by the way, the video of the complete phone call is paywalled at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, so I was unable to get it — but Bob Cesca played audio of the whole thing on his podcast this morning. it really is heart-wrenching to hear. https://www.bobcesca.com/the-bob-cesca-show-2-1-24/

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Biden is one of the most empathetic and sympathetic person on planet earth. He is genuine and a real statesman when it comes to this. Now think of Trump throwing paper towels at storm victims and Melania standing by in stilettos, not wanting to touch anyone or anything.

It should be shocking that 10 people want to vote for trump, a number that includes his family. I think the number of orange Nazi supporters is small but a right wing owned media is as guilty as the J6 deadly seditionist terrorists in promoting their lies.

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Biden is sharing pain with other parents who are sharing pain. It is a comfort to him to reach out, because he is in touch with his own pain too. He knows how much pain there is in seeing the bright lives ahead of them snuffed out as they served their/our country with honor! Biden is the man!

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I saw & heard it, so sincere , brought me to tears. 💔💙

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I saw it yesterday and the tears were falling down this old lady's cheeks. I would gladly serve for Biden. Not so much for the Orange Pustule. But it's moot, anyhow--I'm too old ;-) (Age does have some perks)

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Thank you.

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Absolutely devastating. And Joe knows. He lived it. And then there’s the diaperstain.

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I heard it on MSNBC his morning, but it was yesterday’s news

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Joe Biden is a real man. A real fucking man. With a working brain and a working heart. We are so fucking lucky.

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Okay I am the baby here at 64, but I agree with both of you. I admire Pres Biden's willingness to be vulnerable. Don't see that in politics.

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I love Joe Biden, and I loved Barack Obama. Real men with genuine feelings and a commitment to others.

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Yes, I really admire Clinton, Obama and Biden. We need more leaders that are human.

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Cannot wait to vote Biden/Harris again!!!!

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I hope that the little red heart I just clicked means LOVE, because I love, love, LOVE your comment, simple as it is! I cannot wait to vote Biden/Harris again, too!!

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I miss Obama every day.

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I do too! Michelle is also a treasure!

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Yes and YES!!! Honestly I think it would be awesome if Michelle were to run in 2028. I'll be 76 in March, it is my hope that I live long enough to see Biden win 2024, and then... who can say, but Michelle would be a wonderful President, I believe!

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Michelle is an amazing & wonderful human being, but politics isn’t her thing. She would never run for President. Think more along the lines of a young, brilliant person like Pete Buttegieg; Rhodes scholar, speaks 8 languages, cool, calm, & collected

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Republicans see vulnerability as weakness. The lack of self awareness is a feature, not a bug among maga

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Feb 2, 2024
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Well I guess we will have to disagree. In my opinion, being vulnerable is a virtue 💙

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Can't see the comment you responded to, but, I totally agree to what you answered!

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Yes we are! #BIDEN2024

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Joe has experienced real loss in his life. He has empathy, something Mr. Diaperfull will never have. Joe has the wisdom of age and experience. We are indeed lucky to have him and the turnaround in this country's economy proves it.

BUT...you had me at the three armed man. The Republican party (ProPutin Party) would fuck up a one car funeral. I'll be laughing all damned day. 🤣🤣

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I loved the fact that they published it without anyone catching the third arm. If Dems did that, we’d never hear the end of it.

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Exactly right! 🙄

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Maybe he's a Martian like in the classic Twilight Zone episode. The other guy needs to take off his cap to reveal a 3rd eye.

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The heartless mango menace whose chronic post anal drip expels regularly from two orifices, could care less about any loss of life. Between the million plus deaths from the Covid pandemic and his usual I could give a shit about any military fatalities, empathy doesn't exist in that very disturbed mind of his. Biden constantly shows his genuine sympathetic feelings to the families who have suffered from these tragic events, which is something we'll never see from the wannabe dick tater.

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It's just bizarre he gets so many people to vote for him. WTF is going on?!?

