You know, Rethuglicans, if you don't like the job Joe is doing, maybe fucking help him instead of throwing bags of flaming dog shit in front of his every step.

Just a thought. Don't worry, it doesn't bite.

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These dire circumstances are so enormous that it is causing a collapse in my body. Going through years of this worsening bullshit leaves me feeling helpless with no real, serious plan of action other than voting (or other small community action). Everything Jeff is saying has been happening ceaselessly for years now. The Media is a fucked up money making enterprise that has lost it’s way for years. The first failure is that they don’t highlight, attack and defeat lies. We’re over it!!! The obsessions with Biden’s age while side stepping the disgusting lies, dementia, criminality, age and ignorance of trump! But what can we do about this? It’s coming fast and furious now and how do we get our Democratic Team to hear us?

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I think the time to have done something about it was 40 years ago, when Reagan kicked off this fuckery.

We do need independents to hear us, and understand that the right-wing has been plotting this very takeover for over four decades now. And we need to quit being Charlie Brown letting evil Republiscum Lucy hold the football.

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As an independent I hear you all loud and clear!! I am a recovering Republican and I’m embarrassed to say that. My eyes were pried wide open in 2015, but it took about a year before I became completely horrified by the rights words and actions. I still don’t identify as democrat, but I’m 100% pro democracy and anti fascist.

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Good for you. He is pretty obvious. Welcome, to the “other side of his lies” life could be good again without him. 🇺🇸

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If it’s true that Dems are tax and spend, let’s have a debate over that. Less negotiable are matters like the necessity of God on our public space, the banning of transgender people, and the importance of making sure that gay people know that they are second class citizens. I’m not remotely conservative, but I am old and a property owner, and I don’t want blood in the streets. When the evil of Trump is over, and a loyal opposition emerges that wants to talk about wallets instead of what’s in people’s pants…but who knows if that will ever happen.

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They got busted in 1939 for attempting a coup funded by Hitler and Senator Robert Taft was one of them. They have been organizing and bideing their time.

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Prequel and The Nazis of Copley Square are instructive in so many ways, including the role of the church in the movement. Beyond Father Coughlin.

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What we need is independents to hear us. About 30% of the country is on each extreme wing. It's the 40% in the middle who determine outcomes.

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I’m afraid this election will see smoke, mirrors, tricks and traps far worse than phony electors and threatening phone calls. The last election was a dress rehearsal.

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I almost look forward to seeing how they'll cheat even more fhan usual.

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Sarah, My older than yours body was all set to work harder than ever to get this EVIL BEING out of our lives. But after he slithered down that escalator back in 15 I have had 3 heart attacks because of the STRESS I allow him to cause me. Here we are in FEBRUARY and the creature still roams the earth getting more and more VOTERS to support him. It's after reading RACHEL MADDOWS's book, PREQUIL, that I know the end of AMERICA IS NEAR. So, I shall vote and quit the world as I have known it for 86 years.

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Martha, I’m more than 2 decades younger than you, but the stress is affecting me too. Today, this is the ONLY Substack I’m reading because I need a vacation from our reality. After the SUPREME F’d UP Court of the US all went for keeping a seditionist and rapist on the ballot, I don’t have the energy. I will be back to fight, but the Democrats need to come out swinging and scream out what OUR base has wanted and been refused for decades now!

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Very well said!!

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Stick around, Martha. We may yet save this country.

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I’m Working on it, Little Nell! Together, you and I, and probably a few others, WE SHALL OVERCOME this evil being and his NAZI brown shirts, or grey or whatever they want to wear, but we shall outvote them!

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I hear you. I need a knife and fork to take all the cardiac meds I’m on now. I’m beyond fighting for me. I have kids and a granddaughter who have to live in this fucked up world after I’m gone. That’s who I fight for.

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Ma’m where there is life there is hope.

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We are doing it here. I share Jeff's post like this hoping curiosity will spark interest and truth seeking. Social media is our outlet and we need to shout this shit from the rooftops.

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And We shall do so Donna!

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Sarah, I'm donating and writing postcards. It's what I can do. We do what we can.

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the DNC has it's head so far up it's own ass it looks just like the RNC.

