Ms. Spouse took one look at the photo I chose for the top of this post and said "werewolf drag queen story hour" and now, not only can I not unsee it, but I have to use the line in a future post, ASAP
I'm watching all these videos of Governor Walz on Instagram and I'm cracking up. 🤣 He's such a Minnesotan. You betcha!! He has his own turkey taco hotdish. We love our hotdishes. Ketchup is spicy for Minnesotans. When storms are coming, it's the cooler and lawn chairs in the driveway. We're ready. 😂 This is going to be great!!
You need to refresh after each time, because I have not seen all of the sayings, but I love each and every one. One of my favorites is "Tim Walz isn't afraid to ask the clerk which aisle the tampons are on." Harris and Walz have reclaimed normalcy for the Dems, and pushed the Weird label back onto the MAGAs where it belongs, and who are now a distinct part of the Republican Party, different from the Republican Voters Against Trump (RVAT) and Republicans for Harris! I have seen one group making videos about how they won't vote for Trump, and heard the other group (and there may be overlap) had one of those fundraising Zoom meetings.
Walz is my Governor, he is truly amazing! By the by, many of us in ‘Sota grow the hottest of peppers, where are they present? In our hot dish of course!
The only person I know who more fits Ms. Spouse's description is Teddy Cruz. I've been saying since he used his last testosterone to grow that sad facial hair that he looks like a werewolf stuck mid-change.
I watched Walz while he was asking for help for the audience member. He never took his eyes off the guy, didn't care about the momentum of his speech being interrupted, was intently focused on the welfare of an individual in trouble, which is how I imagine a coach and military leader would behave. He is, in a word, a mensch. The other guy is a mess, but may have a future doing eye makeup tutorials.
Not even, he’s just looking like a drugstore Simon LeBon. Simon was rocking that look back in the 80s, but on Haifaka Sofa it just looks creepy. Gets worse when he opens his mouth.
I noticed that too, and I viewed it as the real normal people, and that our kids cannot even grow up learning what normal is when the MAGAs have been trying to tell us that their crazy is normal. This morning I read that Juvenile Delinquent Vance, had written the forward to a book by Kevin Roberts called, Dawn's Early Light, that is now having its publication delayed until after the election. However Media Matters had a galley copy, they tell us, "A review found Roberts rails against birth control, in vitro fertilization, abortion, and dog parks. He says that having children should not be considered an 'optional individual choice' but 'a social expectation or a transcendent gift,' and describes 'contraceptive technologies' as 'revolutionary inventions that shape American culture away from abundance, marriage, and family.' He labels reproductive choice methods as a “snake strangling the American family.'”
That is why Walz labels them weird. Weird is the nice guy way of saying CRAZY!
Just to add to that. In the first part of Project 2025 titled White House Office, the writer, who is clearly planning on being the Secretary of State, and has pretty much set things up so that the SOS runs the entire presidency. That includes mentioning that there will be the auto Pen signatures. I noticed that right away, and could see Trump, on the golf course while Kevin Robert's henchmen places all over the White House and government autopen a list of executive orders to totally change our government. While P2025 is poorly written, and filled with whiney lies about Biden, it is a document that if you let yourself imagine what will actually happen if this is carried out, you see how they plan on turning the USA into one of Trump's favorite terms, a banana republic. Only, I don't think we are known for growing bananas so we will have nothing. Fortunately, I think like me most people are going to prefer normal to crazy and our kids can grow up recognizing the difference too.
Walz is a Mensch! When I was growing up that was normal behavior, and it still is now. I teach that to my students although most of them are naturally empathetic. They are still young enough. It can get lost if they see too many ugly role models like Trump, and Juvie Vance. In fact, weird is a nice guy word for CRAZY!
another possibility for the other guy is being 47th stand-in for Wolverine's battle scenes. Otoh, he & Deadpool would kick his ass to the curb the minute he opened his mouth and they realized who he was. (Probably wouldn't keep them from making a LOT of really corny couch jokes, though lol)
Watching the Detroit rally, there were calls for water or a medic 3 times that I saw & I couldn't help but think it was scripted. I sat with that a long time, the fact that, of course, speeches are scripted, & am I ok with theater? And, yeah, either way, I think I absolutely am. The message was that we care, in contrast to examples from a Trump rally. I believe that is authentic, action aligning with claims. It's a healthy use of optics. Real caring is a brand I can get behind & I believe the message to be true, giving of ourselves & respecting each other we all rise.
I'm going solely by the clip of Walz, and as a former professional actor, acting teacher, and student of performance, I would bet money that was not theater and no one was acting. The Harris/Walz campaign has natural empathy going for it. They don't need to manufacture it.