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Because I think our eyes are open wide now to the fact that 'Merica has a lot more stupid and uncaring people than we thought. Or maybe the numbers are just more now as compared with the past. When I grew up, this Trump cult would have been way in the minority and laughed at by mainstream people. Not anymore. I also think the election of a black president, followed by a loudmouth racist gave the GO sign to the covert racists we had in America. Now they have been given the green light by Trump and his followers to display Nazi and white power signs. They also feel free to physically harm those different than they are and to publicly say whatever they feel like to them. Trump didn't create them. They were already there. But before Trump, it is was socially unacceptable to behave like this for the most part. Trump is the result of these people - they have been among us for quite awhile.

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I think LDFF just gave the stupid permission to crawl out from under their rocks. Wayyyy back in the day, there used to be a saying, “Save your confederate money boys. The south shall rise again!” These fuckers think now’s the time.

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YES! Even President Obama has commented to the effect that his presidency brought out the brazen hate in the hearts of racists. We didn’t have a word for them at the time. We now know them as “magats” who crawled out from the primordial ooze with cover from the t-rump-Putin alliance.

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That’s exactly what happened. The huge majority of us who elected a black President just made them lose their damned minds. Period.

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It’s because, sadly, lots of our neighbors are sick fucks too.

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It could he a combination of Faux News, Newsmax, OAN, owning the libs and not knowing the difference between facts and fiction.

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Don’t forget the Joseph Goebbels school of communication.

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Ha ha ha 😂

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I laughed so goddamn hard I had to subscribe!!!! Just beyond the pale!!!

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I LOVE Joe Biden and I have NEVER said that about any president. I am 72 years old so there's been a few.

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I’m 69 and I agree as well. Cool hand Joe.

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Ditto! I get real defensive of my president when people start knocking him! He's got my back, so I'll have his.

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I'm soon to be 76 (March) and I loved Obama! But, I'm with you on Biden, too!

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I understand he wasn’t perfect, no human is, but I just loved Obama. When he won the first time & stepped up to make his acceptance speech, I cried.

Black folks are so right when they say that every single time they make some major progress, racism has to rear its ugly head & tries like hell to push them back.

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I felt every word Joe spoke. My daughter was murdered in 2015 in an act of domestic violence.

I went in and smelled her clothes and I still cry. In his words and the sound of his voice comforted me.

He also understood that this is something you never get over the loss of a child but there are days I reminisce about when we were here or there together it will make me feel her presence.

Thank you President Biden .

Thank you for this article Jeff.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. My mom was murdered when I was 10 as a result of domestic violence. I felt comforted by watching the family talking to Pres Biden, and even more when I hear from strong women like you 💙

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You really are a survivor, Deb. Your mother would be so proud of you. Sending you peace and love.

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Right back at you.

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Thank you. That had to be tough to write.

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So very sorry for your loss. 😢

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So very sorry for your loss.


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I am so sorry for your excruciating loss. So glad you are in Jeff's community.

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Yet another reason to vote for President Biden. Trump IS a “sick fuck”!

Biden 2024 🗳️🇺🇸

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That is a t-shirt I’d happily pay big bucks for: Dark Brandon in the background with “Trump is a Sick Fuck” over the image! 😎

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Someone please make this!!!

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Imagine shelling out your hard earned dollars and giving it to that sick fuck. I just can't.

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Me neither. And the evangelical support has completed my retreat from organized religion. Same for my sister who was a devout Christian churchgoer until they started preaching the Gospel of Donald Trump

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yep, he's ruined every nook and cranny in the federal government and turned people who tolerated religious fanatics into people who no longer have any tolerance of all religions.

The saying, "Everything trump touches dies"? Well, he touched our country and it's in the death throws as I write.

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💯 agree. I really think of him as anti Christ. Not the one we see in rapture stuff but truly the opposite of anything ever presented in the Gospel. I’ll throw in the embodiment of the 7 deadly sins too. Gluttony. Here. Envy. Yes. Etc etc

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I believe he IS the anti-Christ. I don't take anything literally in the bible so why should I take the description of the anti-Christ literally? Also, the sign of the beast's description I have read says it can be inscriptions on the wrist or on the forehead. Maga hats?

I recently talked to a pastor (a friend of a friend) and he is convinced trump is the anti-Christ.

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He certainly fits the bill. And the believers are following a false prophet and worshipping a golden calf.

