props to Ms. Spouse, who, when I told her that I was going to end today's piece with a clip of Morning Joe melting down, responded with "no, that's your lead story."

that's the kind of input I'd been sorely lacking during her seven-week convalescence

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So glad she is better!!!💙

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Having a copilot is a necessity, I’m glad yours is back safe and sound Jeff!!

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She was right. (I hope things are going well with her physical therapy!)

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She's a keeper ;)

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She is very wise! Good choice.

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And she was right. I don't pay attention to MSNBC, and Moanin' Joe is an example of why - too much hypocrisy. In fact, when that fat orange fuckstick returns, I may do what I did when Bush started beating the Iraq war drums, and read only foreign news.

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I find Al-Jazeera is very useful.

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And of course The Guardian

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The Guardian as well.

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I do not pay attention to it, or watch television news unless there is a blizzard. Even then I have a hard time finding info and often give up in frustration. I do watch tv news in other countries though. Especially since I mostly live abroad.

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Good for Ms Spouse, although the piece would have been a strong start or conclusion. And seriously, after watching Joe and Mika pontificate through the past four years about the moral hazards of a second Trump coming, how could they be surprised by the audience reaction. Such servile cowardice. I could watch Fox and Friends for that.

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Yeah, Steve Deucy never wavered in his love for the Felon.

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Obviously, that woman has class. You chose well, grasshopper.

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Absolutely agree with Ms. Spouse! This was a great read this morning..as usual! I can’t get over at what a huge fucken cry baby Joe is and Mika just sits there. Goodbye morning Joe!

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It's in the name: "Meek-a".

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Aunt Spouse is smart

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Ms. Spouse is wise beyond her years!

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WTF Jeff…. No mention of a dinner with Mel for 1M the night before the installation. Talk about a grift… aren’t they supposed to be billionaires? ⚠️🤮⚠️🤮

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Unquenchable avarice is its own prison. Fuck 'em.

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So happy you & Ms. Spouse are reunited. Best wishes for her recovery.💐

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She is a beacon for speaking Truth to Power. So glad she is home and doing better.

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He’s always on rants and I used to religiously watch the show until I gave up all TV news programs but I did watch him after Jan. 6 that was a doozy. I thought he’d get fired he went so far. Of course I thought he’d get fired when years ago him and Mika argued so bad when she said he was a little chauvinistic, his head blew off and they were both sent home and the show was cut short.

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A “little bit” chauvinistic?? He’s way past that Mika just fyi. 🤣

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But of course! Take good care of Ms. Spouse!! She was right!

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Love Ms. Spouse! Hi, Claudia!

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"to get the read of the man"

What the fuck kind of "read" can you get of a man who is the human equivalent of one of those puffy board books for 2-year-olds? Go fuck yourself, Joe.

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Seriously, he was president for 4 years and has spent the last 4 years constantly in the public eye. If you haven't got the "read" of him by now, you're a fucking idiot.

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Who the hell HASN'T gotten the "read" of the elderly golfer? The problem is that a large % of the people of this idiot country liked the "read" of this rapist, felon, idiot, dementia-addled, misogynist, racist creep.

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Let's not focus on that, but on the fact that the first of Trump's goals has been reached before he's even returned to office - that he has managed to utterly intimidate the most visible people in the media.

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Sad and true

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Right-o. You gotta be a fucking moron… no, a goddamn fucking moron if you haven’t already figured out what he’s about! He’s been screaming from the rooftops for years now.

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Anyone who hasn’t read any of the multiple books about Trump, or the plethora of articles about Trumps birthright into the Genovese crime family, orhasn’t bothered to ask why he bows so fucking low to dictators, especially Putin! Has been criminally investigated since the 70’s, coupled with his 4 years of corrupt and criminal behavior as president is truly peerless in vacuous idiocy!!

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Worse he must think his viewers are idiots. Any sane person with half a brain sees through his BS

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His only viewers now are those of us who are watching clips like this one and smacking our palms against our heads.