I agree. It is summer and hot. In contrast to governors in much hotter states making it illegal to keep people who work out in the heat from dying by allowing them some basic things like water and cooling off breaks (not helped by their absolute refusal to credit science with any validity), these people are normal, caring people. What our children should have as role models. No one on planet earth can think Trump is a role model for someone's children.
I respect your take. I am sorting out a lot of personal feelings around trust & it’s wild to see so much playing out in a very large arena. It seems we are collectively doing this, choosing our story. I agree, there is no need to manufacture anything, intent always comes through. Healthy discernment serves us, cynicism does not. It feels wonderful to be in such good company. Thank you!
1. When a person has thick, dark eyelashes, the roots are so close together that they give the illusion of being connected -- the illusion of eyeliner. (Google for pics of the actor Nestor Carbonell.) And, jd's thick, dark beard and thick, dark hair argue for thick, dark lashes.
2. If he were wearing eyeliner, it would have smudged (from sweat under the eyes) in this heat.
3. Given his fierce hatred of and disdain for women, there's no way that he'd wear eyeliner, which is considered a feminine grooming item.
4. The MAGA base would howl with outrage if he were wearing eyeliner (there's no way that such a fact would remain hidden).
As a veteran of the US Navy I can say this: there is NOTHING more dishonorable than for a veteran to malign the service of another veteran. Just another reason that JV couch fucker is a waste of human skin.
Those walls will go on to crush and bite him like his favorite couch that could be comparable to a boa constrictor with fangs. It was reported somewhere that rail snortin' fuckface the 2nd, Don Jr. made this stellar choice. It's another brilliant MAGA move that will continue to bite their weird asses for the duration of their horseshit-fueled campaign.
“It’s unfair that I beat him and now I have to beat her, too,” Trump told an ally last weekend.
"He has asked why Harris is raising so much more money than him, people familiar with the comments say. Trump has also repeatedly raised the large crowds that Harris is getting compared with Biden, people who have spoken to him said."
Marc Thiessen in today's WaPo characterized Walz as Harris' "unforced error" because Walz is so liberal, so leftist. It was joyful to read the thousands of comments eating Thiessen alive, virtually characterizing Thiessen as WaPo's unforced error for publishing his shit. Wonder how many subscriptions were cancelled today.
The worthless scribblers just can't acknowledge that Harris/Walz will finally drag this country out of a 40 year neoliberal funk to what would be a center left (at best) European country.
Of course those euros w their accents & fancy ways are all commies.
In addition to all of the weird and off-putting things about Vance, his stride and gait as he led the march up to VP Harris's plane was strikingly strange. The guy is a real dork and well as a nasty and controlling weirdo, demagogue, and Trump lickspittle.
How the hell was he allowed to get that close to the VP's plane? Where was the Secret Service? This is stalking plain and simple and it has to be stopped.
JDork was with his own Secret Service. One of the VP’s Secret Service members walked up to Junior Dorks detail and told them to get “the Fuck out of there”. I noticed that Junior Dork’s detail moved him away after that.
What got me is when he was asked why he was trying to walk into Air Force Two, he actually had the gall to tell the reporters that he was "checking out HIS plane", because "it'll be mine in four months anyway". What a fucking douche...
Has he ever said a single nice thing? He even told his young son to get the hell out of the room when JD was talking to Trump. I know Trump thinks he can carry the whole ticket over the line, but even Sarah Palin was less off-putting than Vance.
Sarah Palin was just plain stupid, too stupid to even be a fascist. Vance is something else entirely, a creepy ignorant, racist, woman-hating fascist pig. His poor kids . . .
Doesn't matter. He should have been kept away as a matter of principle and security. Just imagine the yowling if a group of Democrats had come that close to the Hillbilly Himmler's plane.
Hillbilly Himmler! Brilliant coinage for JD Vance. If you remember the Beverly Hillbilly's theme song, it's an easy re-write for JD and his Hillbilly Himmler persona.
Yeah, he registered on my gaydar--not that there's anything wrong with that--but his denial and self-loathing explain a lot. His best bud, Peter Thiel is gay---he went after Gawker and put them out of business for outing him! I miss Gawker.
Jeff's opening with the breakdown of JD Vance's stalking the VPOTUS was chilling. The male dominance dance fueled by a conviction that we females need to know our place really freaked me out. JD Vance had his couch relationship wrong: He needs a shrink.
"I am shocked — shocked! — to learn that women are repulsed by a weird creep who believes their only function in life is to be baby factories." THIS is spot on. JD is doing a great job helping the Harris/Walz ticket. A true douche canoe.
