
by the way, I've been seeing screenshots of an alleged Truth Social post by Trump that reads "I wasn't sleeping, I was praying" β€” but I couldn't find it on his feed, so I have to conclude it's fake. I would have certainly used it otherwise

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court's not in session today. I get to write about something else tomorrow

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The problems with republicans are many and some problems are exhaustingly futile to address much less think you can comprehend a solution to any single β€˜problem.’

Hence: "It's hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person" - Bill Murray, American Actor, Writer, and Comedian.

β€œThere is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov, former American Writer and Professor of Biochemistry at Boston University.

I don’t believe it is a stretch to say that both Bill Murray and Isaac Asimov allude to a reality that the lack of an education may just lead to ignorance and/or stupidity that is then weaponized to promote any falsehood. This is antithetical to the Democrats philosophy and policy that promotes a quality education for all versus the forced war on education promoted by the republican party for every single day beginning August 23,1971 with The Powell Memorandum, β€œAn Attack on American Free Enterprise System”, then activated and strengthened by the policies of the Reagan Administration.

The republican’s anti-intellectualism, lack of empathy, the hate, the racism, the lies, the fear mongering, they are all just substitutes for Democrats skills of intelligence, knowledge, integrity, compassion, and competence. This obvious, descriptive divide should not be in contention but when you reverse the meaning of good and evil, when you believe in alternate facts, it is an easy leap for republicans to erroneously view themselves exactly how Democrats are actually living their lives every day with the aforementioned attributes. Republicans tend to deny reality and succumb to a state of aspirational idiocy.

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"Trump had to sit there and take it as Judge Merchan read aloud tweet after tweet, all mocking him." This report, alone, has made my day!

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Jeff...this one was amazing. I haven't laughed so hard in so long. Keep me laughing. I wait for the day ol' Agolf drops himself in a 6 ft hole. Gonna get out the magnum of Verve Cliquot and sip it all day long......well if he goes to JAIL I will do same!

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I’ve sat on two juries, one civil and one criminal. I could be impartial because I didn’t know anything about these people nor had I read anything about the murder in the criminal one. I could never be an impartial juror on an Orange case because that asshole has been in the news forever. I’ve disliked him forever. I hope he goes to jail forever.

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The NodFather!

Oh im pissing myself!

Thank you for that one!

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I can't take the accordion hands anymore, Donald mushroom dick, is no Myron Florin. ( Points if you're old enough to know the reference) 😁

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β€œThe cult of ignorance”! I call it the cult of stupidity. Ignorance can be fixed, stupidity cannot.

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An embarrassment of riches for any satirist, from Aristophanes through to Voltaire and our own Mr. Tiedrich. To me, though, the bestest best would've been the brilliant cartoonist Don Martin, from the Wm. Gaines era of MAD Magazine. Can you imagine how great that would've been?

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His smartest move right now would be to croak.

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Is any judge actually going to put him in jail for his antics? Any other person would have been thrown in jail. Enough with treating this man like he’s special. Treat him like the defendant he is. Shit, if anyone else had taken one secret document, we’d be in jail. Enough already. When is the finding out part?

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Almost the entire state of New York hates Trump. They will be watch for witness tampering and jury intimidation from everywhere including the International Space Station.

He has a "free" day today to whine about it or threaten the judge and the DOJ.

The only church he has ever been in was the church of high crimes.

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β€œ how does this imbecile get the fork to his mouth without stabbing himself in the eye.”

I roared with cruel laughter

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The great Fran Lebowitz and her perfect synopsis of Trump after the 2016 election..hilarious.


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I’m not a legal brain, so honest question: can the prosecution get hold of this tape from yesterday and use it as a confession in the trial?

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