thank you, Dark Brandon, for giving me something to write about this morning besides Kari Lake and Kimberly Gargoyle

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Greece and VOA don’t deserve this. As I told a friend this morning about VOA: The good news is it looks like there’s protocols in place. It’ll be like having an office admin that’s a bitch and everyone just works around her.

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I just hope she tames her makeup and stops dressing like a hooker. Apologies to hookers.

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She kind of reminds me of Tammy Faye Baker. Remember her?

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She lived out here near me, poor lady. We would often seen her, in full makeup, going about her business.

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Full makeup is saying a lot in her case. Is there even a face under all that.

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Yeah, every picture I see of her she looks like an ugly, desperate whoore. Again, apologies to working girls.

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She reminds me of every dumb fucking Santa Monica "New Age" yuppie bimbo. They do their yoga and then they vote Trump without thinking because all their gnus, er, I mean gurus, are right wing shitbirds.

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Every time I see "New Age" I think of Goop and it's "My Vagina" candle scent. 🤢

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🤣🤣🤣”who’s vagina”?

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Apparently Gwyneth Paltrow's. (sp?). She owns Goop. Classy.

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Let us hope every department in the US works in that way. Ignore the office boss and get S--T done!

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They are ass-kissers (literally probably…lol) and I can’t stand seeing their faces-so thanks Dark Brandon and ditto Jeff!

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I'd much rather write about good news than agonize over how to say something funny about crappy news.

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You seem to have achieved the perfect balance!

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Thank you once again for your service. 🫡 You’re doing the Lord’s work.

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Yeah, but you had to bring up the Kristin and Joe fuckery. Now I had to think about them today, after I said yesterday would be the last day I would have given them any thought.

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Don’t you just despise those two? They can’t be gone soon enough!

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Do Krysten & Joe despise the Democratics, or do they dislike Schumer???? What is wrong with them? I'm surprised both of them haven't gotten admin positions yet....but the night is young

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They are going to cushy wight-wing lobbying jobs, I'll bet. Sinema took the maximum "campaign donations "from republican business-people. And Manchin is a (dirty) coal baron who was paid by the coal industry to defeat any environmental limits on the coal industry. So, to recap: Sinema for $ale, and Manchin too.

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Those two useless fuckwad narcissists voted against shoring up the National Labor Relations Board. Trader Joe's, Musk, and Bezos are suing the NLRB to demolish it. They're traitors to democracy. They're Libertarians. What's up with John Fetterman backing Dr. Oz? And Rubio?

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I've done a 180 on Fetterman. I think that stroke damaged his brain. What a disappointment he's turned out to be.

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Same here...I'm so bummed about John's turnaround. WTH???

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He doesn’t have Adam Jettleson doing all his work for him any more.

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Strokes change people. Personality changes are not at all uncommon.

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He's nuts. The shit that comes out of his mouth.

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Strokes can certainly “F” with the grey matter Cheryl, but damn,,you’re sadly correct!!

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Yeah, Fetterman is dead to me. I gave more money to him during his campaign than I ever had up to that point. Fuck Him!

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its like you flushed it down the terlet

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Yeah, this one does feel like that. Even when my candidate loses I don't feel like this.

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Bernie said that he'd vote for Brainworms and Tulski.

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We're so screwed. I cant even.... 😭😭😭

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yes, we really are... I can't even, either. How can so many residents in America be so Ok with this.. imagine if Obama or Biden behaved like this... there would be outrage from the idiot republicans and news media, both... unbelievable... 2 more weeks until my passport arrives.

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Damn I forgot to update mine, thanks James!!

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What??? Our politics are so fucking broken. What's happening here?!

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Yeah, he's another collaborator. Keeping a list.

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Bernie? As in, Sanders??? Oh, say it ain't so!

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'tis so. Sorry.

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Yeah. He’s another one that’s lost what’s left of his mind. Never liked the man so am not surprised. Says he’s not running again, thank goodness. Guess he can retire with his $$$ intact maybe?

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Ah, so he got his, fuck you? That is the republican creed, though!

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Bernie Sanders contact info:

Let Bernie know how you feel!. We must #Resist! https://berniesanders.com/contact/

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Outrage, would be welcomed on this bit of fuckery Charles!!

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Bernie's gone senile, I think.

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So Trader Joe’s is now Traitor Joe’s?

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Beat me to it, dang.

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Excellent points Lisa!

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John Fetterman Contact Info, scroll down below donate:


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Joins Truth Social!? What in the fuck! Another Joe Manchin. If you're having a stroke, maybe running for office isn't wise. All the good people won't run for office. It's too dirty. We're left with idiots. There are a few exceptions. But not many.

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Jeff made no mention of corybantic dancers appearing with Don Jr.’s ex appointment to Greece ambassadorship, I’m slightly disappointed!!