I have yet to hear any policies out of the Dump camp...just hate, control women, 'Merica, blah, blah, blah. I watched the live feed from Wisconsin yesterday and saw Walz showing humanity and compassion when he stopped to make sure someone got the help they needed. I was so impressed that really, thats all I needed to see. Decency! Thats what we need in our government. ✌️💙
Kamala should hire the woman who medaled in the hammer throw at the Olympics.(She's from Metro Columbus) Have her spike pile drive JD Douchecanoe into the tarmac.😆😆
I saw that, and I agree she could get the job done. This has given me a nice chuckle, and the image in my mind will stay there for a while anyway. Thanks for the imagery.
Oh, c'mon. Dumpy's going to round up 11 million immigrants/brown people, put them in concentration camps, and deport them. Doesn't that count as a policy?
I'm a lifelong Michigander. The photo taken yesterday in front of the Detroit suburb of Shelby Township's Police department absolutely illustrates Shady Vance's extreme unpopularity! Shelby is a fairly wealthy suburb that's filled with Trump supporters. So, the negative, unhappy little speech Vance gave in front of a non-crowd is more than telling.
You would think that curiosity, at the very least, would be a reason to come see the supposed next vice president of the United States. So, either Trump supporters realize that this guy will never be Vpotus and won't waste their time, or the campaign's advance work really sucks.
Remember when John Kerry was Swiftboated by Chris LaCivita who is doing it to Tim Walz now ( he’s 🍊’s campaign mgr). Guess who funded it? Harlan Crow, the billionaire who has been lavishing freebies on Clarence Thomas.
Per an article in Raw Story (a source can't vouch for, but Jane Mayer, who's quoted, is trustworthy):
The New Yorker's award-winning Jane Mayer wrote: "Remember when John Kerry was Swiftboated by Chris LaCivita who is doing it to Tim Walz now? Guess who funded it? Harlan Crow, the billionaire who has been lavishing freebies on Clarence Thomas."
You’d think the msm would be ALL OVER connecting ‘these two obv dots’, but idk… everyone/everywhere seems ok with ‘letting it play out’. Annnnd we’re on our own. Again.
I hope Orange Stain keeps shitting his bed and has to lie in it. Good luck to his “keepers” trying to change it but it won’t work since he shits non-stop. Thiel and Muskrat did not get their money’s worth with Jake Dickface and isn’t that just too fucking (the couch) bad
Vance is an entitled bully. You can see it in the way he conducts himself and the choices/words he says. This is just a tarmac stalking of Kamala, just like Trump did with Hillary at the debate. He looked like an idiot and the SS needs to put a stop to this. I'm sure Harris will put him in his place if he continues this behavior. Most of us women can identify with that kind of male bullying behavior either in a professional and/or personal setting. We don't like it. His fellow Ohioans are watching this election too and he will have a Senate race to contend with in a few years. Watching him tells me all I need to know about the Vance marriage and his wife's role in it. The fact she is educated doesn't change the dynamics of living with an emotionally, possibly physically abusive man.
I would need to research this but like Ex UK PM Rishi Sunak and wife, I suggest she inhabits the Brahmin caste within Hinduism and may have familial connections with the present ethno nationalist Hindu leader of India, Modi. If so, her support of her husband’s public entitled behaviour is no surprise.
Thank you for this information. The historical links between high caste Hinduism and Nazism are well documented as are those between Opus Dei extreme Catholic sects and Nazism. They share a religious belief that some individuals are innately superior. It makes them natural political MAGA/Trump allies.🐈⬛
YES. They've been together since at least 2011 (they met at Yale Law). There's ***no way*** that someone stays with a man that toxic unless they're equally damaged.
She strikes me as being very similar to John Roberts in this way: so calm and genial, and seemingly so reasonable (on the surface) that you never suspect the massive dysfunction underneath.
WHO F'ING DOES THAT? To any person, let alone the VP? #ToxicMasculinity at it's. worst. Does J Divan know about #MeToo? Common courtesy? Gathered up a few other entitled white guys striding up to confront a woman. JFC
The psychology of entitled predators means that they experience movements like #Me Too and it’s survivors as triggers that increase their need to sexually bully others.
They possess no self discipline. Post #Me Too is when to watch for those who literally can not help themselves from entitled behaviors therein publicly exposing their criminality.
Ms. Spouse took one look at the photo I chose for the top of this post and said "werewolf drag queen story hour" and now, not only can I not unsee it, but I have to use the line in a future post, ASAP
That's fucking gold
Ms. Jeff is very clever too.
Ms. Spouse, if you please :) -- she's not just an appendage, as GOPs wish that their wives were (or require them to be).
