Anyone who got a dollar every time Drumpf backstabbed someone loyal to him would be buying Elon Musk to be their shoulder monkey, maybe buy a couple of small private islands, and possibly a few Congress critters on the side to make sure they never had to pay taxes on any of it.

Betrayal is basically his only consistent brand, folks. Wake the fuck up.

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Dude, he needs to buy himself a fleet of greyhound buses to be able to keep up with the multitude for people Trump is running over.

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... my bus runneth over... \o/

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Hmmmm....perhaps the Lord will lead Jenna to the prosecution's deal-mobile.

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I wonder how Jenna Ellis gonna feel about her faith in God when her hypocritical ass lands in the clinker for a couple of years?

That surely would encourage my faith

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I hear the prison chaplains are nice. /s

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Jenna will be holding the Wednesday evening prayer meetings in Cell Block 45 with the other Christian inmates. Praise the Lord Trump!

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I thought I heard she was making a deal to keep her law license.

Some parking garage somewhere will hire her I am sure.

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They're not "not getting it"...they're purposefully being obtuse, making it seem like, "hey, you - everyday MAGAt - yea, you - he's being arrested for stuff you and I do EVERY DAY!" Getting them riled up about it because, after all, he's getting arrested "for them"...!

And Kemp gets ZERO passes from me - last I heard, he would STILL vote for the orange

pile of smouldering shit.

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Kemp: "...our elections are secure, accessible, and fair..." HAHAHAHA!!! Kemp, Secretary of State at the time, oversaw his own 2018 gubernatorial election, canceled millions of voter registrations (mostly low-income and minority voters) with 668K of those cancelled in 2017, closed 214 polling places (where? guess), and weeks before the election, put 53K registrations on hold (70% Black voters). I hate that guy.

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I give as much as I can now to Stacey Abrams' Fair Fight—she called all this out AT THE TIME while she was running as his opponent.

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023

Exactly! The GOP are slime from the damn swamp. Kemp should be #indicted for his damn cheating during the 2018 election, too.

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He's keeping with that old Republican tradition: Cover your ass.

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He has some nerve. Must be it is a fair election for mostly white Republicans

? Is that the message?

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Remember Kemp used his position on the board of election to toss out votes WHILE he was running against Stacy Abrams. Actually, made a law that gave him a bit more power than necessary so he could toss out thousands of legal votes--no voter machine tampering required.

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Yes, he will if that “orange pile of smoldering 💩💩💩💩 shit” is on the ballot. So will that idiot he has as Elections Supervisor! They’re as MAGA as Frumpy is!

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to be fair, not seeing obvious crimes that are happening right in front of him is kind of Jim Jordan’s thing. And also, “seeing” crimes that are not happening at all (by Democrats) is also kind of Jim Jordan’s thing.

He is one of that largest wastes of space on the planet.

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Who ever thought Brian Kemp's whose deeply accented drawly speech made you think he was as stupid as he sounds, might have a quiet little set of guts going on with this and Duncan is right. Blood red state no more. Now get rid of MTG. Disclaimer: I am NOT complimenting Kemp for anything. Merely looking at the snake pit they all operate in and that that pipsqueak was one of the few to buck the Head Turd. That is all.

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Sadly, Kemp, like Pence, has been doing the minimum. He’s the SOS who dumped 300K Black voters just before he “beat” Stacy Abrams by far less in 2018. And peek at the voter suppression laws he’s signed. I think we need to stop praising Rs who step back from breaking the law but just barely.

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My point, exactly. He, and the Republican legislators gerrymandered that ejection where Kemp would win, no matter what. IF it would have bern conducted fairly, we would have a Governor for us, the people of this state!

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Completely agree—

Raise the damn bar off the ground!

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Oh, I can't stand Kemp and I believe he stole the election from Stacy Abrams. He had real power over the vote and counting it. This is faint praise from me. I don't like him. But in the environment he inhabits, he spoke against The King. I'm not praising him at all. But I can certainly understand why it would be interpreted that way.

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Reaching down and finding one little stone in that tiny nutsack. Go figure.

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MTG, the pathetic white trash piece of shit is convinced she's going to be trump's running mate. Even Evil Orange, wouldn't be that stupid.

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Donny and MGT as running mates


My Golden Retriever would win a national election over those nincompoops

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My Pug could be your Golden Retriever's running mate! They would win on CUTENESS alone!

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I like my cat's chances better.

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My two adopted street dogs Mike and Molly would beat your cat like a fucking drum!!

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I don't know about that. Ms. Kitty has strong political skills. She has the Opossums endorsement and is working on the skunks.

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Don’t forget the raccoons!

