Seriously doesn’t a single MAGA hear that shit and say to themselves “damn that sounds like Bubba after he knocks back a 30-pack all by hisself!” Also — more proof that Trump has a ghost tweeter — he would never correctly write in subjunctive present tense “if I were … “ anything really 😎
The couple behind him look at each other and the woman kind of grimaces or makes a movement with her mouth like "yikes!" right after he says addlingthins, they know. I replayed the clip 4 times to watch them.
Looked to me that she was replying to the guy on her left 🤷🏻♀️. Also looks like most of them behind him aren’t even paying attention to what he’s say…not that it matters since they are all just like zombies following their leader.
Now that you mention it, Vicky, maybe the crowd behind him isn’t really there--maybe it’s just an animated backdrop of people videoed at a completely different event who look too decent to be his followers. Nobody is listening to him.
OMG, you are hilarious. The Flintstones: Rock, tree, house, rock, tree OR in Trump's case
Person, woman, man, camera, TV...
My understanding of the Trump rallies is that the same people attend and it's like a big tailgate party. Meaning, it's their social circle and Trump is the excuse.
I still think that a lot of these people come from Craigslist and end of taking busses (maybe with snacks?) to these venues because they think they're going to get paid. They don't have to listen...they just have to BE there!
Ethel Merman in It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, World, after Milton Berle says, "these things happen.":
"Now what kind of an attitude is that, "these things happen"?
They only happen because this whole country is just full of people, who, when these things happen, they just say "these things happen," and that's why they happen!"
Regular church attendance has declined steadily since the turn of the century. Today almost 6 out of 10 Americans seldom or never attend any religious service, 20% attend weekly and an additional 20% attend on a monthly basis. A real head scratcher, huh? Maybe there is a good reason.
” As it relates to marriage and family, Fundamentalist Christian Republicans are all in on promoting strict gender roles as a mythic story: Mother is submissive, gentle, hardworking, uncomplaining, and always heroically pregnant. Father is the head of the family, a servant-leader whose primary directive is to dispense the word of God and defend family and honor with guns. They see themselves as white pioneers in a godforsaken wilderness. No other family construct is recognized as legitimate.” Yet the man they worship does not adhere to this construct, nor does he practice what he preaches to them.
These Christians are unbending, unyielding and quite strict in their interpretation of the bible when convenient. They are unwilling to concede that the bible is subject to interpretation having been fought over for all of eternity. The Bible is described as any collection of the primary religious texts of Christianity or Judaism. There are many different types of bibles in the world and within each type there are various translations. Depending on what religion you conform to will influence what kind of bible you use. After all, if trump can have his own bible to hustle, they certainly are not going to question the authenticity of his ‘gospel’. God how they love their Orange Jesus.
You know what gives me a massive sense of smug satisfaction?
Knowing that they use a version of the bible that has the name of an actual witch burning monarch, James l and Vl, who surrounded himself with some very pretty boys and was quite possibly (probably) involved for years in a very sexual relationship with at least one of them.
Eleanor, fortunately for us, they can no longer say, How dare you! to shut us up. We have too much information and we have too many others willing to put up a challenge to their blind faith.
James l/Vl sexuality has been debated for a long time, but there are a few letters that survive between George Villiers and him that are pretty from James calling himself a wife in their marriage bed (I paraphrase).
Of course, we cannot assume that people in 1600 Western Europe live in a society where sexuality or homosexuality is even acknowledged, but the letters are real and historians have known about them for a long time.
Tim Alberta’s The Kingdom, the Power, & the Glory is a fantastic book, showing just how white evangelicals have conflated religion & politics. They have completely papered over Jesus’ message in favor of keeping their status & privilege
If these Evangelical Christians are using the King James Bible, I think that they should all be aware of the fact that King James I was gay. I would like to see one of these tolerant heros who go out and interview tfg's supporters ask them about the author of the book they worship and get their reactions. It would be pretty interesting.
James was not the author himself, but he chose the committee who did the translation.
Speaking of translations, I learned from a friend of a mistake not found in the Armenian version. In what Jesus said about the rich being as likely to get to Heaven as “a camel to pass through the eye of a needle,” there was an error. Kamal meant a knot in a rope, not a camel. Makes more sense.
The Bible is a translation marathon--Aramaic to Greek to Latin to Vulgate and eventually to the King James version, with its medieval imagery: The King is on his throne in a palace called heaven surrounded by angel courtiers. He is referred to as "Lord" as though we are serfs doing his bidding. It's such nonsense.
Talibangelicals are the fking worst people. I have a couple in my family, and they are ignorant, narcissistic assholes who DGAF who they hurt with their bullshit.