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We don't need more celebrity gossip.

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No, we don't, because that's ALL we get with corporate media.

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I describe Sinema as a model for the Blouse Barn in Schitt's Creek.

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🤣🤣🤣 Sinema's clothing choices are so inappropriate and downright awful. GF riddance!

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They were kind of cute, at first, once we voted her in, it looked like dress-barn threw up on her.

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You’re on a roll. 🤣🤣

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Rick over at Lincoln Project win over Mike Treasonous Flynn is a pretty big deal Jeff!

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The only way Jeff could cover ALL the clusterfucking going on at any given moment would be to write 20,000 words a day, every day. Let’s not burn the boy out!

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Thanks, Patrick. I hadn’t heard that Rick won the appeal and just read about it. Good news indeed.

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Although there is also Nancy Vance wearing a sling on her arm because someone said something pro-LGBTQ to her and it must have struck a nerve and caused her arm to suddenly get sore.

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It's sore from stroking trumps mushroom.

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I'm amazed she was able to find it.

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Maybe she used a magnifying glass first?

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Probably why it is sore, it took a couple of days!

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Nancy Mace. The congresswoman and attention ho.

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She is a shithead of no common order. I can't freaking believe she called the police for that guy shaking her hand--She is such a media whore.

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Do you have a link to the list? Thanks

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The key question is: Can Kimberly Gargoyle find Greece on a map? And who better to serve as this millennium's Axis Sally and Tokyo Rose than Kari Lake?

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Yeah Baby!

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🙏 (must we go there)

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Thank you. I don't give a shit about either of those women. Celebrity gossip. Not interested.

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1. Best wishes to the people pardoned before Orange Fuckwit could do anything about it. If only Joe could pardon the rest of us as well for simply living as Dems.

2. I can’t tell if Eye of Newt is dissing Orange or praising him. Discuss.

3. Manchin and Sinema can fuck off, keep on fucking off, then fuck off some more.

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I think they both need to fuck off with extreme prejudice.

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Hopefully for them, both Manchin and Sinema had better have a lot of 'friends' (donors and sycophants) around them and into the future, because paybacks are a bitch. Every person who thinks progressively (humans to experience progress) is going to remember these traitorous toilet slime.

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Add Fetterman. That hulking POS.

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Do you think Fetterman is seeing that PA is leaning right, and he’s hedging to make sure he’s not left hanging…

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WTAF Fetterman??

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They don't care. Manchin is rich as fuck and Sinema is just plain crazy.

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Manchurian along with Sinenema are regurgitated repugnantcan moles planted in the Democratic Party to be used when called upon by their leader!

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Paybacks ARE a bitch.

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I took it as Newt dissing Orange and FOX not realizing that's what he's doing. Seriously, a grown man, and not someone who is retired, but a man in charge of the USA, wakes up and decides if he should go to McD or get a publicity shot in a garbage truck -- Newt's pointing out there's not a lot going on upstairs. Then, Orange missing one of his favorite dictators -- doesn't speak well of his values. I hate Newt, and maybe that's why I too had to read it again, but I think he's putting Trump down.

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That was my original thought, but since it was Newt, I couldn’t be certain.

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Eye of Newt is another one of those human beings with zero control over his mouth. Like Steve Bannon, LDFF, Etcetera.

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What kind of evil parents name their kid NEWT ? I know he’s an amphibious slimey reptile ,but shit he’s already got a last name that sounds like a smelly putrid gum infection…no wonder he’s such a scumbag !

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It's undoubtedly short for Newton. Some Southerners have first names That come from the last name of an ancestor. Garth Brooks is the name of this type. Waylon Jennings also sounds like a name of this type. Truman Capote was born in the South. They simply don't have the same limitations practiced by the rest of the country. When I was young I knew a southerner called H Miracle. H was his given name.

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"Newton Leroy Gingrich", if I recall correctly.

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No need to insult amphibians, who actually aren't slimy and who are useful creatures in their ecosystems.

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I said amphibious not amphibian he’s a slime swimming reptile he’s a lover of slimy things like snot for instance back stroking in septic systems is his element !

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Well, it's probably short for Newton...but who knows? Maybe his parents hated him.

Okay, I looked it up: Newt Gingrinch--oops, I meant Gingrich--full name is

Newton Leroy Gingrich. Really nothing to work with there. I think his parents really DID hate him!

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Aha ! That figs ….Newton !Sorry couldn’t resist!😜😅

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Thanks for the laugh! Well Newt def has the fruit bit down...not so much the cake. (I couldn't resist either!)

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If I was Newtie I could have said WHOA !.! backed into that one Ouch!😣

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My Daddy, who I adored, and who also adopted me, was called Newt - his given name was Newell. Just saying, not all Newt's are bad. Some of them actually end up being our hero.

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