I have such a visceral reaction to seeing or hearing the incredibly repulsive Don, Jr. Why oh why, could he not have fallen out of that open airplane door? I'm eighty, pretty much at the end of my life. I would happily push him if the opportunity presented itself. An absolutely worthy sacrifice.

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I’d be there to prove you did your best to hold on to him, but he slipped out anyway.

It WASN’T her fault officer. She tried to save him. (Just like all thump’s stooges lie for him)

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That's true friendship! Allies always welcome!

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Lol! You're the best!

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Actually, I think that if you just point him toward the door, maybe with a small baggie in your hand as bait, he'll fall out all by himself.

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Terrific advice! Many thanks!

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Bless you. But he's not worth it!

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Thank you for your services! You’ll be helping our country be a better place!

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Proud to serve!

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I’d do it too. “3 hots and a cot”. Worth the price of admission.

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Good for you! I appreciate your commitment but if an opportunity presents itself, give me a shout out. This is a job for and old lady like me!

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I am old. Maybe we can be Thelma and Louise!

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Oh hell yes! I'm absolutely up for this!

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"I swear I tried to grab him and stop him from falling, but he's more slippery than a baby covered in eels!"

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And I would gladly pack his chute!

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What?! Am I correct in assuming that you would make sure it didn't open?

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It's a delectable fantasy, but posting it endorses some degree of murder, reducing those who Like it to the level of those they despise. Recall his alleged parent encouraging violence, often. Go ahead and fashion such rewarding scenarios, but I ask that you please keep them to yourself, or at least out of popular social media. Thank you.

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Hundreds of thousands of people actually died from a virus because you hired White Trash Shitler to run the country, but you’re going to complain about diversity 🙄.

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Among the many disgusting aspects of this so-called story is the fact that they insist on being obtuse and acting like white people, men especially, have not gotten preferential treatment forever, and continue to do so, and regardless of their fucking aptitude or qualifications. And diversity hiring does not mean that people in critical positions like pilots are not 100% qualified. GAWD I despise these people

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But it does play well to feed the outrage for their base in Iowa, Ohio, Georgia.........

And FYI: Pilots have nothing to do with bolts on doors, tires, engines, Period. Pointe Finale!

Thats why its called Aircraft Maintenance. Duhhhhhh.

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Yes, I know that pilots have nothing to do with bolts.

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Nuts and bolts

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They are repulsive.

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Friendly reminder that Laura Ingraham's own brother described her as "a monster."

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Really? I never knew. What a shame. I suppose someone has to claim her as family. Her voice and smarmy arrogance is so annoying.

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Pshhht everyone knows it’s the military-controlled weather that’s downing flights to give Nikki Haley the caucus advantage.

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Are you sure? Because people are saying... it could be Jewish space lasers.

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I heard it was Biden doing it. These absolute fools believe this crap

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The brain contortions necessary to simultaneously to label climate change natural THEN be convinced some people actually can control the weather for nefarious purposes ... it hurts my head.

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Yet another example of just how scarily stupid they are.

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Wouldn’t it be lovely if they would use their brain contortions for a bit of critical thinking?

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I thought it was Obama and he was wearing a tan suit!!

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I'm pretty sure the Jewish space lasers cut that big hole in the door. Cue Sporkfoot when she's done ranting about Hunter.

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And Jewish space lasers!

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there ARE Jewish pilots; I know one

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Nothing to see here...Just the owner of Twitter blaming airplane emergencies on people of color wanting equity 😐

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There is a special place in hell......

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See how extremely bigoted, racist she is.

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Oh my, DEI was the necessary and sufficient root cause. I bet Laura didn’t know it was a GIRL pilot who responded immediately and effectively to land safely. Wow. That would have really iced it. Jeff’s right, pilots don’t inspect the bolts. I love the part about citing SAT scores as more proof of the bimodal bell curve viz a viz race/intelligence. Want to know what really gets in the way? Profit. Reduced inspections, underfunded FAA surveillances, subpar maintenance, low ball suppliers, and so on. I’ll wait for the mishap report.

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Sums it up

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Jan 15·edited Jan 15

Along with shortsighted greedy executives, someone else who gets in the way of safety: right wing cultist MORONS in the workforce who reject science and facts. The industrial world would be safer after these MORONS are outplaced.

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Cultists morons? Hmm. Well, I guess it would be helpful if you had an example. What one should consider are industry profit induced actions. The “cultist morons” are those in the executive suite who place profit over quality and safety.

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Morons could not have come within a hairs breath from succeeding in a coup.

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This is only practice for the future chaos they will bring. This is end of times for them apocalyptic crackpots so expect the unexpected.

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The bane of this country is racism and greed which are the staples of the Republican Party. 🤬

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Racism is the motivation behind the abortion bans. Once the white supremacists were told it was mostly white women having them, they decided to put a stop to that, because they are scared little fuckers who aren't secure in their own skin.

Rethuglican's moral compass consists of racism, misogyny, bigotry, pedophilia, bribery and greed.