Definitely American Christian version of Taliban. Just make a list of their attitudes, male-dominant culture and a violence as well as zero tolerance for anyone who doesn’t strictly follow their mandates.
A few years ago, there was right wing Christi-fascist ranting about Muslims opening madrasas (their religious schools) here. Is there any difference between a madrasa and a “faith-based” curriculum…or home schooling groups led by a neighborhood “pastor?” Nope
And pretty astounding I believe, Republicans seem to think they represent all Christians in this country, Democrats sometimes are Christians too,I'm definitely one of those disaffected Catholics at an early age who started to view the American church in particular as more about continuing the unending Holy War,cultural genocide for white supremacy,and selling fear and retribution from punishment for profit and power. Astounding also they spew such hate at a president who goes to church almost every week,humble, without fanfare,and are trying to elevate a disgusting human being as a new messiah,who is so unrepentant he actually boasts about his sins as a badge of honor,who would probably spit in God's face if he had the chance, because he wouldn't bow before God,he would think God should bow to him.
They will never love Biden because he's the kind of Christian who understands love thy neighbor means even the brown, gay, and disabled ones.
Trump's appeal is Hitler's appeal: hate thy scapegoat because he's the one who is responsible for your pathetic life. I am your retribution for not amounting to anything respectable. I absolve you of respectability.
Remember, too, that to these "believers," continuing to believe, even in the face of disproof or the lack of proof, is a virtue. They give themselves (and each other) extra points for ignoring objective reality.
Insufficient income with mama always pregger, doing housework and Bible study… and squeezing in cosmetic enhancements to keep that “hot sexy wife” (translation: vulgar) look going. Gotta keep Family Leader satisfied
There are plenty of brilliant books that can take apart the bible perfectly and refute information within it. But these dolts would not agree to further educate themselves with facts. This is why it is so critical for churches to get parents to bring children when they are quite young. No 13 year old would ever be able to take these religions seriously. And that is why, if people really think christianity is valuable, they should start taking their children at the age of 13 or just wait until they can decide to attend church- out of the blue one day. Like our government, it’s ALL about the money!
Many good people attend church, many try to follow the good parts & opinions within the bible. But all of them ignore the lunacy within the pages and I’ve never heard of a christian who was terminally ill wanting to rush off to that “better place”. That’s quite a test! Grandpa is never looking UP to watch Susie’s soccer match.
As an RN who spent the largest portion of my 41 yr career in the ICU, I can assure you that I noticed that the family members of a dying patient, who professed to be devoutly religious (Christian), were the very ones who fought the hardest AGAINST letting their loved one go to that “better place”
They were almost always the ones who insisted that we do everything to keep them alive.
The attitude of these 'Christians' reminds me of a cartoon I once saw. We're at the pearly gates, St Peter and another angelic guy are standing on a cloud looking at two entrances to heaven. One is labeled "Right religion," the other one "Wrong Religion." There's a huge line at the first gate; no one at the "wrong" entrance. St Peter shakes his head and says, "They never get the joke."
I'm hoping he sundowns all the way to the the land of no return by 10-30-2024 and stays that way. Everyone including his cult will see what a drooling blubbering incomprehensible blob he is but it will be too late to replalce him. Joe Biden will win by 99.9% of the popular and the electoral vote. Trump will be placed into a mental hospital/prison for the last of his days. And we all lived happily ever after. Oh and plan 2025 goes up in flames, The End.
I’m hoping he sundowns, all the way to the land of no return, much sooner than 10/30! Like maybe July 4th. That seems like appropriate day for his total sundowning meltdown! Yes, please! 💥
Maybe the 4th’s fireworks will scare the shit out of him and make him run around in circles with his tiny hands over his ears shouting “make it stop” over and over again. Thus, the crowd sees a need for a mental health emergency.
“More questions are being raised about trump's mental decline, noting signs of physical deterioration that should require testing for possible Behavioral Variant Fronto-Temporal Dementia (FTD).
According to Dr. Elizabeth Zoffman, a forensic psychiatrist, trumps mental deterioration goes beyond his growing problems stringing sentences together. Other psychiatrists have recently brought up concerns about his speech, highlighting word substitution and nonsense words – known as paraphasia.
Pressed over whether what the former president appears to be exhibiting is reversible, she replied, "FTD is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that leads to progressive deterioration and early death.” RAWSTORY.
That and his memorable recall of history with all of the great things Frederick Douglass is doing, how vital the airspace was during the Revolutionary War and how beautiful the battle of Gettysburg was. Like they say, you can't make this shit up but we can stop the fried brain fuckface from ever having those nuclear codes again.
