Hitler DID do a good thing. He shot himself in the head.

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After he murdered 6 plus million people not to count citizens in the rest of Europe and around the world. The shot in the head was too late. Someone in his circle should have had the guts to do it. I know there was an assassination attempt that didn’t work. We desperately need a 007 with license to kill.

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I'm still surprised that no one has tried to take tRump out yet. It boggles me that it hasn't happened. SMDH. Not that I would necessarily approve of it, being a good Buddhist, I don't believe in that kind of violence, but I doubt I'd cry over it.

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Anyone smart enough to get the job done is smart enough to not make a martyr of him.

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the police have no problem taking out people on the streets for the pettiest reasons.

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Those powers are bigger than drumpf. Apparently they haven't found another pansie to carry out their plans...yet

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Given enough incentive, even Buddhists can do violent things that are antithetical to Buddhist philosophy. Ask the Rohingya or the generals in Myanmar.

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Yeah, but I have thought the same thing. And although I couldn't do it -I mean, the logistics alone is impossible and really, who is able to produce the 3000ft or perhaps 3k meters of a ompetitive shot it would take. Just saying...

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Mar 12
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Fingers crossed... Russia, are you listening? 🤞🤞

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Whoops, Donny! Watch out for those loose window screens!

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Yeah, gravity is a bitch.😁

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I’m ok with the Orange Douche going SPLAT.. I’m practical that way..

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Mar 12
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Yeah, yeah, yeah, "martyr" -- he'd still be DEAD. Crap to martyr, indeed! Who cares? Dead is dead.

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I've said for some time now, some patriotic sniper needs to till kim.

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Much as I personally would appreciate this, it would make him a martyr to the MAGAts and make them even more dangerous to the rest of us. So no.

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SO WHAT ? Put them in CAGES. He's already ORANGE JESUS to them.

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LIKE he isn't dangerous already ?

His man crush is threatening NUCLEAR WAR,

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Ummm, no.

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Actually there were several failed attempts to assasinate Hitler.

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There was 14.

Agent Orange is attracted to men like his father. He's still looking for daddy's approval. His insecurities are blinding like is orange glow. Daddy is squeezing his balls from the grave. That's why he loves powerful autocratic psychopaths.

The RNC has a new slogan. "Be Broke". I love it. Spend it all. 😂

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Oh, he will. Just like the casinos in Atlantic City.

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you got that right

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11 million in camps and 20-30 million throughout Europe

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Nah, he should have gotten the Mussolini treatment.

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And then shot himself in the head, upside down.

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He should have blown his brains out before the bastard killed tons of innocent ppl, children etc.

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not with his own cult, they agree with that. For everyone else yes, but that happened LONG, long ago.... IMO

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You beat me to it!

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Mar 12
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You are right, Hoyt there are plenty of villains in the GOP. Somewhere though there are good people that are just as disgusted as the rest of us. These asshats will drive them out of the party and lose plenty of voters in the process. As for the morons, they will never learn.

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Don’t you think the “good people” would have left by now?

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You make a good point, Lynne. I certainly hope they have.

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It's also probably the case the the GOP, as it now rots, attracts BAD people in a way it never has before. Look at that monster running for governor of N.C. Who's he going to hire for his staff? People who, ten or twenty years ago, would never have considered working in politics, will find themselves *recruited.*

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Ellis, You've got a good point that the GQP is attracting the worst of humanity. It is a mirror reflection of who they are. Who they have become. Those who support them have the same mindset.

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Mar 12
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You'd think so, but there are some, mostly the elderly, who have been Republicans for all of their voting lives, many of them for 60+ years. They may NEVER vote for Trump or any MAGA candidate, but they are unlikely to leave the Party entirely until they can stand over its dead body and say a few words.

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Good people? Not many, and not anymore. The purge of the RNC Republicans that were in office or running for reelection decided not to continue. Over 150 of them as Trump kept pointing to them in the first years, 2017-18 as they were subjected to his encouraging his online mob and competing primaries.

