I think the dawning realization that his family’s dementia has in fact arrived and is accelerating its hold doing on him does make him more desperate to run that con before the house of cards collapses. It’s a race against the clock in that front as well as on the legal fronts. And do fuckwits like Comer realize this? Does his campaign staff realize this? Does his family realize this? Sure they do. They’re riding that grift train with the throttle slammed down. All of them.
Jeebus what the fuck is wrong with the press in this country? It is all so fuckingly obvious.
the "Shallow State" dude is claiming that Trump is being kept off the campaign trail, and the "Biden HQ" twitter account is hinting at the same. but I can't find any hard news about it in the media, so I haven't posted about it yet.
I read somewhere (wish I remembered where, but I’m old — sigh!) that he canceled his AZ rally a week or 2 ago because he couldn’t afford it. Given his habit of not paying bills, that makes little sense to me but thought I’d share it anyway.
Bill Maher said trump finally stopped doing that weird two hand thing when one of his aides showed a clip of Maher saying it looked like a guy jerking off two men at once.
It is also terrifying. The mental decompensation of a person with a multitude of malignant personality disorders and zero impulse control is a bad business. So glad this extreme version did not happen until he lost the 2022 election ( See Jan. 6 ) and had only a short time to do what he will do with a vengeance if he occupies the White House again. I hope what is happening to him now will get so ugly as to prevent him from being president again. That's our job, because if we don't we will have that raging revenge seeking sociopath in the White House again.
Because the perpetrators are white. Rich (by varying amounts) and privileged. Read Heather Cox Richardson. How did Andrew Johnson get away with restoring power to confederates (and how come I never learned this in school—another story)? Because he was white and privileged that’s how. All those soldiers and their families sacrificed and for what? In the end it was to (sadly, tragically) preserve our racist system of justice. We need to change. Merrick Garland is not woke enough (yes I said it)! If the person selling pictures of hog-tied Biden was black he’d be in prison yesterday! The raid of his place of business would be televised and NYT headlines would be screaming outrage. But these are people…we need to be careful. A crock of bs.
Imho the military had received orders from tfg to withhold troops on J6. Michael Flynn’s brother (I forgot his first name) was one of the generals in charge of deploying troops that day.
I said this about Rush Limbaugh and I'll say it about the guy who sold him the Presidential Medal of Honor: when Trump finally goes, I would give anything to be the coroner who sews his mouth shut.
Perfect we can muzzle… oh I meant swaddle that GiantOrangeFucktard in a nice warm blanket and then muzzle the MFKR.. in his favorite color ORANGE and drag him to a very high altitude and oopsies … drop that fat fuck and let’s see that Orange Messiah fly.. well all his crazy assed followers think he’s a GOD so he should be able to fly.. so let’s test their belief.. launch that fat fuck off a building and take bets.. he can keep flapping his jowls mid air .. flap harder you orangetoadstool.. or go SPLAT.. I like splat.. splat is GOOD 😊
C’mon Charlie.. you know by now I like things that go splatbangboomdrillrake overhotcoalsandsporkhisfatfuckeyesout.. then take a very hard metal object and bash the MFKR.. I’m simple like that🤭
Sick and laughable. Comer has got to be out of his mind. AND...Commander Crazypants! 😂 Nice!
By the way, I was on LinkedIn last night trying to drum up some new clients and that is turning into a Trump cesspool. Gross. *sigh It's only Monday, and I hate everything.
LinkedIn, where people usually go to discuss business trends, promote their business and look for new job opportunities?! I rarely go on there anymore. Maybe it’s time to delete that app too. SMH.
🤣 ok. I’ll hold out hope a little longer. Yesterday my experience on Linked In really pissed me off. That is NOT the platform for politics yet there were the fucking Trumpers. Ugh!
tRump turned our world upside down and it will take years for his stench to leave us, no matter what happens this year…I truly hate him and everything he and his cult stand for. What a world we’re leaving I guess for our kids…☹️
I’ve been thinking along those lines myself . The after effects of this freak show ,are going to haunt this country for decades ! The political structure is forever altered ! Trumps defeat will be ,but a temporary victory. The craziness will continue,the damage to our country’s political system is inestimable,granted just keeping that human wreckage out of office is an achievement that has to happen to save our democracy ,the long term effects of his having been elected President in 2016 ,even buy a “fluke election “will reverberate in our history books forever , it’s a stain on all of us for allowing it to happen .
