The same simpletons who believe and donate to mega church preachers also support liar

Donald Trump.

Their gullible, suspicious mentalities lead them to believe that giving $$$ to charlatans somehow does what? …. proves what?

Depressing level of ignorance.

Brings to mind this bumper sticker…

“Stupid should hurt”

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As always, well stated Jeff! I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump brought his own handcuffs just for a photo-op today! I think it’s all going to be downhill from here for tRump, which is something to be celebrated. Trump won’t have time to run for office...he’ll be tied up in at least four more lawsuits against him (rape, Jan 6th, Stolen docs, Georgia). The night he was indicted, I had martinis for the celebration. Tonight, it’s gunna be margaritas! We’ve been waiting for this a LONG time! Absolutely worth celebrating!~.

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Jeff is the Man. I want his columns published in my daily newspaper. People should read his articles.

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023

Maybe you’re right, Jeff. On the other hand I thought the American people would see through Trump and never vote him into the presidency.

I hadn’t learned my lesson from back when I thought the American people would see through Reagan and never vote him into the presidency.

But it turned out I was delusional. Three times. I am now firmly convinced that America can and would vote Trump into the presidency again. We’ll know next year. Meanwhile I just don’t get my hopes up.

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Truly wrought, exquisitely crafted, full of heart. May your staff be turned into a serpent that consumes the serpents of the fuckwitted. Metaphorically speaking.

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It’s helping his grift! He’s got $8 million fleeced from his moron sheep! He figures he can drag it out, stay in the spotlight and keep the grift going.

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"Fucking toxic" just doesn't seem strong enough. How about "motherfucking toxic?"

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Well the Orange Douchepickle “Oops he did it again” did it again.. The OrangeDouchePickle cannot for one moment do anything straight narrow and on the right side of the law. Oh and the Repuklican Grievance Bubble is right all the way up in the Orange Douche for Brains backside. So DoucheTwaddle is going to turn himself in and his simpleton Douche Zombies are up in arms that Alvin Bragg is going after him and it’s all made up and he’s an innocent lil baby who did nothing wrong but does everything perfectly… like the F*cked Up Schizophrenic Sociopath he truly is.. It’s beyond a sane persons intellectual understanding that this complete incompetent buttwipe might actually be held accountable. Butttttt, his rightwingnut fanatic fandom still are being “he will find a way out of this itty bitty dilemma. “ He’s like a super hero to Repuklicants… FFS 🙄 the sooner they stuff this weenie in a prison cell the better off our country will be. I just wish his Fanatical Freak base went with him.GanGreene Hockaloogie Boobalert Gaetz.. what this country really needs is some antibiotics from this STD.. STUPID TERGIVERSANT DICKHEAD(yeah look that word up)( acting shiftily or evasively)👍🏽

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If you really need to see another example of how monstrously he's deteriorating, his UnTruth UnSocial was loaded several times yesterday and in the night. The prayer is everything starts now, more indictments well timed just as he's catching his breath from one and then the next.

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He’s an idiot. A loud, ignorant idiot

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The image of Trump going down the “golden escalator” takes on a whole new meaning! I’m not a compass or GPS, but I think it’s fair to say that “TRUMP is GOIN’ DOWN”!

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Jeff, I went on to your link so that I could make a donation to smirking monkey. But that page is so busy and full of small screaming print, I could not find an actual way to donate there. Suggestions?

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The faster trump rakes in the money the faster it's going out to pay for all of his attorneys.

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Jeff, please be rigorous in your takedowns of DJT, who deserves it all and more, of course. I refer to clams to Trump's father being a Klansman. See https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/06/18/fact-check-fred-trump-detained-kkk-rally-circumstances-unclear/3209853001/ . It is unsubstantiated, and it's the OTHER guys who deal in unsubstantiated claims, not us.

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I’m trembling with anticipation for the day the E.Jean Carroll case comes to trial. Carroll claimed that Trump raped her, he said he didn’t. But unlike the typical “he said, she said” cases, she’s backed up by several other women who made the same claim. The only way he could defend his “he said” claim would be to take the stand. And that won’t happen.

Unlike the 34 financial crimes in the indictment filed on Tuesday - serious but unexciting - the charges in the E. Jean case are explosive: He grabbed her by the pussy. With his dick. It may be true that he could get away with shooting someone on 5th Avenue but raping someone in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room might not work out as well. A conviction on rape charges would probably not be good for the Trump brand.

It’s worth repeating: We New Yorkers have had 40 years of Trump. The lying, cheating and corruption of this man are well known to us. That’s why NY voters voted 9-1 AGAINST him. It’s past time for him to be held accountable.

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Thanks! Looks like it worked...

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