We have Harris/Walz vs Orange Shitzer/Dragwolf. Pass the popcorn please. This is going to be fun!
I'm watching all these videos of Governor Walz on Instagram and I'm cracking up. 🤣 He's such a Minnesotan. You betcha!! He has his own turkey taco hotdish. We love our hotdishes. Ketchup is spicy for Minnesotans. When storms are coming, it's the cooler and lawn chairs in the driveway. We're ready. 😂 This is going to be great!!
Lisa, I agree that it is so much fun. I think you are going to love this link too.
You need to refresh after each time, because I have not seen all of the sayings, but I love each and every one. One of my favorites is "Tim Walz isn't afraid to ask the clerk which aisle the tampons are on." Harris and Walz have reclaimed normalcy for the Dems, and pushed the Weird label back onto the MAGAs where it belongs, and who are now a distinct part of the Republican Party, different from the Republican Voters Against Trump (RVAT) and Republicans for Harris! I have seen one group making videos about how they won't vote for Trump, and heard the other group (and there may be overlap) had one of those fundraising Zoom meetings.
Those are great. Thanks. I think we just hit normal. Something we haven't seen in 10 years. We're all excited for normal. ☺️
😂😂. This is great!
Great post Linda!
Walz is my Governor, he is truly amazing! By the by, many of us in ‘Sota grow the hottest of peppers, where are they present? In our hot dish of course!
You lose an awesome gov, but we ALL gain an awesome VP. Works for me! 😊❤️
When Dumb Antichrist said that Walz was going to "unleash hell" he meant that Walz is thinking of adding a dash of paprika to his hot dish recipe
And all FAUX can do is complain about how he waves to the crowds, or shakes hands or hugs.
I like to call out Vance's full name. Juvenile Delinquent Vance. For short we can call him Trump's Juvie VP candidate.
Interesting to me that its D J Trump & J D Vance. So, Juvenile Delinquent Vance, and Delinquent Juvenile Trump? That works.
I like the “Minnie Me” tag best!
Please rise for the national anthem of Minnesota, Lou and Peter Berryman.’s “Do You Think it’s Going to Rain?”
Who wore it better? The werewolf, or Shillbilly Shenita Couch? My money's on the werewolf.
I love Couchfuck McGee for a nickname, but I hit upon one last night that made me howl, if you'll pardon the pun ... Bassett Hound 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ok, can we change the last name? :)
Wow. Ms Spouse misses NOTHING !
Hahaha!! Ms. Spouse, good one!
Oh, groan. Good one. Now I can’t unsee it either. And it explains so very much!
Absolutely brilliant.
Would have been a good SCTV sketch.
Monster Chiller Horror Theater
Pretty scary...huh kids!!
The only person I know who more fits Ms. Spouse's description is Teddy Cruz. I've been saying since he used his last testosterone to grow that sad facial hair that he looks like a werewolf stuck mid-change.
What is the deal with the eyeliner??? Does he think he’s in a cover band for Queen??
That's the only thing about him that doesn't really bother me
Ms. Spouse is the best
Shame on Ms. Spouse for insulting Drag Queens by comparing them to J.D. Vance!
Ms. Spouse is spot on on the creep factor rating!
I watched Walz while he was asking for help for the audience member. He never took his eyes off the guy, didn't care about the momentum of his speech being interrupted, was intently focused on the welfare of an individual in trouble, which is how I imagine a coach and military leader would behave. He is, in a word, a mensch. The other guy is a mess, but may have a future doing eye makeup tutorials.
That last sentence, Ann, is 🏆
Not even, he’s just looking like a drugstore Simon LeBon. Simon was rocking that look back in the 80s, but on Haifaka Sofa it just looks creepy. Gets worse when he opens his mouth.
Sofaking Weirdo. ;)
Excellent: sofa king and so faking
Say sofa king fast and it's "so fucking weirdo". Well done.
A boy can dream. Don't piss on JD's future job.
Piss on his future job! I wouldn’t piss on HIM if he were on fire 🤣
It'd be a waste of good piss
Dime store Simon LeBon—I can’t even🤣🤣🤣
I dig your screen name
And with a huge crowd watching his every move, not easy to do. Shows real strength of character.
And with urgency but not impatience. I like this guy more every day, and he was already my choice for veep.
All because he’s a good and normal human being.
I posted the clip on my FB page with the comment that if nothing else, Welz is the person I would want to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.