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I would vote for your golden retriever. I’d vote for your dog’s 💩 over Trump.

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Imagine either Kari or MTG. Pretty pukey.

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She is a great example of the Peter Principle but I think even she might be surprised she could go from Facebook motor mouth to a paid Congressional position. I would like to see

Horseface count to 10 with one hoof.

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Are you sure about that?

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MTG, and Brian Kemp, and all the state Republican legislators have GOT to GO! This is ridiculous! They have mucked up the voting, and everything rise to suit the Trumpublicans.

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As someone born and raised in the South, I take umbrage that people think we're stupid just because we talk a little slow. That said, I'll reserve judgement on Brien Kemp to see if he wilts under pressure any time soon.

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Me too. I left Alabama in 1970 at the age of 18. I was a dancer so I headed to NYC where I had to rid myself of my accent just to be taken seriously. It was an awful experience.

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Yeah, they like to pour on the dooh-dah when addressing the general good Ole boy audience. Kennedy does it to in Louisiana but he has no problem adjusting to his audience when that shit won't fly.

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Kennedy was a Democrat and was totally different when he was one. He can adjust. I can't imagine why his current public persona would appeal to anyone but it must. He keeps getting elected.

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SMH, SSDD from those who should know better(looking at you, Peter Baker). If anyone calling themselves a writer and who still has a job at an actual newspaper, is bored, perhaps they should get out into this world and see how all those FORMER employees of FORMER newspapers are now making a living. Or maybe they could go to that little town in Kansas where a still independent, local newspaper got raided by law enforcement because they were being investigated for irregularities. They caused so much damage and heartbreak that the co editor of that publication died. So go do some actual journalism and emerge(maybe)from your jaded cocoon. That’s my rant for the day. I’m getting jaded because the right ALWAYS loses its shit. Nothing new about that either.

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I think it is hilarious that they are giving Hillary Clinton crap for laughing about it. This from the EFF your feeling crowd--the anti-woke. Yah know, the ppl who shoot bud light cans in lieu of a trans person and faint over men in pink shirts. These professional pearl-clutchers need to get bent. We suffered for yeeeears under The Orange Menace. Heck yeah, I am going to laugh now that Trump's crimin' has caught up with him and Clinton is more than well within her rights to indulge in a bit of schadenfreude in this regard. They know where they can kiss!

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There are a bunch of babies!

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Yup--they want all the toys, they bite and they lie then wonder why no one wants to play with them!

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Send them to the library and they eat the books.

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Bwahahahahaha, well that is one way of banning them!

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I'm getting your Substack now. I'm looking forward to reading g your latest post. I'll be in touch.

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TYSM, very much appreciated!

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Personal pearl clutchers. Fabulous! Stealing.

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So sorry but have to be banal for just a minute. As a proud Buckeye, it is so painful to watch Gym Jordan, especially knowing what he didn't see that was happening to all those OSU wrestlers. Many of us Ohioans and Buckeyes are better than this. Sad!

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we know. it's not your fault. Gym's district has been gerrymandered so badly that it now resembles an amoeba that's been splattered against a wall, and that's the only way he can possibly win an election

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I’m an Ohioan and I detest Jim Jordan! He disgusts me! And how JD Vance “no abortion for rape and incest victims because 2 ‘wrongs’ don’t make a right” beat Tim Ryan makes me want to give up and move to Portugal! But I’ll wait until after the “Trump’s Going to Prison” show is over. I’ll just have to put up with my idiot neighbors until then.

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We have all had them. We had Bachman, gone Thank Goodness

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Her future is in"My Pillow" commercials

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Thanks Jeff. I know that's true, but that doesn't make him any less embarrassing.

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They do not call Gym Jordan the Gerrymandered Parasite for nothing.

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Jordan and the Dr. Stock scandal are a big nasty black eye for the University and the state.

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The New York Times is the absolute WORST

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Jenna Ellis is panhandling on the Internet. She'd better have a back-up plan.

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THE Trumpvangelists are the easiest prey ever for source of income. Anyone not constrained by morals can easily clean out their bank accounts and 401Ks with minimum effort. Just stating a simple fact here from passive observations. No worries, I won't tell :D

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Because I can’t not look away, there’s a couple of the crazier ones I..um…stalk….on Facebook. They honestly believe that the Orange Turd has been appointed and anointed by god. Like McTurdy is their new ‘messiah’ or something. There is nothing you can tell them to change the cult mindset. Orange Turd is an innocent man.

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True--but she isn't The Orange Blob and he has disavowed her, so the True Believers see she has been CAST OUT. ;)

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Yes. You can see she is trying to reactivate her source of income in her post to invoke sympathy from these vacuous minds,

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One is the loneliest number... she is probably still asking, "where did I go wrong".

