Hi Jeff, I wish to bring up Donald’s screed again “liberal Jews destroying America and Israel” so many canards such as dual loyalty, liberal Jews on and on. It’s been revealed that some woman from a reality tv show wrote it for Donald.. she wanted to “trigger the liberal Jews” by this posting... well where does it stop? Maybe burning books? Maybe forcing Jews to live in ghettos? Maybe, as we saw this weekend bomb threats to 6 synagogues, Maybe have a little Nazi walk into a synagogue and run around yelling Christ is King? Oh yeah, it such fun triggering liberal Jews... I speak for a number of liberal Jews.. I’m getting sick and tired of this Jew hating... I’m 71, never have seen this BS in my life... 1935 Germany IMHO.. Thanks for allowing me to vent.

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Fastball, I am also sick and tired of donny fuckface and his disgusting "liberal Jews" screed. This 75 year-old pissed off Jewish lady would like a word. But I'd be bringing my space laser and it would be loaded for bear. (This is all code for things I'd really rather do.....)

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I saw a reel a few days ago, where, well, this:

“In the video, I am taking a flame thrower to cardboard boxes representing what I am going to do to the leftist policies and RINO corruption of the Jeff City swamp,” Eigel said in a statement to The Star on Monday. “But let’s be clear, you bring those woke pornographic books to Missouri schools to try to brainwash our kids, and I’ll burn those too - on the front lawn of the governor’s mansion.” (Via the KC Star). I thought actual books when I first saw it. I guess that’s next on the menu.

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My sense is that maybe the CONSERVATIVE Jews who supported Trump the first time around due to Israel will maybe re-think their alliance to the GQP as Donny's never well hidden antisemitism is vomiting all over him and any Jewish person who ever supported him. IF ONLY US Democrats would be stronger in their support for Israel and the American media would cease with the "everything being equal" BS in terms of Palestine. When Israel defends itself against Palestinian aggression and hits a terrorist area, It is not Israel's fault this area was tunneled BY PALESTINIANS under a school, or a hospital or a daycare. Or that terrorists that blow themselves up in Israeli markets have surviving family members who get wads of cash for his/her martyrdom. Trump hates Jews, period, as did his father. That Ivanka and Jared are Jewish means nothing. Both of them are cash cows, so Trump doesn't care how they identify.

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Even Hitler had Jewish friends. People kept saying the Jews would be safe because after all, the Kushners are Jewish. So maybe THEY won’t be herded into cattle cars, but the rest of us will.

If he’s re-elected, we’re out of here. I’m not waiting for Kristallnacht. My neighbors were survivors - he was a hero of the ghetto uprising - and I got my history lesson from them. I’m not going quietly.

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Agree. Funny how things change. Thoughts go through my mind now that I would have never thought of pre-Trump and the unleashing of this virulent strain of antisemitism. I look around at my gentile friends and wonder "who would hide me?" Who could I depend upon should something like Kristallnacht happen again. realistically and sadly, probably not many. If my Jewish friends can become GQP members, what could I expect from the gentile ones? How many Jewish organizations went along with the limitations of rights thinking "if only it stops here if we cooperate." As you said, we have our lesson. No going along to get along this time.

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The news media might actually redeem itself in my eyes if they all start a betting pool on which source can trick him into the most confessions and then keep him on air until the door slams behind him.

And then never interview him again. Just so he KNOWS he got played like a cheap kazoo.

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I LOVE this idea, as painful as it is up until that hoped for moment.

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Let’s hope. But also think he is putting innocent people in danger by getting his deranged followers all riled up and ready for violence.

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Seeing how Texas just got shut down for trying crooked Paxton because Donny's mafia put the fear in them, I realize how each of these people who comes forward, who are braver that I might be, need protection. I am wondering what Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are doing for protection. I assume Liz's family has the money to protect her, but I don't know about Kinzinger. It sounds like in people in Texas, who wanted to vote to Impeach their crooked Attorney General, were threatened. It certainly is safer to be a Democrat these days.

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Hey remember when everyone got their knickers twisted because Mitch McConnell had his dinner interrupted once? Good times, good times.

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I am also thinking of how Nancy Pelosi's husband was attacked. Perhaps in place of attacking her. She is brave and it was crazy. Now the terrible Kevin McCarthy is trying to run things and he is a total incompetent from absolutely every angle, unless he figures out that he makes up his majority by appealing to Democrats and leaves out their crazies in his own party.