The Orange Menace has said several times that he wants to debate Biden. Yes, please. Let everyone see in real time how bad his demented mind is. No commercials.
And then the NYT will be reporting, Biden is old, and Trump says he will save us from War in the Middle East! All of the Republicans who read that rag will go, that is exactly what the choice is.
The Truth be told, this war is one of opportunity because the USA is hogtied by the Republican party through Trump's orders to truly help our allies, so a good time for bad people to make trouble.
How is this possible that we are letting a man with clear signs of dementia run for President??? I saw clear signs of dementia in 2016 & they have gotten much worse
Reagan sat in power with dementia, and Nancy Reagan took over and covered it up. Is Melania capable of doing that? Who is? We don't even know who Trump's VP selection is, and with little MAGA Mikey, of Seven Mountain Magic third in line we are just looking at HELL On Earth if TRUMP wins, and the house stays Republican Dominated.
He won't have Koch plant Mikey (Charles Koch wanted him for pres, in 2016, but couldn't get the failed gov elected. There is even an interview that has Koch saying he dumped millions into the election, and still couldn't get the candidate he wanted. (I happened to see it live but can't find it online)
That would be great - the sooner the better. But the big problem is, who would replace him? Who’s going to be the VP? Who would really be running the country? And not one of us would have a say until the next election. 😠🙄☹️
I cannot take much more of this. Hoping the upcoming trial pushes all of his systems over the edge and that loaded diaper wearing POS strokes out and dies already.
MAJOR BREAKING NEWS: In Criminal Violation of Logan Act, Former President Donald Trump Attempts to Supersede Authority of U.S. President Joe Biden and Threaten Iran’s President Directly
NOTE: Under then-President Trump, America was seconds from a full-blown war with Iran in early 2020 after Trump assassinated an Iranian general, lied about what he had done and why, and then said the hundreds of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) U.S. soldiers suffered following Iran’s retaliation for the assassination were mere “headaches.” When Trump says that Iran would not attack America were he president, he is clawing open the mouths of hundreds of still-injured U.S. service-members and spitting inside them, pretending that their serious injuries never occurred on his watch or even occurred at all.
We are witnessing what happens when a psychopath experiences Alzheimer’s…a double whammy in mental illness circles. He should be committed to a psychiatric hospital and be on lockdown due to his dangerous nature of fomenting violence and chaos. It would actually be the most humane solution for him. And for all of us, frankly.
WOW. I've listened to his crazy ramblings before but this one "Adlingthins?" Jesus. We cant allow this crazy fuck anywhere near the nuclear codes. Wait. He probably sold those, too...or they're still buried in a box in that nasty ass bathroom. I'm hopeful for tomorrow.
I agree, I posit that he buried something else there, (if anything) to get the tax-break, but Ivanna's cremains are in a cut-rate storage unit in New Jersey, because she would have hated that being a snobby New Yorker. Wasn't she supposed to testify against him?
That actually makes sense. It would explain why her children haven’t seemed upset about her being buried there. She was cremated. Her ashes were probably scattered or are in an urn on Ivanka’s fireplace mantle.
This week Jay Kuo interviewed a mental health professional who heads the group Duty to Warn, about an analysis of Trump's mental health status. While I knew that he probably had dementia, thanks to this Substack here and all of the pieces that Jeff does where he has clips of Trump, and I was pretty sure he had aphasia when Jeff started focusing on his speech difficulties, making me wonder if he had had a stroke, but John Gartner makes predictions about where Trump is headed mentally that are frightening in the same vein that the image of a president with Alzheimers is frightening. Given that my father-in-law had diagnosed dementia, my mother in law had it as did my aunt, I have a good idea what it looks like when you are still able to be sweet and nice. I have not had anyone with Alzheimers, but I know people who do have this and I have heard their stories. Actually that is not true, the mom of a former boyfriend, with whom I had a great conversation this summer at a party, took her own life because she was diagnosed with Alzheimers. She was a member of the Hemlock Society and she had vowed to do it before it progressed to far. So, a mutual friend told me she went under her own terms. In any case, she had a masters in Geriatric care, and that is what made her not want to live through Alzheimers. She did not do this lightly. It makes me think of what she knew that she wanted to avoid. It is irresponsible of the media to not even mention his ditherings, let alone his hostile anger.
Everyone should be spreading the word about Trump and his mental deterioration and where that is likely to lead. No matter how much you want conservative policies, you should not want to put a person in the oval office who has his finger on the red button who cannot understand the consequences of his actions, and is very likely to push the button. That is I suspect the truth behind why Putin would rather have Biden in the White house as should any human being on this planet who is not suicidal.
