people are asking, "where do you get your news?" I used to get my news from twitter, because it was the best and fastest place anywhere to get reliable breaking news. that's what makes what Elmo has done to the place that much more heartbreaking
Indeed and watching Bill Maher stroke him off on his last show was about the last straw. I couldn't watch it but went on for35 minutes more time than any other "guest ".
Hi Jeff, most excellent piece today... When I read a piece such as yours I’m always reminded of what Steven 3 shirts Bannon has said on more than few instances...Bannon admires Vlad Lenin for tearing down Russian society at the time of the revolution and after... However what Bannon refuses to quote Lenin I will.. “the last stage of capitalism is fascism” Our country is facing this dilemma and has been for a number of years, it seems to have been accelerated by the Trump and the MAGAS, through the press, ideology and factually on 1-6. Jeff, your writings give inspiration to the very weary defenders of democracy as Ben Franklin said in a reply to the question of “do we have a democracy? Yes, if you can keep it” We are now at the precipice, I’m very concerned we will be not able to keep it. Thanks for what u do speaking for myself and fellow travelers.
This is also my concern. Fascism is right around the corner but most of the country doesn't realize this. We need Americans to wake up and wake up fast. If anyone studies the patterns of Hitler & Mussolini you will see the GOP is following the same playbook. Targeting groups of people, attacking human rights, obsession with nationalism, mixing gov't with religion, fraudulent elections, protecting corporate power. Our only power is to vote them out. We need to get out the vote. Millions of votes can out power their dollars.
I was glued to CNN for four years because I feared what that lunatic would do next. Now you couldn’t pay me to watch them. Licht has been turning the network conservative since he took over and probably sees this trump show as a way to grab disgruntled Fox viewers. That
aside, it’s like the corporate version of the trump administration with the constant chaos of switching people around. He’s not saving CNN by doing that.
Your first mistake was watching CNN and thinking you were being informed, the second was obsessing about Trump who is merely a symptom of the miserable failure of both political parties as they represent largely the same donors.
Do you have to be a miserable dick everywhere you go?
According to you the USA is a war machine and poor Purin isn't getting a diplomatic response to his expansionist goals so he can add a chapter to Russia's 100s of years of coloalism.
I guess we should all not watch/ read any media because we would need your rose colored glasses first so we can better NOT see what's happening all around us.
"Your first mistake" was being a condescending jerk, but that's just my impression every time I read anything you have written.
This is why I had to stop watching tv news-even my fav Morning Joe. They all became “The Donald Trump Show” and I felt sick every time I heard his name, which was every minute, so I stopped cold turkey!
I was so disheartened that CNN would do this. Not a fan of theirs, but good god, why give this bloviating blob a platform to spew his bullshit? I can hear Joel Grey singing “money makes the world go round”
My two Gen Z teenagers and I are long time supporters of PBS & NPR. We stopped watching any “news” & CNN almost a year ago right after Uvalde. No regrets, just that I wish I’d stopped giving any of them my viewership much sooner.
In June ‘22 we canceled our Direct TV altogether. No regrets on that either, though I wish we’d done that much sooner, too.
Yep. Money is the root of all evil even in a democracy, which is now floundering thanks to the whorish media. Unfettered capitalism and democracy are an impossible combination, be it media. Industry, government, etc
Thank you! I too believe the media corporations are all gutless money chasers. Unplugging my cable news and twitter was one of the best mental health moves I’ve made. I still get important news, but I don’t have to see, hear, and smell trump and his Fourth Reich every single day. In a few months we’ll be back to 2016 and I’m not going there. If I never see his ugly pie hole again in my lifetime I’ll be happy. I’ve had enough, and news media chasing $$ did that to me.
Absolutely the best therapy I could have gotten. No news is good news. Nothing I could do to change it except vote, and having a stroke would only hurt ME.
I agree with everything you're saying and I never watch CNN or read NYT and am choosy about who I watch on MSNBC. But we can let trump go on tv and show the two people who still watch that network the serious decline that he is in, it won't hurt us at all.
I'm much more concerned about the general decline in news coverage and integrity of the hosts than I am about trump appearing on CNN or in NH. Most of the Sunday morning shows suck, beginning with Chuck Todd who never, ever pushes back against bullshit answers and calls himself a journalist. NYT does the same thing much of the time.
I agree with Mari. TFG’s mental clarity has taken a dive in the past year or so. If I take a sec to listen to him, which I rarely do, he comes across as confused and angry. He answers questions with answers that are completely off topic, or make zero sense whatsoever. He’s unhinged and I doubt he’ll do well in any debate.
The sad part is all his followers would die for him for some odd reason, so we’re not losing his base any time soon. Fingers crossed that he bombs.
people are asking, "where do you get your news?" I used to get my news from twitter, because it was the best and fastest place anywhere to get reliable breaking news. that's what makes what Elmo has done to the place that much more heartbreaking
Indeed and watching Bill Maher stroke him off on his last show was about the last straw. I couldn't watch it but went on for35 minutes more time than any other "guest ".
And CNN,
WTF indeed.
Thanks for today's post.
It is. Twitter is now the Fox equivalent of social media. It’s trashed-it’s vulgar. It’s trashed...
Hi Jeff, most excellent piece today... When I read a piece such as yours I’m always reminded of what Steven 3 shirts Bannon has said on more than few instances...Bannon admires Vlad Lenin for tearing down Russian society at the time of the revolution and after... However what Bannon refuses to quote Lenin I will.. “the last stage of capitalism is fascism” Our country is facing this dilemma and has been for a number of years, it seems to have been accelerated by the Trump and the MAGAS, through the press, ideology and factually on 1-6. Jeff, your writings give inspiration to the very weary defenders of democracy as Ben Franklin said in a reply to the question of “do we have a democracy? Yes, if you can keep it” We are now at the precipice, I’m very concerned we will be not able to keep it. Thanks for what u do speaking for myself and fellow travelers.