I noticed that too, and I viewed it as the real normal people, and that our kids cannot even grow up learning what normal is when the MAGAs have been trying to tell us that their crazy is normal. This morning I read that Juvenile Delinquent Vance, had written the forward to a book by Kevin Roberts called, Dawn's Early Light, that is now having its publication delayed until after the election. However Media Matters had a galley copy, they tell us, "A review found Roberts rails against birth control, in vitro fertilization, abortion, and dog parks. He says that having children should not be considered an 'optional individual choice' but 'a social expectation or a transcendent gift,' and describes 'contraceptive technologies' as 'revolutionary inventions that shape American culture away from abundance, marriage, and family.' He labels reproductive choice methods as a “snake strangling the American family.'”
That is why Walz labels them weird. Weird is the nice guy way of saying CRAZY!
Just to add to that. In the first part of Project 2025 titled White House Office, the writer, who is clearly planning on being the Secretary of State, and has pretty much set things up so that the SOS runs the entire presidency. That includes mentioning that there will be the auto Pen signatures. I noticed that right away, and could see Trump, on the golf course while Kevin Robert's henchmen places all over the White House and government autopen a list of executive orders to totally change our government. While P2025 is poorly written, and filled with whiney lies about Biden, it is a document that if you let yourself imagine what will actually happen if this is carried out, you see how they plan on turning the USA into one of Trump's favorite terms, a banana republic. Only, I don't think we are known for growing bananas so we will have nothing. Fortunately, I think like me most people are going to prefer normal to crazy and our kids can grow up recognizing the difference too.
Walz is a Mensch! When I was growing up that was normal behavior, and it still is now. I teach that to my students although most of them are naturally empathetic. They are still young enough. It can get lost if they see too many ugly role models like Trump, and Juvie Vance. In fact, weird is a nice guy word for CRAZY!
another possibility for the other guy is being 47th stand-in for Wolverine's battle scenes. Otoh, he & Deadpool would kick his ass to the curb the minute he opened his mouth and they realized who he was. (Probably wouldn't keep them from making a LOT of really corny couch jokes, though lol)
Watching the Detroit rally, there were calls for water or a medic 3 times that I saw & I couldn't help but think it was scripted. I sat with that a long time, the fact that, of course, speeches are scripted, & am I ok with theater? And, yeah, either way, I think I absolutely am. The message was that we care, in contrast to examples from a Trump rally. I believe that is authentic, action aligning with claims. It's a healthy use of optics. Real caring is a brand I can get behind & I believe the message to be true, giving of ourselves & respecting each other we all rise.
I'm going solely by the clip of Walz, and as a former professional actor, acting teacher, and student of performance, I would bet money that was not theater and no one was acting. The Harris/Walz campaign has natural empathy going for it. They don't need to manufacture it.
I agree. It is summer and hot. In contrast to governors in much hotter states making it illegal to keep people who work out in the heat from dying by allowing them some basic things like water and cooling off breaks (not helped by their absolute refusal to credit science with any validity), these people are normal, caring people. What our children should have as role models. No one on planet earth can think Trump is a role model for someone's children.
I respect your take. I am sorting out a lot of personal feelings around trust & it’s wild to see so much playing out in a very large arena. It seems we are collectively doing this, choosing our story. I agree, there is no need to manufacture anything, intent always comes through. Healthy discernment serves us, cynicism does not. It feels wonderful to be in such good company. Thank you!
You win the internet today.
No way it was scripted! Why would he interrupt the flow and rhythm of a great speech. If it was scripted, it would not have played out the way it did.
Fwiw, he's not wearing eyeliner.
1. When a person has thick, dark eyelashes, the roots are so close together that they give the illusion of being connected -- the illusion of eyeliner. (Google for pics of the actor Nestor Carbonell.) And, jd's thick, dark beard and thick, dark hair argue for thick, dark lashes.
2. If he were wearing eyeliner, it would have smudged (from sweat under the eyes) in this heat.
3. Given his fierce hatred of and disdain for women, there's no way that he'd wear eyeliner, which is considered a feminine grooming item.
4. The MAGA base would howl with outrage if he were wearing eyeliner (there's no way that such a fact would remain hidden).
1. If it looks like eyeliner, waddles like eyeliner and quacks like eyeliner, it's eyeliner.
2. Nobody cares if it's true or not. He's a loathsome douchebag who deserves every bit of derision he gets.
3.He probably didn't fuck a couch, either, but that doesn't stop ppl from keeping the story going and laughing their asses off.
He is wearing eyeliner. There is waterproof eyeliner. But the dude is wearing eyeliner. Zoom in.
As a veteran of the US Navy I can say this: there is NOTHING more dishonorable than for a veteran to malign the service of another veteran. Just another reason that JV couch fucker is a waste of human skin.
Adam Kinzinger had a lot to say about that today.
