Donald Trump thinks being arraigned will help him. Donald Trump is a fucking idiot.
Donald Trump is the Wingnut Grievance Bubble's biggest whiny grievance baby
this afternoon, in a courtroom in lower Manhattan, Donald Trump will be arraigned. Donald Trump thinks this will guarantee him a win in 2024.
Donald Trump is a fucking idiot.
Trump didn’t have to come to Manhattan today. he was given the opportunity to be arraigned at his shitty Florida golf motel via a zoom call. (Siri, show me an example of white privilege at its worst.)
but no. Trump wanted a perp walk. he wanted handcuffs. he wanted a spectacle. (Trump’s not getting those first two things. but he is getting the spectacle.)
because Trump thinks this will help him.
because Donald Trump is the biggest fucking delusional grievance baby ever to have dwelt inside the Wingnut Grievance Bubble.
I’ve written before about the Wingnut Grievance Bubble, that enclosed feedback loop where untruths, repugnant behavior and harebrained notions are amplified and unchallenged, causing all who dwell within to fall right on their stupid fucking faces the moment they step out into the real world. most recently, it was life inside the Bubble that caused Scott Adams to forget that out in the real world, you can’t be an aggressively racist asshole.
but of all the delusional dipshits who live inside the Bubble, there is no dipshit more delusional than Donald Trump.
inside his rapidly deteriorating brain, Trump is absolutely convinced that the public spectacle of his indictment will rally all of America to his side and propel him to a massive victory in 2024.
out in the real world, however, the majority of Americans believe that Trump deserves everything that courts and prosecutors are about to throw at him.
(of course, Trump will dupe his deranged worshipers into sending him millions more dollars, but sadly, there’s nothing that can be done about fools and their money.)
but here’s the thing:
Trump’s narrow victory in 2016 was due a lot of fluky things that came together in one perfect horrible storm, but one huge factor was that the majority of ‘undecideds,’ the low-information voters who really don’t pay attention to politics, didn’t know that TrUmP tHe SuCcEsSfUl BuSiNeSsMaN was a character he played on a tv show, and that in real life Trump is actually a serial fuck-up.
these voters were willing to roll the dice because even if they didn’t approve of Trump’s boorish personality, at least here was a guy who knew how to run a business. how could that be bad for America?
well, those voters have learned their lesson. they might have been uninformed, but they’re not stupid. they now know the real Trump.
they might have been there for him in 2016, but they were gone in 2020 and they’re going to be even more gone in 2024 as Trump sinks into a legal hell of his own making.
the man is fucking toxic.
and the only people left to vote for him are the crazies. and thank fucking god, there aren’t enough crazies to carry an election.
enjoy your big stupid arraignment, Trump. from here on out, your life only gets increasingly worse.
folks, a word on a different subject before I let you go: we’re doing some quarterly fundraising at my other venture, The Smirking Chimp. I’m leery of even mentioning it because if you’re one of the people paying to support my own writing here, you’re already doing god’s work and you’re already doing more than enough to help out. but if you’ve got five dollars that you absolutely wouldn’t miss and you do feel like supporting the Chimp, well, that just makes you twice the hero. the donation link is here, or you can go straight to paypal if you need no further convincing. and if you don’t care to donate, that’s totally cool, too, and we will not speak of this again. in fact, we never had this conversation. thanks for listening and that’s it from me for now.
The same simpletons who believe and donate to mega church preachers also support liar
Donald Trump.
Their gullible, suspicious mentalities lead them to believe that giving $$$ to charlatans somehow does what? …. proves what?
Depressing level of ignorance.
Brings to mind this bumper sticker…
“Stupid should hurt”
As always, well stated Jeff! I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump brought his own handcuffs just for a photo-op today! I think it’s all going to be downhill from here for tRump, which is something to be celebrated. Trump won’t have time to run for office...he’ll be tied up in at least four more lawsuits against him (rape, Jan 6th, Stolen docs, Georgia). The night he was indicted, I had martinis for the celebration. Tonight, it’s gunna be margaritas! We’ve been waiting for this a LONG time! Absolutely worth celebrating!~.