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And that goes for the left! Quit throwing Biden under the bus because Netanyahu won’t be told what to do. Figure out what is at stake NOW FOR US!

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If Netanyahu ends this war, he and his wife are looking at prison. He’s a Jewish Trump. Israelis want him out too. He’ll drag it out.

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You’re dreaming if you think those two are going to be cracking rocks in prison. Swindlers and grifters on the level of Trump and Netanyahu always die at home, in bed, surrounded by their families and weeping retainers.

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Well, perhaps there’s some truth to the old stories about what happens to the wicked after they die. I mean, they!re very old stories, and a boy can dream, can’t he?

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Yes and like the " Orangutan" Netanyahu will end up in prison in Judea!

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Yes, Biden & ALL our Dems that we elected CAN do something. Stand up to Netanyahu & stop sending more money & weapons & being complicit in the war crimes. Children are being starved to death on purpose. I’ve stood by them up til now & said that despite their support of that crap I’d STILL vote for them, but this has gotten too horrific

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Agreed. If this is what the Democrats do - and history shows that it is- then I cannot give them any more money or vote for them. Joe Biden holds the distinction of being the biggest recipient of a AIPAC bribes in Congress - 5 Million + over the years - so he’s making sure Israel is getting a nice fat return on its investment. Billions and billions in unrestricted weaponry to eradicate the Palestinian people. Your tax dollars at work, my fellow Americans.

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I think, sadly, it’s too fucking late. I’m sorry for all of you, but I’m glad I married a Swede and got out of the shithole that would ever elect Herr Pumpkinfuhrer. BTW, it’s not a shower.

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Mike Johnson’s Jesus just tested his faith by giving Santos’ seat to a Democrat. How very sad.

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Republican Jesus seems a deal less forgiving than the one from the book.

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Come on, help him? They’d rather slit their own throats.

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Jeff you need to call the WH and offer your incredible talent to help them with ads speech etc and slap trump and the GOP right in the face!!!!

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They need all the help they can get right now. Time to fight fire with fire and attempt to neutralize this pipeline of bullshit that the media and the very broken GOP keeps flowing at full speed. At some point, you would hope that the truth and facts would start to make a difference.

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Agreed 💯 it's just so scary

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Jeff reminds me of Cassandra. She was a Trojan prophet who knew exactly what the Greeks were going to do, but no one believed her.


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Hence my screen name.

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That was her curse, she would see the truth, and no one would belive her.

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A.K.A. my entire life

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Let’s work together toward a better outcome for Jeff than Cassandra had.

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Cassandra is my middle name. And yeah. I do a lot of screaming and gentle cajoling and everything in between yet few understood, few come to understand.

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JAH what are you suggesting here? Our Jeff is not being "BALANCED?" Lol

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It's the rest of the world that needs balance!!!!!🤣🤣🤣

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For some reason that is beyond my comprehension, Democrats continue to believe that you can beat these sub-human nazi fucks with please and thank you. *Spoiler Alert*.........you can't.

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We didn't win WWII with kindness? I've been bamboozled!

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Jeff, I, too, have hung in there with Garland, but like you also believe the time has come for change.

I get attorneys need to be led by facts and evidence but if as I assume would happen, Garland was given the report first for review as Hurr's boss, correct? After all, Barr announced the findings Barr wanted America to hear of Mueller's report, not Mueller.

To not step in and require Hurr to remove the gratuitous and inappropriate personal commentary because the standards of the law would demand that, to "remain as being seen as not politically driven" is a breech of duty in my opinion.

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Amen. If he had that ability to edit the report and he didn't care enough, he completely failed this republic.

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Why isn't there a call for Garland to present himself before the press and explain why the gratuitously partisan shit smearing Biden inserted by Hur into an otherwise "nothing here" report was allowed? Make the timid AG see his own shadow.

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It was a medical report given by someone with no medical credentials. There was legitimate reason to redact it.

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Yes, Merrrick Garland, after all this, has proven he was actually not qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice.

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I think he would have done fine on SCOTUS. There his deliberate, thorough, and cautious nature would shine. The problem is he's AG at a time when we need quick, decisive action.

