Kash Patel?!? Seriously? Was Eichmann busy? Proposed alternate headline: "Kash-n-Carry," "In God we trust, all others PAY KASH."

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You didn’t see this coming? Seriously?

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I knew Patel would be tapped for something, but the only reason for his appointment to the FBI is to allow T💩p and allies to run roughshod over the rule of law and persecute those who oppose the Gilded Turd™️.

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If confirmed he would make J. Edgar Hoover look like Mary Poppins.

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Perhaps Hoover would have liked to look like Mary Poppins.

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He did wear his mother's clothes.

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I know.

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What! Tell more… that could be the thing the thing that pops out of the swamp to eat his own.

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And I bet he looked smashing in them!

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I was thinking the same thing.

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Patel probably won’t be confirmed by the Senate, but Trump will fire Chris Wray on January 20 and appoint Patel as Interim FBI Director. This allows Patel to serve for up to 200 days without confirmation. Enough time for him to do a fuckload of damage.

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There will be either a mass exodus or tremendous protest at the FBI.

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I am HOPING they do something more subtle and nefarious.

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Linda Weide, I like the way you think.

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That's the point. Perhaps there shouldn't be a mass exodus and only a tremendous protest.

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A mass exodus is a tremendous protest.

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Trump had more "acting" department heads than any previous president. This way, he doesn't have to subject his appointments to vetting.

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Instead of being FBI Director, it's more like Head Revenge Seeker. Pathetic piss ant Patel like the rest of these shitful imbeciles of the Cabinet nominees have more skeletons in their closets than all of the medical schools put together. If newly elected Senate leader John Thune keeps his word about wanting to keep the three branches of government independent, most of these unfit and unqualified morons will be shown the door before they can fuck everything up to dear leader's satisfaction.

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Re: Kushner Sr. Per Google, ambassadors must be confirmed by the Senate. Hope the ugly truths come out.

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You are still under the assumption that Politics as usual is working.

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Well, France could just reject him as an undesirable.

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Sad that we’re hoping John Thune to “save the day” only to have interim appointments. Sadder that the Sr. Kushner will then target Thune and others that collectively share 1/2 pea sized ball between them, if that, to block appointments and other malfeasance and traitorism in the name of the orange-faced clown.

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Points for trademarking “Gilded Turd”.

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I also use GoldenToadstool™️ (infrequent) and AuricOrifice™️ (rare). Feel free to use these terms liberally in your online-postings and in personal conversations.

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I’m adding these three names to my list of nicknames for Dumbass Donny. Thanks!

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Exactly Derek!!

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Absolutely. trump wants to be sure he, himself, is never investigated for anything ever again. Because once those 7000 experienced FBI employees leave, which they will, they will never go back. All we can hope for is the inefficiency that will most assuredly happen if K$H is confirmed.

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I think we should invest in stiff knee braces for the Senate, ones that do not allow them to bend. Ideally they would be remote controlled from the Intelligence community "Deep State."

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How many senate repubs are vertebrates? We shall see. I’m not confident. Murkowski, probably. Beyond that, not looking good.

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Artificial legs will do the job. No knee bending allowed. I think someone should get a Bot account to message Senate Republicans that if they cater to Trump and he destroys the nation, then they will be powerless as Putin takes over the US. Do we want to have our Intelligence community filled with Russian spies. They should be told secret stolen documents from the Trump camp say that they will be replacing US spies with Russian ones, who will be spying on the members of the Senate for Kompromat, and then blackmailing them. Oh, I forgot, that has probably already happened.

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she may very well be it. The repulsive Susan Collins always ends up backing trump after stating some ambiguity that she never acts on. As many have said, the chaos these completely irresponsible appointments will cause is the intent: they can say that the federal government is useless and defund all the important work it has ever done.

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I am so sick of “I am concerned” Collins. How the fuck does she keep getting re-elected?

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that is a great question- her voice is totally annoying, and what she says is usually even worse.

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Northern Maine has all the yahoos, and misanthropes that were born there, and never left. it is scary, except for the good people (who are vastly outnumbered.) Stephen King being a notable exception, who writes about them.

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Susan Collins?

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I had a longtime friend, now dead, who worked at the FBI in the late 40s and she could primly recite all kinds of shit on Hoover.

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Hoover was a conniving piece of shit. He was his own deep state

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A lot of stuff was known about Hoover and kind of an open secret, including his sexual orientation, but Hoover was even better at keeping files on everyone else's shit, so that if anyone came after him, he could promise to spill what he knew. People backed off.

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I'll bet! Is she one of the people who leaked his proclivity for wearing women's clothing?

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Watching English Football because I could not stomach listening to Spineless Self-Serving Shitweasel Cancun Cruz talk about these nnominations.

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I can't either -- I hear his voice and it's reflex now to immediately change the station/close the browser window/turn off the fucking TV. Oh, and as I'm diving for the remote or the keyboard, I also say something like, "FUCKING HELL, it's that shitweasel asshole again!" but usually with a lot more um, descriptive imagery.

