Donald Trump’s imaginary “crushing” victory, and other media atrocities
how our fucked up press continues to fail us
the worthless scribblers of the press were up to their usual fuckery this weekend.
going by the headlines alone, you would be forgiven for believing that Donald Trump totally fucking crushed Nikki Haley in this past Saturday’s South Carolina primary.
you had to read past the headlines to get the real story. yes, Trump did win — but he only got 59% of the vote. that 41% of the hard-core primary-voting GOP base won’t pull the lever for him is a huge problem for an incumbent candidate backed by the entire power structure of the Republican Party.
Donny has underperformed in every primary and caucus that’s been held to date — and yet, the media continues to paint a bullshit bubble of invincibility around him.
Robert Reich gives us some perspective — as well as a history lesson — in his post this morning:
In 1992, Patrick Buchanan won 40 percent of the vote in the New Hampshire primary, holding George H.W. Bush to 58 percent — almost exactly what Haley did to Trump on Saturday. The New York Times treated the outcome as a huge problem for Bush, with the headline “BUSH JARRED IN FIRST PRIMARY” followed by a story characterizing the result as “a roar of anger” toward Bush from Republican primary voters.
got that? a number that was a “huge problem” for Poppy Bush in 1992 is smooth sailing for Trump in 2024.
oh, how our media continues to fail us.
as Reich points out,
If Joe Biden had gotten under 60 percent of the vote in a Democratic primary, the mainstream media would declare his reelection campaign in dire straits.
in fact, Joe Biden did score an actual crushing victory in the SC primary, copping 96% of the vote — and look how the New York Times spins it:
“but Saturday’s repeat win is an uncertain measure of wider enthusiasm for his re-election bid.”
I’m sorry, am I taking crazy pills? on what planet is a 96 percentage point victory “an uncertain measure of wider enthusiasm”?
what the fuck, New York Times?
Donald Trump is in a shit-blizzard of trouble. yes — barring legal or heath issues — he’s going to be the Republican candidate for president. that was never in question. but there are going to be a shitload of Republicans this November who can’t stomach voting for a rapist fraudster dictator-wanna-be. maybe they won’t vote for Joe Biden, but they will stay home on election day.
here’s another bullshit story being pushed by the press:
it’s conventional wisdom in the media right now that Democrats are panicking and are running around trying to replace Joe Biden on the ballot — except you can’t find an actual member of the Democratic establishment who is saying this.
no, this is the media talking to itself, trying like hell to create a controversy where none exists.
Can Democrats Replace Biden? As Long as He’s in the Race, the Answer Is No.
It is too late for a viable primary challenger to enter the race, and there is no mechanism for the party to choose a different nominee as long as President Biden is running for re-election.
again: the only people worrying about how to replace Biden is the media itself.
where are the stories about replacing Trump on the ballot? because unlike all this manufactured controversy about Joe Biden, that’s a legitimate story.
by the time the Republican convention rolls around, Day One Dumbfuck could be a convicted felon — or the lifetime of arterial plaque that’s built up from a steady diet of Big Macs could finally do its work.
that’s the whole reason Nikki Haley — who otherwise has a snowball’s fucking chance of ever being the MAGA cult’s candidate — is still hanging around. she’s there to pick up the pieces if and when Donny implodes.
the press loves the shit out of California Governor Gavin Newsom — he’s young and handsome and he has an awesome fucking head of hair.
it’s Newsom’s name you constantly hear tossed about whenever the media rhapsodizes about their dream candidate to replace Biden at a brokered convention.
well, Newsom went on Meet the Press this weekend, and host Kristin Walker tried her damnedest to get Gavin to take the replace-Biden bait:
Walker: “do you think it’s responsible for Democrats to put him at the top of the ticket, given those concerns?”
Newsom: “responsible? I revere his record. what he’s done in three years is a masterclass. close to 15 million jobs — that’s eight times more than the last three Republican presidents combined.”
are you listening, media? your wet dream candidate doesn’t want the job, and he thinks Joe Biden’s doing absolutely aces.
it’s time to change the subject.
how completely fucking weird is it when Fox News does a better job of reporting the truth than the so-called mainstream media?
here’s Donny Trump, barking out lies to Brett Baier. Baier’s response is short and sweet:
Trump: “[bullshit about the 2020 election]”
Baier: “you lost the 2020 election.”
of course, Fox and Baier are covering their asses here — they don’t want another $787 million lawsuit harshing their mellows — but isn’t it nice to see someone calling out Trump’s lies, to his dumb pumpin face, on live TV?
you should be taking notes, New York Times.
the christofascists are still at it. Missouri took one look at the Handmaid’s Tale nightmare going on in Alabama right now — where frozen embryos have been declared children — and said hold our beers.
Missouri law says pregnant women can’t get divorced
As it stands, Missouri judges cannot legally finalize a divorce if a woman is pregnant.
Three other states have similar laws: Texas, Arizona, and Arkansas. While a couple can still file for divorce in Missouri, the court must wait until after a woman gives birth in order to finalize child custody and child support.
When it comes to domestic violence, there’s no exceptions.
no exception for domestic violence — because in Missouri (and Texas, Arizona and Arkansas, as well), getting the shit beat out of you by a psycho husband — even while you’re pregnant — is a feature, not a bug.
New York Attorney General Letitia James had a lot of fun this weekend, live-tweeting the ever-increasing amount that Little Donny Fraudfuck owes to New York State.
Letitia’s been outdone by Johnny Palmdessa, who has created the Donald Trump Debt Live Tracker, a continuously-updating tally of how fucked Donny is. as of 8:45am this morning, the amount stood at $464,908,886.51.
ah, sweet schadenfreude.
A debt tracker? 😂 That is AWESOME! And kudos to Gavin Newsome...he's a class act and smart, too. I'm glad I canceled the NYT. I havent missed their bullshit one bit. And Fuck my home state of Missouri. I remember when it was "Democrat all her life" Grandmother would be disgusted. My sicko father was slapping my mother around while she was pregnant with me, so I have been told. The mid-50's, and she had no other options. Claire McCaskill, we need you!
You can save yourself a few keystrokes here and there by just calling them the Trump Times as they're in solid lügenpresse territory right now.