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Mitt Romney doesnt always have security with him, though. although I think he and Cheney should....check out this video of Romney getting uncomfortably confronted at an airport...wish he had a security team to help him...pretty scary



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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023

same- I guess Romney, like many of us would, figured airport security would not arrive in a timely manner nor would they do much about it, so better to just roll it off and try to let the situation fade away...its still not fair to have to do that...and put up with such nonsense.....man...

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He was on his tablet. He might have been contacting them that way, and keeping the situation calm until they could come. Don't know. Did not watch the entire thing.

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But not so innocent

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Even I know if you’re gonna put a chandelier in the shitter, you put a door on the the shower, not some cheap ass shower curtain! Talk about a hillbilly outhouse! Love the pics, Molly! Thank you for your patriotism and good sense. You’ve done more for your country than any of us can imagine or could have hoped for.

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023

Bawhahaha! Also brown marble mixed with plain drywall seems like a head scratcher and no window treatments. From a design standpoint that bathroom is a mess. He must get his decorators from the same place he gets his lawyers.

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Melania does the decorating. “Who cares about fooking bathrooms? They make me decorate...I hate fooking bathrooms!” Recorded by her personal assistant at the prison...I mean the other “Big House”

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It's the plastic garbage can for me

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Where’s the belly laugh emoji?

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Should have been the first question Tristan Welker asked. “Mr. T. Where did you get your bathroom decorator. Love what you did to the place. Were the boxes part of his decorating theme, or was that an after thought on your part?”.

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Everyone should learn her name. Rinse and repeat. I didn’t think new shit would come out but DAMN, did this rock my brain.

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I hope she’s been given people to protect her from the mob boss and his minions.

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I read that Twitter’s former head of safety monitoring had to move his family and employ private security after threats against him for removing lies about the election. Jesus Fucking Christ.

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I hope she's already been processed by the WPP.

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Molly Michael should be considered a hero for her actions. She didn't seem to be concerned about the possible consequences from the tangerine turd and his SS like goon squads. If only more folks in today's GOP congress had the same ethics and bravery to do something about this endless shit storm instead of lining up to protect him and constantly kissing his deranged ass.

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For all the male bravado, if this republic survives, it will be because of brave women who risked their careers and personal safety: Cassidy Hutchinson, Molly Michael, and Mike Pence.

I can see why we still haven't had a female president. They're simply not ready for critical moments.

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Pence does have a feminine energy, now that you mention it

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What do you have against women?

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What do I have against women? Um, nothing. Especially given that I am one.

No insult is meant by saying that a man has a lot of feminine energy, any more than when someone says a woman has a lot of male energy. Both can exist.

And...it was a joke, in response to Cletus listing Pence as one of the "brave women who..." siiiiigh never mind

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My comment was also meant as a joke!

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omg I'm sorry! <Hangs head in appropriately feminine shame> Look at me being so defensive, sigh :-P

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Sarcasm doesn’t work on text - unfortunately..

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Well, it is comedy newsletter after all.

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It would be great if someone could interview him about this, and play to his ego like “But you’re the boss, right? The one everyone looks to for leadership and strength. You weren’t going to let the FBI have those boxes, they were yours!” and then sit back and let him admit to obstruction and witness tampering

If we can’t nail him on the stand, nail him in interviews because he can’t get enough of seeing himself on tv or at least knowing he’s on tv.

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Yep, Trump’s as dumb as a sack of rocks and will continue to be the butt-end of jokes and commentaries. Well done, Jeff.

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I look forward to him taking the stand during his trial. And for those legal experts who say his attorneys will never allow it, since when has he followed his attorneys' advice? He'll be on trial for his life, and if it isn't going in his favour, he won't trust anyone to do a better job of defending him than he can, himself. "I alone can fix it."

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I agree. He's the STAR of the SHOW (trial) and he MUST have the spotlight. Because when you're a celebrity...

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...they let you do it.

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You are right. However sometimes if people like him are scared enough, which I believe he will be, they will not risk taking the stand. He’s a strategist. I believe he will decide not to take that risk. Unless the off chance he wants to showboat in order to make a big splash for his devotees before he goes to prison or home prison.

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Every "interview" is an admission of guilt that makes the prosecution salivate. TFG (and his cronies) just can't stop saying the "quiet" thing out loud. Keep it up, Donnie, and you'll soon be giving rallies and speeches in a federal cellblock.