Exactly..how sad for the next generation….We went from the greatest generation to the Me Me Me generation …. In the sixties, we were going to change the world. We sure did, but not in a good way. We, me included, let this happen, by becoming complacent..intentionally or not, we let it happen. While we were busy with life, we let the wealthy white conservative nationalists (?) whatever you want to call them, start spinning their web of control ($$$) and we ended up with the orange blow bag and an ultra conservative Supreme Court, whose only interest is to serve the master, and themselves! 😔
I couldnt believe just how gross it was. 😂 Only looking around for a few new freelance clients....and wow. Naturally, I had to tell a couple of the old white guys what I thought about inserting politics into what should be a professional career platform. 😂
I think the dawning realization that his family’s dementia has in fact arrived and is accelerating its hold on him does make him more desperate. It’s a race against the clock on that front as well as on the legal fronts. And do fuckwits like Comer realize this? Does his campaign staff realize this? Does his family realize this? Sure they do. They’re riding that grift train with the throttle slammed down. All of them.
Jeebus what the fuck is wrong with the press in this country? It is all so fuckingly obvious. Hurry up sundown.
Just wish the MAGA nuts in Congress would stop wasting the people’s time and get some real work done! There is that looooong overdue and much needed appropriation for Ukraine. It’s funny to see them fall all over themselves with their pitiful antics, but there are serious things that separately need their attention—but we get this. These fools have proven they can’t govern. Vote blue in November and keep Joe Biden president for four more years—and make Congress great again.
Another good place for him besides the Oval Office. The inmates would probably one up him tho since even they can see through his dementia and bullshit. Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs is not the least bit presidential and why these red hat dipshits and the GOP congress refuse to acknowledge his rapid decline is scary as hell in itself.
If I see one more movie or one more TV show or one more news report where somebody brings out the chain saw and chops the body to bits, then I'm going to be up for doing that to him. It's that normalizing thing Trump showed us. Chop chop chop.
Please, God, please. Even though I don't believe in you, I pray for you to take rump NOW. It doesn't even have to be slowly *or* painfully (though that would be awesome). But if you won't do that, PLEASE LET US HAVE AT LEAST ONE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE BETWEEN BIDEN AND RUMP.
Five'll get ya ten Trump and his, uh, people will make so many preposterous demands that Trump will refuse to debate Biden. Then it will be interesting to see if Biden and HIS people decide to call Trump's bluff and agree to it anyway.
It just seems so obvious. That's trump's M.O. - say something, get the headlines for a couple news cycles, then say something else nutty (look at that shiny object over THERE!) and have the media forget all about the first thing they publicised. When the debate terms start being mentioned again, his followers have already forgotten his first claims of being willing to debate anytime, anywhere and will instead just lap up his new excuses.
A debate with a bad faith actor is a waste of time anyway. Witness the last Biden-Trump debate. Biden was the Parent and Donald was the spoiled, out of control child.
Definitely. Any debate with any Republican is one with a bad-faith actor. Unless moderators call out lies in real time, then and there, it's possible that today's GOP has rendered any political debate, for any office, useless and moot.
Maybe. Those around him sure know that. But I can see how he still thinks (wrongly) he can bluster and bully and lie his way through one. The more time passes, the more he deteriorates. But that very deterioration includes being more and more oblivious of his deterioration. And he might respond to his advisors' cautions with even more defiance, since he pathologically hates being told what he can't do. I know I said he'll dodge it, but now I think it's a toss-up.
You were right the first time! Trump will NEVER get involved in something where he can't cheat and stack the deck in his favor (like a Fox Noise studio audience and a rightwing propagandist as 'moderator'). His list of demands will be absurd, and his fans will buy every one of his excuses for chickening out.
I definitely want to see a debate between them as long as they mute Cheeto's mic after his time is up, but he wouldn't show up.
If I were Joe Biden, I would challenge him and knowing that Mr. Tangerine Man-baby won't show, I would take that opportunity to answer all of the questions and also mock my opponent for being to chicken shit to show up. But that's just me. 😆
I guess Biden might have to invoke that 'Presidential Immunity' I've been hearing about...that sound you hear is another Republican NOT voting for Trump...
