April 2021, Trump allegedly offered to let the author of a book about him see the binder, saying “I would let you look at them if you wanted…. It’s a treasure trove…it would be sort of a cool book for you to look at.”

From CNN, reported by Heather Cox Richardson on her letter of December 15, 2023.

So the 10" binder of Russian Intel was "a cool book" for Trump to show off to his buddies. Ask Meadows about it under oath then immediately charge him if he lies again

This is no longer funny, friends. This is Treason.

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Quote and repost this everywhere! Too much is just passing into the quiet depths.

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No doubt. This is way too serious to ignore and it stinks as bad as the old cheese and vinegar that the deranged perpetrator was reported yesterday to reek of. As usual, the media is doing a very shitty job of not getting the insane mango madman's horrific message out there.

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Someone is falling behind on diaper duty.

Shee, what is it going to take already?

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That was also mentioned. It's probably more than just his breath or that dead thing on his head.

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Maybe that is why he looks so pissy-wet diaper!

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Could be the sulfur smell of the devil

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I have been saying the word Treason all along. The fact that he seems to have sold the Saudi's information for cash for his daughter's family smacks of treason along with everything he has done. He is a con man to rival Bernie Madoff. Look at all of the money he is getting from people with his schtick! I am sure that after Hitler, people like Madoff are Trump's idols. He is selling pieces of his supposed suit, he is bragging on being a dictator in a country whose constitution says we are not supposed to have a dictator, not even for a day. I have been wondering in my head what would happen if there was a war between Trump's people, and the USA, since he is acting like he wants to be an occupying dictator to our nation. I imagine Trump's militia is armed up the wazoo, but if there is going to be a president who is containing the rioting hordes with the military, I hope it is Biden and not Trump.

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Ditto here. I don’t care if he thinks he’s a king, he needs to arrested and kept on house arrest until this new twist to his malevolent and traitorous behavior can be proven once and for all, and then his fat a$$ kicked into a penitentiary, not a jail.

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Republicans own or have access to 57% of the guns in America.

Who do you suppose owns the rest?

The Grand Wazoo, that's who. And there's some shooters over here.

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Yes. Let’s pin down exactly what it was that Meadows was running around doing in those last few hours of frump being in office. He was sweating like a farm animal literally running to get his hands on some document. If meadows gets nailed for this l, his life as he knows it is likely over. Watch. He’ll take a hit because he was actually running around to get that doc. And frump could get away with insisting that he never gave Meadows that directive.

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My worry is how many copies did this treasonous bastard Meadows make of this document? I would bet Pukin and any other high bidder has a copy. We are soooo fucked if Der fuhrer trump gets elected.

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Dec 17, 2023·edited Dec 17, 2023

yes ! and arent you as shocked and amazed as I am that the U.S. governement lets him skate along with all of these crimes and treasonous acts and will continue to do it until he somehow swindles his way into the Whitehouse and then squashes ALL the investigations on him and then have all his advasaries finished off? They let him get away with EVERYthing....Not Michael Cohen, Not Rudy Colludy, Not Roger Stone, Not Steve Bannon, Not Kranken Powell, Not Michael Flyn, only Trump gets a Pass !! Why???? Ughhhhhh

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Olberman called Shitler exactly what he is; a Russian SPY! Let’s quit pussyfooting around with the cutsie wordsmithing.

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The FBI found their balls to respond to the National Archive demands for the return of presidential papers. Now, the DOJ should arrest DJT and his conspirators for this missing document. And investigate his borrowings from Russian banks and Saudi princes. If not Biden, who will step up to be Ransom to defeat this Unman?

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DOJ derp derp dee poo poo whaddya gonna do

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Sums it up.

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If I were Robert Hanssen, I'd probably be phoning my attorney to ask for equal lack-of-prosecution under the law.

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It's Always been Treason, however, no one seems to care.

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He’s managed to normalize even that word.

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He is absolutely the most dangerous man in the United States. And he doesn't just do things which are patently treasonous, he is able to inspire treason in others, with by direct orders and exhortations, but stochastically as well. Nothing should so improve the American body politic as his immediate detention and incarceration.

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Just the most dangerous in The US?

Try the world, just ask the people of Ukraine

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I still think Putin and Xi are tied for 'the world', but Donnie Dollhands is trying to destroy our country.

