My husband says I so look forward to my morning with Jeff I should buy you a cup of coffee and put you on the Christmas card list. I told him I’m a subscriber 😉

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My God its a revolution all behind Jeff! Our world needs a little levity after all eh?

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Oy, gevalt, this shit keeps rolling down the hill like a roll of cheese on Cooper's Hill in Gloucester, while the Jordans of this realm keep tumbling after and wetting themselves.

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Enjoying the image thx

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Omg! The cheese roll is freakin awesome!! Thanks for the visuals. 😂

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It's never too soon to jail the Trumps. Criminals, the lot of them.

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Ever since he announced his candidacy in 2015 I've been waiting for people who knew him when he was a teenager to come forward with eye-witness stories about his cruelty. You know they exist. How come we haven't heard them? He's a sociopath, and sociopaths start exhibiting their trademark behaviours in childhood. I wish we could hear more about his psychopathology -- the REASONS for his bad behaviour. OF COURSE he behaves badly -- so did Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Idi Amin, Pol Pot -- all sociopaths.

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Around the time he was "elected" in 2016, there was a book "The Dangerous Mind of Donald Trump". I immediately bought it and it was frightening. I forget how many well-known, certified shrinks contributed but it was a lot.

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Yes, it was an excellent book -- and many of the authors endured professional sanctions and criticism for violating the "Goldwater Rule" which prohibits psychologists/psychiatrists from diagnosing mental illness in the absence of a formal psychological assessment of the person. Fear of this sanction kept a lot of mental health professionals quiet when it was clearly dangerous for the country to be led by a psychopath. We need a better way to include discussions of psychological impairment and/or fitness to serve in our political discourse.

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His niece has his number...

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Indeed she does. Her book is excellent.

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Could it be that no one wants to admit that they ever knew him?

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Have you read Mary Trump's book? Everything you are asking to know is in it. "Too Much and Not Enough" - in the title, which I can't remember exactly, she called him "the world's most dangerous man." Also, his aunt has made statements about his cheating in school and paying other guys to take his tests for him. HIs father was a freaking Nazi, and Trump doesn't read much, but he kept Hitler's Speeches nearby from a young age, and pattenrs his speeches after those. I'm sure you know that Mary Trump is Donald's niece who grew up around him - her father was Donald's brother, a victim of the family's meanness. Mary is a psychologist, so able to help more clearly identify the many abnormal psych aspects of his character. If you already knew this, please forgive me.

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Yes, I have read her book and it is excellent -- I really appreciate her knowledge, both professional and personal! I think what I'm wishing for is that more of the ongoing discourse around his appalling behaviour was less "oh, he's breaking all the norms of governance!" and more "he is a psychopath, and here is the evidence, and here is what that means for the nation if we continue to allow him power and influence." I just feel that the most important parts of understanding him are largely ignored or glossed over due to an under-appreciation or lack of knowledge of the fundamental import of the psychological factors that make up his character.

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I could not agree with you more! What can we do about it, though? All I have is my voice and my vote.

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Never underestimate the power of your voice or your vote!! That's what "they" want you to do -- to feel as though one person cannot make any difference. But 10 or 20 million "one persons" make a huge difference!! Use your power to speak, write, lobby, donate, reach out, volunteer, show up! We can do this. We have to.

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His wealth protects him. Anyone who messes with him, he can squash them like a bug with his money. It's why he's been getting away with his evil ways for so long. It's precisely the reason there should be a limit on how much wealth any single person can have.

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He's been vindictive since he was born I think. You have only to read Mary Trump's book. Even if she is, as some say, a disgruntled, jealous relative, so F_ing what? I was born and raised in NY, Grew up in a swanky area of Long Island. My father built mansions, houses, and apartment buildings. My dad was raised in Queens. He never had a good thing to say about the Trumps. Shysters is what he called them. Vindictiveness is just another chapter in the playbook.

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Lived all my life out here on the west coast, busy raising kids & working, not really paying attention to NY, but even STILL knew that's what people thought of him. I will never understand how someone can watch him speak and not immediately see what a charlatan he is. I mean, just that fake crap on top of his head tells you what you need to know!

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And thank you, Mary Trump, for writing your books and speaking out.

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Is it me or has that orange rug begun to change color?? I ask this one question only as a way of description......can you imagine what he looks like naked??

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Good god, don't ask!

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200 years from today, unless humanity has reverted back to hunter-gather or travelling nomad societies, History will record these turbulent years as the Age of the Orange Shitgibbon.

Yes, he is a vindictive little shit.

