demented dipshit Donald Trump claims he’s only pretending to be a demented dipshit
Donny has a cunning plan to deal with his cognitive decline
Little Donny Fuckface is losing his mind — literally. with each passing day he wanders deeper and deeper into an ever-thickening fog of dementia. it’s gotten to the point where he can’t get through a simple speech without slurring his words, mangling syntax, losing his train of thought, or barking out incoherent fucknuttery like “we are an institute in a powerful death penalty.”
you know this and I know this. the media knows this, too, but they continue to sweep it under the rug.
but you know who else knows this? Donny Ratbrain himself.
don’t think Donny’s obvious decline isn’t eating away at him. oh lordy, it is. he scrolls through social media. he sees people posting clips and mocking his mental lapses.
he’s aware that Alzheimer’s runs in his family.
and you know it bothers him, because he never shuts the fuck up about how he man-personed-camera the shit out of identifying a drawing of a camel. it’s now part of every stump speech.
Donny knows that his whole grift hinges on fooling his numbskull cultists into believing he’s a strong leader — and it’s hard to project strength when you’re visibly confused.
but Trump has a cunning plan to deal with his cognitive decline: he’s going to bullshit his way through it.
that’s right, Donny Brainfart is now going around and claiming that he’s only pretending to be demented, because reasons.
“but when I say that Obama is the president of our country bahbahbah, they go, ‘he doesn’t know that Spiden, he doesn’t know.’ so it’s very hard to be sarcastic. when I interpose — ’cause I’m not a Nikki fan and I’m not a Pelosi fan. and when I purposely interpose names, they said he didn’t know Pelosi from Nikki. from Tricky Nikki Tricky Dicky. he didn’t know. I interposed. and they make a big deal out of it. I said, no no, I think they both stink. they have something in common. they both stink. and remember this: when I make a statement like that about Nikki, that means she will never be running for Vice President. she will never be running [unintelligible] Vice President.”
uh huh.
first of all, that’s not what interpose means, you illiterate traffic cone.
second of all, yeah, right.
is anybody aside from the gullible rubes who forward their social security checks to Trump’s legal defense fund buying this fresh load of horse shit?
when Donny claims that Joe Biden started World War Two, we’re supposed to believe that Trump is playing 14-dimensional chess?
when Trump insists that you need voter ID to buy bread, he’s only pretending to be a befuddled dotard?
when Trump repeatedly confuses — I’m sorry, interposes — Obama for Biden, he’s got some long con going on, and all will be revealed in the fullness of time?
whatever you say, Sundowning Grandpa Diaperload.
not twenty seconds after the above clip, Trump invented the country of Venezueler.
“in Venezueler and other countries for oil.”
and then whined that America is no longer respeckered.
“perhaps most importantly we are a nation that is no longer admired, respeckered or listened to.”
keep it up, homeslice. there are going to be a fuckload of speeches between now and November — and debates, too, if you’re not too chickenshit to appear on live TV with Joe Biden — and we’re all going to sit back laugh our asses off as your brain breaks down into a puddle of rancid pudding.
meanwhile, reporters caught up with Joe and Jill yesterday as they left Ash Wednesday services.
reporter: “what are you giving up for Lent?”
Biden: “you guys.”
and THIS JUST IN as I’m finishing up this post:
we have a winner in the Which Of Donny’s Four Criminal Trials Will Be The First To Go Contest: it’s Alvin Bragg’s Big Hush Money Fuckery Trial!
NEW YORK — A judge on Thursday rejected former President Trump’s bid to toss his hush money charges, paving the way for the first criminal trial of a former president to begin next month.
Judge Juan Merchan said “at this point” he will move ahead with jury selection beginning on March 25 as scheduled, a timeline that would enable a jury to return a verdict well in advance of July’s Republican National Convention and November’s general election.
see you in court, Donny.
" illiterate traffic cone"
priceless! and I think you matched his shade of bronzer just perfectly... :D
How anyone can watch Donald TRump speak and not think he is just completely insane is beyond my comprehension. Biden has a lifelong stutter and he contemplates before he speaks while Trump just blathers on and makes no sense whatsoever. I'm just befuddled how anyone in their right mind (oh wait!) could ever look at that man and think "He's my guy!" I'm embarrassed by the amount of stupid in our country. I just don't get it...🙄