
fun weird fact: I had a dream last night where I sat down at my laptop and typed the words "I'd like to play poker against Donald Trump," and I'd like to thank the universe for helping me write this post

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Jeff, I hate to correct you, but where I live, you don't play poker against someone of a mindset under age 5.

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But you do get to play marbles to take away his candy...

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Sure, as a grown-up, you can always play marbles with a 5-year-old, and take away his candy, but if you do, be prepared for a meltdown in the parking lot, a full diaper load in your car, and a foot-stomping fit about how unfair everyone has been to him while he has always been the best at playing marbles, and then everything else for that matter, on your way home.

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Sounds just like that OrangeTwatMuffin

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I get your drift, and I appreciate it, but to me OrangeTwatMuffin just sounds a little too forgiving.

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Shitgibbon is my favorite.

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😂🤣😂 hot tea spewed!!

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That's how Paul McCartney writes! Genius minds at work...

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I think I had the same dream last week. Huh?

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I hope you are awesomely right Jeff “Record holder of most adjectives used in a sentence, ever” Tiedrich.

I cringe anytime a decision needs to be rendered by the Supremely Corrupted Court of the US.

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I feel pretty confident it will be a 7-2 with only Alito and Thomas voting for Trump

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Yep, and Thomas who should recuse himself because of his wife's involvement in Jan 6 insurrection and trying to subvert the election, won't, fucking rat bastard.

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…by voting in favor of the orange idiot, Alito/Thomas will continue their shameful stain on the court.

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And they’ve never shirked that internal (and blatant) call from the hell...

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Your typing fingers to God’s inbox.

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Read my mind

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Definitely Thomas. Alito highly likely. I think Gorsuch may also be in the Alito & Thomas column. One of the most consequential decisions in our lifetime, which shouldn’t be.

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Laid appropriately at the feet of Mitch McConnell and, regrettably, RBG.

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why, then oh why? does it seem like Thomas is the only one in the world escaping accountability now? Will he ever be investigated for his criminal activity? and if so which department of justice will punish him?

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But according to Thomas & Alito, Supreme Court Justices and former presidents are not accountble and above the law.

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Those two mf’ers can kiss my law abiding ass!

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But they don't want to lose their own power. Rulong for the aspiring dictator puts their power at risk. They have their own agenda, and Trump isn't really part of it.

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If the Supreme Court wants to try and scrape together ANY reputational legacy, this vote better be 9-0, and Thomas should Ginni-recuse and make it 8-0, just like Nixon's tapes. Anyone voting for Trump's position here deserves to be completely ignored in the future. This is NOT a partisan issue, and SCOTUS shouldn't be doing that anyway, but we know who they are now, so...

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Lord I hope I hope I hope but it wouldn’t surprise me if the White Christian Supremacy Court goes against everything that’s true and right and let Diaper Don skate. I’m so outraged at their lying fuck-faces for overturning Roe that I will never be shocked by their evil deeds again. They will ban mifepristone next. Does anyone ever think Operation “Pelican Brief” Time? I do. ON another note is Jeff’s last name pronounced “Tie” as in neck tie or “teed” and is it “rich” as in money or “ Rick”? Like Teedrich or Tiedrick ?

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So I'm not the only one that thinks about "Pelican Brief".

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Teedrich.. and you are spot on!

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That is my read too.

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this will be a turning point in our democracy or the failing of it. Hope you are right.

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From your mouth to God’s ear Jeff!!

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NYT has a “be very afraid” piece out this morning, full of qualifiers, about how SCOTUS could wait to rule until June to delay the trial. Anyone have any thoughts about whether this is the usual NYT b.s. or something that’s happened since yesterday?

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The NYT has truly become fake news. I'm sure that's an opinion piece, and yes, SCOTUS could wait until June, but that's not the deal with Jack Smith to expedite a decision. Example, the Nixon tapes case was argued and decided in less than three weeks.

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Don't you mean Collusion with Trump

Just saying...

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I hope so!

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That adjectival paragraph has doubled in length just this year. I'm guessing it'll grow by 40% in the next six months. Anyone taking the "under"?

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I want Jeff tested for adjective-enhancing drugs.

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Wait there’s adjective enhancing drugs?!?

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There are. And I’m still reading excruciatingly detailed descriptions of their side effects.

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and cleverly done without commas as well. maybe it's a cocktail he's taking? :)

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Ahahaha hahaha

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Good one 😆.

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That is a good one!

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It's truly fucking fabulous! And the longer it gets, the more I enjoy all the fuckery listed because it's true.

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He’s the best run-on sentence writer there is!!

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Nope, but I might take the “over!”

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I think you’ve gone about as low as a rational Gambler might go. With JT on the job this thing could double. I’m just wondering if it’ll hit an entire page on my iPad.