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I was thinking exactly the same thing. He's weak and he's Republican to the core. Party and power and status and saving your own reputation, which he has now sullied, just is ruining everything that matters.

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He threw the country under the bus with his outrageous delays. He wouldn’t have done anything if J6 Committee hadn’t brought truckloads of undeniable evidence!

Dems never learn! Stay the F away from RescumliCons and so called center, ho hum losers.

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Merrick Garland is not and has never been a Republican!

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What? Then why has it been reported that he was (is?) a member of the Federalist Society?

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He's registered as "Independent."

Republican IS as Republican DOES.

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Yep, now I'm totally confused. If the usual crowd is around, we'll see if they pipe up for your saying this like they did when I implied it earlier.

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When you think about it, Obama passed over him twice. I was under the impression that the only reason he settled on him was because Chuck Grassley (who was the head of the Judiciary Committee then) told him that he thought that Garland would be agreeable to the GOP for the position. And what I will always remember is that Mitch McConnell, although he didn't support Garland for SCOTUS (he wouldn't have supported any Obama nominee at that time), McConnell signaled early on that he would support Garland for AG. The fact that Garland was also Federalist Society was also a big red flag as well for me.

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Monstrous red flag!

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His slow, thoughtful, deliberative nature would have probably been great on the scotus, but we needed a pitbull for AG in this time of great need

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Except that he has shown himself to be a spineless tool. Other than that, fabulous.

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So, your assessment of Garland’s basic personality & apparent dislike of confrontation (or cowardice) would allow him to be persuaded, or bulldozed by stronger more assertive justices on the court?

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The Trump Playbook (Stone, Bannon, Miller) is founded on Roy Cohn's Philosophy of Life. Which is: I WIN. YOU LOSE. Period. Fairness doesn't matter. Rules don't matter. Honor doesn't matter. Dirty tricks and lies are effective tools. "It doesn't matter what you say. Just repeat it and 'they' will believe you." "They" is the Press. The DNC. The MAGAs. The opposition that treats his lies as valid.

2016: "The election will be rigged."

2020: "The election will be rigged."

2024: "The election will be rigged."

This is "Heads I Win. Tails you lose." Roy Cohn 101. A conman's trick. A literally deadly game.

The NY Times and WAPO and CNN and Fox and ABC and NBC and CBS report this shit as though its real. It's not! As long as they report on his lies as though they are legit, and never dig for the real reasons he says this shit, HE WINS. Wake the fuck up!

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It is Roy Cohn

I said that exact phrase to my wife this morning, with the latest challenge to the Supreme Court

He learnt every thing from that piece of shit

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Honorable people have a difficult time understanding psychopaths like Roy Cohn. If the legit Press had a Ben Bradlee today, Trump's game would be toast. Con game victims don't want to admit they've been fooled.

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Look who owns the Washington Post! Jeff Bezos! You know, the guy Dems want to pay his fair share of taxes!

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The last part of your comment about the media for some reason made a phrase pop up in my head, the title of a great song (and album), "Give The People What They Want". The great Ray Davies. ABC,NBC,CBS,FOX,USA Today, and all the other infotainment media who pose as news sources for the mass of our public. They're all in on obtaining viewers at any cost to their country. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9s02Rg4BKw

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You're right. Al Capone's crimes and rumors of crimes sold newspapers. The owners had an incentive to treat Capone as a hero instead of a murderer. (Donald admires and talks about Al Capone all the time.) If a new Woodward & Bernstein shows up (and is allowed to tell the truth about Don's Con Game) and calls bullshit, like they did with Nixon, Trump will deflate and disappear. The Press/Media would lose a big source of eyeballs/revenue. I asked the Editor in Chief at WAPO to allow her reporters to break the story about the Trumpworld congame. Still waiting.

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If you mean Sally Buzbee, the executive editor, that won't happen. She is a republican, and the paper began to tip over to the right under her guidance. I was a lifelong subscriber until her nonsense.

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In other words don’t bring a milquetoast to a fascist roast. Amirite?

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Samantha, 🎯

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I have been here since Truman. The post WWII boom was going on, so what do Republicans do? Senator Joseph McCarthy started a big stink and ruined people's lives.

