Jeff, please audition to become the permanent host on The Daily Show. You would be brilliant (and make a ton of money)

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Not sure they would allow him to say "fuck" so often, even if it is the most appropriate word when speaking about Trump and his (dangerous, illegal, fucked-up) shenanigans.

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John Oliver says it all the time. I kind of like reading these newsletters though. I don't have to wait for the show to air. I look forward to seeing it in my inbox. Makes my day. A hundred spoken F words might be a bit jarring in the morning. But I can read them, no problem.

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Any jackass can swear all the time. Jeff is an artiste, the William Shakespeare of profanity-laden insults for political hypocrites.

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Well, he doesn’t have to mince words,. It is what it IS🤣🇺🇸

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Yes, he does it so well!!

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Swearing is just adjectives rolled together.. I love my adjectives.. just ask Charlie🤗

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Everybody knows you can’t say fuck on television! Its sole purpose is for the GOP to post dick picks on C-SPAN....because...reasons, like rainbows are evil 😂

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Just to torture him even more after he dies, I would like to see Trump’s body wrapped in a dozen rainbow flags. May he not rest in peace.

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They are gonna have to have a mega-truck full of security at his gravesite wherever it is cuz it will be pissed on many many times a day.

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And not just by dogs. 😊

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Good one!😂😂😂😂😂

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…with Central American refugees as his pallbearers. Better yet, make them women. Lesbians if possible.

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It's not Network , you can swear.

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We live in a world where they can’t stop kids from being killed in schools but they can stop people from saying words on television..go figure.

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Lewis Black does lol

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HBO ! That would be his new home...Replace Bill Maher !

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The have a bleep machine no?

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As long as he continues to write his Substack!

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I love the GIF of the dancing chicken.

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Catch-me-if-you-can chicken.

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Thanks Jeff.

What Trump means is that if anyone needs to hear from him, they should just pick up the prison phone in front of the plexiglass window when he has earned phone privileges.

And we all know the "old America" his lawyer claims he prefers. It is the America where only wealthy white male landowners had rights.

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This is a great yardstick of the cowardice most bullies try to hide. Big talk, TDS syndrome

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I knew when that asshole said he was going to testify that he wasn’t going to testify. He loses credibility every time he opens his mouth

Love the picture of his chicken coming home to roost.

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The milquetoast wannabe mob boss tells another whopper as he shows again he has less going on downstairs than a gelding. Can't wait until he's in that Georgia courtroom with all us watching him spew his usual I'm the victim bullshit with nowhere to run or hide.

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At last, he'll get his top ratings!

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Me too. Remember when he said he was going to leave Scotland (he was cheating at golf over there) and go back and defend himself at the Jean Carrol trial? He chickened out the day before.

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Happens every time. Lying liar who lies, lies some more

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...the fowl hair one?

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That is a good one Susan!

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Looks like donny's face is starting to melt off, like the Nazis in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

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When the facts are on your side, argue the facts. When you have the law, argue the law. When you have neither, wear low-cut tops. --Alina Habba

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I think I might’ve said this before, but when Ms. Habba loses her law license, she will have plenty of opportunities to be a swimsuit model, and she’ll probably make more money doing that because I doubt Trump is paying her.

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Maybe George Santos will introduce her to his followers on OnlyFans. He will have the perfect parking garage clientele for her to kick off her new career.

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Brilliant Wendy!!

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Unfortunately, it looks like Sports Illustrated is going down.

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That's the only thing that Counselor Duck Lips has going for her.

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Wonder if she is friends with that slut from Colorado?

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Maybe she could play the Melania part when the movie comes out. She certainly does a good impression of pouty mouth.

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I always think she’s trying hard to look like Mel, every time she’s on tv. Is it in hopes of being #4? He does have a type 🤔

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It’s all the Botox and Collagen injections 🤪

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Jeff, and I'm serious when I say this: marry me. 🤣

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Stand back and stand in line!