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Trump’s viewers ARE idiots. 🤣

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His viewers are idiots

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What more do we possibly need to know? The demented diaper load doesn't know his fat ass from a hole in the ground. It's also very obvious that the best people he continues to surround himself with are just as dangerous, moronic and fucked up as he is. One of the very real reads is that the demented orange turd never reads shit about anything.

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I thought his first term picks for his admin were bad. Holy shit, these nominees are over the top ridiculous. They will completely fuck up the country, our people, our alliances, the environment, the whole world. They must not be allowed access to power and influence!

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His current picks make me miss the brain dead brain surgeon and sleazy Manchin.

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He can’t read

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My thought rather exactly!

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Here’s my read of the man:

The man is a sociopath who doesn’t read.

And here’s my read of Jeff Tiedrich:

He’s the man!

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I think we got the “read of the man” during his almost 2 year campaign to stay out of prison

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I think most of us got a "read of the man" when he mocked the disabled journalist. Or did mocking the Gold Star parents come first? Or did he pose with Jeffrey Epstein first? (It's all a vomitous blur to me now.) He's as easy to read as a fucking STOP sign.

The MAGAts have been whining about "cancel culture" for years. Now they're *really* gonna see what cancel culture looks like!

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Skangirl, so right! Mocking a disabled person pre-2016 election was a shocking, disgraceful 5 alarm fire alarm. Fuck anyone who needed more of a "read" than that.

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I forgot to include the Access Hollywood tape!

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Shocking at the time. The good ole days.

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Maybe when the Felon mismanaged the pandemic was a sign of who the man was.

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Ironically, the only *good* thing accomplished under his watch was Operation Warp Speed to develop a covid vaccine--and his MAGAts booed and jeered when he tried to brag about it. So he stopped.

Even *then* he could have saved lives by promoting the vaccine. A billboard with him giving a thumbs up to the vaccine would've been a good place to start. But noooooo.

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I remember that. He also was working on prison reform for a moment, but dropped it when he got backlash from his racist base.

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I think we hear the clucking of a terrified chicken.

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His whole run for president was a run to stay out of prison.

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That’s exactly why and then ppl, judges, Supreme Court, Aileen Cannon, Merrick Garland, and an ongoing list of ass kissing chicken shits did everything they could to help the criminal get off the hook!!

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And his never ending quest to seek revenge against those who tried to take him down.

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And after the brave intelligence gathering outing to Mar-a-Lago by the Morning Jokers, all for the benefit of their viewing public, they came back with nothing.

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Ms. Hudnall, They came back with less than nothing and now they are bleeding ratings and viewership. Personally, I'm loving the instant Karma.

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Celebrity is a fragile thing.

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It certainly is!

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Remember they are not journalists.

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And Mika Mouse trying to shill her Know your Worth b.s. I guess Mika Mouse doesn't know hers.

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Yeah, I saw a one on one interview with only her on YouTube after they had gone to mira lardo and she spent the majority of the time promoting her organization. I came away with the same feeling that she doesn’t really know her value. It was actually sad to watch. I used to watch Morning Joe a long time ago (before she married Joe) and there is a difference in her. IMHO

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Well said Alison, you’ve captured my sentiment perfectly!!

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The issue isn't whether Donny Dumbass is stupid - that's a given. It's whether evil people should be treated as though they are legitimate persons with anything worthwhile to say. There is nothing for Joe to "read" about Trump. We're seeing the same conniving shit we saw 9 years ago, only worse, and attempts to cover a planned dictatorship by filling the regime with inept and incompetent yes-men.

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Like we didn’t already know who Trump is, weak move Joe, Mika run.

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Mika lost my respect before they married. He with his nonstop bluster, interrupting people, sucking all the air out of convos. I hope their ratings TANK.

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Don't forget his rewriting of his history in the Clinton impeachment. He was all for it.

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He’s got mental issues obviously! Anyone that has to be heard and seen at everyone’s expense feels not so good inside that over sized dome with 2 itty bitty eyes trying everything he can to be HEARD!!!