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I was looking at Mexico City.

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to move to? i haven't been there yet. i hear it's fabulous but overpopulated. i wouldn't want to live there personally.

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pride, big time.

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Feb 2, 2024
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I agree and I hope we're wrong. Possibly a national crisis like 911 could bring us together but if Covid didn't, which was made political, nothing will except war. Even that might make us more divided. Putin, China and Iran have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. To groom and brainwash American's dumbest, most hateful, uneducated and violent people has brought our once beautiful country to the brink.

The 2024 elections will affect the world and its future.

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9/11 brought us together for what? A week maybe at best. The only thing that will bring us together at all is to vote out these idiots and make them so socially unacceptable that they don't want to show their face. I'm a boomer and it's a huge part of my generation that are in his cult compared to younger people. We will be dying out within the next 10-15 years. I know the younger generation is not without their issues, but they are the only hope to get rid of these wackos in government. As long as they vote them out, they can eat all the Tide Pods they want.

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I agree with you except the 911 comment. Im a boomer too. I tend to think when trump dies it will fuzzle out. He’s their leader and there will be no replacement for him. Im a boomer too

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Bravo for you both! I hope others have figured out how deep the rabbit hole is.

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Hope that church keeps an eye out , Jesus is gonna take a hike from all their hypocrisy ,and denominations ,he can’t take getting crucified again not for the likes of them !

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Haven't you heard? MAGAQ is waiting for Jesus and JFK jr to show up at Starbucks. They were seen with Agent Orange's family in South Dakota near Mt Rushmore last summer. That's what they say. 🫣

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Wow ,I grew up down the street from Jacks grand pa’s house in Dorchester ,I’d really like to talk to him,I was only 6 when he got whacked .Do you think him and J.C. Are still out in S.D. ? Would love to shoot the breeze with them both ! So many questions!

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I wish I was making this up. I'm not.

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Great meme (maybe I saw it here): Guy in a MAGA hat with a confused face and it says something about knowing your next donation is going to pay for E Jean Carroll’s next manicure.

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They are the dumbest people on the planet period.

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Me either, and they're really the least that can afford to

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So, my friend owns a bar in the mountains of Colorado where one evening this man starts complaining how broke ass he was. As my friend listened, he started whining he didn't have the $200.00 to send Agent Orange that month. My friend tried talking some sense to him. But he just got more upset. He didn't want to let shitpants down. There ya go. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.

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This is all a bad flick ———— It’s a mad,mad,world could be a satire of the past 8 years ,the movie was a riot ! But the reality ,defies ,any type of irony or yuk yuks .Unfortunately it’s a sad ,sad,world ,although I’m not giving in ! Keep the faith kiddo!Better days ahead ! Karma’s coming soon and she’s really pissed off !😤

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The ladies are going to own this election! I have hope.

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No worries Lisa ,seen evil 👿 many times,he’s a coward,takes a wee bit o time ,but Karma ,she always shows up to balance the scales ⚖️, she has a real problem with assholes who like hurting good folks , must of been outa town these last few years,but baby she’s back to even things up! The Magats and thier phony messiah are in for a real serious ass kicking! Get some popcorn 🍿 the bouts already begun!🛎️ding! G’nite

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Usually it is the Trumper whining to the bartender. lol, There it is.

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“The day will come when you walk by a park Kennedy played in or open a closet and smell the fragrance of her clothes or something like that and you’ll smile before you cry.”

😭 you just ruined my make up

And I agree with Biden. Trump is a sick fuck 100%

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If ever an f bomb was appropriate!

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Bumper sticker: what a sick fuck. what a fucking asshole

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love it!

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Well said!

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Wonder how soon Marjorie 3-Toes will propose articles of impeachment for disrespecting her orange hero while waving dick pics of Hunter.

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MTG is so preoccupied with Hunter's dick pics she can't think about anything else. I wonder if her boyfriend is jealous. She should be a say no to drugs commercial. This is what happens when one mixes steroids, coke and booze.

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That particular mix of ingredients has a much more intoxicating affect if it is first poured into a well shaken douche bag !

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That 3 toed lunatic should throw a half pound of HGH in the mix ,grow some toe and a brain back !

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