Weather map defacing ... you don’t miss a trick. Another good morning sunshine post from my favorite effing writer. Another winning day!

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This guy really puts a smile on my days.

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Me too. I read it to my husband and it just makes it a hilarious day.

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I love that Jack Smith meme. You made my day.

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What about paper-towel-throwing, lunch-flinging, or golf-cheating.

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Ketchup slinging, bad fathering...

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don't think I'm not taking notes

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tiny handed, mushroom dick..

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Saw a photo of him in the shower getting his butt cleaned after a diaper change.

He has infantile genitalia. Little-finger stuff

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I thoroughly enjoy Jeff’s opinions and writings. Very appreciative!

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You guys kill me!!! 🤣 🤣🤣Grammy Tinklepants is gonna hafta change into a new pair yet again!

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Daughter fondling

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or fucking. I really think he's fucked her.

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well of course he did, remember if he thinks it, it's done.

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I wouldn’t put it past him to have tried although I don’t think her mother allowed her near him unsupervised until she was of age but maybe. Idk

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Thank you for my morning guffaws and distraction from the MSM who is now spending its time prosecuting Hunter Biden for things even the prosecutor didn’t find. Meanwhile McCarthy is saying children of presidents who profit are “not above the law” and should be investigated. So…next up Ivanka and Jared, right?

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Stop watching that crap. It’ll destroy your morale

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

"Kid, you'll put your eye out!"

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Their compulsive obsession with both-sides-ism is doing harm to the nation and making them look like media prostitutes.

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I CAn't poST wRite whAT I wIsh fOr KushNer.

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Don’t hold your breath.

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Well the shitshow continues and I’m making the popcorn. Who in their right mind would go on tv and then brag about their ill gained illegal activities like a five year old “ neener neener you can’t catch me”.. Jesus F. Christmas Trees.. (I’m trying really hard not to swear on this one but I’m going to fail miserably) can we all say “ What an Fucking Moron!!”

But this is exactly my point: that Orange Douche For Brains didn’t give a rip about laws, judicial standing, the Constitution or anything to do with this country. He ONLY cares about himself and what is in it for him and PAYOUTS. Who’s gonna pay him. I wouldn’t give that fucking idiot a dime. But this entire farce is the only way that Imbecile knows how to operate. And his sycophantic followers keep throwing their hard earned money at the King of the Grift. Well pucker Up all you Lame Orange Cheeto Drumpf Lovers!! Your time has come. And your Grifting Messiah will lead you all straight to bankruptcy. Good luck with that. I’m here with my popcorn ,my puppy and my knitting so let the games begin.. my money is on the other guy.. you know the dude .. who convicts war criminals for The Hague.. Let The Games Begin!

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Well put Bedhead2Day!!

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LOL!! This one is a masterpiece! I’m sitting in the waiting room prior to eye surgery, reading today’s JT opinion, and snort laughing out loud. So cathartic!! Thank you, and keep ‘em coming!!!

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Good luck with your eye surgery!

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"Bring me the one with the orange face...he amuses me."

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DJT has always been this way. There are freaking tapes of him on Howard Stern talking about the parties he and Epstein threw, not to mention about how he really wanted to date his daughter. Every chance he got, his whole life, he found a camera and spilled his guts about what a great guy he was, how rich, how f***able, what chick-magnet, how he screwed over everyone who ever worked for him (and he did). If someone asks him, he'll tell us on camera what Putin wanted him to do as President, and how he was happy to comply, because Putin's a great guy, an absolutely great guy, and that's why he gave up all those loser CIA agents' names to be killed in 2021. Oh, yeah. He'll keep talking hopefully all the way into a jail cell, where someone will probably finally teach him some manners.

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Scary huh? People still want him to be POTUS. Even though these confessions are coming out his own mouth his cult followers still say it's all manipulated and fake etc. Hes a good man and good Prez. Makes no sense.

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In all likelihood most of the Rubes haven't heard any of the recordings in which Drumph described and confessed to his crimes, haven't read the Smith indictment, haven't seen the photos of the boxes of documents at the golf motel.

All they expose themselves to are comforting lies and fables.

To do otherwise would require their confronting the reality that they've believed lies and let themselves be convinced that everything they think today, EVERYTHING is the opposite of how it really is.

A monumental personal failure of judgment. Humiliating.

This is the only way a group of people can believe things which are not true. It is within the impenetrable envelope of ignorance.

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They all see and hear it all. They all think its faked, manipulated "weaponized". Even when they see or hear it come out his very own mouth. This is a CULT. He leads his lambs like Jim Jones, The Davidians, The Family with Charles Manson, Hitler. No matter what he does these people will REMAIN BRAINWASHED. Those people who wise up and pull away, become hated, even though HE has just months or weeks or years before sang their praises. Now are venom. Now are traitors and haters of Trump.

This is sickening to see in 4 yrs what he managed to do to these followers. It's like taking a mentally challenged person and lead him down the path of sin and crime. Then throw them away when they become useless.

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I don't ever watch Faux News so I didn't see the interview. I've come to believe we're dealing with a senior citizen who has all the social wherewithal of a 5 year old. He'll keep running his mouth because he still feels those documents are his and the meanies in Washington took them away. Just like a 5 year old who had his game controller taken away because he was baaaad.

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Yes he keeps referring to the boxes as "his stuff" they have "his stuff" in his boxes. Hes talking about news clippings, socks, shirts.etc. #1 hes wealthy what's a few articles of clothing? #2.How many "news clippings" can one person have and #3. How many clippings would it take to fill a box??? Hes full of shit just like his boxes

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He's definitely mentally ill.

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Well, don't hold back, baby. Tell us what ya think. 😉😘

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Thanks for the best longest hyphenated description of the orange cheetoh.

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meanwhile. back at the ranch, the congressional committee guilty of aiding and abetting insurrection is still committed to playing stupid for the moron deplorables by equivocating Hunter taking a plea deal on failing to file his tax return on time (a molehill if ever there was one) to trumpty dumpty and his life of crime capped by his current indictment for theft, failure to admit and return national security docs et.al. (the mountain of crimes the orange orangutang committed and denied, but is now publicly admitting to even though his own appointed judge told him to shut the fuck up) how do you enforce a gag order on someone who's had diarrhea of the mouth their whole life?????

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As someone who raised chickens in the past... I do not want Donald Trump near any.

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Your trump descriptions splatter my clean, freshly washed shirts with coffee and sometimes juice every morning. Thanks? Yes, THANKS!

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I see you get your adjectives and adverbs wholesale.

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