I hope that Orange Asshole’s Brain melts straight the Fuck down. His mental acuity is that of a fat fuck toddler who needs a nap. And that DiaperedDoucheFuckDisaster should be put on a permanent TIME OUT!! His fucked up followers are just like him: whiny little insurrectionist fucks. Fuck that Orange AHOLE and his sycophant followers. VOTE BLUE FOR THE SOUL of OUR NATION!! And 🖕🏽DrumpF
I think the dawning realization that his family’s dementia has in fact arrived and is accelerating its hold doing on him does make him more desperate to run that con before the house of cards collapses. It’s a race against the clock in that front as well as on the legal fronts. And do fuckwits like Comer realize this? Does his campaign staff realize this? Does his family realize this? Sure they do. They’re riding that grift train with the throttle slammed down. All of them.
Jeebus what the fuck is wrong with the press in this country? It is all so fuckingly obvious.
the "Shallow State" dude is claiming that Trump is being kept off the campaign trail, and the "Biden HQ" twitter account is hinting at the same. but I can't find any hard news about it in the media, so I haven't posted about it yet.
I read somewhere (wish I remembered where, but I’m old — sigh!) that he canceled his AZ rally a week or 2 ago because he couldn’t afford it. Given his habit of not paying bills, that makes little sense to me but thought I’d share it anyway.
Good, we don’t need him here in Arizona, nor do we need the likes of Kari Lake! She’s another one who needs to be committed!!
That is fact she is not all there, go Ruben Gallego.
I read his last Ohio rally was held at a rather small, out-of-the-way airport. Cheap.
We wanted cash up front
I also have seen no hard evidence. I mean, he’d rather go golf cheating and motorboat the Mar-a-Lago honeys.
But he gets to dance at the Klan rallies!
It's the Double Hand Job shuffle.
Bill Maher said trump finally stopped doing that weird two hand thing when one of his aides showed a clip of Maher saying it looked like a guy jerking off two men at once.
LOL ! And I HATE Maher 😄
I saw that one and I’d stopped watching Maher a while ago. That was funny!
LOL, thank Bill Maher for that image
Not sure that can be called dancing. But, yeah, I guess.
See below.
It takes a long time to get him out of restraints and into his drunk suit....
Great link, thanks. I only go to X now from you and i was already following her under my X name. I got doxxed too many times to use my real name.
And thanks for pointing out nojacket-jim on video. He didnt second the motion???!!!! 🤣🤣😂. Put those clowns in the dunk tank!
Well, he'll be here in Green Bay, WI tomorrow (4/2) evening - the day of our spring election so will be on the "campaign trail" tomorrow at least. 😡
It is also terrifying. The mental decompensation of a person with a multitude of malignant personality disorders and zero impulse control is a bad business. So glad this extreme version did not happen until he lost the 2022 election ( See Jan. 6 ) and had only a short time to do what he will do with a vengeance if he occupies the White House again. I hope what is happening to him now will get so ugly as to prevent him from being president again. That's our job, because if we don't we will have that raging revenge seeking sociopath in the White House again.
What’s wrong with the press? Scared mice owns it
Because the perpetrators are white. Rich (by varying amounts) and privileged. Read Heather Cox Richardson. How did Andrew Johnson get away with restoring power to confederates (and how come I never learned this in school—another story)? Because he was white and privileged that’s how. All those soldiers and their families sacrificed and for what? In the end it was to (sadly, tragically) preserve our racist system of justice. We need to change. Merrick Garland is not woke enough (yes I said it)! If the person selling pictures of hog-tied Biden was black he’d be in prison yesterday! The raid of his place of business would be televised and NYT headlines would be screaming outrage. But these are people…we need to be careful. A crock of bs.
Imho the military had received orders from tfg to withhold troops on J6. Michael Flynn’s brother (I forgot his first name) was one of the generals in charge of deploying troops that day.
And they're trying to tell us that it was Nancy Pelosi's responsibility. What a JOKE.
I said this about Rush Limbaugh and I'll say it about the guy who sold him the Presidential Medal of Honor: when Trump finally goes, I would give anything to be the coroner who sews his mouth shut.
Oh Elaine I just love how you think.. I’m here to help in any way possible.. I’ve got needles and thread 🧵 🪡
I can do a mean blanket stitch.
Perfect we can muzzle… oh I meant swaddle that GiantOrangeFucktard in a nice warm blanket and then muzzle the MFKR.. in his favorite color ORANGE and drag him to a very high altitude and oopsies … drop that fat fuck and let’s see that Orange Messiah fly.. well all his crazy assed followers think he’s a GOD so he should be able to fly.. so let’s test their belief.. launch that fat fuck off a building and take bets.. he can keep flapping his jowls mid air .. flap harder you orangetoadstool.. or go SPLAT.. I like splat.. splat is GOOD 😊
I have the perfect picture for that, unfortunately I can't post it here.But it is an AWESOME SPLAT !
