Thanks Jeff. This is shocking to all of Trump’s base who had no idea there were any Amendments other than their continued misinterpretation of the 2nd. It also would require reading, another strike against the alternative facts/fascist/insurrectionist crowd.

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As Jeff so beautifully put it, they are all "terminally confused"🧐. My fav line in this brilliant post. 💜

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Maybe bc ‘confusion has its advantages’...? More life lessons from RCohn’s Infinite Playbook 😔

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That’s not a ginger mint, it’s an amend mint!

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Good one! 😁

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George, the constitutional “originalists” conveniently overlooked the fact that the founders themselves amended the Constitution. 🤦🏽‍♀️

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I just love this entire post, Jeff. You’ve outdone yourself again, and so has the Colorado Court - Merry Christmas to All! I feel like tap dancing my way to the refrigerator for a nice glass of schadenfreude - uh, champagne, I mean!

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Colorado SCOTUS 😂🤣😆

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Thank you - I forgot which branch of the Colorado Court had made the decision just as I was writing my comment - you know, when you get to be my age, you forget everything! This morning I forgot my own zip code - had to look the damn thing up - grrrr.

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I’ll drink to that! I’ll get drunk as a hoot owl if the Supremes vote to actually vote to uphold the well worded amendment to the Constitution so that LDFF, the world’s giant diaperstain, would be removed from all the ballots that have pending decisions in the works.

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Vickie, I am going to steal your “brain freeze” terminology - it’s perfect! Thanks!

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Kari is dumber than a fence post.

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Meanwhile, repeating 3rd grade, again..." thank Kari Lake, that will be enough for the day. What now, the desk is too remedially small?"

Teacher laughs in her handkerchief.

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1.) what if there were NO Repubs (since they’re removing themselves)?

Biden wins automatically? Hahaha

Wouldn’t that be great!!!

2.) this is the part I’m praying happens:

“by the way, if you can throw Donald Trump off a ballot for being an insurrectionist, you can throw Jim Jordan off a ballot for being an insurrectionist.

that goes double for Marge Three Toes, or Paul Gosar, or Mo Brooks — or any of these shitbags who begged for a pardon after January 6th.”

Break out the champagne 🥂

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I have a bottle of Veuve in the fridge I was saving for Christmas.... it's never too early, right? 😂

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You’re a smart woman, and prepared for anything!

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You bet...I'm stocked up. Learned that from living in the middle of nowhere. :)

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It’s 5:00 somewhere...enjoy

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We did a shot of Clase Azul tequila last night. We live in Colorado and are even more proud to call ourselves Coloradans now! Between wolves being reintroduced to our state on Monday and this great news yesterday, it’s a good week here in Colorful Colorado!

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Yes, the wolves! So excited about that in spite of so many legal attempts to stop it from happening. But they had already made their way back into Colorado via Wyoming. The problem is, they are being lured out of state into Wyoming, and then shot.

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Yep, they love to trophy hunt wolves in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. Hoping our new wolves can see state lines and not cross them!

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NEVER too early 😁

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👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻We need to follow our own laws and rules. So add to that that the above people should never have been seated in Congress. Traitors and dangers to society need consequences!

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I was thinking the exact same thing last night while reading Liz Cheney’s book. She listed those names of House members who colluded with Trump to overturn the election.

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Trump: “Why am I not on the Colorado ballot?”

CO Supreme Court: “ Because fuck you, that’s why!” #noinsurrectionistonballot

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"Because FUCK YOU, that's why...." excellent!!!🤣😂

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Love how Tx Lt. Gov. wants to pull a quid pro quo by barring Biden from the ballot here in Texas. He's not a gifted ideas type of guy. Oh, but for $2 or 3 million he'll make certain your impeachment trial is a sham.

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What will be their reasons to disqualify him do you think? He's too old? Nope not in the Constitution. Has a son who is indicted? Nope. Idiots.

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Just making noise so his Fuhrer sees him taking action or sounding like he is. I'm waiting to see how many Texas tax dollars will be spent to incarcerate people coming across the border illegally before Texans realize that it's drawing funds away from schools, etc.

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Texas "leadership" doesn't give a rat's patoot about schools. They just care about impressing the MAGAt base with their level of Cruelty that they intend to be seen as being "tough on crime"

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When does the Texas state song become” Texas Uber Alles”?

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I thought that WAS the state song!