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Great subheading:

“Morning Joe, Puffy Board Book Journalism.”

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That’s an insult to the wonderful puffy board books that give Littles their first hunger for reading. 🤗

I’d say who needs a “read” on a big fat turd. It’s looks like shit and smells like shit. Needs no interpretation.

Gawd I hate that miserable waste of air.

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It is not as if his nature is concealed in any way. It has been on very public display for half a century. And even if people outside of New York and Atlantic City who did not watch reality TV might not have paid much attention to him until he ran for President, we have had a decade of him being shoved in our faces relentlessly. We all know what he is already, and if you don't, Joe, then you are too fucking stupid for me to be interested in listening to your opinions.

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He liked that phrase so much he repeated it several times, just so we'd understand what the hell he was talking about... repetitious nonsense is still nonsense. Meanwhile, he's been getting a read on his ratings numbers.

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Since he's illiterate, how are WE supposed to read him? (Um, do I have that a little bit mixed up?)

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I feel the exact same way!! Fuck both of them ass kissing pukes 🤮 I know so many ppl that quit watching them!!

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I heard that too! I thought it was hysterical but probably was just a glitch in the recording.

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Morning Joe will soon be serving a cup of it at a local diner near you. This country and its media continue their downward spiral. It’s a revolution in slow motion… losing viewers and readers, shooting overpaid CEOs….The only place to get honest information is Substack. I’m grateful for Jeff and this community.

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It's really something, isn't it, Susan: substacks have become one of the rare sources of news that we can trust. I have 15 writers whose work I follow on substacks. Meanwhile, I no longer read the NYT or the WaPo, nor do I watch CNN (haven't for years) and am only rarely watching MSNBC. In years past, it would have been unthinkable to me that all of the major sources of news information in the United States could be taken over so quickly and so thoroughly.

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Yes… agree with you. Greed is killing this country.

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And the corruption that comes with it.🙄😡

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Greed consumed an ignorant society with meetings of six Uber wealthy individuals on Jekyll Island in 1910, where the money trust birthed the Federal Reserve Susan!!

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With early signs of the coming shit storm, reading intelligent folks point out what was really going on behind the scenes the last 50 years, "the revolution" should have begun in the '70's or '80's. The way the obscene wealth grab from our former middle class to all the wealthy people ... how can that be reversed? It would take literally millions of us in the streets, all kind of violence. We can only hope dcon & co-horts are distracted with backstabbing, circular firing squads (maga on maga), and chaos. So a hundred million dollar co. CEO has been murdered. I better stop here.🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌

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We tried the revolution in the 1970's. We got Kent State and Jackson State and the fucking Moral Majority.

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There is nothing. nothing some motherfucker won’t commodify in this country.

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MSNBC has become very milk toast very quickly. Me no watch.

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The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell is very much worth watching. He takes no prisoners.

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I am so crushed that I can't even watch Lawrence and Maddow. I just can't. I need my sanity.

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He's the ONLY one I watch on the news any more. (Although it looks like Welker did an excellent job yesterday!)

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Mind-blowing, isn't it... The muskrat has been talking about buying out CNN. He later, apparently "jokingly", talked about doing the same to MSNBC. I've asked the question: who owns these companies? who has the power to sell out? No responses yet.

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I’m done with it all too, KD, and I never felt better. Including MSNBC. I would miss Lawrence O’Donnell but when I think of it I just check in on his show on Netflix. As for Joe and Mika it’s really embarrassing to watch them publicly grovel. They have so much money they could walk away with dignity. They’re just not smart and creative enough to find a better way. No tears to be shed here!

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Joe and Mika’s dignity went to Hell back in 2015 when they were letting trmp call into their show. That was when I found counting my socks more enlightening than Morning Joe.

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I still watch Nicole Wallace, Maddow &

O'Donnell. But my mornings are pure TIEDRICH & BLUESKY.

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