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Yes, I followed The Price is Right guideline to stay under the likely total. It's a habit.

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Hahaha good one!

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I like winners so wouldn’t take the ‘under’ on a dare. Jeff is a marvelous wordsmith when it comes to the dumpster fire that is LDFF.

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IKR? I can't breath knowing they will ruling on medication abortion soon.

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I cannot say ‘they can go fuck themselves’ more without my husband looking even more exasperated as I drown out the news..

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You and me both Patris.. if I watch one more Faux News report I might blow up the Big Screen..I hope to hell they bag and tag that MFKR

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I recently spent $500 on a Visio TV. It's been difficult to keep from throwing a shoe at it. This morning, Joe Scarborough's talking head fest declared that Ukraine should negotiate with fucking Putin. FUCK THAT!!

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JFK once said “We can’t negotiate with someone who says what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is negotiable.”

The only negotiation necessary is the economic package Russia will provide to rebuild what Putin destroyed (after Putin is sent to The Hague and Crimea is returned to Ukraine).

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Absolutely. Fucking Richard Haas, of all people, was disseminating this line of hoseshit.

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With you. Scarborough is unwatchable.

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Their stances on the issues change with the prevailing winds.

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My husband won’t watch the news with me anymore!lol I cannot seem to contain my fucking rage these days!

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Ditto.. here too! I start yelling at the TV..

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The hubby looks at me and says.. You do know you’re yelling at the television.. I’m like, yeah the TV is stupid and the people on TV are stupid.. and his reply is: yeah, they can’t hear you and they can’t answer you.. Are you waiting for them to actually answer??? Then he pats me on the head like I’m a moron😂😵‍💫😂🤣😂 and says.. maybe you should sit down sweetie and take a load off and maybe take a nappy. Faaaaaccckkkk. He snickers and pats me on the head.🤭🤭🤭

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My bride says the same things to me! No pat on the head— she simply calls me an asshole( lovingly) and says change the channel! Which I promptly reply: NO!

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At which time mine usually gets a salute.

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It’s hard. Phew

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Can you just see the PBS Frontline Documentary on this shit show?

IT will be month long special5

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The mind boggles

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One way or the other, it was going to end up with the Supremes anyway, so better sooner than later. It’s the only chance to keep the trial on track.

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Remember if the Supreme Court gives the go ahead to Trump, they do so to Biden too, who is the sitting president and could get up the day after and say, "I am going to play dictator for a day, and enact legislation to make all our problems go away." The first thing he should do is make sure that there is no pay for Congressional members who do not get the work done. Then, he should expand the Supreme Court by executive order.

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I think I’d prefer he act to expand the court, impose a real ethical standard for the court (forcing Alito and Thomas’ removal), set aside any ruling by a corrupted court) and then retry. One party acting in an authoritarian capacity is one too many.

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Of course, but it would certainly show the Supreme Court what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

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There's a long list of executions; Trump, Bannon, etc.

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I would not be adverse to burning those asshats at the stake.. I’ll bring marshmallows graham crackers and chocolate and we can make s’mores .. Hey I’m multi tasking!

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Is this kind of akin to how the Israelis feels towards Hamas? Because I can relate :) But eliminating the leader won't be adequate. This hydra needs a Hercules to "address" the problem.

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Yeah, me too, as they have, to date, been pretty lousy at their jobs. Like never getting it right. This is too big to get it wrong.. However, Jack Smith is playing multi-dimensional chess like a champ, and the Supremes are still playing Candy Land, or Checkers at best. He’ll run circles around them for sure. While as usual, Jack’s gonna be wearing his poker face.

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I’ve been lamenting how infrequently I get to see “fucknozzle” and “Diaperstain” used in a sentence, but you fixed that. Thanks!

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I live in Canada and from here I can smell the sweet fragrance of retributive justice. Well done Mr. Smith and kudos to Mr. Tiedrich for the excellent summary of how the orange buffoon has all the cards stacked against him - finally. I’m not even waiting for the trial to start, I’m having myself a glass of bubbly.

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Huzzah! When this nightmare has ended, let's have a continent-wide celebration of truth and justice!!

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I’m with you on that suggestion. Maybe we can call it “Jack Smith’s Day of Truth”, to be celebrated annually on the anniversary of the orange buffoon’s incarceration.

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Carole that works for me 🙌🏽

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There will be block parties a-plenty and dancin' in the streets!!

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When and if this nightmare has ended, many of us will probably have a world-wide celebration of truth and justice, and that's for sure. But what if it doesn't? And even if it does, what about the other half of the US population still backing him up? Just asking for a friend living in West Europe.

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That portion of the population you refer to is what I worry about.

