CNN doesn't give a fuck about preserving democracy. neither does the rest of our shithole media
money talks, representational democracy walks
hey, remember when Dominion was going to fuck Fox News’s shit right into the wall and force them to publicly apologize for their sins and bankrupt them off the air?
that was fun, wasn’t it?
we all bought into the fantasy and we all got played and we all looked like complete saps for being taken in.
in the end, a corporation that makes voting machines did what corporations do: they followed the smell of money.
and what went for a voting machine maker goes double for out great media infrastructure.
they follow the smell of money.
money money money money money.
CNN is holding one of its benighted “town halls” with twice-impeached money-laundering, real-estate-scamming, serial-sexual-predating, classified-document-pilfering, tax-cheating, confessed insurrectionist Donald Trump.
what the fuck, CNN?
here’s the fuck: there’s money to be made and the hell with everything else.
Donald Trump is a fucking ratings magnet. I get that. he was a ratings magnet in 2016 when CNN would devote hours to just showing his empty podium, and he’ll be a ratings magnet during the entire 2024 election cycle.
but Uncle Jeff, I hear you asking, isn’t this bad for democracy? doesn’t lobbing softball questions at a deranged fasicist normalize fascism?
all true. but CNN isn’t in the democracy business. CNN is in the making money business.
and when money talks, representative democracy walks.
CNN is not your friend. The New York Times is not your friend. The Washington Post is not your friend.
our shithole media would sell you out in a second if it meant an extra buck.
we’re watching this happen in real time.
in a just world, Donald Trump would be running for president of Cell Block D. but this is not a just world.
people are asking, "where do you get your news?" I used to get my news from twitter, because it was the best and fastest place anywhere to get reliable breaking news. that's what makes what Elmo has done to the place that much more heartbreaking
Hi Jeff, most excellent piece today... When I read a piece such as yours I’m always reminded of what Steven 3 shirts Bannon has said on more than few instances...Bannon admires Vlad Lenin for tearing down Russian society at the time of the revolution and after... However what Bannon refuses to quote Lenin I will.. “the last stage of capitalism is fascism” Our country is facing this dilemma and has been for a number of years, it seems to have been accelerated by the Trump and the MAGAS, through the press, ideology and factually on 1-6. Jeff, your writings give inspiration to the very weary defenders of democracy as Ben Franklin said in a reply to the question of “do we have a democracy? Yes, if you can keep it” We are now at the precipice, I’m very concerned we will be not able to keep it. Thanks for what u do speaking for myself and fellow travelers.