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I saw him first! 😂😂😂

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Chick fight! 🤣

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No fucking way rotten pumpkin head spelled 'irrefutable' correctly by himself. (Because we all know he doesn't use spell check.) What a dipshit.

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Easy, ladies.

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Squid Games American Style hosted by Jeff Tiedrich? Too far?

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Great idea.

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Yes, he already HAS a proof reader!

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I think his wifey saw him first!😉

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Elaine, you should start your own newsletter. You are hilarious. Have you discussed this with Ms. Spouse? 😆

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Jeff is safe because I'm of the lavender persuasion 🤣

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I know, that’s why I found this to be so hilarious. 😉

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Elaine you are a ROCKSTAR!

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I had to look up what that means Still not sure I get it But Jeff always does point out he has a Mrs Spouse.

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No polygamy goin’ down here‼️

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Chicken hair hilarity will get me through the day! 🐓🐓🐓

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I must concur, the graphics in this one are priceless!

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That dancing chicken GIF is gold.

What always saddens me is his followers are so invested in their own vision of their "manhood", that they desperately see him as a real "tough" guy, just like them. You know. The ones who "almost joined the Marines".

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"Yup, I was right there at the recruiting station, but I just couldn't sign up because my mom needed me. But I was READY!"

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That's what I don't get...Donnie and his'manhood' make me want to gag! And most of the time when I see those idiots in his crowds, they make me want to gag, too!🤢🤮 How in the hell did that become 'manhood'?

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It didn't. At least nowhere outside their own tiny little minds.

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In that last photo, it looks like he’s wearing Old English furniture touchup rather than the normal orange paste he puts on his face. You know, that walnut colored stuff you can buy to cover scratches on furniture. Maybe they stopped making his preferred make up and he had to switch over to something new.

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I am laughing so hard because I was just thinking something similar! LDFF needs some furniture sealant so his varnish doesn’t run down his face like Rudy’s hair dye!

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Maybe THAT'S how he keeps all the stage makeup off his white collars -- he's VARNISHED! 🤣🤣🤣

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We get deeper and deeper into the twilight zone each day. The insanity is without end.

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Thinking similar. Also, you can see where the polish ends. Somebody get a rag and clean this mess up

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Drinking and drugging make you unaware of how stupid you look.

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Have no clue what deleted said, but trust that you are correct. 😂

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You know what, Kay? Neither do I. I have no idea what I was replying to. 😂

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That’s hilarious.

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I think the person said something about Rudy Giuliani. But I can’t be sure. I hope I didn’t offend him or her, but you run that risk when you read and participate in Jeff’s newsletters. 😂

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For all his bluster, Donny is just a penny-ante middle school cafeteria bully. The ancient adolescent is realizing that his house of cards is collapsing. He will most likely be more batshit crazy than usual this week.

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I appreciate the warning.

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Is that possible??

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Is that one of Joyce Vance's chickens on Trump's head? If so, well-played, Joyce (and Jeff)!

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The rare Substack Crossover Episode!

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I was wondering the same thing, which chick was it, can’t remember her name??

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Jeff... forget Elaine (sorry, Elaine) ... marry me! I can't tell you how much I enjoy reading your daily reflections. I also appreciate that you are keeping a close eye on the news and daily developments. Please, keep up the good work. YOU are a national treasure.

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Jeff, how you do this every day is breathtaking, in more ways than one.

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It took me ten damn minutes to stop laughing hysterically at the “rooster toupee”! Thank you to Jeff, and this entire amazing Substack community, for keeping me somewhat sane through this batshit crazy timeline! I can’t start my day without my daily dose of LDFF and his “only the best parking garage lawyer Alina haba daba doo”! Have a great and non-stupid week everyone(Except for the magats; you all can fuck all the way off, make a u-turn, and fuck all the way off again!)

Happy Holidays everyone! Lisa🫶🏼

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Thank you Lisa! And the same to you! 😍

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