So did Scott Kelly and Pete Buttigieg. Scott Kelly slammed him so hard his couch felt it.
I’m still disgusted by what they did to John Kerry.
Chris Lecivita,same guy doing it now.
It's also dishonorable to steal from a charity.
I second that.
Thank you for your service, Chris
It's history now, but I have to wonder if the 'swift boaters' who maligned Kerry were despised by their fellow veterans?
Yes, they were. Especially when the republicans started wearing Band-Aids with purple hearts on them. I was furious!
You know JD is feeling “The Walz” closing in.
Those walls will go on to crush and bite him like his favorite couch that could be comparable to a boa constrictor with fangs. It was reported somewhere that rail snortin' fuckface the 2nd, Don Jr. made this stellar choice. It's another brilliant MAGA move that will continue to bite their weird asses for the duration of their horseshit-fueled campaign.
Love this!🤣🇺🇲🤣
"Sir," I said, tears in my eyes, "Sir, at long last, would you just shut the fuck up?"
From the Wapo.
Yup. Trump is crying like a baby.
“It’s unfair that I beat him and now I have to beat her, too,” Trump told an ally last weekend.
"He has asked why Harris is raising so much more money than him, people familiar with the comments say. Trump has also repeatedly raised the large crowds that Harris is getting compared with Biden, people who have spoken to him said."
Boohoo! Have a binky!
Marc Thiessen in today's WaPo characterized Walz as Harris' "unforced error" because Walz is so liberal, so leftist. It was joyful to read the thousands of comments eating Thiessen alive, virtually characterizing Thiessen as WaPo's unforced error for publishing his shit. Wonder how many subscriptions were cancelled today.
Thiessen is a piece of shit. Our local paper used to print his views but people protested. Now, they rarely show his columns, thank goodness.
The worthless scribblers just can't acknowledge that Harris/Walz will finally drag this country out of a 40 year neoliberal funk to what would be a center left (at best) European country.
Of course those euros w their accents & fancy ways are all commies.
And their foo foo freres jacques berets and their noisy accordions!
Trump has his silent accordion. (See UTube videos of Trump accordion hands).
I saw that, but read the intro and stopped. While I like WaPo liberals and moderates, even George Will has become unreadable.
I saw that glurge and barfed all over my keyboard
Get out of that publication it’s shit, they do it every day, get out of it, I Rufus to read that garbage and they are consistent.
"Sir, at long last, have you no off switch?" (shades of the McCarthy hearings!)
In addition to all of the weird and off-putting things about Vance, his stride and gait as he led the march up to VP Harris's plane was strikingly strange. The guy is a real dork and well as a nasty and controlling weirdo, demagogue, and Trump lickspittle.
How the hell was he allowed to get that close to the VP's plane? Where was the Secret Service? This is stalking plain and simple and it has to be stopped.
JDork was with his own Secret Service. One of the VP’s Secret Service members walked up to Junior Dorks detail and told them to get “the Fuck out of there”. I noticed that Junior Dork’s detail moved him away after that.
Strut all you want J Dork - you are still a punk.
Glad to hear that, but Dork's detail should have known better than to allow him to get that close. More SS members in the tank for the fascists?
Agreed. What if they were terrorists? Oh. wait.
What got me is when he was asked why he was trying to walk into Air Force Two, he actually had the gall to tell the reporters that he was "checking out HIS plane", because "it'll be mine in four months anyway". What a fucking douche...
He's an arrogant, ignorant asshole. A fucking jackass who, fortunately for us, doesn't know when to keep his stupid mouth shut
Has he ever said a single nice thing? He even told his young son to get the hell out of the room when JD was talking to Trump. I know Trump thinks he can carry the whole ticket over the line, but even Sarah Palin was less off-putting than Vance.
Sarah Palin was just plain stupid, too stupid to even be a fascist. Vance is something else entirely, a creepy ignorant, racist, woman-hating fascist pig. His poor kids . . .
He's got his head stuck firmly up his own ass, like most MAGAs.
When it isn't stuck firmly up Trump's ass.
Probably only because she wasn't on it - Harris and Walz were already inside.
Doesn't matter. He should have been kept away as a matter of principle and security. Just imagine the yowling if a group of Democrats had come that close to the Hillbilly Himmler's plane.
Hillbilly Himmler is going on my list 😂😂😂😂😂
I'm honored. That popped into my head one day when I was re-reading Volker Ulrich's biography of Hitler.
Hillbilly Himmler! Brilliant coinage for JD Vance. If you remember the Beverly Hillbilly's theme song, it's an easy re-write for JD and his Hillbilly Himmler persona.