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funding? for schools? that's on the abolish-it wish list (except for any funding that goes to charter schools, like the ones where they teach that the US isn't a d-word democracy, but a republic.) I wish I were kidding.

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Wait for it.....the Border!

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They don’t have a brain to go as far as thinking a reason is needed!

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Good on Colorado, if only Michigan had followed suit. Well, there’s more states where those came from.

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Re: Krazy Kari Lake, there's another reason to mock her. "SCOTUS" stands for Supreme Court of the United States, so "CO SCOTUS" is pretty freakin' hilarious.

What an idiot.

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Well, you can’t spell “crazy” without R-AZ...

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The entire party is full of incompetent psychotic people.

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Can’t fix stupid people.

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This is a happy, happy day infuckingdeed! Please let this be the start of the Anger Mango's whole world just collapsing around him

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You know, I think his whole world has already collapsed. It’s just that he’s so stupid that he hasn’t figured that out yet.

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Anger Mango...if I were drinking my champagne instead of howling with laughter, I would have soit it across the room....omg. 😂 😆 😂

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Another good one that I’ve heard recently is “anger yam.” 😂

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Great one too! I am just laughing up a storm. Otherwise I would be tearing my hair out.....

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Yes, keep laughing. It’s good medicine.

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Trump and his trumpanzees is a nice one too, Diaper Stain also works so well.

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I also like tangerine toddler and cheeto jesus!lol

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"...it's anyone's guess how these bought and paid for fucks WILL rule." Had to say how much I liked that phrase. Okay, now I'm going to resume reading the rest of the column.....

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Like someone said on Twitter last night, "does the Trump campaign have access to corrupt cross-eyed Clarence's Venmo account"? Probably pretty cut and dry how he and that other corrupt fuck Alito will rule but we can only hope the rest of them will make this happen.

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No, they ARE bought & paid for; they will say the amendment was made just for the aftermath of the Civil War: they will rule for Trump. Strict constructionists, my ass.

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Cross-eyed Thomas should recuse himself but he won’t. Fuck him and Alito.

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With a stick wrapped in barbed wire.

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Then I suppose we’ll finally have to deal with that pesky 2nd Amendment issue. Pretty sure they didn’t have long rifles, AR15’s or automatic pistols during the Civil War times either.

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Seems pretty possible that

(depending on the ruling of the bought and paid for Supreme Court)

the Colorado decision will open the floodgates for other states to take

poor Donald off their ballots.


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YES! That's the idea! Throw him the hell out. Tried to deny our valid votes? Fuck him. Out, out damned spot, as Shakespeare said ...

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The 14th was written especially for those in Congress who met with Trump (conspired) to discuss ways to overturn the election, and who begged for pardons. This is not to mention all the other action that they took to try to enable the rioters or delay the counting of the votes.

The Presidential Oath of Office includes this binding statement:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

There is plenty of evidence that Trump had only contempt for the election process, starting long before he was a politician. There is plenty of evidence that he was plotting ways to overturn the election of 2020 as soon as he was declared winner in 2016. He failed to honor his Oath of Office because he has only contempt for America and the Constitution. If I was a judge in this case, he would be forever disqualified from political office because of his actions as President.

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Derek, the only word that scumbag understood in his “oath” was “execute”. He decided he could execute anyone who challenges him. Omg.

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He really should be disqualified from “being”

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It's funny - every time anything unfortunate happens to Donald, someone will declare it illegal. Without question. Even if it is literally a decision handed down by actual lawmakers.

Almost as amusing is how many people in Congress appear to know less than nothing about a Constitution they swore to uphold.

(But of course, removing him from the ballot only guarantees he'll win by write-in. Has anyone ever actually won by write-in?)

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You know what’s also so funny, as an attorney pointed out yesterday, if the Supreme Court bars Trump from the ballots in all states, they can write in his name from here to infinity, and it will still not count. If he is barred, write-ins are considered ineligible as well. And the diaper stain would never win Colorado’s electoral votes anyway. This lawsuit’s sole purpose is to get it to the Supreme Court. A Republican has not won the electoral votes in Colorado for over two decades. I am deeply grateful to the Republicans with brains and consciences who brought this lawsuit.

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That's good to know. Thanks for this.

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Have you read Jay’s post yet today? He did a detailed legal commentary on this whole thing. I’m not feeling as optimistic as I did before reading his newsletter. I know that you subscribe, but I’ll post the link here anyway.