I knew I liked you!!
The feeling is mutual !
Ah, the Putin method.
C’mon Charlie.. you know by now I like things that go splatbangboomdrillrake overhotcoalsandsporkhisfatfuckeyesout.. then take a very hard metal object and bash the MFKR.. I’m simple like that🤭
You guys are hilarious today
Everyone should watch the Meidas Touch video of Drumpty Dumpty .. it’s a good one
Gotta love the simple approach.🤣🤣🤣
You need to add brad nails and epoxy.😂😂
Seriously though, when is is being autopsied, they really, REALLY need to take his brain and dissect it to find out how a brain can be that broken.
Maybe the Mutter Museum (in Philly) can obtain it and put in a special exhibit for broken brains.
By that time it’ll look like Swiss cheese.
They will have little left to look at, rats having abandoned ship at his last breath. I want the video of the exit out his ears, mouth, and nose.
Oh to be that person! Joy!
Sick and laughable. Comer has got to be out of his mind. AND...Commander Crazypants! 😂 Nice!
By the way, I was on LinkedIn last night trying to drum up some new clients and that is turning into a Trump cesspool. Gross. *sigh It's only Monday, and I hate everything.
LinkedIn, where people usually go to discuss business trends, promote their business and look for new job opportunities?! I rarely go on there anymore. Maybe it’s time to delete that app too. SMH.
I love "I hate everything." Ironic, innit?
I love the woman at the WOMENS rally, with the sign that just says;
Same with Nextdoor.
☹️ me too, but my slowing dying optimistic side is holding out hope for good news this week! It’s too early to hate everything……. yet….😝
🤣 ok. I’ll hold out hope a little longer. Yesterday my experience on Linked In really pissed me off. That is NOT the platform for politics yet there were the fucking Trumpers. Ugh!
tRump turned our world upside down and it will take years for his stench to leave us, no matter what happens this year…I truly hate him and everything he and his cult stand for. What a world we’re leaving I guess for our kids…☹️
I’ve been thinking along those lines myself . The after effects of this freak show ,are going to haunt this country for decades ! The political structure is forever altered ! Trumps defeat will be ,but a temporary victory. The craziness will continue,the damage to our country’s political system is inestimable,granted just keeping that human wreckage out of office is an achievement that has to happen to save our democracy ,the long term effects of his having been elected President in 2016 ,even buy a “fluke election “will reverberate in our history books forever , it’s a stain on all of us for allowing it to happen .
Exactly..how sad for the next generation….We went from the greatest generation to the Me Me Me generation …. In the sixties, we were going to change the world. We sure did, but not in a good way. We, me included, let this happen, by becoming complacent..intentionally or not, we let it happen. While we were busy with life, we let the wealthy white conservative nationalists (?) whatever you want to call them, start spinning their web of control ($$$) and we ended up with the orange blow bag and an ultra conservative Supreme Court, whose only interest is to serve the master, and themselves! 😔
It’s really disgusting on LinkedIn. Makes me glad I’m retired.
I couldnt believe just how gross it was. 😂 Only looking around for a few new freelance clients....and wow. Naturally, I had to tell a couple of the old white guys what I thought about inserting politics into what should be a professional career platform. 😂
Good for you! 👏🏻👏🏻
They're trying to bum-rush everything. It sucks!😡😡
Oh yeah, LinkedIn is a MAGA tinged hellhole these days
You got that right. JFC! 🤦♀️
I think the dawning realization that his family’s dementia has in fact arrived and is accelerating its hold on him does make him more desperate. It’s a race against the clock on that front as well as on the legal fronts. And do fuckwits like Comer realize this? Does his campaign staff realize this? Does his family realize this? Sure they do. They’re riding that grift train with the throttle slammed down. All of them.
Jeebus what the fuck is wrong with the press in this country? It is all so fuckingly obvious. Hurry up sundown.
Just wish the MAGA nuts in Congress would stop wasting the people’s time and get some real work done! There is that looooong overdue and much needed appropriation for Ukraine. It’s funny to see them fall all over themselves with their pitiful antics, but there are serious things that separately need their attention—but we get this. These fools have proven they can’t govern. Vote blue in November and keep Joe Biden president for four more years—and make Congress great again.
Sick bastard. Can’t he be certified and remanded to a state hospital (Trump State Hospital) where he can reign over the inmates?