Don't bother trying to appeal to people with conservative policies. They are partly responsible for Trump being what, and where, he is now. Anyone supporting Trump at this point is either stupid, religiously insane, or evil.
The Hemlock Society should hold a fund raiser in his name — for the Society, not for him. But he won’t understand it, will think it’s a environmental organization.
The stupidity-fueled hypocrisy just never stops with these fuck weasels. This today from my idiotic moronic dip-shit of a "representative" after the Iran attack: "Iran’s drone attack is a direct result of this Administration’s weak leadership on the global stage. " Blah fucking blah. I remember vividly when the diaper stain pulled us out of the Iran nuclear deal. I thought there's no way his advisors would let him do something that stupid and dangerous...oh the good old days of naivete.
About half the country prefers to ignore reality on a pretty much continuing basis and on a cavalcade of topics, and including, but not limited to: climate change, male un-fully-formed-brain-induced-violence and related tendencies towards mass murder, guns, white supremacy and increasing racism, vaccinations for the we're-all-in-this-together benefit to mankind, women's basic human rights, we are all immigrants, human decency, and that the Walking Orange Human Diaper Stain should have been tossed into an unpadded cell fucking YEARS AGO.
The only problem is that the MAGAts think he is speaking in tongues.
Seriously doesn’t a single MAGA hear that shit and say to themselves “damn that sounds like Bubba after he knocks back a 30-pack all by hisself!” Also — more proof that Trump has a ghost tweeter — he would never correctly write in subjunctive present tense “if I were … “ anything really 😎
The couple behind him look at each other and the woman kind of grimaces or makes a movement with her mouth like "yikes!" right after he says addlingthins, they know. I replayed the clip 4 times to watch them.
Looked to me that she was replying to the guy on her left 🤷🏻♀️. Also looks like most of them behind him aren’t even paying attention to what he’s say…not that it matters since they are all just like zombies following their leader.
Now that you mention it, Vicky, maybe the crowd behind him isn’t really there--maybe it’s just an animated backdrop of people videoed at a completely different event who look too decent to be his followers. Nobody is listening to him.
Ha! Like The Flintstones travel scenery: rock, tree, house, rock, tree, house.
A professional colleague of mine worked a security detail when Fucko came to Everett, Washington back in 2016.
Afterward, I asked him during a phone call what he thought of the thing, and he said, "I thought he (Fucko) was interesting and funny."
I advised him that some folks I work with have advised that they would not want to be near Fucko while they were armed.
My colleague didn't get it; he said, "...why?"
I almost broke my eyeballs looking at the ceiling.
Rock, tree, house.
OMG, you are hilarious. The Flintstones: Rock, tree, house, rock, tree OR in Trump's case
Person, woman, man, camera, TV...
My understanding of the Trump rallies is that the same people attend and it's like a big tailgate party. Meaning, it's their social circle and Trump is the excuse.
Funny, noteworthy and good, Doc.
They really don’t have to pay attention. He vomits the same shit every time he opens his mouth.
What’s the fun of being in a cult with a leader who’s even stupider than you?
I still think that a lot of these people come from Craigslist and end of taking busses (maybe with snacks?) to these venues because they think they're going to get paid. They don't have to listen...they just have to BE there!
You stomached it 4 times! Impressive, Antlisa. Thanks for taking one for the team in order to provide in-depth info
Of course he has a ghost tweeter... someone has to interrupt the bullshit coming from his face and translate it back to English.
Gawd, a ghost tweeter. It's probably true.
You can’t not know. They know, they just don’t care.
Absolutely he has a ghost tweeter. Some of Dipshit's tweets have complex sentences and he never talks or tweets with those.
🤣 🤣 🤣
Or spell Pomerantz correctly, too many syllables! Example, I spelled it phonetically and doubled the "m's and had to edit!
The problem is that people think there is only one problem.
I love recursiveness.
Ethel Merman in It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, World, after Milton Berle says, "these things happen.":
"Now what kind of an attitude is that, "these things happen"?
They only happen because this whole country is just full of people, who, when these things happen, they just say "these things happen," and that's why they happen!"
There is another problem,the MAGATs understand the speaking in tongues!🤪😜
And they are hearing him in tongues. With thickly packed cotton balls of stupid crammed in their ears.
damn, those lemmings always have an excuse, we need to freeze them out of any public position.
Not so much speaking in tongues, but saying the man tells it like he sees it - the truth, the whole truth.
Here's how he sees it.
“Benefishes.” “renoversh.” “pivobal.” “Obamna.” “mishiz.” “Crissus.” “bipars.” "Oranges" in the United "Staash."
I was referring to how the magats interpret what he says. Sorry that you missed my point.