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We’ll need to add stiff back braces for the Senate as well. If these guys don’t realize Patel and Crazy Co will cut their own throats if given a scintilla of a chance, then they are farther down the rathole than Patel. This turd burd will make J Edgar look like a beginner.

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Jeff you’re back in top form with “that’s whys don’t get any more fuck youier than Kash”

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If only Linda!!

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Knee braces instead of the same old knee pads.

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Yes, like chastity belts for the knees.

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It can be done standing up too

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Hoping that from the lofty heights of standing they can see more clearly how they will be cutting off their noses to spite their faces. Help Destroy US, no job for them.

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When blowing our whole damn governmental system up was always the plan, using the least qualified people to fill positions that make government work is the best way to start! People are clearly clueless to how things work, or how easily they’re destroyed!!

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In this case I hope the employees take over, and use their Spycraft to uphold the Constitution. We shall see.

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I am hoping for the same thing. We need a real Deep State to pull some Mission Impossible level shit.

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I am hoping for this from the DOD as well, understanding that if they were to pull such a move, advertising it would be in no one's interest except for the incoming administration.

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Like feeding Patel useless information.

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MAGA men can't wait to be somebody's bitch. I should get into the MAGA knee pad business.

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You'd be richer than maga madman, Elon Musk.

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Yeah, Eichmann is a tad busy dodging all those fires.

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And spit roasting Scalia.

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I can see a blood bath between Mike Lindell and k$h and Leona mutt. Money grabby kackists. That is the terror from within.

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At this point, I’m expecting to wake up in my bed, surrounded by familiar faces with worried looks. They’ll be telling me I was knocked out from a bump on the head during a tornado, and that everything I’ve experienced during the past the past 25 days was only a crazy dream with an evil cast of characters who all lacked brains, hearts and courage.

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If only your fantasy were true. Where is Aunty Em when we need her?

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She’s been arrested for watching Maddow.

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Too bad the house didn't land on the wicked he-witch of Mar-a-Lardo.

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Latest news: the Felon in Chief has just appointed Tiffany’s father in law as personal adviser. All the crime Family

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This is the most perfect response to the shit fuck shit we are currently dealing with. Thank you.

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I expect to wake up with Donnie’s henchmen ready to haul my old tired ass off to Gitmo because I hate that motherfucker and I don’t mind saying so every chance I get! I’m hanging my black flag out on Jan 20 and keeping it up for 4 years - so I won’t be hard to find.

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You’ll probably be safe on January 20th. He’ll be busy on Day 1, deporting migrants, canceling Obamacare, locking up Nancy Pelosi, imposing tariffs and eliminating the EPA. He probably won’t get around to repealing the First Amendment until the following week.

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Do you recall clicking your heels together Stephanie? Dubious that any of us here have been dreaming!!

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I feel like we are in a simulation or it could be The Wizard of OZ. Either way this shit show just doesn’t seem real

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That would be lovely

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Perfection as always. Imagine being so bad that Chris Christie and Bill Barr are the good guys in your story. BWAH HA HA HA HA HA I haven't watched the news since the election, and haven't slept well either--hope it's not related. I'm still in denial. Just going to get through the holidays in the best spirit I can. Hope you all enjoyed Thanksgiving! Thanks again, Jeff.

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There is no one on the planet like Jeff Tiedrich. I just don't want him to work too hard and poop out on us. If Jeff ever became president and he appointed me Secretary of Something 'r Other, I'd spend the first day resigning.

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"on Saturday, most Americans were goofing off, enjoying the third day of a long holiday weekend — but not Little Donny Fuckface. the litter of feral raccoons that scurry about inside his vacant pumpkin head were hard at work filling out the remaining slots in his Confederacy of Sewer Clowns."

Jeff, you fucking crack me up. Some days the only time I laugh is when I read your posts. Thank you, sir.

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Hooray for all those endorphins--a side benefit to the subscription!

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I second that Alison. It’s the only smile and laughter from Jeff that makes me happy!

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That's what gets me through every single day!

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“…more fuckyouier” is now in my vocabulary!!!!!!!!!!

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Under review by the vocabulary committee. Prompt acceptance expected.

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Same! Laughed out loud😂

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Academic questions: which comes first….the Idiocracy or the kakistocracy? Does Kakistocracy create the Idiocracy or is it vice versa? Or do we have to bring our genetic experts in on the question?

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Answers to these questions and more fuckyouier issues that pop up, will be cast in *coming seminars* at The Tiedrich Institute.

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Brilliant. Allow me to respectfully request that the Institute consider creating a lesson series taught by professor Tiedrich on the subject of “How Great is Your Government Working Today?” A series of 10 lectures, say, with a subscription price of $49. And if we have any rainmakers among us, we could distribute the series freely to all public school libraries whose librarians could surreptitiously make thumb drive copies for distribution to the students after the school board burns the series. We need to start thinking out of the box here.

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This is a great idea 💡 let's go

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OMG. We NEED a Tiedrich Institute!!!

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