Lewis really hit the nail on the head with assessing the media 😂😂

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One has to really love rhetoric. My hat is off to Galvin Newsome. The comment I hear from some of my R’ friends (not MAGA)—I don’t have a Party anymore. Certainly some will hold their nose and stick with the Elephant. Many would never ride the Donkey. But for all the kvetching, all of us Dems will stick with Biden as long as he is in. In my observation, he assembled and manages an excellent Executive branch. His gaffes are a minor distraction, his leadership superior. And he doesn’t have a half billion dollar judgement facing him among other things.

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The purpose of for-profit media is (surprise) to make profit for owners, not to tell the truth. These fantasies that they report are simply to try to get clicks and subscribers. It’s disgusting.

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