That will be his excuse!
He's not?
Regular church attendance has declined steadily since the turn of the century. Today almost 6 out of 10 Americans seldom or never attend any religious service, 20% attend weekly and an additional 20% attend on a monthly basis. A real head scratcher, huh? Maybe there is a good reason.
” As it relates to marriage and family, Fundamentalist Christian Republicans are all in on promoting strict gender roles as a mythic story: Mother is submissive, gentle, hardworking, uncomplaining, and always heroically pregnant. Father is the head of the family, a servant-leader whose primary directive is to dispense the word of God and defend family and honor with guns. They see themselves as white pioneers in a godforsaken wilderness. No other family construct is recognized as legitimate.” Yet the man they worship does not adhere to this construct, nor does he practice what he preaches to them.
These Christians are unbending, unyielding and quite strict in their interpretation of the bible when convenient. They are unwilling to concede that the bible is subject to interpretation having been fought over for all of eternity. The Bible is described as any collection of the primary religious texts of Christianity or Judaism. There are many different types of bibles in the world and within each type there are various translations. Depending on what religion you conform to will influence what kind of bible you use. After all, if trump can have his own bible to hustle, they certainly are not going to question the authenticity of his ‘gospel’. God how they love their Orange Jesus.
I think you will appreciate this Daily Kos comic.
This is now a part of my vast collection of Shitler memes. Thanks for your contribution!
Here are some more.
These are great! Thanks for the links.
😂😂 Thats good!
The cartoon turned my stomach since the got it exactly right. SMH
Haha, that was great. Thanks for sharing!
🤣 🤣 🤣
Wow. Daily Kos comic is too real it borders on not funny. Like, that is hella funny, but it's accurate. So, should I be laughing?
I totally agree. Like these.
There are a lot of them on women's reproductive rights that are like that.
Obviously there are more. They always seem to have them on Sundays. Here if you scroll you find a lot.
Excellent, thanks!
You know what gives me a massive sense of smug satisfaction?
Knowing that they use a version of the bible that has the name of an actual witch burning monarch, James l and Vl, who surrounded himself with some very pretty boys and was quite possibly (probably) involved for years in a very sexual relationship with at least one of them.
Eleanor, fortunately for us, they can no longer say, How dare you! to shut us up. We have too much information and we have too many others willing to put up a challenge to their blind faith.
Very interesting, Eleanor I did not know that.
James l/Vl sexuality has been debated for a long time, but there are a few letters that survive between George Villiers and him that are pretty from James calling himself a wife in their marriage bed (I paraphrase).
Of course, we cannot assume that people in 1600 Western Europe live in a society where sexuality or homosexuality is even acknowledged, but the letters are real and historians have known about them for a long time.
Sounds like he was indeed in a homosexual relationship. Thanks for the history lesson.
There have been a few gay, british, monarchs.
LOL, classic. Back in the olden days, nope, for all of eternity, boys will be boys.
Tim Alberta’s The Kingdom, the Power, & the Glory is a fantastic book, showing just how white evangelicals have conflated religion & politics. They have completely papered over Jesus’ message in favor of keeping their status & privilege
If these Evangelical Christians are using the King James Bible, I think that they should all be aware of the fact that King James I was gay. I would like to see one of these tolerant heros who go out and interview tfg's supporters ask them about the author of the book they worship and get their reactions. It would be pretty interesting.
James was not the author himself, but he chose the committee who did the translation.
Speaking of translations, I learned from a friend of a mistake not found in the Armenian version. In what Jesus said about the rich being as likely to get to Heaven as “a camel to pass through the eye of a needle,” there was an error. Kamal meant a knot in a rope, not a camel. Makes more sense.
The “eye of the needle” is a narrow gateway into Jerusalem but your explanation works too.
I bet they would freak out, Donna.
The Bible is a translation marathon--Aramaic to Greek to Latin to Vulgate and eventually to the King James version, with its medieval imagery: The King is on his throne in a palace called heaven surrounded by angel courtiers. He is referred to as "Lord" as though we are serfs doing his bidding. It's such nonsense.
As I recall, Jesus used to say “Follow me.” Not obey me.
I know them as the Christian Taliban. Sad and dangerous.
Talibangelicals are the fking worst people. I have a couple in my family, and they are ignorant, narcissistic assholes who DGAF who they hurt with their bullshit.
Religion ruins everything.
Definitely American Christian version of Taliban. Just make a list of their attitudes, male-dominant culture and a violence as well as zero tolerance for anyone who doesn’t strictly follow their mandates.