So, who is left? There are a few in the House but not the around 135 that signed up to support Trump's efforst on 1/6. The Senate? The Trump "willing," in the Senate are the publicly obvious like Hawley or Cruz,etc. How many others in positions of ex-aides and administration hacks that are so willing to literally tear that, " WE THE PEOPLE " document up and replace it with Project 2025. Plenty of Heritage Foundation folk ready and willing to sign-up for that AND rid of us of those pesky few that you are referring to. I understood the good will in your statement but I think we fool ourselves if we look for them to do anything to prevent further destruction of our laws and values.

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Biden's stutter doesn't compare to how the deranged, wannabe evil Emperor Diaperload continues to murder the king's English on a daily basis. His incomplete butchered to hell sentences along with his memory lapses are getting worse and comparable to his obvious lack of sanity. Also, the ongoing fucked up bromances with some of the most ruthless dictators in history further emphasizes the lack of rational thinking and common sense.

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100% agreed ! You know, it kills me to no end how the media just ignores every flaw D☭Иald TЯUM₽ makes and doubles down for weeks on Biden's one stutter..

And if that's not happening they return to the same 'ol lame talking points about his age... that bothers me bigley.

I dont watch any mainstream news anymore. Mr. T keeps me sane and Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'donnel. Although Rachel is top notch, she carries a depressing 'the world is going to end, if we don't..(fill in the blank)" demanor on every show. She is right, but i cant handle it. It's a personal issue of mine LOL.

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Mar 12Edited
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As much as I like Rachel, she can be a buzz kill when it comes to America's biggest malignancy.

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Mar 12
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And I suspect his lapses will get worse as the pressure of all those indictments mounts, starting with shelling out countless millions in reparation for a lifetime of fraud and other forms of criminality.

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“ if one can’t do the time( or pay up) then don’t do the crime!”

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You know what they say, about career advice that is, "go with your strengths ". Unfortunately, with Trump that is criminality. Sure, many people now understand Trump's malignant narcissism as it has been documented as a personality disorder by professionals and everyone can see it for themselves per his actions and rallies, etc. Apparently, many voters per NYT reported that Republicans against Trump doing a $50M campaign of his past voters, saying no more on testimonials. That is probably the best campaign to widdle down his supporters.

Back to his Personality Disorders, seeing his behavior may not help enough people to really understand it. Because people will always go back to their own experiences, normal like behavior and not thoroughly under that his extreme narcissism is a blanket that shield him from reality. So his absolute conviction is what his cult follows and is convinced by. It is not a choice, really as that blankie is protecting him from the idea that normal criminal behavior is seen as a choice. I certainly hope this "reality edifice " keeps breaking down -for BOTH Trump and his blind supporters. May it make " Trump syndrome, TDS become ETTD, everything Trump touchs dies a more clear reality than it it is for the cult right now. And, please lord before November! Sorry, I am a little windy today!

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No one is worse than Hitler.

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....and Trump is a Hitler wannabe.

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Actually, he wouldn't even make a good zit on Hitler's ass. Adolph was an evil man, but he was intelligent. Pumpkin head is not.

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I get the reason it’s easy to bring up H. Trump’s openly doing things we all know are not kind, good, or right in any measurement. Those of us with a modicum of common sense know what he could be capable of.

But Ive learned to not make comparisons because the scope and breadth of what H did is off the charts in intensity, frequency, duration, and deliberate monstrous immoral acts that ended the lives of millions in horrible and horrifying ways that just aren’t part of Trump … yet. I’ve also learned that the false comparison compromises the memory of those who suffered under H.

Misidentifying H’s awful power of destruction by convoluting it with Trump’s potential, is not useful as it blurs the ability to understand how things might really roll.

I’ve done it in the past. I, too, have called him H. I just finally realized that the drama of this statement shoots a sort of novacaine in the truth of the day to day watch we need to keep on this snake.

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Dementia abounds (if by dementia we mean wholesale moral collapse).

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Pol Pot?

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Deaths under Hitler, Stalin, Pot respectfully (non- combatants): 17 million, 9 million, 1-2 million.

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Mar 12
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"worse than Hitler." I agree. He could drop dead tomorrow, but the forces he has unleashed will continue to be manifested. Look at our history. This isn't the first time a bunch of Americans have actively flirted with fascism. This country has a sordid past; no wonder our proto-fascists want to whitewash it so the kiddies won't know just how reprehensible we can be.