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Fox, OAN and their ilk will certainly seek permission to set up lights and cameras for their interviews from the cell block.

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We'd all better pray that this is how it turns out.

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This is hilarious but also mighty disturbing. Everything I read lately falls into that disturbing category: The WAPO article about S.C. high school teacher Mary Wood (another patriot and also a badass). She was reported to the school board for teaching about racism by, get this, two white ADVANCED PLACEMENT students, who felt ashamed to be white by having to learn about our history. Then there's the news about Boebert's boob-fondling in public being OK with the same people who are outraged by public breast-feeding. Sen John Kennedy reading a description of a gay sex act on the senate floor from a book that is NOT in any school library and was never meant for children. What was the point of that? Is that from his personal library? Maybe he should read 60 Shades of Gray next time. Photos of the boob-fondling could accompany the reading along with Hunter Biden's dick pic. The party of family values sure seems to be obsessed with sex, and is plastering it all over the news.

The fact that trump was using the back of classified documents to write his to-do lists, and his comments about liberal Jews are probably the most disturbing, but somehow get lost in all this other right-wing buffoonery. Is he going for an insanity plea? Or is this just a way to normalize his treasonous behavior and initiate a replay of the US civil war?

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It all stems from moms for liberty (hate group). They showed up in my small town in Virginia and all of a sudden our library (originated in 1799!) was under attack from a group of extremists Catholics about LGBT books that they call “child porn”. Now our town is divided and we find out if we lose our library next week. Such a resource. But it’s happening all over. Next stop the same people are running for positions (many) in our small govt. It’s a disaster!! SaveSamuels.org for info

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023

This is scary. I don't know how to combat this. I think the airwaves need to be flooded with their shameful behavior. I think there needs to be ads with disturbing headlines that appear to be from the 1930's about death camps, book burnings, hate groups....and then show that it is happening in the present day. Remember those Burma Shave signs? A whole slew of those that people will think are cute and funny until they get to the punchline. Billboards of all of their disgusting rhetoric and behavior asking why do you vote for this? Germany did too. I don't know. Just spit-balling here. There has to be some kind of in your face campaign strategy that people cannot ignore.

I will go to that website. We have to nip this in the bud now. But we also have to focus on elections because isn't that the point of their strategy? Focus everyone on trump's "interviews", book banning, Kennedy reading gay sex novels, dick pics....and all the while the GOP could be building gas chambers and stealing voter information. I'm not kidding. This is too bizarre to be what it seems so I think it could be something else entirely. Trump, Musk, Kim Jong, Putin, are all nuts. I feel like we are in a prequel of The Handmaid's Tale.. Maybe we should be worried about them banning that book , or 1984, or Every Man Dies Alone, On Tyranny, It Can't Happen Here, Under the Light of the Italian Moon and so many more. It's the dumbing down of the masses that got us here. Seems logical banning and burning books and closing libraries are all on the agenda.

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It is scary and the horrid thing is... even though the area I live in is EXTREMELY red. Less than 0.05% of the population support the book ban (that has defunded 75% of the library!) yet the board of supervisors for the county seem to only be listening to this small fraction of extremists. It’s corrupt 🤷🏻‍♀️. Elections are coming, but I don’t know. We have had new articles. Local, National. Bodies at meetings. Rallies. Unofficial civic protests etc. it is all so very wrong and will just spread and spread and spread.

Please do your best to share the story. Not only for my library but for the next one!

This is not the only but the latest story about it in the Washington Post.


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We see it here too. I am in Wisconsin, in a northern tourist area that relies on lakes, rivers, and natural beauty. Yet these are primarily red counties and districts that vote for people like Tom Tiffany, who call themselves environmentalists, yet vote no on every single environmentally friendly proposal except for 2 that he didn't show up for. He started on a county board and now he is in Congress. He worked in the oil and gas industry! What's next? Governor? Scott Walker ascended the same way and it took years of stupidity before he was voted out. They are backed by giant super-pacs and never-ending piles of money. We are electing the worst people. How do we stop this?

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I don’t know. We have done everything you should be able to do in a democracy to stop these evil actors. But there is that key word again.... democracy.