A few years ago, there was right wing Christi-fascist ranting about Muslims opening madrasas (their religious schools) here. Is there any difference between a madrasa and a “faith-based” curriculum…or home schooling groups led by a neighborhood “pastor?” Nope
And pretty astounding I believe, Republicans seem to think they represent all Christians in this country, Democrats sometimes are Christians too,I'm definitely one of those disaffected Catholics at an early age who started to view the American church in particular as more about continuing the unending Holy War,cultural genocide for white supremacy,and selling fear and retribution from punishment for profit and power. Astounding also they spew such hate at a president who goes to church almost every week,humble, without fanfare,and are trying to elevate a disgusting human being as a new messiah,who is so unrepentant he actually boasts about his sins as a badge of honor,who would probably spit in God's face if he had the chance, because he wouldn't bow before God,he would think God should bow to him.
They will never love Biden because he's the kind of Christian who understands love thy neighbor means even the brown, gay, and disabled ones.
Trump's appeal is Hitler's appeal: hate thy scapegoat because he's the one who is responsible for your pathetic life. I am your retribution for not amounting to anything respectable. I absolve you of respectability.
Thanks Eileen. Perfectly stated.
Remember, too, that to these "believers," continuing to believe, even in the face of disproof or the lack of proof, is a virtue. They give themselves (and each other) extra points for ignoring objective reality.
And the reason they are so pissed is because one salary can no longer support their families.
Thanks to the Davos Man and corporate greed.
Insufficient income with mama always pregger, doing housework and Bible study… and squeezing in cosmetic enhancements to keep that “hot sexy wife” (translation: vulgar) look going. Gotta keep Family Leader satisfied
There are plenty of brilliant books that can take apart the bible perfectly and refute information within it. But these dolts would not agree to further educate themselves with facts. This is why it is so critical for churches to get parents to bring children when they are quite young. No 13 year old would ever be able to take these religions seriously. And that is why, if people really think christianity is valuable, they should start taking their children at the age of 13 or just wait until they can decide to attend church- out of the blue one day. Like our government, it’s ALL about the money!
Many good people attend church, many try to follow the good parts & opinions within the bible. But all of them ignore the lunacy within the pages and I’ve never heard of a christian who was terminally ill wanting to rush off to that “better place”. That’s quite a test! Grandpa is never looking UP to watch Susie’s soccer match.
As an RN who spent the largest portion of my 41 yr career in the ICU, I can assure you that I noticed that the family members of a dying patient, who professed to be devoutly religious (Christian), were the very ones who fought the hardest AGAINST letting their loved one go to that “better place”
They were almost always the ones who insisted that we do everything to keep them alive.
The attitude of these 'Christians' reminds me of a cartoon I once saw. We're at the pearly gates, St Peter and another angelic guy are standing on a cloud looking at two entrances to heaven. One is labeled "Right religion," the other one "Wrong Religion." There's a huge line at the first gate; no one at the "wrong" entrance. St Peter shakes his head and says, "They never get the joke."
Exactly, and seems most people don’t know and or don’t care! WTF? Is this the country we want? Um NO! 🤬
Yeah, rural ma and pa will end up losing all their money.
And blame it on the "godless dems" who are trying to help them.
I'm hoping he sundowns all the way to the the land of no return by 10-30-2024 and stays that way. Everyone including his cult will see what a drooling blubbering incomprehensible blob he is but it will be too late to replalce him. Joe Biden will win by 99.9% of the popular and the electoral vote. Trump will be placed into a mental hospital/prison for the last of his days. And we all lived happily ever after. Oh and plan 2025 goes up in flames, The End.
Thats the best story ever! YES! 👏👏👏👏👏
A nice happy ending.
I’m hoping he sundowns, all the way to the land of no return, much sooner than 10/30! Like maybe July 4th. That seems like appropriate day for his total sundowning meltdown! Yes, please! 💥
Maybe the 4th’s fireworks will scare the shit out of him and make him run around in circles with his tiny hands over his ears shouting “make it stop” over and over again. Thus, the crowd sees a need for a mental health emergency.
And he will blow through his Depends
I LOVE this story. Everyone repeat this every morning and evening and let’s make this a reality!!!
Make it so!
From your keyboard to God's eye, as we say.
Antlisa: love this version of a happy ending
“More questions are being raised about trump's mental decline, noting signs of physical deterioration that should require testing for possible Behavioral Variant Fronto-Temporal Dementia (FTD).
According to Dr. Elizabeth Zoffman, a forensic psychiatrist, trumps mental deterioration goes beyond his growing problems stringing sentences together. Other psychiatrists have recently brought up concerns about his speech, highlighting word substitution and nonsense words – known as paraphasia.