This is also my concern. Fascism is right around the corner but most of the country doesn't realize this. We need Americans to wake up and wake up fast. If anyone studies the patterns of Hitler & Mussolini you will see the GOP is following the same playbook. Targeting groups of people, attacking human rights, obsession with nationalism, mixing gov't with religion, fraudulent elections, protecting corporate power. Our only power is to vote them out. We need to get out the vote. Millions of votes can out power their dollars.
I was glued to CNN for four years because I feared what that lunatic would do next. Now you couldn’t pay me to watch them. Licht has been turning the network conservative since he took over and probably sees this trump show as a way to grab disgruntled Fox viewers. That
aside, it’s like the corporate version of the trump administration with the constant chaos of switching people around. He’s not saving CNN by doing that.
Your first mistake was watching CNN and thinking you were being informed, the second was obsessing about Trump who is merely a symptom of the miserable failure of both political parties as they represent largely the same donors.
Not sure “both sides-ing” this is accurate
Do you have to be a miserable dick everywhere you go?
According to you the USA is a war machine and poor Purin isn't getting a diplomatic response to his expansionist goals so he can add a chapter to Russia's 100s of years of coloalism.
I guess we should all not watch/ read any media because we would need your rose colored glasses first so we can better NOT see what's happening all around us.
"Your first mistake" was being a condescending jerk, but that's just my impression every time I read anything you have written.
This is why I had to stop watching tv news-even my fav Morning Joe. They all became “The Donald Trump Show” and I felt sick every time I heard his name, which was every minute, so I stopped cold turkey!
Hurray for you. We will live longer and happier.
I stick to PBS, NPR, and the AP.
Good choices
I was so disheartened that CNN would do this. Not a fan of theirs, but good god, why give this bloviating blob a platform to spew his bullshit? I can hear Joel Grey singing “money makes the world go round”
Love the descriptive adjectives for him!
"a mark a yen a buck or a pmund" makes the world go round.!
Loved it.
My two Gen Z teenagers and I are long time supporters of PBS & NPR. We stopped watching any “news” & CNN almost a year ago right after Uvalde. No regrets, just that I wish I’d stopped giving any of them my viewership much sooner.
In June ‘22 we canceled our Direct TV altogether. No regrets on that either, though I wish we’d done that much sooner, too.
I think a gazillion of us are just exhausted with it all.
I have apps on my tv for entertainment-no cable news. Get news from AP, NYTs and I do like NPR and PBS
If nothing else u saved money by ditching the dish.
Yep. Money is the root of all evil even in a democracy, which is now floundering thanks to the whorish media. Unfettered capitalism and democracy are an impossible combination, be it media. Industry, government, etc
The US no longer has journalists and a free press. We have paid stenographers who do what their corporate masters tell them to do: earn money!
Eliminating the Fairness Doctrine helps one sided “news” thrive and become wealthy.
The AP might be minus any flair but you’ll get the news. All of it.
Where do you get the AP?
Google AP news and download the app on your phone. You’ll get real news you can use.
I won’t watch and neither will a lot of people I know. I bet it turns into a ratings bust for CNN. They’ll learn the hard way.
No they’ll get their audience and then some.
Thank you! I too believe the media corporations are all gutless money chasers. Unplugging my cable news and twitter was one of the best mental health moves I’ve made. I still get important news, but I don’t have to see, hear, and smell trump and his Fourth Reich every single day. In a few months we’ll be back to 2016 and I’m not going there. If I never see his ugly pie hole again in my lifetime I’ll be happy. I’ve had enough, and news media chasing $$ did that to me.
The AP app is free and no opinions. You form your own from “just the facts mam” a line from Dragnet. Old like me
I did the same. I get AP and might drop NYT’s not sure.
Absolutely the best therapy I could have gotten. No news is good news. Nothing I could do to change it except vote, and having a stroke would only hurt ME.
An excellent piece: sadly factual.
I agree with everything you're saying and I never watch CNN or read NYT and am choosy about who I watch on MSNBC. But we can let trump go on tv and show the two people who still watch that network the serious decline that he is in, it won't hurt us at all.
but won't it? you could have made this same argument in 2016 and I would have agreed with you. hell, I probably made this argument in 2016.
I'm much more concerned about the general decline in news coverage and integrity of the hosts than I am about trump appearing on CNN or in NH. Most of the Sunday morning shows suck, beginning with Chuck Todd who never, ever pushes back against bullshit answers and calls himself a journalist. NYT does the same thing much of the time.
I agree with Mari. TFG’s mental clarity has taken a dive in the past year or so. If I take a sec to listen to him, which I rarely do, he comes across as confused and angry. He answers questions with answers that are completely off topic, or make zero sense whatsoever. He’s unhinged and I doubt he’ll do well in any debate.
The sad part is all his followers would die for him for some odd reason, so we’re not losing his base any time soon. Fingers crossed that he bombs.
I seriously doubt he will participate in even one debate.
They only want to capture tRumps audience, his fans, they want the fox ratings, this wont help anyone but trump and cnn
I don't watch cable news. I watch my local news and I read a lot. I just can't listen to trump speak. I can read about it the next day.
Ditto, Trump talking is torture. Had to mute it for 4 years!
AP news. No opinions no flair. Just news
I believe the AP was developed in reaction to Hearst press.
Interesting. I’ll look at that
No. It will only boost their ratings and maybe even grow his following God forbid
Only if it boosts ratings!
We are running out of actual news networks. Got to get our info from somewhere, but where and for how long?
Down load the free AP app to your phone. It’s just the facts. No opinions. No flair.