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I'm not familiar with race-related abortion stats, but what is clear is that amongst the evangelicals and christo-fascists, there is a panic about race-replacement: code for all those 'non-whites taking over'. Thus, they believe, it must be every white couple's duty to have as many children as possible to counter-act the non-white births. This is essentially legislating Catholicism onto everyone else. The reality is that the white race is in decline by the simple fact of global demographics. No amount of legislating white-couple births and abortion restrictions is going to change this.

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It’s not just Catholicism. It’s the evangelical Protestant religions as well.

The Republican’s goal is to establish a Christo-Fascist dictatorship.

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Racism but don’t forget the power of misogyny.

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I'm not sure that's the case, though? I don't think it's disproportionately whites women, but I could be wrong 🤷‍♀️

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This is from Thom Hartmann whom I trust to tell me the truth.

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Exactly and far right religion

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Far right psychopaths you mean.

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Welp, that’s a new one on me: Fox has a DEI policy (!) but their whack job hosts decry those policies? The irony meter needs adjusting.

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Don't forget they had a must-be-vaccinated-to-get-into-the-building policy, too.

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Yep, but made a huge stink about vaccines.

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They benefit from the "snowflake moron" clause of the DEI policy at Fox News

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I suspect there is only so far a Fox employee may get if they are hired to satisfy a diversity policy, that is unless they are exceptionally good at what they do and perhaps in a high profile job, like reporting news and oinions. Let's call it the "colored glass ceiling".

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It would be "wack," as in "wacky,' rather than whack, as in a blow struck.

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Meaning of whack job in English

whack job

noun [ C ] UK informal

US /ˈwæk ˌdʒɑːb/ UK /ˈwæk ˌdʒɒb/

Add to word list

someone who is very strange or has mental problems:

Stay away from him - he's a real whack job.

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Thank you very much! Once I know your source, I will persist in disagreeing, but privately.

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Cambridge. Oxford too, though they show both.

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More gratitude, Kay-El. Is Kal your brother?

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Lol, no relation

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And of course it was the woman pilot's fault the bolt popped out and door flew off. Just imagine what they'd be screaming about if the plane had crashed with a woman pilot. Instead, she was so calm and so in control, the controllers were uncertain as to what happened.

Yeah, let's get those over emotional women out of the air too along with everyone else that isn't white with a dick.

*what is wrong with these people....????* rhetorical question but for fucks sake.....

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I continue to think there must be some way to for all of us normal people to file a class-action suit against Fox News. This company is damaging us as a society. When Laura Ingraham spews blatant lies like this it reinforces the hateful beliefs of the worst among us, who then make life worse for the rest of us. Racist propaganda is not a victimless crime, and it hurts not only the direct targets of the hatred, but ALL of us who want to live in a just and peaceful world. And there are a lot of us. Why is there seemingly no recourse?

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I wholeheartedly agree. Fox Noise has been the single most divisive force in our nation since 1997. It's way past time to get them off the air. Let's also name Newsmax, OANN , Breitbart and the rest of those far right-wing nut jobs in the lawsuit. They are all nothing but domestic terrorist organizations. 🤬

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What’s more insulting, it’s run by immigrants! The bad kind

Like Elon Musk

Like Tom Cruz

Deportation for them now!

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Who is Tom Cruz?

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On another note - but also FOX related... Yesterday, at halftime, the Packers led the Cowboys 27-7. Instead of talking about the Packers dominating the first half, the FOX cronies and "sports analysts" Jimmy Johnson, Howie Long and Terry Bradshaw focused on the Cowboys. Johnson went "off" as the former Coach (31 fucking years ago) yelling about getting it together and "you know how hard we worked for this"... Some if not most of those Cowboy players weren't even BORN 31 years ago yet so not sure who the "we" was that he was ranting about, but his unprofessional, biased rant during a network televised playoff game had me yelling at the tv. He was the FOX Sports version of Tucker Carlson. Yes, I live in Green Bay and am a Packer fan, but even acknowledging that fact, there is NO way in hell I would want to hear ANY former coach of the Packers give a halftime rant to the team he coached 31 years ago! It was typical FOX only now seen in sports. I hope he loses his job over it and for God's sake FOX, get some younger, relevant sports analysts. Long retired in 1993 (31 years ago), Johnson retired in 1999 (25 years ago from Dolphins) and Bradshaw? Bradshaw retired in 1984 - 40 f***ing years ago! And NBC can let Dungy go as well. His misogyny with his Taylor Swift comments is showing!

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@Ema: I had the same reaction. I actually thought the program had somehow switched away from the game and onto something bizarre. Johnson was on the verge of popping a blood vessel. How much of our audiences are being “trained” to tolerate and expect irrational, crude outbursts? Just as with Trump-creep, this kind of display stats seeming normal

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Thank you, Meryl!! If you're going to be a sports commentator or news commentator - you cannot and should not show your bias. Unprofessional exemplified! Of course he's a Dallas fan - that's fair, but that was so over the top. I thought, like you, he was going to stroke out! (Wouldn't have any feelings about that either way...) Lost all credibility yesterday with many who were watching. (Kind of wondered if he had big money bet on Dallas or something...)