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Agreed, those guys are smart so they can do more damage.

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Runfast fasten your seat belt, its not Agent Orange, its the cabal of brilliant Lawyers , Judges, and power hungry Law Makers, And also the really wealthy Catholic/ Kristina Fanatics driving this coup

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Well, there's that.

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And how far fetched is the idea that they are working together? Old dirty diaper Don might publicly condemn China but but China & Russia are like 2 nuts in a nutsack, so what good is that talking (rally) point? LDFF spent 4 years showing the love for dictators. THAT IS working together. Especially since he has such a history of Russian money supporting him as confirmed by his business partner spawn.

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I like that nickname. Hadn’t heard it before. He really does have tiny hands doesn’t he. And you know what they say about that . . .

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It's supposedly a myth, but I find myself looking for the hands now, and thinking, "oh."

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Amen. The fact we haven't worked harder from day one supporting Ukraine and now that Putin has reuped his $$ bank accounts with oil money to China & India, instead of Europe we are in a very dangerous feedback loop. If anything, Putin/Iran supported a very timely war in the Middle East making it harder for democracies everywhere to survive.

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I had no idea so many felt the way I did. Thank you!

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I can’t help but wonder what all Putin’s got. Imagining that frump giving him l what he needed to invade Ukraine.

And is it a far stretch to think that somehow the original Hamas attack was fueled by some intel that frump sold someone?

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NOTeven a little bit.

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HE might be the most dangerous man but he certainly has a lot of supporters and on the downlow helpers.

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Steve Bannon, who is more of a "true believer" than Trump himself, is not on the downlow. He's right out there on his daily NaziCast spitting out his fascist rhetoric for all to hear.

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Alex Jones as well! So many treasonous a-holes in this magat cult!

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To my way of thinking, Bannon and S. Miller are far worse than Donnie Diaperstain. Don though is their front man who gets out and raises the money for their nefarious purposes. I can totally see tfg getting a re up, pardoning any and all offenses concerning all the violent lawbreakers around 1/6 and then all Hell breaking loose everywhere. This sort of scenario was what kept me awake many nights he was in office and he’s worse now, if that’s possible.

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It IS possible and in fact, probable. I assume he would call the Insurrection Act if things got out of control (or even if they didn't), then we have troops in the streets. The only *new* thing Trump is smart about now is NOT to put "adults" in his administration -- they'll all be lackeys, kiss-asses, and servants to his "plan" for America.

Bannon is absolutely the worst: https://www.mediamatters.org/steve-bannon/steve-bannon-and-kash-patel-tout-trumps-second-term-retribution-plan-just-not-rhetoric

Even Kash Patel seems a little blinkered by what Bannon is saying. The wide-eyed dumbass look gives it away.

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For sure worse. A narcissistic sociopath has no limits. No shame, no internal dialog to change or examine his own thinking.

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Oh yeah he is! What a complete freak. It used to be we had an inner sense around these types. I do not know why he is a free man. I realize he got the late our pardon but Bannon seems like a one man crime wave.

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If I were to take a stab in the dark, I'd say those files are on Putin's shelf, next to Donald's balls.

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Bingo!! It’s obvious to anyone with even half a functioning brain. Trump is fully owned and operated by Putin. Americans elected a man who, during a debate, openly asked Russia’s dictator to hack into Hillary Clinton‘s emails. These are our fellow Americans.

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The entire GOP = Government of Putin

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But are they Americans or Russian plants? I truly feel that they have been lying to us all for a very long time.

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Well MAGA Americans elected Trump, but there could most certainly be Russian plants aided by Trump and his cronies.

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We have very gullible people in America, Janet, unfortunately, and the KKKers have arisen from under their rocks.

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They were here all along, but Trump gave them permission to be as vocal as possible. Marlene, both of my parents who lived through World War II half passed. They would be in their mid to late 90s by now, and they would be horrified. My Jewish friends, most of them still on the East Coast where I grew up, are talking about leaving the country. I still have faith that Trump can’t win this next election, but due to the electoral college, nothing is certain.

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Yeah, that Electoral College is a sharp pain in the ass and should be demolished! Popular votes must be the key in our elections. Gore would’ve been our president instead of Bush. Maddening!