The 60s were a time of great economic growth. What do Republicans do? Republicans like Goldwater and Nixon started a big stink and ruined people's lives.

The economic growth continues through the 70s and Jimmy Carter was President. What do Republicans do? They started a big stink and ruined people's lives.

After the Republicans had ruined the economic growth of the 50s, 60s and 70s, we finally got a little breathing room with Bill Clinton, who still believed in the town 12 miles from here. What do Republicans do? As Jeff reports, they started a big stink and ruined people's lives.

When Barrack Obama was President the American people started to do better. What do Republicans do? They kept a big stink going and ruined people's lives.

Everyone has seen what they are doing now that Joe Biden has rebuilt the economy. Trump and the Republicans can be seen for what they are. Trump is against anything that benefits you or I. Republican Congress people spent Christmas in Russia getting promises of money from Oligarchs. Trump says that Putin can do what he wants.

Trump and the Republicans are no longer working for America. They are wholly beholden to Russia and the end of Democracy.

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Darrell..nicely written and 🎯

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The American people have always suffered when a Republican was in the White House my entire 72 years. You would think that they could play a different tune, like actually doing something for the American people. They could refrain from attacking everything and pass legislation that solved problems. Maybe someday.

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Thank you! EXACTLY!!!

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absolutely, 100% correct. Republicans have considered the political arena as combat since Reagan (and further back?). In fistfights, the first punch can be decisive and sucker-punches are not off-limits, if not encouraged. Until the Dems shift tactics and start to brawl, the GOP will continue win these battles despite their being out-numbered and despite the desires of the majority of Americans.

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Is it in the Democratic DNA to fight? Aren't they supposed to be inclusive, welcome to our big tent of diversity, blah, blah, blah? Just this morning, I perused several essays full of sarcastic vitriol, accusatory statements, and bizarre theories (See Caitlin Johnstone-wow). I wish the Dems messaging was focused on accomplishments and successes. But will the anger and contrariness of our population get in the way? I'm exhausted.

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Crazy sells.

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Right. This isnt fun anymore. 😂😂

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And Donald smells.

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Jared laid an egg?

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What we need

Is to see

That fucker put away.

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It needs to BE in the DNA to fight. This Mamby-pamby let's sing Kumbaya, My Lord... is bringing water balloons to a gunfight. It has to stop.

All that stuff can happen *after* the Trumpublican fascists are beat into the ground and destroyed as a movement forever.

There's a time for talking, and a time for fighting. All the policy ideas and accomplishments won't mean shit if the Fascists take over the government, and they are planning to do exactly that.

If many of my fellow Dems were around in March of 1775, they'd have been organizing a Revolutionary Protest and expressing "concern" over British "overreach". Handing out posters and writing letters to the King.

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You have once again hit the nail on the head, Cousin Jeff. The media needs to shut up about a man who, although he is old and maybe can't totally remember what happened thirty-some years ago (shit--neither can I!), but who know what the hell is going on NOW and is kicking butt as far as getting things done. They need to focus on what Biden's accomplished and what the Orange Menace did NOT accomplish during his hellish (for us) four years in the White House. Damn!!

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Thank you, Jeff. Perfectly said. Actually, Garland should resign. But since that won’t happen, he needs to be shown the door. Thank you, in service. Bye, bye. Next up: Sally Yates

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Excuse my language, but HOLY SHIT! And yes - Garland needs to go.

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I didn't think I could despise Republican lawmakers any more than I did, so thanks for that Jeff:)

On the other hand, I've hated the oily, yellow, New York Times for a couple of decades now.

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Yes, they gave us the orange swamp-creature and are trying to do it again.

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Totally agree 100%!!!! Speak up and tell the truth- kick some ass Democrats!

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Merrick Garland is a Democrat? Could have fooled me.

There is a UK right wing rag that had their front page story accusing President Biden of wanting to fire Merrick Garland for revenge and they are outraged.

I wish he would get rid of Garland.

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Garland has been identified as an Independent ... but like you, I dont believe it.

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He sure is friendly with the Federalist Society.

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