I rushed to finish this post before the second Speaker vote took place. they're only up to the E's in the roll call, and Jimmy Fuckface has already lost

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I know! Between Poland's election turnout and results, then this tiny bit of sanity, I just felt a flicker of hope!

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Me too!! My faith in sanity is slightly restored. Meanwhile, maybe Gym should think about becoming the pool boy at Mar-a-Lago.

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I'll have to find the Jeffries count, too. Just curious.

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212. It’s called “in array”. 👏👏

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yep, he LOST two more supporters.

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Hahaha...maybe he should have tried that congress thingy, trying to write & pass a bill. Got to walk. Before you run -straight into a wall

Moron, no doubt. CAN you humiliate a moron? Just curious!

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Agreed. It should be mandatory that every person in Congress publish their records of Bills written and Bills sponsored that passed. When its 0 and 0 , after 16 years, time has long passed to give that person the boot.

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Kinda a BIG ZERO. Period.

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When the Asshole Party decides you’re too much of an asshole for them: That’s some epic assholery you got there.

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Jim to borrow a Republican catch phrase: PINO


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I endorse this comment

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Epic comment! 👍

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Biblical assholery!!

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Epic assholery... BIBLICAL assholery!

When you look up assholery in the dictionary, there will be a picture of Jimmy's Frankenstein face.

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AKA "The Ted Cruz Effect"

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2 in one day. Thank you Sir, may we have another?

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Oh AMEN!!!

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Trump must be so jealous of the House speaker election process - get a result you don’t like? No problem just have another try again and again until you wear people out

How pathetic

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So the agent stares slack jawed for a while, ‘til finally he puffs his cigar and says, “that’s one heck of an act you got there, what do you call yourselves?”

“The freedom caucus!”

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ok, that's VERY good.

(if you don't know what Jim is parodying so excellently here, google "the aristocrats joke." warning, extremely NSFW)

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Have you seen the documentary on that? It's hilarious. Although I think like a quarter of those people are dead now but yeah.

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omg, I wish i could have been in the room when that joke was told.

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Snorted. Thanks

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Is anyone really surprised that Gym Jordan and his followers would start a bullying campaign to threaten GOP members who said they wouldn't vote for him? Jordan has been a bully since the first day in office. He has done nothing legislatively and only shouts and waves his arms around during any hearing he is at. If he wins the speaker role, nothing will be accomplished in the House other than more and more ridiculous "investigative' hearings that will waste taxpayer dollars and time that could be spent helping Americans. The GOP has turned into a middle school playground where they just keep calling other people names and threaten to fight them. When will Americans wake up ?

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And that is part of the plan, to create an un workable Government, Elect Agent Orange again, and then begin the process of destroying Democracy, the US, and create a NEW GREAT AMERICA.

Yea Right

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Just goes to show you that everything the tangerine turd touches or endorses is shit or turns to shit. Jordan is among those at the very top of that stinking pile. We the people deserve so much better.

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Dems should hire those who know how to tie the phrase "wasting tax payer dollars" to every banana republican's face, voice, campaign. IT WOULD BE TRUE, another advantage!

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New York State Senate

Establishes the crime of doxing of an individual

Senate Bill S7646

2021-2022 Legislative Session

Section 1 creates a new section 240.33 of the penal law to create the

crime of doxxing. A person is guilty of the crime of doxxing when they

knowingly make restricted personal information about an individual

publicly available with the intent to threaten, intimidate, or incite

the commission of a crime of violence against the individual or have

intent and knowledge that the restricted personal information will be

used to to threaten, intimidate, or facilitate the commission of a crime


I am confident that future administrations will clarify that Doxxing is clearly and obviously a Stochastic Terror Tactic and therefore punishable by law. I would not be at all surprised if this situation becomes part of future laws addressing the problem of stochastic terrorism.

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If that New York judge has any decency and guts, he will call Trump out for this and at least threaten jail time, or remove him from social media all together. Letitia James already goes everywhere with security. She can’t go to the local bodega without a security person.

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Laura Loomer the MAGA whack job who doxxed the AG did so here on her Substack publication. She is so out there that she was recently banned from Twitter. How bad of a person does one have to be to be banned from the new white supremacy platform managed by Elon Musk-covite?

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Thank You!

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At this point I don’t want the THREAT of jail time. I want jail time!

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Really good info, thanks for sharing. I agree 100%

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Isn’t Gym guarding the pool like the fox guarding the henhouse? Just ask those wrestlers.

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Yeah, but only old white guys and thir shriveled up wives at THAT pool.

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The Brits have a word for guys like tfg and Gym: WANKER

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Wanker? At this pace,There would be nothing left to Wank!

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It's more about the jerks than the jerking off, LOL

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Sorry Patty.

But if you were ever a 15 yr old boy you would have a better understanding , it applies to both, 15 yr old boy and Jungle Gym Jordan!

Just cant stop them, lack of control

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I'd have gone with "tosspot" myself.

