Dec 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

April 2021, Trump allegedly offered to let the author of a book about him see the binder, saying “I would let you look at them if you wanted…. It’s a treasure trove…it would be sort of a cool book for you to look at.”

From CNN, reported by Heather Cox Richardson on her letter of December 15, 2023.

So the 10" binder of Russian Intel was "a cool book" for Trump to show off to his buddies. Ask Meadows about it under oath then immediately charge him if he lies again

This is no longer funny, friends. This is Treason.

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He is absolutely the most dangerous man in the United States. And he doesn't just do things which are patently treasonous, he is able to inspire treason in others, with by direct orders and exhortations, but stochastically as well. Nothing should so improve the American body politic as his immediate detention and incarceration.

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If I were to take a stab in the dark, I'd say those files are on Putin's shelf, next to Donald's balls.

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Hi Jeff, thank you for another mind numbing experience into the fucked up world of Earth II, Nazis, Reich wing politics, lies, scapegoating and just plain dumb shit that passes for intelligence. As a former resident of the Seattle area, as a member of 3 synagogues in the Seattle, I received mail from all 3 yesterday morning. We were notified that due to credible threats... bomb threats... services would be cancelled... all Seattle area synagogues received the same warning from law enforcement... This is real and happening now.... As Nick Fuentes said the other day....when we take power we I’ll begin to execute all non Christian, beginning with Jews. Always we are the canary in the coal mine... “ The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress” Frederick Douglas.

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This fucking guy has such a severe case of narcissistic personality disorder he will literally endanger this country and its foreign intelligence assets (aka brave people who spy for us) in exchange for attention. HOW IS THIS NOT A 5-ALARM EMERGENCY BROADCAST ON EVERY NEWS PROGRAM EVERY FUCKING DAY?!?!

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We were traveling yesterday and I caught that snippet out of MAGAT Mouth at his rally and my heart stopped when I saw him talking about “poisoning the blood of our country.” Straight out of Hitler's mouth. We're in big trouble if this is how he really thinks. And, of course, he has a long history of loving the guy. I wonder how his Jewish daughter and SIL feel.....

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He at a minimum should be given 2 weeks to return that original 10-inch file, and if he can't he should be indicted AGAIN as an enemy of our nation, a Putin puppet. If it is not recovered, trump should spend the rest of his life in a blacksite prison. No more rallies, no more grifting, just a bleak nothing for him til he croaks. The end.

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“poisoning the blood of our country.” = a Völkisch ("Ultra Nationalist" to translate the term literally and loosely, as per German Historian Lothar Machtan) doctrinal tenant straight out of early Nazi history, and apparently is clearly established right here in America today.

As can be read about per the link to the Southern Poverty Law Center below.


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Putin surely has a copy of said binder. The original can be found 6ft.under in Ivanna's coffin in NJ. This is high treason!! AND IT'S APPARENTLY NOT NEWS!!😵😵

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I hate him with every fiber of my being. Everyday I wake up and hope he is dead and I'll probably go to hell for that.

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Jesus H! Lock the son-of-a-bitch up already!

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Was Bedminster ever searched? How about Donnie’s other properties? No Trump property should be exempt. The search warrants should have no limits. He hid boxes of documents from the federal government. This is a proven fact. His collaborators, like Meadows, should be searched too. Trump is a dangerous man. His Hitleresque rhetoric should scare every true American.

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My dad was a Marine in WWII. I never saw him so angry as when my brother and a friend of his (they were probably about 8 hrs old) were messing around with chalk and somehow came up with a swastika on our sidewalk. Pop blew up and said he’d risked his life so we would never have to see that again. He made them take sponges and clean it all off. For the first time since Pop’s passing, I am glad he is no longer with us.

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well, when you think about immigrants poisoning American, Elon Musk DOES come to mind.

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Time for the FBI (that is of course if they're not already doing this) to pull in EVERYBODY who worked in the WH in those last days, and grill them mercilessly about that binder. Reminding them all that it isn't going to be a charge of "willful retention", but espionage, and possibly even treason.

As for Rs covering for him, it would be far better if news outlets would stop reporting their "He's just joking. It's Trump being Trump." BS as the gospel truth.

He TOLD them way back in like 2017, that he doesn't joke. He occasionally says something humorous, but he doesn't joke. When he says something, he's dead serious about it. And it's way past time they stopped taking him as a joke, which is how they've been treating him since 2015. Like a long running, Har-dee-har-har, what a card! joke. He's not a joke, he's a deadly earnest threat to our nation. He'll sell us down a river for a "Ain't you the cool dude!" compliment, because he's desperate for attention, and affirmation. And if the press doesn't start acting like that's the case, we're all going to be screwed.

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Wasn't Meadows torching documents in a WH fireplace? Just musing here.

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