Pressed over whether what the former president appears to be exhibiting is reversible, she replied, "FTD is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that leads to progressive deterioration and early death.” RAWSTORY.
Say the early death part again. It sounds soooo good
Depends on how long his prison sentences are.
Dear God, hear our prayer and take your servant to your kingdom soon.
Arne: this is the kind of prayer that I can get with
Here is another discussion.
This was interview is very enlightening.
I wish the media would pick up on this.
Frustrating, isn’t it?
His parents were very long-lived and died at 88 (her) and 93, lets hope his hamberder diet does its job properly, and promptly.
Not early enough...
They are going to keep him alive just like they do Dick ( accent on the dick) Cheney.
Hoyt, Nov 5th is the perfect day for dreams to come true!
So true , so true, SeekingReason. No doubt there will be lots of bargaining with God from both sides, LOL.
Yes. That's the real story.
Thread of more detail on same:
His word problems are older than that. Who can forget "covefe" and "hamberder".
That and his memorable recall of history with all of the great things Frederick Douglass is doing, how vital the airspace was during the Revolutionary War and how beautiful the battle of Gettysburg was. Like they say, you can't make this shit up but we can stop the fried brain fuckface from ever having those nuclear codes again.
The problem is his base doesn't know any history, so they just believe him, and nod along like in "the Emperor's New Clothes."
I saw signs in 2016. Sometimes, even back then, he sounded like my Mom when she was deep in dementia
The Orange Menace has said several times that he wants to debate Biden. Yes, please. Let everyone see in real time how bad his demented mind is. No commercials.
And then the NYT will be reporting, Biden is old, and Trump says he will save us from War in the Middle East! All of the Republicans who read that rag will go, that is exactly what the choice is.
Isn’t it a little late for Trump claiming he’d save us from war in the Middle East? 😉
The Truth be told, this war is one of opportunity because the USA is hogtied by the Republican party through Trump's orders to truly help our allies, so a good time for bad people to make trouble.
I thought Trump also said that he wouldn’t debate Biden because Biden is high on cocaine.
What a coward Trump is and totally fucked up to boot.
Lol, if Biden is on cocaine (spoiler alert: hahaha) and Trump is on Adderall, does it matter?
It sounds good, but somehow I feel no maggats will see the light. They will just blame the venue, sound system or whatever.
Agreed. I’m not saying it will do anything to change MAGA minds, those people are lost. Would it enlighten those on the fence? Hopefully.
Should Donny Demento be allowed to snort his Adderall before the debate begins?
Hmmm. Great question. I can’t decide whether it would make any difference.
How is this possible that we are letting a man with clear signs of dementia run for President??? I saw clear signs of dementia in 2016 & they have gotten much worse
Reagan sat in power with dementia, and Nancy Reagan took over and covered it up. Is Melania capable of doing that? Who is? We don't even know who Trump's VP selection is, and with little MAGA Mikey, of Seven Mountain Magic third in line we are just looking at HELL On Earth if TRUMP wins, and the house stays Republican Dominated.
That’s not going to happen! We have to keep telling ourselves, it’s not going to happen. And then make it a reality in Roevember!
He won't have Koch plant Mikey (Charles Koch wanted him for pres, in 2016, but couldn't get the failed gov elected. There is even an interview that has Koch saying he dumped millions into the election, and still couldn't get the candidate he wanted. (I happened to see it live but can't find it online)
Sorry, I misread your comment, I was referring to Mikey Pence. My bad.
Eh, he'll sign any bill that the Heritage Foundation or Federalist Society puts in front of him, and they know it.
Only in America.
If he is elected, dollars to doughnuts he'll be ousted via Section 25 for his mental state long before his term is up.
I doubt that. Republicans have shown no courage
That would be great - the sooner the better. But the big problem is, who would replace him? Who’s going to be the VP? Who would really be running the country? And not one of us would have a say until the next election. 😠🙄☹️
I hope you are right. I’ve been waiting for the 25th, since forever it seems. 😉
I cannot take much more of this. Hoping the upcoming trial pushes all of his systems over the edge and that loaded diaper wearing POS strokes out and dies already.
I am with you there! Not that Trumpism would disappear immediately, but it would help!
That courtroom could smell pretty bad if the judge doesn’t give him a bathroom break.
From Seth Abramson:
MAJOR BREAKING NEWS: In Criminal Violation of Logan Act, Former President Donald Trump Attempts to Supersede Authority of U.S. President Joe Biden and Threaten Iran’s President Directly
NOTE: Under then-President Trump, America was seconds from a full-blown war with Iran in early 2020 after Trump assassinated an Iranian general, lied about what he had done and why, and then said the hundreds of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) U.S. soldiers suffered following Iran’s retaliation for the assassination were mere “headaches.” When Trump says that Iran would not attack America were he president, he is clawing open the mouths of hundreds of still-injured U.S. service-members and spitting inside them, pretending that their serious injuries never occurred on his watch or even occurred at all.
trump is a MFPOS…
Yes he is.