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There are always "what ifs" in every situation. I try not to consider them or give them any relevance--until I have to. Holding positive thought is empowering.

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I was born in Germany, in 1959. While I was a child, people typicyally never talked about Word War II, and what had happened before it started. But not talking about something is also saying a lot, and it was quite obvious that almost everyone 15 years older than me was involved in things one way or the other during that time.

When I grew older, and was taught about all things WW II at school, I started asking questions in my family and the people around me, along the lines of "what did you do", and "why didn't you do something about it", a bit naively to admit in retrospect. The usual answer was something to the extent of "we never imagined it could turn out so bad in the end".

Just pointing this out, because, you are really and absolutely close to becoming a victim of authoritarianism, and your long-standing tradition as a democracy is at stake.

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I could not agree more. We are in a precarious place right now, and I think anyone who pays attention knows it. However, fear is paralyzing. We must not let fear of what may be keep us from doing what we can to prevent disaster. We can only affect what is in our power to do as citizens--no one I know is in a state of denial.

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My father’s family is in the same boat as yours. Most came to the US before the start of WW2. Those who did not stayed in Eastern Europe and suffered the consequences— mostly from the Russians. As children, I was born in 1955, we were met with silence or the conversation turned to another language when we asked about family in then Czechoslovakia, Germany or Poland. Children “ were to be seen and not heard.” Many of the answers to those questions were never answered and those who knew took their secrets to the grave….

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As a fellow Canadian, I'm terrified of the consequences we will suffer from a Trump presidency/autocracy. Given the level of protectionism and "America First"ism he and his buffoons ascribe to, he may decide to pull all US-based auto manufacturing out of Ontario. That would be economically catastrophic not only to Ontario but the country.

We could also be the Ukraine equivalent: whereby the US invades us for our resources. Who is going to come to our aid? NATO? LOL! They'll just acquiesce to the US to avoid a NATO/US conflict. Guess who loses in that scenario?

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My sentiments also and I couldn’t have said this better. Thank you for providing fodder to this discussion.

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I've even written to my (Conservative) MP about it suggesting we need not oy a Plan A, but B, C, and D. Guess what? No response. 🤬

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Doesn’t surprise me. My biggest fear if the orange menace is elected is his buddy Putin who’s wanted access to our great white north since he was elected. If Putin wants it, he’ll be given access by trump, no if and or but.

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The people of Ukraine and Gaza, who were just going about their daily business, had their entire world turned upside down in an instant. So who is to be so naive to think that this can't happen to Canada - pipsqueak nation? We could easily be squeezed out between the two superpowers, divided up like chattel.

Extreme? Yes.

Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but this is also not outside the realm of possibility. Already people are saying Netanyahu is going to intentionally drag out this Israel/Hammas war to preserve his power.

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Netanyahu is as big a jerk as the orange menace. When you put Putin, Bibi, Trump, Viktor Orban and Xi Jinping in the same sentence, we’re talking about a coalition of dictators and wannabe dictators. And the world will have achieved its most politically insecure state than it ever was during WWII.

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Half of the American population is of Canadian descent ,don’t see the military obeying the orders of a fucken mad man,if any thing ,fat boy should fear a military coup and firing squad for Treason!

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You make a very good point. I think that Trump will inevitably test the resolve of the military as to whether they side on tyranny, or democracy. I'm hopeful that enough will not blindly take erratic and persecutory orders to oppress their fellow Americans. And yes, a firing squad will definitely be in order.

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🎶 Operator... can you help me delete these calls, I’m getting shafted and I just can’t take it. There’s something in my eye, you know it happens every time, when I think about the court that I thought would save me 🎶 Apologies to Jim Croce.

PS it’s the University of California Los Angeles

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Very nice. 😊

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Glad you caught that. UCLA.

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I wish I had your optimism Jeff.

Amy Three Names, Kegger McBeerface, Clarance "Under-the-table" Thomas, and "Who?me?" Gorsuch et al might very well fall on the side of LDFF. What’s in it for them? Where’s the right wing money coming from for failing to protect him?

Yes, yes, I’m cynical. I voted Republican once in the 60s and feel partly to blame for everything.

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Oh Dancing Fox! Thank you for relieving my conscience. When I was young and ignorant in the early '70s, I once voted Republican and thought that I had changed the course of history. I'm so happy to learn it was you. ;)

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😔 mea maxima culpa

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My very first vote was for Gerald Ford. I'm not proud of it but it was a different time.

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I’m thinking the same thing.. they have a conservative majority.. they are supposed to stay objective and neutral. I don’t think they can.. FFS we can be so screwed on this.