And then someone pointed out MAGA means making Attorneys get attorneys.

And, finally the lights came on?

One would only hope she isn't still paying off her student loans, cause that would be sad.


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Jenna must be so hurt that she’s been thrown under the Trump bus in gratitude for her dipshit loyalty.

Jenna! ... ever heard of Karma?

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She's screwed. What did your loyalty to the Orange Shitgibbon get you??

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Some civil war. Where are all the angry mobs storming the courthouses and statehouses or forming human shields around Mar-a-Lago and Bedminster? Where are the tiki-bearing frat boy Nazi wannabes? The Boys who are so Proud that they won't show their faces? The Oath Keepers cosplaying as soldiers in "stack" formation? The militias in East Bumblefuck preparing to round up the libs and put them on trial? I'll tell you. They're all where the cockroaches go when you turn on the lights.

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I keep saying those frump trolls ain’t doing jacksh*t. HELLo, most of them are already hiding from the FBI, CIA in their basements behind that J6 BS & this time they know NONE of them will be walking off scot-free & many may end up like Babbitt.

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The OK and PB leaders are cooling their heels in the pokey 👍.

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Can you say yellow stain?

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I don’t agree. We don’t know what’s being organized online; 4chan and 8chan are likely abuzz with plans for violence and there are likely militias training for war. Did YOU know about Jan. 6th before hand? I sure didn’t. I hope the FBI is monitoring the chatter from the insurrectionists online but their track record is poor. I believe that we’re going to look back on this time and think, why the fuck didn’t we see this coming? Because the worst is yet to come. Wait till he’s fingerprinted and his mug shot is shown on Fox. It might not come to a war (though I believe it will), but people WILL be killed. The cult responds to two things: rage and fear. They consider violence to be a legitimate political weapon, they think Trump is Jesus and they’ll consider it their Christian duty to take up arms. I’ve been predicting war for several years and everybody laughed.

Who’s laughing now??

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With the New York Times, it’s about sensational “stories” and opinions to get their readers riled up. They’ve become the new National Enquirer. And don’t get me started in Maureen Dowd. Ugh. Oh-excellent piece, Jeff. You make more sense than the NYT. 👍🏻

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We democratically inclined people have had to sit on the edges of our seats for the last 6 years as Donald Trump and the rest of the juvenile delinquents destroyed our country. It is nice that the tables have turned and it is the Republicans who are on the edges of their seats with anxiety. Why do bobbleheads like Kellyanne Conway get a forum in the media anyway? I had to silence her after a minute.

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Why do you think I keep my finger poised above the mute button at all time?

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Second, Jenna Ellis might have put her fate in God’s hands, but she better get her narrow ass to the Fulton County Jail and surrender. Her, Frumpy, and the other 17 named co-conspirators.

If any of them think for one second that Fani Willis is screwing around, they are sadly mistaken, and we MIS-INFORMED! That woman will have their asses picked up and arrested, and jailed.

Actually, I hope they done show up. Then this country will see how a criminal of the magnitude of this bunch deserve, and should, be treated. Southern Style!

As for MTG, Jim Jordan, and the rest of the irresponsible Trumpublicans currently serving in all the state and federal ejected positions. I sure hope you enjoy your last term of doing nothing. This is going to be it for all of you.

None of them have, or are, accomplishing a damn thing since the House Republicans gained the majority in the last ejection. It’s been almost one year, and there’s been NO bills passed through the House of Representatives to the Senate for a vote! They have accomplished NOTHING!!! They’ve bern wasting taxpayers money on unfounded false claims about Hunter Biden, President Biden, and Dr. Biden. This has reached the point of ludicrous.

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Are you serious? NO BILLS passed through the house since the Repugnicans took control of the House?

This needs to get a LOT more attention! I had no idea!!

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They’ve spent all their time e conducting “Special investigations” of Hunter Biden, and accusing President Biden of all his conspiracy wrongdoing. Plus trying to get enough on President Biden to impeach him.

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Maybe the NYT can put that on the front page and above the fold.

I won't hold my breath...

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The GOP still doesn't understand the idea of "in furtherance of a crime."

You are perfectly free to say "I think my ex is a demon from hell." You can even say "I think the demon from hell should be shot." What you can't say is "shoot my wife and I'll pay you 10 grand."

All speech.

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Let’s just accept that Republicans believe lying, cheating, stealing are all ducky means to their awful ends.

Principles, morality... for chumps.

Mind-numbing the GOP feels righteously persecuted when their lies are shown to be lies.

Anybody remember when honesty and integrity mattered in America?

Sincerely hope that voters remind Republicans in a big way that they matter a lot.

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