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Yes...I read it...and must read it again to be sure I've got it. It's deflating, but realistic. *sigh It's a very rational piece. It's all coming down to the courts. The Republicans really have played the long game very well. :(

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I feel the same, but I’m holding out some hope. This would be a good opportunity for the Supreme Court to resuscitate its disastrous reputation.

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They won’t. That’s my prediction.

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I had the same reaction, Janet. But he did spell out the legal possibilities. Here is a link to Bryan Taylor Cohen’s analysis, with Glenn Kirchner: https://youtu.be/PLmtRyvIKX0?si=1kU6R73JPPKVavD4

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“Diaper Stain” Those two words are just so accurate.

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I owe it all to Jeff and his imagination.

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Doctor Zoom wrote:

“The decision doesn’t just keep Trump off the Colorado primary ballot, but also directs Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold not to count any write-in ballots for Trump either. And probably not any that say “MAGA, FUCKER!” or contain misspelled death threats.”

So he can’t be written in 🤣🤣🤣

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But Ma and Pa MAGA will SAY he can be.

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Tough shit Ma and Pa MAGA!

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I hope they all vote write in for Humpty Dumpty, and in the end all the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again. Let them 😂

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Dok is the best.

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“Almost as amusing is how many people in Congress appear to know less than nothing about a Constitution they swore to uphold.”

What makes this more amusing is that a good percentage of our congressional members are purportedly lawyers...

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Seriously amusing is Jim “Wrestling Coach” Jordan who majored in Finger Pointing in college with a minor in Insurrection Support. 🙄

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Purportedly is the key word there.

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I love key words!!

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So did AOL. (This joke brought to you by the late Cretaceous.)

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😂 I still have and use my aol email !! Yes, it's ancient and weird but it works. 😂

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Apparently, if they write him in it won't be counted if he has been disqualified from running.

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Pat Paulson? (I know he didn't win, but his years long courting of the write in vote was funny.)

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I want a count of the votes for Donald Dump.

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Interesting that the COCOTUS cited Gorsuch in their decision! Maybe it will make him think twice about causing himself to look like an idiot. Wait, what am I saying?

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Thanks Jeff. The cable pundits should remind Americans that no one has a "right" to run for public office. Including Little Donnie.

Pre-DJT there was an assumption that a person offering themselves for public service was "worthy" of the voter's trust. The bar wasn't that high. Simple courtesy, manners, previous volunteer service, honorable performance in another public position. You know, a "good person".

Now we have MAGAs who have the exact opposite characteristics. Morally deficient. Little Donnie Trump can't open his mouth without hateful outrage. Paul Gosar's kids call him a piece of shit. Matt Gaetz brags openly about his sexual conquests of minors. And the Florida RNC head and his public service wife! MAGA = depravity. None of them are worthy of our trust.

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It's "Yours in Service" because public service is just that, service. It's not a game or profit making enterprise (though many see it as that), IT'S FUCKING SERVING THE PUBLIC!!

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I was so excited at this news last night until someone reminded me that the bought and paid for SCOTUS will likely see in LDFF favor, ignoring what the constitution says. Damn it. Let me savor this one moment, please. 🙄 If this doesn't end it, we still have Jack and Fani to look forward to. Question: If SCOTUS does see in Diaperstains favor, will the negate other states in eliminating him from the ballot? But, just superb news!

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don't you think they'll worry at all about their long term reputation?

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Hasn't that ship sailed? Could they just refuse to hear it? That would be a cowards way out....hell, I dont know. But damn it, it's in the constitution...if they find a way to weasel out, then in my mind, they are doomed in the court of public opinion.

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No. They're above it all, associate with their tribe only.

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That would be a "nope!" There's a graphic example of why they DON'T need to worry about it going on right now... Sandra Day O'Connor clearly (and corruptly) cast the deciding vote to stop the count in 2000 in Florida because it benefitted her personally to do so. (She wanted to retire, but not with a Democrat in the White House.)

With all the rapturous remembrances since she died, though, you'd never know it.

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Yes one more chance for repubs to rid themselves of this orange-tinged pustule and choose someone a bit less treasony.

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Very slim pickings.....

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Charlie, come to think of it, there are NO “pickings”. Maybe Adam Kizinger.....I really can’t stand Liz C. even though she stood up for the “truth” of the insurrection. I never heard a peep from her when Roe v Wade was tsunamied out the door.....

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Oh! Another good description! 😄😂

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