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That should have been. “have passed.” I wish Substack would enable edits when using the iPhone app, but it’s not possible.

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You made me think about his balls on the bookshelf, like book ends - to keep the binder and the two volumes of Mein Kampf from falling over. Except his balls are as tiny as his hands, so I suspect they wouldn't hold anything in place.

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I figured the jar they were in would do most of the holding, but I didn't think what the other bookend would be. A jar with their souls? Or brains, maybe.

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I like the idea of the binder falling over & squishing those little balls. Bookends need to sturdier than thumps balls. Even his spine wouldn’t be enough to hold up a binder.

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I'd guess Bedminster, myself.

Using a coffin buried in an overgrown plot in an obscure corner of a golf course to hide all the "smaller" classified docs the former fucking asshole liked to wave in the face of anyone he wanted to impress never made much sense to me -- it's not all that convenient to have the pool boy run up to Jersey and dig up a couple up at a moment's notice to show off to some rando hot blonde or Russian spy (not that those two things are mutually exclusive).

Besides, if they were intended for Putin, why would ttfg send him the whole binder, when he could keep Putin on the hook indefinitely by doling them out one salacious bit at a time? How else would you keep a monomaniacal dictator on the hook?

On the other hand, if he got wind that the binder was becoming dangerous to hold onto personally, *that's* exactly the kind of thing I'd expect him to literally bury.

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How does one get a search warrant for a coffin anyhow?

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Idk, but I bet Jack Smith would have an idea... :)

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Exhumation order from a Judge?

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Hi Jeff, thank you for another mind numbing experience into the fucked up world of Earth II, Nazis, Reich wing politics, lies, scapegoating and just plain dumb shit that passes for intelligence. As a former resident of the Seattle area, as a member of 3 synagogues in the Seattle, I received mail from all 3 yesterday morning. We were notified that due to credible threats... bomb threats... services would be cancelled... all Seattle area synagogues received the same warning from law enforcement... This is real and happening now.... As Nick Fuentes said the other day....when we take power we I’ll begin to execute all non Christian, beginning with Jews. Always we are the canary in the coal mine... “ The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress” Frederick Douglas.

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This is sick. Someone in Missoula told me that Nazis were marching down the main avenues a couple of weeks ago, and police officers contacted all the local rabbis to tell them to warn people of the threat and to perhaps cancel services. And Missoula and Seattle are liberal, blue cities. But that’s probably why they are being targeted. MAGA people are a lost cause; but these people who are on the fence, or complaining about certain things they don’t like about Biden so they won’t support him, had better wake the fuck up and do the right thing lest they wind up in detention camps themselves.

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Amen, sister. A whole lot of sleepwalkers amongst us.

I know a lot of folks are hoping the motivated, smart youth will come through. And no doubt some will but there are a lot of basic naive and uninterested youth just going along in blissful ignorance. Then again, so are their parents.

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It's not hard to imagine it happening here in Texas. Not like it hasn't happened before.

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Every election season for about 15 years the idea that I might need to buy some fire arms comes to mind. My entire family knew how to shoot, went hunting and/ or owned guns. I got rid of mine years ago when I went back to college and lived with roommates. It is not like I feel guns solve any problems but we are living through some very weird and perilous times. And like others have stated here, you are not really paranoid if they are out to get you!

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My uncle taught me to shoot when I was 7yo (a couple of years before he ended up in Vietnam as a Navy Seal.) When my kids were young, he taught both of them to shoot, too.

Guns are just tools -- lethal ones, of course, but chain saws can be, too. My husband and I own two handguns; one is a target pistol and the other is a heavier-duty handgun that's more effective against javelinas, giant murder pigs that roam the high desert in SW TX, where we had a little property and considered retiring at one point. The guns live in a small safe, hidden away but accessible -- think my grown daughter may know where, but no one else would.

We still believe strongly that killing people is fundamentally wrong, but if some ignorant fuckface threatened our family, I don't imagine either of us would hesitate to do what we must to protect them... I REALLY hope it won't come to that, but it's looking less and less likely that the US is going to escape this kind of violence this time.

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A shotguns is also a handy tool. Just sayin.

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true -- I know I'd rather have a shotgun if I had to face down a crowd -- er, herd -- of Texas murder pigs lol...

