Entitlement means never having to say you’re sorry, which equates to getting your ass sued again (see E. Jean Carroll’s second crack at Chump).

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Entitlement really means never really BEING sorry.

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Christmas presents early!! Can’t wait for the wonderful Jack Smith to deliver some presents 😂😂😂. I would love to see Jack Smith topple the Supreme Court of it’s crooks after he finishes with Trump! Perhaps levy some international charges against Greg Abbot for his razor barricades.

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I would like to see Jack Smith as our next attorney general. Seriously, that man is a relentless, no nonsense dude.

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Absolutely! Jack Smith, and Fani Willis are two bastions of hope in an otherwise abysmal U.S. judicial system.

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You said it, Amber. The best decision Merrick Garland ever made in his legal life was bringing Jack Smith on to deal with these Trump trials. Now, if only he could get loose cannonball off the Mar-a-Lago case. When I see that smiling photo of her that seems to be everywhere, I want to reach through the screen and punch her, and I’m not a violent person.

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I agree. I believe Jack Smith is more than capable of sitting on the Supreme Court but he is the knight in shining legal armor that America needs. He is better suited for now as an attorney general to clean house.

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Totally agree!

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That would be amazing. Complete opposite of the Trump's personal attorney days of Barr and that confederate asshole Sessions.

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or Fani Willis. she's a bulldog!

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A bulldog in service. 😊

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Let’s avoid referring to women as dogs, even when meant as a compliment. She’s a strong, smart woman with integrity and savvy, like a lot of women.

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And tenacity, courage and fairness. Probably many more positive admirable traits would rightly apply to this righteous judge!

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Agree-he’s incredible!

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Been asking for that too! Thinking garland is too much of a “registered Republican” to really do the right thing and stop these traitorous beings from continuing their assault on the US.

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MG is too much of a Federalist Society old bro. If Joe gets elected to a second term, that needs to be the first item on his 'to-do' list...pink slip to Merrick Garland!

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I couldn't agree more wholeheartedly. Move Garland over to SCOTUS where he should have been for several years, and appoint Jack Smith as A.G. and then point him at Clarence Thomas and Samuei T. (Torquemada) Alito.

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I was thinking the same thing, Ed, regarding Merrick Garland. He would be sitting on the Supreme Court right now, where he could be doing his best work, if it weren’t for Moscow Mitch and his depraved hatred and disrespect for President Obama.

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Oh, some retribution for Abbott's crimes against humanity would be a wonderful thing!

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I'd also like to see Paxton face a judge in court for HIS crimes, but he's from the one-star-rating state of Texas, so...

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Didn't we fight the Civil War to outlaw people like Greg Abbott and Ken Paxton?

And now that I think of it, Mafia Don wannabe Ron DeSantis...?

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Me too -- he's been ducking trial on those charges for almost a decade now, changing venue to somewhere more MAGAty every time it looks like there might be any effort to bring him to trial, and the Texas Senate just rolled over on impeachment charges in Sept. Any reckoning for either of them looks near impossible right now.

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What a pleasure it is to read your reports about the consecutive slap-downs of trumpolini and Mark Meadows. Thank you for the early Winter Solstice gift! The unfortunate thing to witness is the delicate manner in which these hard criminals are treated. It would only be right to see a policeman throw trump to the ground and put his knee on his throat if any physical resistance occurs before his cell door is slammed shut.

Oh, and one more message to all sane readers here. WE are a FORCE to be reckoned with. Let’s continuously put this out there, not for the knuckle dragging MAGA followers, but for all the politicians and billionaires who know damn well they are in the process of imploding. And remind everyone that there are WAY MORE of us than them. And we know it. Happy Holidays!

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I want you to be right!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

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We're going to kick their asses.

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Amen- let me know when, where and how.

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Every day from now until Nov. 5th.

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I will work locally for Dems and as a poll worker. Contributing to the DNC when we can— but the DNC had better wake the fuck up and counter the orange buffoon and his neo-Nazi rhetoric before it is to late!

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Chet, unfortunately the DNC doesn’t inspire confidence.

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I'm ready to believe you!

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Great words and clear thoughts like these will overcome the Magat hordes!!!

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Jeff you bring me such joy! I needed to hear all this. Sometimes I have to walk away from news as it so hopeless then you bring us a summary that’s absolutely delightful. Also Rudy just needs to go jail. And YES! YOURS. IN. SERVICE. IS. THE. BEST. 😂 thanks!!

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I might have to sign all of my greeting and holiday cards with "Yours in Service" from now on.

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I'm a lawyer - a family lawyer, but that still counts - and I can't wait to start yours-in-servicing people :)

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Why use Yours in Service? Because fuck you, that’s why! This only gets better.

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The court’s plan for collecting damages from Rudy Can Fail is to wait until he passes out and roll him for his wallet. Works on the subway.

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Sounds like a plan to me!

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The GOP claims that the Social Security and Medicare that me and my employers had to pay into for 50 years are "Entitlements". They (the GOP) are the ones who wear that label on their suits.

As everyone should know by now, Trump can't do anything right period. He is just as shitty at keeping secrets. He has dodged bullets for wrongdoing most of his life but now even his legal curveballs get knocked out of the park.

If I ever decide to be Dictator and announce it at a public venue, I will let you all know so you can set your kitchen timers for how long it takes the FBI to come get me. Maybe that's because I don't claim to be a billionaire.

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Yours in service! 😂 I forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder. This was another great one today. Thanks Jeff..😆 I just hope I live long enough to see all these fuckers get what they deserve..

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Yours in service indeed!

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Any time I need proof that if there's a Hell, I'll be there, I'll traipse past a mirror and look at that savage grin imagining Drumpf's cellmate doing a bit of yours-in-servicing him.

I mean how many convicts get to say they fucked an ex-President?

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Endless? What about all his protectors in there? All Himself will do on the inside is to pit everyone against each other. Chaos the place up a bit.

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Now, so will I! And it's perfectly appropriate since he's already fucked us. I'm off to find a mirror where I can perfect that smile you speak of.

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Endless Nameless,

He will look at Scump, and say through a toothless grin , “Boy, you got a purdy smile!”

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They fine the crap out of these guys - which they never seem to pay, and they never seem to end up in prison either. These entitled men need to see the inside of a prison cell but more importantly - America needs to see these guys inside of a prison cell.

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The stunning hubris of these people is breathtaking.

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It really is, Linda. The false arrogance is breathtaking. They have no idea how seriously dumb they are. At all. All they understand is Attack and Defend. Attack and Defend. Attack with the lying and childish name-calling and the silliness and egregiousness of Dobbs and the attempt to impeach of Biden! Then defend with scapegoating, lying and blaming. And Fox running its mouth twentyfourseven in the background of America’s living rooms. The Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss atrocity was both attack, and try to defend their big lie simultaneously. These are dangerous people.

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Mark Meadows is a male "Karen"

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The current terminology is "maren", i.e. Male Karen.

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OMG, that makes him "Mark Maren"! 🤣

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Yours In Service!!!! That’s going on all my business emails to my errant trainees from this day forth - every time they make up another fake excuse as to why they missed a training, they’re going to get “serviced”, alright. And I will be grinning every time I press that “send” button! Love it!

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The perfect middle finger said with a smile!

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