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Yep. As I keep repeating-Progress is a verb not a noun. The Heritage Foundation folks are progressing backwards.

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Dead men are only dangerous if we don’t learn from them.

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Mar 12
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True. By “we” I mean us. The good guys!

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Fascisim 101

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Trump has the potential to be worse than Hitler. When he gets to destroying the planet through global warming by letting OPEC rule the world, and lets Putin massively slaughter Ukrainians, and everyone else in Europe that does not want to be part of the White Russian Empire, then starts executing Democrats, all Brown skinned people, LGBTQ+ people, and anyone else he and his hatemongers hate, then he will perhaps exceed what Hitler did. His potential destructiveness is something we cannot imagine, and we hopefully will not find out.

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The takeover of the RNC is another Trump grift. Evidently, the rest of the Republicans are so stupid they're allowing this to happen. Didn't Liz Cheney say there will have to be a new conservative party built...but only AFTER Trump is out of the game? And the so called "entitlement" programs. SCREW THAT. Give me my money I paid in to the system. You guys stole from the fund we paid into and now want to steal the rest. I despise Republicans...I really, really do. Trump needs a coronary.. .today. 🙄

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I had some young Trumpanzie call me a parasite because I'm collecting my Social Security benefits. I earned that money.

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Ask that stupid little shit what he's paying into the system?

DAMN IT! People are dumb as dirt!

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Yes they are. (Oh, he paid with some of his dental work. I'm old but I'm not dead.)

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LOL So he had teeth?? :)

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He did. Now he has 3-4 fewer.😆😆

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I just want to fucking throat punch them. 👊 I'm such a scrapper, I would. Sometimes I say, "so, Jesus made you that fucking dumb? ". I make my family nervous. 🤣

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Lisa, I need to meet you! 😂😂😂

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Susan, that would be great fun!!

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Love your energy Lisa— I would punch that fucker in their face! I worked my ass off for 55 years and paid into those “entitlement “ programs.

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Go Charlie!! This appeals to my basic instincts, I must admit.

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Susan and Lisa59 we need to meet up .. throat punch sounds good to me!!

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I'm in Philadelphia, but I travel! 😂

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I’m in Northern California and I’ll travel too!

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I’d rather come see you! 😂✌️

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I love these ignorant cultists. Remind me again how things turned for Ann Rand. Destitute and on the dole.

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Yeah, she railed against the welfare state, but she sure as Hell collected Social Security. Hypocrites all!😟😠

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Pretty much universal once up the creek without that social paddle! But, meanwhile back at F-up news, the talking heads are busy, busy stirring the shit-up.

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Aren't they always.😟

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I hope you told him to get fucked, Charlie.

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I did, among other things.

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No prisoners Charlie. Nada. None.

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Progressives for self-defense.💪💪

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Good for you.

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And a really precise laser directed hard DocMartins kick to his pea sized testicles.

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Count me in!! I’ll kick those micro balls and his 1/2 inch dick weasel right out his damn nostrils 🙌🏽

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Give 'em Hell!!😀😀

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I will hold your beer!

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Awww thank you so much for holding the beer for me.. one good kick and I’ll knock those old smelly saggy crotch rocks right out his f*cking nostrils.🙌🏽

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Anytime girlfriend!

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I will volunteer as well!! I still have lots of old doc’s from the 80’s!!! lol

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I got some heavy shitkicker docs too!! Let’s roll Laura 🤙🏽 and D Kitterman too!

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I have steel toe Red Wings.

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Of course you do!! Hehe let’s roll!!

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You need a boot with a steel toe!

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Cool Lynn go get some steel toed boots and let’s kick those gerbil balls right out his nostrils!! BOOYAH!

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How is this even being allowed? I'm just dumbfounded and honestly terrified

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Dumber than shit, actually…

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New RNC slogan...Be Broke.

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OK. That's it. You're hired. 😂 I just snorted a beer out my nose. ✌️💙

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Hahaha!! I'm going to open a beer right now!! 🍻 Cheers!

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