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I liken the crazed Nazi Magats to the craven zombies in “Last of Us.”

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And yet there are lots of Jews in thump’s orbit. Why do they keep going along with him?

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So are they going after the daughter and SIL of the wannabe dictator first? This is horrific. Sending hugs to Seattle

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If it is infecting Seattle, which has always been fairly cool on the subject, it really IS spreading.

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Just learned this morning about “swatting”. It’s a term used to define the false high threat claims, including the need for SWAT teams, that tie up all resources for an area.

Someone calls in a “I know of a credible bomb threat aimed at xx.” authorities can’t ignore a credible threat. So the whole system is triggered and responds. Tying up resources, causing mayhem in the community, and simply terrorizing individuals who belong to whoever is associated to the target.

Feels like we’re shoulder to shoulder with manimals.

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This fucking guy has such a severe case of narcissistic personality disorder he will literally endanger this country and its foreign intelligence assets (aka brave people who spy for us) in exchange for attention. HOW IS THIS NOT A 5-ALARM EMERGENCY BROADCAST ON EVERY NEWS PROGRAM EVERY FUCKING DAY?!?!

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Collusion. Oligarchs own the media.

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It's a mystery...

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We were traveling yesterday and I caught that snippet out of MAGAT Mouth at his rally and my heart stopped when I saw him talking about “poisoning the blood of our country.” Straight out of Hitler's mouth. We're in big trouble if this is how he really thinks. And, of course, he has a long history of loving the guy. I wonder how his Jewish daughter and SIL feel.....

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I'd guess Ivanka and her creepy-boy husband are not particularly worried -- in this case, being Trumps who have buddies like MbS is a lot more important to their continued immunity to persecution than what church they performatively attend now and then.

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He at a minimum should be given 2 weeks to return that original 10-inch file, and if he can't he should be indicted AGAIN as an enemy of our nation, a Putin puppet. If it is not recovered, trump should spend the rest of his life in a blacksite prison. No more rallies, no more grifting, just a bleak nothing for him til he croaks. The end.

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He should be locked up pending trial a la Reality Winner.

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I would like to see him arrested and "interviewed" no lawyers, no diet coke, no diaper changes until he comes clean and confesses. Recover the binder and whatever else he is hiding and then I don't care what they do with him.I suspect he couldn't take much of that and he wouldn't be capable of running for anything but the bathroom after that.

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No appeals, no “out on bail”

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“poisoning the blood of our country.” = a Völkisch ("Ultra Nationalist" to translate the term literally and loosely, as per German Historian Lothar Machtan) doctrinal tenant straight out of early Nazi history, and apparently is clearly established right here in America today.

As can be read about per the link to the Southern Poverty Law Center below.


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Trump is a fairly stupid individual; I’m pretty sure that Stephen Miller, the Jewish Nazi, is feeding him all this stuff (or at least most of it).

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No doubt! When you pair a stupid narcissist, with an evil minded psychopath, like miller, the end result is really horrifying

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Yes exactly! Herr Miller is already working on his autobiography “Becoming Geobbels”

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Rubber Stamped

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Putin surely has a copy of said binder. The original can be found 6ft.under in Ivanna's coffin in NJ. This is high treason!! AND IT'S APPARENTLY NOT NEWS!!😵😵

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Why should the media turn against him? No one else manages to stay in the news every day for ten years running. He's their golden calf, at least until it looks like there's a very real chance of him getting re-elected.

Then maybe they'll finally remember how he feels about them.

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Then it will be too late.

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Tell _them_ that. We get it. We've been opposing him for years. But he's been their darling since 2015. Ratings, ratings, ratings. He lines their pockets, they look the other way.

Charles Manson had the same rhetoric, but not the money to protect him from prosecution. Drumpf has money - or the illusion of money - and that's kept him from spending half his adult life in a cell where he belongs.

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We have access whores instead of journalists.

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Not the news media we need, but the news media capitalism deserves?

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You nailed it.

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That coffin should be opened!

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One must ask; why would a coffin of that size was necessary for cremated remains? The timeline of her death match up with the documents case.

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Say, now that you mention it, didn't that casket have an unusually large number of bearers too?

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10. There were 10 in all of the photos.