In the meantime, someone already got JD covering the Katy Perry song. It's totally in the gutter, but it is funny.
My very gay brother: "He's one of us. Like we don't have enough fucking problems." 🤣
Yeah, he registered on my gaydar--not that there's anything wrong with that--but his denial and self-loathing explain a lot. His best bud, Peter Thiel is gay---he went after Gawker and put them out of business for outing him! I miss Gawker.
Oh, I hadn't noticed until you pointed it out. He's flat-footed and waddles. That's not a manly stride at all.
He walks like trump.
Ah, that explains many things. The best manly walk I ever saw was Yul Brynner in the original Westworld. Sorry, I got a bit distracted for a moment.
So let it be written,so let it be done.
Connery in Dr. No, lest we forget! THey used to make him walk across the room to impress investors. How he hated that!
And yet, Jesse Waters is saying Walz doesn’t “move like a man”
I have never watched Fox, but isn't Jesse Waters the one who says that if a man votes for a woman, he transitions into a woman?
Does he have some gender issues or something?
Wouldn't surprise me the losers from Fox are so scared shitless they might start reporting from UNDER the desk.
Jesse Watters looks like a smirking seventh grader.
Usha like waddle. Usha like.
I've never seen a candidate that never has pictures of his wife and kids,(to use as props),JD doesn't...
Maybe JD Vance is imitating Dear Leader like Castilians, where everyone affected a lisp because the King lisped.
Anyone else wondering why Mrs Vance isn't campaigning with her husband?? Is she making sammiches and hanging upside down flags somewhere??
It's harder to stalk a woman if your wife is with you? Or maybe she's pretending to be the proper trad wife , staying home with the kiddos.
Oh!! Probably drinking wine with the nanny...
Perhaps she doesn’t want to be seen with him.
Numbnuts the Clown 🤡🤡
Jeff's opening with the breakdown of JD Vance's stalking the VPOTUS was chilling. The male dominance dance fueled by a conviction that we females need to know our place really freaked me out. JD Vance had his couch relationship wrong: He needs a shrink.
I saw that walk of his and I said "Oh, hell no!"
"I am shocked — shocked! — to learn that women are repulsed by a weird creep who believes their only function in life is to be baby factories." THIS is spot on. JD is doing a great job helping the Harris/Walz ticket. A true douche canoe.
I have yet to hear any policies out of the Dump camp...just hate, control women, 'Merica, blah, blah, blah. I watched the live feed from Wisconsin yesterday and saw Walz showing humanity and compassion when he stopped to make sure someone got the help they needed. I was so impressed that really, thats all I needed to see. Decency! Thats what we need in our government. ✌️💙
Kamala should hire the woman who medaled in the hammer throw at the Olympics.(She's from Metro Columbus) Have her spike pile drive JD Douchecanoe into the tarmac.😆😆
Definitely! I was struck immediately with how predatory & intrusive Vance's actions were & that his ass needed to be kicked across the tarmac.
I saw that, and I agree she could get the job done. This has given me a nice chuckle, and the image in my mind will stay there for a while anyway. Thanks for the imagery.
Omg hahaha
Oh, c'mon. Dumpy's going to round up 11 million immigrants/brown people, put them in concentration camps, and deport them. Doesn't that count as a policy?
I thought his policy on immigration was to have WWE wrestling matches. Color me confused. 💙🌊
MMA matches was his suggestion, actually.
I was watching the MeidasTouch Network earlier,Trump is deranged and spiralling,he's posting Qanon and racist posts and memes nonstop.
Wonder what he plans to say at his press conference today? Demented like his father.
Oh my,that did not go well Susan,seemed like a guy digging his own grave,same old lies,same old conspiracy theories,same old BS.
I'm a lifelong Michigander. The photo taken yesterday in front of the Detroit suburb of Shelby Township's Police department absolutely illustrates Shady Vance's extreme unpopularity! Shelby is a fairly wealthy suburb that's filled with Trump supporters. So, the negative, unhappy little speech Vance gave in front of a non-crowd is more than telling.
A township full of Dumpy/JD supporters and nobody showed up at city hall to listen to him? That's pretty funny.
You would think that curiosity, at the very least, would be a reason to come see the supposed next vice president of the United States. So, either Trump supporters realize that this guy will never be Vpotus and won't waste their time, or the campaign's advance work really sucks.
Over 50,000 people from Michigan signed up to attend the rally. We've had enough of the fuckery. Game on!
Thanks for the local knowledge! And even there he couldn't get much of a crowd
Remember when John Kerry was Swiftboated by Chris LaCivita who is doing it to Tim Walz now ( he’s 🍊’s campaign mgr). Guess who funded it? Harlan Crow, the billionaire who has been lavishing freebies on Clarence Thomas.
