Day One Dumbfuck is still out here doing his Shitty Hitler act
and more classified documents go missing
Republicans have spent the last month or so doing a very specific dance. it goes something like this:
Donald Trump: IMA BE A DICTATOR!
Republicans: he’s just kidding.
Republicans: yes he is.
Republicans: look over there, it’s Hunter Biden’s dick.
yup, they’re susancollinsing the fuck out of Little Donny Diaperload’s neo-Hitlerian ravings — because Republicans know that the unvarnished truth will scare the shit out of the so-called ‘independent’ voters. so they have to pretend that Trump is just being Trump. y’know, just saying shit. pay no attention to the actual words coming out of his mouth. he doesn’t mean it. he’s just riffing.
except that Shitty Hitler isn’t just riffing. he’s not kidding. he’s totally fallen in love with his Day One Dictator sound bite. it’s now another tried-and-true applause line in his stump speech, just like build the wall and lock her up were in 2016.
and his fucked-up fanboys eat it right up.
“How many people here support Day One Dictator?”
[entire crowd cheers]
it’s a thing now. the shitheads are selling merchandise.
Agolf Shitler was at it again yesterday, ramping up the eliminationist rhetoric at a hate-rally in New Hampshire.
“we got a lot of work to do. they’re poisoning the blood of our country. that’s what they’ve done, mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America, not just the three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world they’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world, they’re pouring into our country. nobody’s even looking them, they just come in, and the crime is going to be tremendous. the terrorism is gonna be, terrorism is going to be, and we built that tremendous piece of the wall—”
oh, just fucking lovely. “poisoning the blood of our country.” or, if you prefer it in the original german, “das blut unseres vaterlandes vergiften.”
and what’s the “lot of work” that “we” got to do?
oh, you know, stuff like rounding up people millions of people, putting them in massive camps, and deporting them.
the full Nazi agenda.
and remember, it all starts with demonizing and dehumanizing ‘the other.’ our blood is pure. their blood is poison.
last time Trump went Full Hitler, calling his enemies “vermin,” the press was actually roused out of their slumber for a whole day and reported on it.
this time? so far, barely a ripple in the news.
Trump has normalized and mainstreamed the most vile white-supremacist rhetoric — and our compliant, corporate-controlled media is letting him get away with it.
and a third of the country is fully on-board with this shit.
meanwhile, check out this latest atrocity:
it seems that during the final days of the Trump presidency, a binder of classified documents pertaining to Russian election interference was delivered to the White House.
The binder contained raw intelligence the US and its NATO allies collected on Russians and Russian agents, including sources and methods that informed the US government’s assessment that Russian President Vladimir Putin sought to help Trump win the 2016 election, sources tell CNN.
apparently, Donny Dickstain wanted to declassify them and hand them out to his propagandist pals at Newsmax and OAN so they could … what? prove they were untrue? that Russia didn’t meddle in Trump’s election? this explanation makes no sense, but let’s leave that aside for the now.
anyway, White House lawyers — the good ones, not the drunks and cranks like Colludy and the Kraken — were hard at work on redacting the documents — you know, doing stuff like blacking out the names of actual US spies, so that Putin couldn’t have them killed — when all of a sudden out of the clear blue, the whole binder goes missing. poof! just like that. gone. it was never seen again.
But an unredacted version of the binder containing the classified raw intelligence went missing amid the chaotic final hours of the Trump White House. The circumstances surrounding its disappearance remain shrouded in mystery.
what the fucking fuck?
so once again, Dear Leader is smack in the middle of another stolen documents incident — except these docs were never recovered. they weren’t in the boxes returned to the Archives. they weren’t among the materials seized when the FBI searched the Florida golf motel. as far as we know, Trump never waved them in the faces of randos at his New Jersey wife cemetery. he never bragged about them to his Australian plutocrat golf buddies. they were never stashed in that ugly gold-plated shitter, and the butler and the pool boy were never tasked with moving them.
they’re just gone.
how sensitive are these missing documents?
The intelligence was so sensitive that lawmakers and congressional aides with top secret security clearances were able to review the material only at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, where their work scrutinizing it was itself kept in a locked safe.
beautiful. our nation’s most closely-held locked-away secrets — including the identities of US spies — are out there, and no one has any idea where. absolutely fucking beautiful.
to this day, there is not one clue as to what happened to the files.
seems to me there’s a simple solution staring us right in the face: has anyone thought of simply phoning Putin and asking for them back?
April 2021, Trump allegedly offered to let the author of a book about him see the binder, saying “I would let you look at them if you wanted…. It’s a treasure trove…it would be sort of a cool book for you to look at.”
From CNN, reported by Heather Cox Richardson on her letter of December 15, 2023.
So the 10" binder of Russian Intel was "a cool book" for Trump to show off to his buddies. Ask Meadows about it under oath then immediately charge him if he lies again
This is no longer funny, friends. This is Treason.
He is absolutely the most dangerous man in the United States. And he doesn't just do things which are patently treasonous, he is able to inspire treason in others, with by direct orders and exhortations, but stochastically as well. Nothing should so improve the American body politic as his immediate detention and incarceration.