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My dear Sköll, I too refer to our oxygen sucking ex-president the orange shitgibbon, or sometimes as the orange blowhard. I find these references of “the former guy” to be tedious and very goshdarnit.

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Actually I think he’s a huge shit

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Love the name SKOLL! How do you type the two dots above your O??

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On the 2016 campaign trail, Donald Trump warned the morons on the fence that if Hillary Clinton were elected, we'd find ourselves in a constitutional crisis, and there would be non-stop investigations.

This was just before "projection" became the common understanding of Trump's and the GOP's diversion and propaganda tactics.

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If we all get our asses out and vote then we will beat him.

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I highly recommend writing postcards. Sign up for as many as you'd like to write at Postcards to voters at :

Postcards To Voters


They have groups that send you addresses in important judge elections as well as school districts, etc. that you can choose all over the country. Last year I sent over 200 postcards to different elections that are going on around the country. You just buy stamps, and blank postcards.

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Major elections as well.

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Ours and anyone else that we can do so!!

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Liz, in the grand scheme of things, that is a very small number. My doctor privately told me years ago after tfg was elected that 20 % off all people are stupid and always have been. This is what fascists and men like Putin figured out decades ago.

What they also know is another large percentage of people just don't fight back, they're too timid and selfish. And guess who these timid people are?

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I agree. But when you live in the rural area I do, it feels like I'm surrounded by that type of supporter. Fortunately, with Mpls' population, they keep us on the right track. (No pun intended.)

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I'm with you, Liz! I'm in a rural town in a very red county. There is a city code that political signs cannot be put out except for 60 days prior to and 15 days after an election. Of course there are Trump 2024 signs all over the place and the code enforcement team will do nothing. Trying to see if we can teach ravens to shred them for treats. :-)

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200 might be a small number, but added to everyone else writing postcards, it’s a terrific contribution. I organize a group of writers - we’ve participated with Vote Forward to write millions of letters - even though, our little group only wrote a few thousand.

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I live in Mexico now but prior to moving, wrote postcards for 6 years with my Indivisable.org group. Not only was it cathartic, much like old sewing circles, it was extremely effective.

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Fear not. The Republican Party is dwindling. It’s the independents and younger voters who we need to get out and vote. They are the majority.

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Don't be too scared.

Those that forever stick by him are his cult members and they will never be swayed.

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we need to ignore those insane fools and stop giving them all the oxygen.

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Yep. That one should scare everyone.

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I regret that I can only “like” your post and not “love” it. But Jeff, you left a very important Trump descriptive out of your recitation! I would respectfully like to add “Putin-fellating” to the other characteristic attributes of The Donald, so as not to ignore his tremendous contributions to foreign policy, aside from hosing and betrothing a couple of Eastern European ho’s.

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Jul 10, 2023·edited Jul 10, 2023

Don't forget this disgusting corollary to the abuse of power rule: grotesque incestuous misogyny.

“Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led [former Chief of Staff] John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter,” wrote author Miles Taylor in an excerpt obtained by Newsweek. Those inappropriate comments have led to headlines that are probably the reason why Ivanka is spending her post-political life jet-setting around the globe in her new travel influencer life. She’s distanced herself from her dad and the rest of the family, and maybe the world is finding out the real reason why."

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Ahhh, Jeff. You make me smile through all this shit and for that i'm grateful.

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Great piece this morning.. one question for you and fellow travellers.. using the same logic that committing more crimes brings in more votes, then why doesn’t Pence or Rondo do the same? They both need votes... amiright?

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Oh Jeff. Please keep it up! The rest of us are simply exhausted by all the hateful BS. You always put it so well, in such colorful language...

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The orange image I am having of Trump is him in an orange jumpsuit, to match his hair, and chains and leg irons. I was just reading a Propublica piece titled Right-Wing Websites Connected to Former Trump Lawyer Are Scamming Loyal Followers with Phony Celebrity Pitches.


Of course this would be connected to the ultimate grifter, Donald Trump. These are his people. Of course, Trump appointee Unjustice Terry Doughty would just say it is freedom of Speech. When I hear people writing how they are going to vote for a third party, or recently I read about a woman who voted for Ralph Nader. I remember warning friends who were doing that at the time that they would regret it because the president appoints justices to the Supreme Court and even more effectively to the Federal Courts, who see way more cases. I also did not vote for him because I did not think he would get anything done in office, which might be what the carrion who voted for the current House of Representatives MAGAt members want from their elected representatives. I prefer that we elect people into government who actually govern.

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The weaponization of government ....

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