We are witnessing what happens when a psychopath experiences Alzheimer’s…a double whammy in mental illness circles. He should be committed to a psychiatric hospital and be on lockdown due to his dangerous nature of fomenting violence and chaos. It would actually be the most humane solution for him. And for all of us, frankly.
WOW. I've listened to his crazy ramblings before but this one "Adlingthins?" Jesus. We cant allow this crazy fuck anywhere near the nuclear codes. Wait. He probably sold those, too...or they're still buried in a box in that nasty ass bathroom. I'm hopeful for tomorrow.
Ivana has the codes 6 ft under behind the 1st tee at Bedminster
Dont you think that, someday, they'll dig her up and find god knows what?
It would be funny if they did, and found NOTHING. That she was cremated and they buried an empty box, so he could get a tax break.
I agree, I posit that he buried something else there, (if anything) to get the tax-break, but Ivanna's cremains are in a cut-rate storage unit in New Jersey, because she would have hated that being a snobby New Yorker. Wasn't she supposed to testify against him?
That actually makes sense. It would explain why her children haven’t seemed upset about her being buried there. She was cremated. Her ashes were probably scattered or are in an urn on Ivanka’s fireplace mantle.
They will!
Sooner than you think.
you will find them in the cracker isle at the grocery store right next to the Wheat Thins
LOL!! 😂😂
Aisle 🙄
This week Jay Kuo interviewed a mental health professional who heads the group Duty to Warn, about an analysis of Trump's mental health status. While I knew that he probably had dementia, thanks to this Substack here and all of the pieces that Jeff does where he has clips of Trump, and I was pretty sure he had aphasia when Jeff started focusing on his speech difficulties, making me wonder if he had had a stroke, but John Gartner makes predictions about where Trump is headed mentally that are frightening in the same vein that the image of a president with Alzheimers is frightening. Given that my father-in-law had diagnosed dementia, my mother in law had it as did my aunt, I have a good idea what it looks like when you are still able to be sweet and nice. I have not had anyone with Alzheimers, but I know people who do have this and I have heard their stories. Actually that is not true, the mom of a former boyfriend, with whom I had a great conversation this summer at a party, took her own life because she was diagnosed with Alzheimers. She was a member of the Hemlock Society and she had vowed to do it before it progressed to far. So, a mutual friend told me she went under her own terms. In any case, she had a masters in Geriatric care, and that is what made her not want to live through Alzheimers. She did not do this lightly. It makes me think of what she knew that she wanted to avoid. It is irresponsible of the media to not even mention his ditherings, let alone his hostile anger.
Everyone should be spreading the word about Trump and his mental deterioration and where that is likely to lead. No matter how much you want conservative policies, you should not want to put a person in the oval office who has his finger on the red button who cannot understand the consequences of his actions, and is very likely to push the button. That is I suspect the truth behind why Putin would rather have Biden in the White house as should any human being on this planet who is not suicidal.
Don't bother trying to appeal to people with conservative policies. They are partly responsible for Trump being what, and where, he is now. Anyone supporting Trump at this point is either stupid, religiously insane, or evil.
The Hemlock Society should hold a fund raiser in his name — for the Society, not for him. But he won’t understand it, will think it’s a environmental organization.
The stupidity-fueled hypocrisy just never stops with these fuck weasels. This today from my idiotic moronic dip-shit of a "representative" after the Iran attack: "Iran’s drone attack is a direct result of this Administration’s weak leadership on the global stage. " Blah fucking blah. I remember vividly when the diaper stain pulled us out of the Iran nuclear deal. I thought there's no way his advisors would let him do something that stupid and dangerous...oh the good old days of naivete.
The good news is that the election is very far away in Alzheimer's time. He is in big slide territory.
I'm seriously hoping he testifies in the Manhattan case. Maybe they could schedule it in the late afternoon for real entertainment value.
About half the country prefers to ignore reality on a pretty much continuing basis and on a cavalcade of topics, and including, but not limited to: climate change, male un-fully-formed-brain-induced-violence and related tendencies towards mass murder, guns, white supremacy and increasing racism, vaccinations for the we're-all-in-this-together benefit to mankind, women's basic human rights, we are all immigrants, human decency, and that the Walking Orange Human Diaper Stain should have been tossed into an unpadded cell fucking YEARS AGO.