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Buried but of course can be dug up

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It did.

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Timing of her death was convenient too as I recall.

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I hate him with every fiber of my being. Everyday I wake up and hope he is dead and I'll probably go to hell for that.

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I am so there with all of you. Wake up thinking “is he dead yet?” And have since he was elected.

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At least you'll be in good company! I'll party there with you.

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I will save a seat on the bus I am driving for both of you ;-)

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If I get there first, I'll keep the marshmallows roasting for you.

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If that’s true, we’re all gonna join you there. We’ll roast marshmallows.

Everyday, my husband and I wake and ask “is he dead yet?” I even asked my doc why he’s still here. What with the stress level he lives with, the way he eats, the lack of exercise, the extra pounds, the anger and hatred in his black heart, why is he still alive? He lives in perfect harmony with EVERYTHING modern medicine tells us will kill us. And usually does.

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No, he will go to hell. If there’s a heaven, you’ll be up there. 😊

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I’ll hold your seat open for ya.

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Jesus H! Lock the son-of-a-bitch up already!

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According to Cassidy Hutchinson, Meadows took it out of the White House. Somebody in counterintelligence better be talking to Meadows.

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I guess my Canadian acquaintance was right when he said that living up here is like living your life over a meth lab. You never know when it’s going to explode.

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Yes something like that, but most Canadians are like most Americans, worried about putting food on the table, Turkey at Xmas, Gas......

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The only difference is that millions of our Canadian neighbors are not obsessed with a half brain dead Nazi narcissist. I love my country and living in Colorado, but I have no problem leaving here if this madman gets elected.

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Janet, I as well would leave in a heart beat... my girlfriend and I were discussing this just last night. I was told Canada doesn't want retired people, (I'm semi retired) and she's in the middle of her career. Netherlands, perhaps? Have laptop, can work from anywhere. But I have no problem in leaving.

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Well it certainly won't be anyone at DOJ...

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This is the job of the CIA and FBI.

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We may need to toughen our hiring standards then if this is just now making news.

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Was Bedminster ever searched? How about Donnie’s other properties? No Trump property should be exempt. The search warrants should have no limits. He hid boxes of documents from the federal government. This is a proven fact. His collaborators, like Meadows, should be searched too. Trump is a dangerous man. His Hitleresque rhetoric should scare every true American.

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Lock him up NOW!

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My dad was a Marine in WWII. I never saw him so angry as when my brother and a friend of his (they were probably about 8 hrs old) were messing around with chalk and somehow came up with a swastika on our sidewalk. Pop blew up and said he’d risked his life so we would never have to see that again. He made them take sponges and clean it all off. For the first time since Pop’s passing, I am glad he is no longer with us.

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Sorry for your loss-a great lesson for your brother!

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This is what I think of when I think of my friends and family of that generation. And how the Republican voters of this generation wouldn't think much of Trump other than he is an 1st rate A-hole. I can't imagine them voting for a guy that grabbed women by the pussy and bragged about it. The nazi stuff, no way. Or the Russian loving crap, either.

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well, when you think about immigrants poisoning American, Elon Musk DOES come to mind.

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Time for the FBI (that is of course if they're not already doing this) to pull in EVERYBODY who worked in the WH in those last days, and grill them mercilessly about that binder. Reminding them all that it isn't going to be a charge of "willful retention", but espionage, and possibly even treason.

As for Rs covering for him, it would be far better if news outlets would stop reporting their "He's just joking. It's Trump being Trump." BS as the gospel truth.

He TOLD them way back in like 2017, that he doesn't joke. He occasionally says something humorous, but he doesn't joke. When he says something, he's dead serious about it. And it's way past time they stopped taking him as a joke, which is how they've been treating him since 2015. Like a long running, Har-dee-har-har, what a card! joke. He's not a joke, he's a deadly earnest threat to our nation. He'll sell us down a river for a "Ain't you the cool dude!" compliment, because he's desperate for attention, and affirmation. And if the press doesn't start acting like that's the case, we're all going to be screwed.

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Wasn't Meadows torching documents in a WH fireplace? Just musing here.

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and at his house!

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Are you freaking kidding me? Lock him up!

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Also check the plumbers snake. Wasn't he flushing documents down the toilet?

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