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I kept thinking Johnson was doing some sort of over-the-top skit. But it was serious. He was incensed! Take a chill pill, Jimmie. Totally, totally unprofessional.

I haven't hear about any blowback today, so I assume he is still a Fox Sports employee and hasn't been seriously reprimanded. Apparently being a "homer" is OK if you are an ancient white coach with glued-down hair.

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deletedJan 15
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Honestly hurts my heart!! 💔

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I am so with you on this. Why is it okay for them to continue to lie and not be held accountable abcs to make millions doubt it. Why is this okay? I just don't get how we can't stop this! They are all brainwashed.

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Sorry for all the typos. 🤦‍♀️

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The Smartmatic lawsuit is supposed to be happening soon, isnt it? It is my fervent hope that it hurts Fox in the best way.

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I would join and support the cause.

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" . . . all of us normal people . . ." ??? How is that measured, so that the "us" may congratulate themselves on being normal, if you please?

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IYKYK, amirite? :D

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Not accepted. I asked for a measure. IYKYK offers no measurable basis. If you're among "us normal people," you must have a way of distinguishing yourself. What if someone you assess as not "normal" declares themself as "normal"? How d'you prove they're not a member of your group? Instead, maybe redefine whatever group of which you consider yourself a member, to prevent interlopers.

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imo, if one worships an extremely flawed person enough to commit crimes for them, rather than standing on the rule of law, our Constitution & just plain civilized behavior toward your fellow man- then they are the “them” that I consider not normal.

The group that hears a call to just shoot a shoplifter or migrant & thinks Yay, let’s do this- those are not my group.

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Because we still believe that our form of govt is good, not perfect, we believe in obeying the law, not anarchy, we aren’t the ones calling judges, clerks, jury members, election officials etc & hurling the most vile & vicious even lethal threats at them.

It’s not normal to try to throw out the votes of millions of you re countrymen.

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"Fox News does its own research" I can't even....

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Especially the bullshit about the push to hire more people with "intellectual and psychiatric disabilities". How ironic that Fox reports this crap and it's absorbed by their audience which many are afflicted by those exact traits. There has to be something missing upstairs to believe this twisted nonsense and then go vote for those in the GOP who also fit the description perfectly.

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Anytime I sneak a peek on Fox I feel so much dumber afterwards.

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They're definitely mind-altering to their targeted viewers.

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Yes, I know. My Mom, my 2 sisters & nearly everyone in my extended family just drink in the Fox bs. It’s really difficult to be around them for any length of time & manage to steer clear of any mention of politics.

We are all from Southwest Texas, specifically the area around Uvalde, San Antonio. How the heck did I turn out so differently from them? idk 🤷‍♀️

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Stupid is what stupid knows. And we can’t even begin to fix stupid.

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Think they filled their quota of psychopaths?

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Eva Von Ingraham is really towing the party line, saying the quiet part out loud.

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And she is disgusting.

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Frau Ingraham should go back to the fuhrerbunker, close the door and disappear….

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Great Googly Moogly*. I don't think the top right wing loudmouth believe 1/10 of the shit they spew, but it's great for ratings, and that means more fake Viagra and My Pillow ads.

*sometimes, Frank Zappa has le mot juste.

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Susan, I agree with your comment, but "Great Googly Moogly" got my endorsement. And just remember, watch out where the Huskies go.

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Zappa truly had many mots juste, but for Great Googly Moogly, Wikipedia says "The current form first appears in Howlin' Wolf's 1961 cover of blues singer St. Louis Jimmy Oden's 1942 song “Goin' Down Slow”. " https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/googly-moogly Also compare "Ball of Confusion" (1970) "great googa-looga, can't you hear me talking to you" Yellow Snow was '74.

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Please... please... please make this insanity end.

Without the regulations and enforcement agencies, all corporations will maximize profits by doing the wrong thing, taking chances and putting lives at risk. That is the danger of unfettered capitalism.

- Retired Boeing Employee

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Absolutely, the profit motive, the push to make the numbers look good for each quarterly report, is just too much incentive to do the wrong thing, to cut corners, hire fewer people.

The FAA has let Boeing slide way too much over the past decade or 2, took their word for way too much. Yes, we need regulations & inspections & they need to be strictly enforced.

Govt or other accrediting agencies need to stop giving businesses a month or more notice that they are dropping in for an inspection.

I was a nurse for 41 yrs & I can tell you, the way things are done when CMS or JCAHO is due to arrive & the way they are done at other times is not the same. Yes, some of the regulations are nitpicking & don’t affect pt care & just irritate healthcare providers. We should advocate for fixing the regs, not throwing them out completely

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It was a WOMAN pilot who expertly and calmly guided that plane to a safe landing. Her exchange with Air Traffic Control was calm, measured and clear. I only wish she was a woman of color or even better - a transwoman - which would have made MAGA heads literally explode.

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. . . not literally

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