Oh, my. Where did you see that? I'd like to read it. I was so angry over the stuff they did to John Kerry.
I am still and will always be angry!
Per an article in Raw Story (a source can't vouch for, but Jane Mayer, who's quoted, is trustworthy):
The New Yorker's award-winning Jane Mayer wrote: "Remember when John Kerry was Swiftboated by Chris LaCivita who is doing it to Tim Walz now? Guess who funded it? Harlan Crow, the billionaire who has been lavishing freebies on Clarence Thomas."
You’d think the msm would be ALL OVER connecting ‘these two obv dots’, but idk… everyone/everywhere seems ok with ‘letting it play out’. Annnnd we’re on our own. Again.
why do these creepy weirdos continue to get a pass from nbc et al I swear to pete
They are all on the same side. The side of money.
(imma start using swear to pete)
How great would it be to see the Secret Service tackle JD!
We need Jack Bauer to come in and take care of this schmuck. (“24”)
I prefer Raylan Givens.
You've done it again, Charles. I love me some Raylan Givens. He could bring the pain. I say bring it on; let it be so!!
JD boards his plane and there sits Raylan with a shot glass and a fifth of Makers Mark.
Can Jon Cena do a 'piledriver' on him please!!
Sure. I don't think Raylan would mind 😆😆😆
Loved "24". Jack would make short work of him, for sure! 😃
Apparently he's a combat veteran,he can handle it...
Or Tim give him a straight-arm!💪💙
Wish we could put pics in comments, but this revised caption on Vance's tarmac pic is the best thing you'll see today
And there's the one with Roy Scheider in the famous Jaws meme saying "we're gonna need a bigger couch!"
OMG. That's soooo funny.
Oh, that is PERFECTION
Kamala: joy and vision. Tim: strength and energy. Vance: creepy weirdo tRump: piss-poor protoplasm
I hope Orange Stain keeps shitting his bed and has to lie in it. Good luck to his “keepers” trying to change it but it won’t work since he shits non-stop. Thiel and Muskrat did not get their money’s worth with Jake Dickface and isn’t that just too fucking (the couch) bad
Orange Fuhrer and Couchenfuken are walking hate crimes.
Vance is an entitled bully. You can see it in the way he conducts himself and the choices/words he says. This is just a tarmac stalking of Kamala, just like Trump did with Hillary at the debate. He looked like an idiot and the SS needs to put a stop to this. I'm sure Harris will put him in his place if he continues this behavior. Most of us women can identify with that kind of male bullying behavior either in a professional and/or personal setting. We don't like it. His fellow Ohioans are watching this election too and he will have a Senate race to contend with in a few years. Watching him tells me all I need to know about the Vance marriage and his wife's role in it. The fact she is educated doesn't change the dynamics of living with an emotionally, possibly physically abusive man.
I would need to research this but like Ex UK PM Rishi Sunak and wife, I suggest she inhabits the Brahmin caste within Hinduism and may have familial connections with the present ethno nationalist Hindu leader of India, Modi. If so, her support of her husband’s public entitled behaviour is no surprise.
She is from the Teluga Brahmin Caste. She's a Hindu. Vance converted to Catholicism in 2019--WTF is that all about?
Thank you for this information. The historical links between high caste Hinduism and Nazism are well documented as are those between Opus Dei extreme Catholic sects and Nazism. They share a religious belief that some individuals are innately superior. It makes them natural political MAGA/Trump allies.🐈⬛
I think his wife is just as shamelessly opportunistic as he is.
YES. They've been together since at least 2011 (they met at Yale Law). There's ***no way*** that someone stays with a man that toxic unless they're equally damaged.
She strikes me as being very similar to John Roberts in this way: so calm and genial, and seemingly so reasonable (on the surface) that you never suspect the massive dysfunction underneath.
Like Melania...
Melania was never genial--EVER!
It's unusual for someone running for office to NOT be campaigning with their spouse,is it because of her skin color?? More than likely...
She needs to put a RESTRAINING ORDER on that RAT FACE
Is it too much to hope for that she just does a knee to the groin👊💙
WHO F'ING DOES THAT? To any person, let alone the VP? #ToxicMasculinity at it's. worst. Does J Divan know about #MeToo? Common courtesy? Gathered up a few other entitled white guys striding up to confront a woman. JFC
The psychology of entitled predators means that they experience movements like #Me Too and it’s survivors as triggers that increase their need to sexually bully others.
They possess no self discipline. Post #Me Too is when to watch for those who literally can not help themselves from entitled behaviors therein publicly exposing their criminality.