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The world on the brink of war and these dipshit repugnants play dangerous games for the King of Dipshits - trump. In all of my 71 years, my usual unwavering faith that things will work out in the end, is pretty much kaput. And apparently since the Israel/Hamas war began and knocked everything else out of the news, there have been seriously conflicts all over the planet. WTF guys?

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"Trump... Trump... Trump..." intoned the Trumpers...

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We expected sanity but nooooo

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I'm Very concerned, it's the most scared I've ever been for our people and those around the earth.

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Donnie is the one to talk about being ranting lunatic...did he see himself lately?

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The press need to emphasize what a raving, unhinged lunatic TFG is! Scream it to the rooftops. This jerk wants to be POTUS? And the other jerk wants to be Speaker?Unphuckingbelieveable.

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yes, the press really needs to hammer this home. the reason I transcribe Trump's actual words instead of just posting the video clips is that you really can't get the true sense of just how batshit crazy Trump is just from listening to the audio

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I absolutely HATE hearing him speak, so it's very helpful to have the transcript. And him speaking is more word salad than my first guesses at phrazle. (That's saying something.)

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I much prefer to read the transcript, his voice makes me shrivel up inside. Ewww

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Sorta like Hitler?

and Right from the Beginning, his posture, his facial expressions, a dead ringer for Mussolini?

It's kinda Creepy actually

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so true.

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You are putting a musical together. Think The Producers. And... go!

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Apparently they are not going to do it. It's 2016 all over again.

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He doesn’t care what he looks like! He is an imbecile who has no shame! He’s just a relentless, Blobbular shit bag full of not a single good thing to bring to this country except more shit 💩

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Did he ever? Trump lives in never-never land!

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Is it going to take Trump shooting somebody before he’s thrown in jail?

He has put Tish James in danger by revealing her address to his psycho cult.

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No shit. If something happens to her or her family and he isn't punished for it, I just fucking give up.

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I hope Trump is punished before something happens to her.

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He knows he can’t lose by doing this stuff. If they don’t lock him up, he got away with it. If they do lock

him up, his crazies will go after her. As a NYS taxpayer, I want her and hers to have top notch security and for his ass to be locked up. So over him bullying people.

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Exactly. FFS. If that doesnt do it, what will???

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It's not a bug, it's a feature.

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Most expensive house in the world is in Florida I guess. I snorted when he said that. He is looney tunes. 😂

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I bet putin's actual billion-dollar dasha puts trump's maga-loco to shame.

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Huh! Have you seen that place?

But then again Putin is a REAL CRIMINAL BILLIONAIRE, Trump is the fake Billionaire, fake President, fake Business man, fake husband, .....

Need I say more?

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fake father, fake grandfather, fake human.

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Owner of Houses of Ill Repute?


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Nope. Better than my efforts. Honestly, sometimes I actually just read...

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Probably why, amongst the obvious that he covets that relationship. What a fan boy. He is serious psychopath that kills people where Trump the coward just talks.

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Crazier than a rat in a cesspool.

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Isn't this fun?!!

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A regular laugh riot.

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That dump,? Please!

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What's-his-name never seems to understand the difference between a tax evaluation and a sales evaluation. But hey! If he paid tax on the $18m, then maybe FL should up his bill to reflect the valuation of $1B. They should send him a letter to that effect. Bet he shuts up real quick.

And can you believe these Republican turd burglars are blaming DEMOCRATS for their woes?!? I mean, how stupid do you have to be to believe the rubes who vote for you are so dumb, they don't know it's your own fault you keep hitting yourself in the head with a hammer? These fucknuts are beyond the pale.

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“Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.) asked the Palm Beach County appraiser to increase the property tax for former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club, after he claimed that it’s worth significantly more than its appraised value.”


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I read about that, but didn't know where the PBC tax guys stood in regards to a reappraisal.

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They're probably all ass kissers like the bulk of the Republican party

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Typical. Let the poors and middles of Florida pay taxes for Trump.

Trump is that much of an asshole.

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If the article Trump shared showed the AG’s actual address, he absolutely needs to be locked up. Wouldn’t be surprised to learn that he was behind that menacing text either. It’s like he dictated it and someone cleaned it up to hide his identity.

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I still can't figure out how this pussy grabbing scumbag thought he would get away with overthrowing the United States Government.

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He thought he’d bamboozle everyone fast enough to stay in the White House. Then it would be a fait accompli & SCOTUS would rubber stamp it.

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yea, like 60% of the population would have done nothing.

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Well he did make it to the Whitehouse for the full term and bullied 150+GOP to resign/ not run again. That was a green light to this egomaniac to keep going. But I get your roll!

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Like You Said

You cant make this shit up

I was going to write Sad, So Sad, but can we even use that word to describe whats going on? It is way beyond that, this is almost like The Outer Limits.( young people google it)

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Or the Twilight Zone...

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I’m not young, so I know exactly what you mean.

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