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My son was telling me he thinks there is a chance because the border policies were very anti Catholic, and the Evangelicals who support Trump do not consider Catholics Christians. Then my brother chimed in and said, yes, his ex and her whole family are like that. Never knew of this. Just thought I would share as it gives them hope that the newer Catholics on the bench won't just go along with Trump, while the Pope is becoming more and more liberal. I'm not Catholic or Evangelical. Just heard this.

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It’s boiling down to ‘I don’t trust or approve of anyone but you and me - and I’m not really sure about you’.

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That was my mom’s favorite saying. It’s probably just as well I’m by myself these days. I say “fuck” now almost as often as I breathe. The rest of the time I read Jeff and everyone’s comments following his wordsmithery. They are almost as much fun to read as Jeff’s posts. What a group we’ve got.

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It’s possible. We shall see.

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My confidence lis in an old finding written by current Justice whose name begins with K in little known matter in FL regarding the powers and limits of presidential behavior. Going to be very hard to reverse gears on this.

Referring to Lawrence O'Donnell last night show. I am sure our group of legal eagles with flesh out the details as the day goes by.

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An opinion Kavanaugh wrote 25 years discussing the Constitution and the ability to charge a president. Making that argument would be inconvenient now as a SC justice. You have to download the App if you want to hear it from Larry. The show only carries a couple episodes online.

I hope this is sufficient info for others that find this of interest.

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I have review again so I can speak confidentially

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Okay. I’ll wait with interest.

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It is under 1st line, fyi

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Please add "flag-humping" to your hyphenated descriptors

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Flag humping is a good one Susan🙌🏽

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Safe bet that Alito and Thomas will rule in Donnie's favor. Those luxury vacations don't take themselves.

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Okay, Donny Diaperstain is my new favorite moniker. By the way, if the conservative SCOTUS happens to rule in Donny Diaperstain’s favor, then if Biden loses in 2024, he can overturn the results of the election and remain president. Because, presumably, presidents will now be above the law.

On another note. Jeff, you are a nation treasure.

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Combover Caligula. (Stole it from John Fugelsang)

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Too funny…and apropos !!

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Ah there's Jack's pic again with that huge "my schlong regularly bruises my knees" energy.

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😂🤣😂fuck that was funny!!

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Better than that scowl, "I keep sitting on my empty nutsack" look from the narcissistic sociopath, Trump.

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Wow…well said. Let’s just all hope this excuse for a human gets behind bars and no link to social media in 2024. I am so sick of him and his cult followers

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I'm afraid to acknowledge this most tiny little sliver of hope......

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Same feelings

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I am reading this as former House Speaker Paul Ryan just was on Ari and stated that tfg IS an Authorian. People are coming out of the woodwork, yes.... Late..but hey... better now than NEVER. IMHO I do not see how the Supreme Court cannot rule against this. So yet more and more tension is going to happen. Bring it on all you Fools (those that won’t admit they are!!!) ( and those who want to cram yet another of their religious views on US! ) [SPEAKING OF Mike Johnson/MTG and other who tout National religious BS)

We are in this together and I don’t care if you have a God or not.... I am thanking my God right now, cause I have been praying for him to protect us and let right be right. (I apologize bringing religion into this myself, I believe full stop that is is personal...and it IS. Unless someone starts cramming it down our throats and thinks they are going to tell US what we MUST believe. Sorry to my people here.🥰🇺🇸🎄

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The vision of Jack Smith saying to tffg ‘no you won’t Fucknozzle...’ is truly orbital! And tffg spit-sputtering ‘I know you are but what am I’ as he goes from orange to vein-popping red is bringing me more joy than is probably legal! Merry Christmas you losing loser fucknozzle 🎄😂

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I love this, and I hope you're right, and I hope that SCOTUS does the right thing here - ya know, upholding our laws and respecting Constitutional law - I mean, it's just their fucking jobs to do this, so all they have to do is what they are seated to do...but I don't fully trust them, so until it's official, I got fingers and toes crossed!!!

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You and me both Mike.. if this Diaperedtwatmuffinfucktardreject gets a pass.. I’m gonna lose my shit (not literally folks)

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I don't think Jack Smith would have done this unless it was a veritable "slam dunk"...and I think bringing it to light as he did, puts SCOTUS under a spotlight in front of the entire world and they almost have no choice but to follow the rule of law here...this guy is no one to be fucked with!!!...I hope I'm right, or the guy next to you "losing his shit" will be me!!!

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You'll respond with a frightening descriptive adjective stream.

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Hey Charlie!! Yup me and my adjectives! Gonna wish you a very happy holiday my friend. Just finished with my dentist.. I’m all numbed up.. and half my face is droopy 🤤I think he numbed my left eyeball too

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Sounds like you had a fun day.

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Damn, another great read from Jeff!

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The hustle to find more lawyers hath begun, I imagine. Stir it up.

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Big Spoon time for sure!

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