Trump State Hospital….hey-it looks just like the White House! He will be so happy in his delusional state!
Another good place for him besides the Oval Office. The inmates would probably one up him tho since even they can see through his dementia and bullshit. Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs is not the least bit presidential and why these red hat dipshits and the GOP congress refuse to acknowledge his rapid decline is scary as hell in itself.
The really bad actors are the billionaires who are willing to trade our democratic republic for more tax cuts
I will NEVER understand how having more money to spend in 10 lifetimes and still wanting more is acceptable in any society.
And they’re under the absurd delusion that they can control him…
If I see one more movie or one more TV show or one more news report where somebody brings out the chain saw and chops the body to bits, then I'm going to be up for doing that to him. It's that normalizing thing Trump showed us. Chop chop chop.
Please, God, please. Even though I don't believe in you, I pray for you to take rump NOW. It doesn't even have to be slowly *or* painfully (though that would be awesome). But if you won't do that, PLEASE LET US HAVE AT LEAST ONE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE BETWEEN BIDEN AND RUMP.
And please let President Biden say to LDFF “Will you shut up man”? one more time!
Five'll get ya ten Trump and his, uh, people will make so many preposterous demands that Trump will refuse to debate Biden. Then it will be interesting to see if Biden and HIS people decide to call Trump's bluff and agree to it anyway.
that's exactly what's going to happen: Trump will find a pretext to bail and blame it on Biden
It just seems so obvious. That's trump's M.O. - say something, get the headlines for a couple news cycles, then say something else nutty (look at that shiny object over THERE!) and have the media forget all about the first thing they publicised. When the debate terms start being mentioned again, his followers have already forgotten his first claims of being willing to debate anytime, anywhere and will instead just lap up his new excuses.
And the MSM will swallow it hook, line, and sinker.😡
A debate with a bad faith actor is a waste of time anyway. Witness the last Biden-Trump debate. Biden was the Parent and Donald was the spoiled, out of control child.
Definitely. Any debate with any Republican is one with a bad-faith actor. Unless moderators call out lies in real time, then and there, it's possible that today's GOP has rendered any political debate, for any office, useless and moot.
Humpty will NEVER agree to a debate. He’s too afraid..
Trump is not going to DEBATE! He is still coherent enough to know how that would play out!!!!
Maybe. Those around him sure know that. But I can see how he still thinks (wrongly) he can bluster and bully and lie his way through one. The more time passes, the more he deteriorates. But that very deterioration includes being more and more oblivious of his deterioration. And he might respond to his advisors' cautions with even more defiance, since he pathologically hates being told what he can't do. I know I said he'll dodge it, but now I think it's a toss-up.
You were right the first time! Trump will NEVER get involved in something where he can't cheat and stack the deck in his favor (like a Fox Noise studio audience and a rightwing propagandist as 'moderator'). His list of demands will be absurd, and his fans will buy every one of his excuses for chickening out.
But imagine Drump trying to hover behind Biden. Would. I love to see Biden clock him one!
I definitely want to see a debate between them as long as they mute Cheeto's mic after his time is up, but he wouldn't show up.
If I were Joe Biden, I would challenge him and knowing that Mr. Tangerine Man-baby won't show, I would take that opportunity to answer all of the questions and also mock my opponent for being to chicken shit to show up. But that's just me. 😆
The "empty chair" debate!
I want to see Biden enter on his bike and ride it around LDFF, park it, and take the podium.
Rule #1: No humping the American flag!
This is SO good!! Yes yes yes!!!!!
Thank you Raskin, Crocket and Moskowitz.
'Your turn" made me fall the tiniest bit in love with Moskowitz.
I guess Biden might have to invoke that 'Presidential Immunity' I've been hearing about...that sound you hear is another Republican NOT voting for Trump...
Comer reminds me of Yosemite Sam (crossed with a Western Toad). I should be nicer to toads.
Thank you Jeff, you made my day. Bigly I might add. 😂
I hope that Orange Asshole’s Brain melts straight the Fuck down. His mental acuity is that of a fat fuck toddler who needs a nap. And that DiaperedDoucheFuckDisaster should be put on a permanent TIME OUT!! His fucked up followers are just like him: whiny little insurrectionist fucks. Fuck that Orange AHOLE and his sycophant followers. VOTE BLUE FOR THE SOUL of OUR NATION!! And 🖕🏽DrumpF
DisperedDoucheFuckDisaster. Outstanding!!💪👍😂