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Moms for Liberty and other faux grassroots parenting groups are definitely into book banks, adding Fahrenheit 451, Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird and just about every other book I read in high school English. But hey are bankrolled by dark money and have ties to the Republican Party. https://mindsitenews.org/2022/03/26/librarians-mental-health-threatened-by-book-bans-threats-and-harassment/

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Defend your library by any means necessary.

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Been doing what we can. ❤️🇺🇸

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Moms for Liberty is part of a national campaign funded by dark money, along with some other well-known groups; it is as far from grassroots as you can get. We wrote about it in MindSite News.... https://mindsitenews.org/2022/04/14/whats-behind-the-protests-against-schools-trying-to-boost-kids-mental-health/

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Kennedy's recitation of written porn - what WAS that all about ? These old white men are obsessed with dark sex while the rest of us secretly worry about the rising cost of sex toys and whipped cream... 🙄 jesus fucking christ. I've run out of fucks to give, they're all in a field somewhere, smoldering but I think they're all about to burst into flame once again. 🤬🤯🔥🔥🔥

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Agreed. They claim that people on the left are all immoral and evil. To that I say, "I know you are but what am I?" They are all projecting.

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Thank you for bring up Mary Wood. As a retired educator I stand fully behind her efforts to educate our young people, warts and all. How dare these self absorbed whining student boo hoo over white supremacy making them feel bad about themselves and shame on shoddy parenting.

You think you feel bad now? Wait until you find out your white supremacy isn’t a valid reason for not doing a lot of things you don’t agree with. Try that “I didn’t pay my taxes cause it made me feel bad” excuse with the IRS. What a steaming pile.

No teacher should be afraid to teach the truth. If you disagree with recorded history then bring the receipts.

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I have tried to find out about why Kennedy made that live reading and not much to learn. Yet Boob fest continues. I wonder if Kennedy had a ...no, don't want to know. But it is strange that it seems dropped when it is equally outrageous.

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Every time he opens his mouth, he lies and says something that is going to be used against him. Even when the judge issues the limited gag order, he will keep doing this. He can’t help it - he can’t shut up. What a baby..

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The whole point is to rally his base. They believe everything he says, including that he did nothing wrong and this is a witch hunt. They are convinced that Biden is a fascist dictator. He is still looking for his coup. Stochastic terrorism! Violence! Chaos! Civil war! He truly wants to be a dictator, in office until he dies and Don Jr. takes over. He was probably on a Zoom call, plotting with Putin and Kim Jong. I'm not even kidding about this. No one imagined what Hitler was up to. Trump is a few notches higher on the crazy scale. How else can he avoid prison? He believes he is invincible and he will do whatever it takes. There will be bloodshed before this is over. I think he is crazy like a fox.

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Exactly. Fuck CNN and NBC for legitimizing him.

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He does understand the perverse nature of the human being. He understands their greed and their need to be right. He knows they need to place blame, never commit, and maintain an image. What he does not understand are people whose lives are based on the win-win principle, generosity for no reward, loving kindness to others, spreading joy, and being happy when someone succeeds. That’s why “everything he touches dies”. Rick Wilson quote. Trump has a hunk missing.

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RE: Prison, I think he's as good as there. Now it's up to Jack Smith to decide what color ribbon he wants to use to tie it all together and put a pretty bow on top.

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He should be, but could the judge corrupt it somehow?

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If you're thinking about Judge Cannon, yes, she could muck up a lot of stuff. But there is the appellate panel who chapped her ass last time she tried to pull that crap. Because she essentially has been practicing law for about ten minutes and doesn't know a lot. Particularly in such a complex case as the classified docs one. Jack Smith is way too strategic for her to gum things up too badly. He'll let some minor squabbles pass. He's got the heavy artillery ready though, behind the fortress wall.

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Ahh, thank you for this info, that's excellent.

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Bloviating, orange narcissist tripped up by narcissism.

Irony and karma working together.

So cool

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Excellent, isn't it?

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The news media isn’t doing this country any favors. It’s all about money and sensationalism to get ratings-people like Molly will be the ones to stand up and do the right thing. Anyone heard when Cassidy Hutchinsons book is coming out?

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she's on Rachael Maddow's show next Monday

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Thanks! I believe her book will be very interesting!

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Keep it up Donny and your real creditors my cash in their chips. Their play when it is certain he cannot lie and cheat his was back to the white house would be to keep him from talking forever....

Putin would do it if Donnie threatened him....

And those boys in Jersey......

Just saying......

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